Television The Propgropthrop

He is boring as hell and there is no meaning to him whatsoever. Who and what is Sister Abigail? What is he meant to be? Human? Non human? What has his reasons been for going after Cena, Ambrose, Bryan etc? Undertaker made a little more sense I guess.

Also his promos are just pandering to the stupid. He spouts a lot of pretty words and puts them together and everyone thinks he is on some mystic level. But in truth its just a load of gargen, then a laugh every other sentance to try to make himself seem crazy. It just bores me.

They would have to completely re-do his character to make me invest in him. And actually give him a goal. I still don't know his goal. To recruit people? To take over WWE? To be Champion? To sing and laugh a lot?

Nothing to do with the bloke who plays him. But he has been poorly written.
Brock Lesnar is the greatest thing to hit the WWE for years. Every time you see him is an 'oh shit' moment and he is probably the only guy in the whole company who can suddenly make everything seem legitimate. It's a shame he won't be on again for a few weeks/months now.

The WWE really needs some new monsters to play the role of enforcers for the Authority. I loved Kane but he is dead as a character now. Big Show too is beyond stale. It must be so frustrating for Rollins to have the biggest night of his career on Sunday, and then on Monday being stuck in a 6 man tag with two guys that suck the life out of the best crowd of the year.

Oh, and Neville is such an awful name for a wrestler. Adrian Neville was a terrible name to begin with but somehow they've made it worse.
I don't think you know who you're talking about

I agree with him. All he does nowadays is talk bollocks. When he came first he was fresh and it seemed like he was going somewhere. Now all he does is talk bollocks that nobody understands, then loses. His existence in WWE is pointless. He has no goal, he isn't working towards anything. All he does is fill a promo with some kind of mystic jargon alluding to something higher up as if he's insane and then nothing. Then loses against whoever he's up against and then inexplicably goes for somebody else.

He needs a cause, he needs a proper story and he needs a proper run to build his character up.
I like Bray. I think he has lost direction a bit with his character though. IMO they broke up the Wyatt's too early and he was placed in meaningless forgetful feuds. Personally I'd like to see Ambrose get a push and get the MiTB or something. There is superstar potential there.
Prices for this years mania were $1,150 (£780) for a gold package and $900 (£610) for a silver.

Both included:

Mania ticket
Raw ticket
Hall of fame ticket
Ropund rail transportation
2 general admission sessions to axxess
Hotel accommodation
dining card for various restaurants

Based on reviews though the silver package for the seats is better since your view can get blocked a lot being on the floor by signs/people standing all the time etc. Silver seats are a bit higher up so you get better entrance ramp and ring views. Suppose you wouldn't want to be on the floor unless your were front row really. My missus is only small so she'd have a shit view.

Wow! That's cheaper than it was last year. How many nights was that for?

I can see how the Silver package and seats would be more appealing to some. We were 4 rows from the front at Butlins the first time, and it was difficult with everyone standing and having signs. The second time we were back in the stands but had an excellent view of everything. (I know it's a much smaller event but the principle is the same)

I worded that wrong. I meant, he shouldnt be called up yet even though I think hes ready for the main roster. I think he can still be used as part of NXT for this year, but given how they brought up Lucha Dragons and Neville, I now think he could (should) have been brought up on Raw.

They need to be brought up with smart crowds who will react and put them across as stars from the get go. Monday wouldnt have been a bad idea tbh.
Some thoughts on certain WWE talent post-WrestleMania :-

Bray Wyatt - Despite the protestations of certain people about the lack of purpose for Bray's character, I actually think he's going to go on and have a defining year ahead. For one thing, he built up the entire Undertaker feud on his own, coupled with the fact that his sermons have become a lot more direct, aggressive and straight-forward. Also, kicking out from the tombstone shouldn't be understated. No one but main-event level are afforded the privilege of doing that. Even in loss, Wyatt looked strong and it'll set him up to dominate from hereon. I see a MITB for him in the near future.

Roman Reigns - Ignoring present trends to boo the guy, looking at Reigns objectively post-Mania leads me to believe that he'll win over a few detractor's. His performance fleshed out a little more of his character and personality. The toughness extended beyond rhetoric to example. Taking a beating like that whilst still looking capable of taking Brock is important. If creative (aka Vince) are/is clever, they'll let Reigns be himself a little more on the stick. Without the pressure of Mania out the way, there's much less stress in micro-managing his promo and character.
CJ Parker has asked for and been granted his release. The WWE's loss is the indies major gain.

