Television The Propgropthrop

I was talking about the way they have commercialised the death of a child

Did anyone actually ever think they weren't? Genuinely? Steph even said as much

Justin should have kept schtum. What was going on was blatant propaganda BUT it was positive.

i'm willing to bet that AJ is Pregnant.

That is probably a very silly bet. It's also something that shouldn't be speculated upon.
Did anyone actually ever think they weren't? Genuinely? Steph even said as much

Justin should have kept schtum. What was going on was blatant propaganda BUT it was positive.

That is probably a very silly bet. It's also something that shouldn't be speculated upon.

it's hardly speculation, i haven't reported it as fact, it's something i thought i noticed at mania and then dismissed.
That will change. 6 months ago everybody loved him and couldn't stop kissing his arse. As soon as he became number 1 it was cool to hate him. That plus some people think he isn't ready yet and needs a bit more time which this fued will give him. Some of the reasons people didn't like him included things that weren't his fault like Vince McMahon telling him to say cringey lines. His match with Lesnar was very good, he comes across much better in his interviews outside of the WWE, fans will go back to liking him now that he isn't being lined up for immediate glory.

Their mistake was putting Bryan in the Rumble match.
Ambrose was never going to beat Cena, but he looked strong despite losing. Something they need to build on. AS well as ensuring the IC and US titles are looked as important, which it seems like they are going towards which is great.

Ambrose is being booked like a strong jobber, that's all. Same with Wyatt.
Has anyone ever seen one of these WWE movies? I can imagine the are SHarknado=-level shite.

I am a huge horror movie fan and will watch (and rewatch) pretty much anything and everything in the genre.

However, the WWE produced Leprechaun reboot is one of the biggest stinkers I've ever had the displeasure of enduring. Hornswaggle makes Warwick Davis look like Robert de Niro with his legs chopped off. Awful awful stuff :-)
Any big company who promotes a charity is essentially doing the same thing. And they all do

At the end of the day as long as kids who are very sick get extremely memorable experiences it doesn't matter

That's the bottom line really. That young boy was made to feel special so that's all that really matters.
I hated See No Evil. Most of them that I've seen are pretty average though, not great, but not unwatchable.

I'm tempted to watch the ones I haven't seen, because that's how my mind works. Oh, I could catch up on all these legendary movies that are critically acclaimed and have won all the awards and everybody loves...or I could watch The Miz in Marine whatever that was.
Ted Dibiase was a better Marine than Cena. Thought it was a better overall movie.

Actually, I liked The Call (had Otunga in it) and the one that had Wade Barrett for like 2 seconds.
I don't really see Justin Roberts' problem. Seems to me that WWE have honoured Connor, which was deserved, and started a charity in his name and raised awareness. A huge achievement and a great legacy for the lad.

Can't question Roberts' commitment and dedication to Connor and he seems like he did incredible stuff for him and really helped make his last few months really special. But it now seems that he's being picky because he didn't get to call Connor out, weird yes, but the smile on his face was the only thing that mattered.

It's as though he's daying, look, I did more for him than Daniel Bryan did. And he wants some recognition for it?
I sure hope the main event is a 6 man tag involving Kane and Big Show
Yeah that was funny haha. As long as they dont do a Show vs Kane feud lol.
Got my times mixed up and missed the start of RAW. Was it anything interesting?
@ZDwyr A standard authority promo interrupted by a face (orton) which lead to them saying:
Triple threat main event (Ryback vs Reigns vs Orton). But each of the three will have matches which lead to Kane vs Orton.

Basically a 20 minute promo that could have been done in 2 minutes.
Hell yea, this is a great match to have. Hope it gets 10-15 minutes.
Network is free to new subscribers this month. Wonder if I can cancel and then resubscribe.
Did anyone watch Jericho's interview with Cena? I thought it was a decent one and it was nice to hear some of Cena's drinking stories, he also comes off as a very genuine person and he is really that guy you see on tv. The problem is real life character does not transition well into a tv character for me because non of his flaws actually show. I always thought Cena gets way too much hate and he is actually a good worker and had many great matches with different opponents so I have nothing but respect for the guy even though I dont love the character he plays on tv.
Network is free to new subscribers this month. Wonder if I can cancel and then resubscribe.

Free for new subscribers. Though I do think if you cancel it and then sign up with a different persons card / username, you will probably get it free!
Did anyone watch Jericho's interview with Cena? I thought it was a decent one and it was nice to hear some of Cena's drinking stories, he also comes off as a very genuine person and he is really that guy you see on tv. The problem is real life character does not transition well into a tv character for me because non of his flaws actually show. I always thought Cena gets way too much hate and he is actually a good worker and had many great matches with different opponents so I have nothing but respect for the guy even though I dont love the character he plays on tv.

Yeah he's always seemed like a good guy. Just annoyingly predictable, rarely loses cleanly and kills upcoming wrestlers momentum (which isn't his fault). His wrestling ability isn't bad if you ignore that a couple of his moves look a bit shit.
Did anyone watch Jericho's interview with Cena? I thought it was a decent one and it was nice to hear some of Cena's drinking stories, he also comes off as a very genuine person and he is really that guy you see on tv. The problem is real life character does not transition well into a tv character for me because non of his flaws actually show. I always thought Cena gets way too much hate and he is actually a good worker and had many great matches with different opponents so I have nothing but respect for the guy even though I dont love the character he plays on tv.
You seen this?