I think there's a good reason for these kind of chops. There's always developmental talent that is only seen at live events. The British kid/ex goalkeeper who is rapidly improving, Uhaa Nation, Samoa Joe coming in. Ultimately, these guys, and others need exposure. The roster in NXT is looking stacked and even with Adrian Neville shipping to the main roster, there's only one hour per week NXT to produce. Maybe the indies will gain from him but I think he's deadweight in NXT right now.
Anyone who wins the MITB, wins the title the next time the champ is fighting btw. Which could be on the same card. I genuinely thought they would at least retcon that on Monday so that future MITB holders wouldn't be able to change match stipulations midmatch and not pin the champ anywhere, anytime. Heyman seemed to at least allude to it.
They could change it when the next MITB PPV comes on. TBH, adding yourself to a match is still risky given theres two people you have to worry about (as shown when Rollins cashed in) although that worked to his favour.
Bray Wyatt - Despite the protestations of certain people about the lack of purpose for Bray's character, I actually think he's going to go on and have a defining year ahead. For one thing, he built up the entire Undertaker feud on his own, coupled with the fact that his sermons have become a lot more direct, aggressive and straight-forward. Also, kicking out from the tombstone shouldn't be understated. No one but main-event level are afforded the privilege of doing that. Even in loss, Wyatt looked strong and it'll set him up to dominate from hereon. I see a MITB for him in the near future.

Tbh, it's not the character itself but the direction the character is taking is what is holding him down. Eater of the worlds, then went after Ambrose's past and suddenly switched to Undertaker. These switches keep him in the frame, but seriously hinders a character development. I wish they'd get back to building the Ambrose past storyline and get both of them out there.

As for kicking out of tombstone, it was inevitable. That match needed to be spectacular and they did pull all stops out.
Tbh, it's not the character itself but the direction the character is taking is what is holding him down. Eater of the worlds, then went after Ambrose's past and suddenly switched to Undertaker. These switches keep him in the frame, but seriously hinders a character development. I wish they'd get back to building the Ambrose past storyline and get both of them out there.

As for kicking out of tombstone, it was inevitable. That match needed to be spectacular and they did pull all stops out.

They did, however, only partly as good as it could have been. Wyatt was wearing a cast on his leg all the way up to the match itself. Even with painkillers you could see his limited mobility. It's a shame for him because a good match in terms of storytelling could have been really good in terms of ring work too if not for age (Taker) and injury (Wyatt)
I think there's a good reason for these kind of chops. There's always developmental talent that is only seen at live events. The British kid/ex goalkeeper who is rapidly improving, Uhaa Nation, Samoa Joe coming in. Ultimately, these guys, and others need exposure. The roster in NXT is looking stacked and even with Adrian Neville shipping to the main roster, there's only one hour per week NXT to produce. Maybe the indies will gain from him but I think he's deadweight in NXT right now.

There's a very good reason, there's going to be A LOT of NXT cuts in the next 3 months (maybe even some recent call up, I'm looking at you Konnor), CJ however wouldn't have been one if he hadn't asked for it I'd say.

CJ is a GREAT TV job guy, who is over as such, and also from just about every live report I've ever heard one of the best at working a crowd, something that doesn't come across on TV. It's alright bringing in all these names but they're not going to do jobs that often, you need guys to lose too.

Cena Vs Ambrose, great match.

Bryan Vs Zigglar, great match.

Mizdow vs miz being set up for a heated rivalry, great.

Rollins looking like a proper old school heel champ, with Reigns and Orton potentially chasing him while Brock is away, great stuff.

It was a very good raw with a terrible ending.

What was the point in Ambrose challlenging Cena for the US title and losing though? It was a decent match but it was also a complete waste of time. Bryan vs Ziggler was just to set up Sheamus coming out and doing something no one cared about, which had no real relevance to anything.

All of the excitement of the show was based around only one thing, which was Lesnar and what he was going to do next, which was completely stupid when the plan was to write him off the program less than half way through it.

They even put the world's most boring man on commentary to make sure there was no excitement for the rest of the night.

I do like what I've seen of Rollins but the main event indicated they have nothing decent lined up for him. Reigns? I find him uncomfortable to watch due to the complete lack of acceptance any of the fans have. There's kind of a love/hate thing the fans seem to have with Cena, and he at least engages with it. With Reigns it's just plain volatile.
What was the point in Ambrose challlenging Cena for the US title and losing though? It was a decent match but it was also a complete waste of time. Bryan vs Ziggler was just to set up Sheamus coming out and doing something no one cared about, which had no real relevance to anything.

All of the excitement of the show was based around only one thing, which was Lesnar and what he was going to do next, which was completely stupid when the plan was to write him off the program less than half way through it.

They even put the world's most boring man on commentary to make sure there was no excitement for the rest of the night.

I do like what I've seen of Rollins but the main event indicated they have nothing decent lined up for him. Reigns? I find him uncomfortable to watch due to the complete lack of acceptance any of the fans have. There's kind of a love/hate thing the fans seem to have with Cena, and he at least engages with it. With Reigns it's just plain volatile.

That will change. 6 months ago everybody loved him and couldn't stop kissing his arse. As soon as he became number 1 it was cool to hate him. That plus some people think he isn't ready yet and needs a bit more time which this fued will give him. Some of the reasons people didn't like him included things that weren't his fault like Vince McMahon telling him to say cringey lines. His match with Lesnar was very good, he comes across much better in his interviews outside of the WWE, fans will go back to liking him now that he isn't being lined up for immediate glory.
What was the point in Ambrose challlenging Cena for the US title and losing though? It was a decent match but it was also a complete waste of time. Bryan vs Ziggler was just to set up Sheamus coming out and doing something no one cared about, which had no real relevance to anything.

All of the excitement of the show was based around only one thing, which was Lesnar and what he was going to do next, which was completely stupid when the plan was to write him off the program less than half way through it.

They even put the world's most boring man on commentary to make sure there was no excitement for the rest of the night.

I do like what I've seen of Rollins but the main event indicated they have nothing decent lined up for him. Reigns? I find him uncomfortable to watch due to the complete lack of acceptance any of the fans have. There's kind of a love/hate thing the fans seem to have with Cena, and he at least engages with it. With Reigns it's just plain volatile.

So anybody that challenges for the title should win otherwise its a complete waste of time? What? Ambrose challenged because he wanted the US title but fell just short. Not sure how that was a waste of time?
Same with Bryan vs Ziggler. It was a IC title match. Sheamus came out after to make an impact. Thats how wrestling works, its building towards the future, to set up another contender.

I agree the main event was bleh and the commentary was bleh. But the other criticisms are weird given thats how wrestling works.
So anybody that challenges for the title should win otherwise its a complete waste of time? What? Ambrose challenged because he wanted the US title but fell just short. Not sure how that was a waste of time?
Same with Bryan vs Ziggler. It was a IC title match. Sheamus came out after to make an impact. Thats how wrestling works, its building towards the future, to set up another contender.

I agree the main event was bleh and the commentary was bleh. But the other criticisms are weird given thats how wrestling works.

The Cena match wasn't a continuation of anything or setting up of anything new, or set up to "build" anything. It was literally just to fill time. THe last couple of post Mania shows have been good because there's been surprises and things which have set them up to move along from WM. they've used the post WM crowd to get reactions to things which they can then build on.

This show didn't do that. Brock got written off the show after being the best part of it. Sheamus kicked some people. That was about it. Next week you have Reigns to look forward to, and Mizdow, who's only entertaining because he runs around copying The Miz.
I only really have 3 things to say about Raw, two of which are related to that terrible crowd. 1) Those chants at the women, why? This isn't some adult orientated indie show where you can understand that kind of thing, it was fecking stupid. 2) The incessent booing of Roman for no reason. He came out, immediately hit a massive dive that the crowd popped huge for (rightly) then didn't even give anyone a chance, fecking ridiculous. 3) Byron Saxton was thrown to the fecking wolves. No one should be made to do a show with a one man booth, never mind someone who's never done Raw before. Awful.

Don't even get me started on the fecking injury they claimed Cole had. Does no one in that company have a fecking brain.
I am pretty sure they said he had a cervical fracture, why is it hard to believe that Brock could have fractured a bone in Michael Cole's neck?

it's not that it's hard to believe, it's that A WRESTLER DIED IN THE RING OF THAT EXACT INJURY 9 DAYS PRIOR. That's what's fecking stupid. The amount of people that look over that script, including Triple H and Stephanie WHO TWEETED CONDOLENCES and not one pulled this up? Sin Cara's gloves even said RIP Perro FFS.
it's not that it's hard to believe, it's that A WRESTLER DIED IN THE RING OF THAT EXACT INJURY 9 DAYS PRIOR. That's what's fecking stupid. The amount of people that look over that script, including Triple H and Stephanie WHO TWEETED CONDOLENCES and not one pulled this up? Sin Cara's gloves even said RIP Perro FFS.
They do some daft shit at times.
I thought the Ambrose and Cena match was great. I don't get the hate, it's not like Ambrose just came and jobbed. He kicked out of the Atitude adjustment and didn't tap out from the STFU.

He was made to look good despite losing.
I thought the Ambrose and Cena match was great. I don't get the hate, it's not like Ambrose just came and jobbed. He kicked out of the Atitude adjustment and didn't tap out from the STFU.

He was made to look good despite losing.

It might be because that's pretty much Ambrose' character to a tee thus far. He's the guy who constantly goes close but never pulls out the big win.
Ambrose was never going to beat Cena, but he looked strong despite losing. Something they need to build on. AS well as ensuring the IC and US titles are looked as important, which it seems like they are going towards which is great.
it's not that it's hard to believe, it's that A WRESTLER DIED IN THE RING OF THAT EXACT INJURY 9 DAYS PRIOR. That's what's fecking stupid. The amount of people that look over that script, including Triple H and Stephanie WHO TWEETED CONDOLENCES and not one pulled this up? Sin Cara's gloves even said RIP Perro FFS.
This x100.
I only really have 3 things to say about Raw, two of which are related to that terrible crowd. 1) Those chants at the women, why? This isn't some adult orientated indie show where you can understand that kind of thing, it was fecking stupid. 2) The incessent booing of Roman for no reason. He came out, immediately hit a massive dive that the crowd popped huge for (rightly) then didn't even give anyone a chance, fecking ridiculous. 3) Byron Saxton was thrown to the fecking wolves. No one should be made to do a show with a one man booth, never mind someone who's never done Raw before. Awful.

Don't even get me started on the fecking injury they claimed Cole had. Does no one in that company have a fecking brain.

I agree with this. Why didn't they just send Lawler out with him from the beginning?
Taz made a good point about him though. Hes been with the company for a long time, its not the first time hes doing commentary. He was given a chance to sink or swim, and he didnt take a chance. Obviously one man commentary is hard, as seen by his showing, but he could have done better.
I do feel sorry for him in a way, but also it was his chance to shine and he didnt take it.
Taz made a good point about him though. Hes been with the company for a long time, its not the first time hes doing commentary. He was given a chance to sink or swim, and he didnt take a chance. Obviously one man commentary is hard, as seen by his showing, but he could have done better.
I do feel sorry for him in a way, but also it was his chance to shine and he didnt take it.

He's never done play by play before though.

Also a bit rich coming from the worst commentator in the world. Give me fish out of water Saxton over Taz in his broom cupboard any day.
Supposedly Sheamus busted Daniel Bryan open during the match with him needing 7 stitches to close it.
Supposedly Sheamus busted Daniel Bryan open during the match with him needing 7 stitches to close it.
Few rumours going round that people weren't happy with how stiff he was, think it's bull myself, sure it was Bryan saying to go stiff to get the heel character over and people making something of nothing.
Few rumours going round that people weren't happy with how stiff he was, think it's bull myself, sure it was Bryan saying to go stiff to get the heel character over and people making something of nothing.

Who cares what Dempsey thinks?


Watching RAW now. Kallisto looked fantastic. Brock no-selling Rollins kicking him in the face was great. Poor old Saxton is having a terrible time out there now though.
Few rumours going round that people weren't happy with how stiff he was, think it's bull myself, sure it was Bryan saying to go stiff to get the heel character over and people making something of nothing.

He has a history of working stiff though mate. I know a guy who wrestled him on the independent circuit and he said that he didn't hold back at all.