Television The Propgropthrop

Not even close to NoD. They had attitude, they had Rock. New Day has nothing.

In fact the whole franchise lacks aggressive characters. That's what makes Brock stand alone. Apart from Orton, I can think of anyone who as the Rock would say 'brings it' to the ring. Sheamus, BNB are close, but they need to develop their characters more.

I think the gimmick shackles them in that regard. I could see Big E being the muscle so they don't all need to be aggressive. Anyway they killed that gimmick before it even started. I expect them to split in a few months.
They bottled New Day. If they made a modern day Nation of Domination they'd probably be more over, but WWE are scared to death of offending anyone of different race. Especially after reports of racism over the past year.

At one point they were working house shows under the name "Super intelligent friends"
wut :lol:
Anyone attended a Wrestlemania in the last few years, gonna get tickets for 32. Would want to shell out for kinda ringside seats though (first mania, may as well go whole hog), anyone know how hard these are to get. i'd imagine they sell out pretty fast?
What was your accy? Though you won via fluke, not by knowing their thinking tbf. I'd assume you had Trips and Show to get a £1 bet to none of the others were all that, oh Orton at evens.

6 part accumulator. Bryan hhh cena taker orton lesnar all to win.

Lesnar match was marked void.
Not even close to NoD. They had attitude, they had Rock. New Day has nothing.

In fact the whole franchise lacks aggressive characters. That's what makes Brock stand alone. Apart from Orton, I can think of anyone who as the Rock would say 'brings it' to the ring. Sheamus, BNB are close, but they need to develop their characters more.

I really thought they were going somewhere when Xavier said "were happy because you dont want to see us mad". this was a few weeks ago, then nothing. Really, it would have been perfect for them to come out, be over the top campy faces which people will hate, but they are facing people the crowd get behind, Then they can switch it and make them aggressive and say they wanted to be positive but they kept getting booed, so screw it.
Kofis never been heel I believe, I think it would suit Xavier and Big E more, and Kofi for a while before he breaks free from them which will refresh him as a face.
Found this news snippet pretty amusing...

As noted, WWE will return to San Jose on August 3rd for RAW. The pre-sale is going on now and the passcode is SANJOSEVIP. When the traveling WrestleMania crowd in the arena heard the announcement at RAW last night, they chanted "we don't live here."
Anyone attended a Wrestlemania in the last few years, gonna get tickets for 32. Would want to shell out for kinda ringside seats though (first mania, may as well go whole hog), anyone know how hard these are to get. i'd imagine they sell out pretty fast?

There were still tickets on sale for this years Wrestlemania up until the day of - it wasn't a complete sell out at all.... and considering the stadium they're doing it in is huge, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting one (ringside is a whole other issue - you'll have to be pretty quick for floor seats).

I suppose if Rock w/ Rousey vs. HHH w/ Steph goes ahead then it might get more bums in seats, but yeah - doubt it'll be a total sellout.
So it looks like the PPV's this year will be as follows: Axtreme Rules, PaybAxel, Axel In The Bank, Axelground, Axelslam, Night of Axel, Axel In A Cell, Axel Series,TLC and Axel.
There were still tickets on sale for this years Wrestlemania up until the day of - it wasn't a complete sell out at all.... and considering the stadium they're doing it in is huge, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting one (ringside is a whole other issue - you'll have to be pretty quick for floor seats).

I suppose if Rock w/ Rousey vs. HHH w/ Steph goes ahead then it might get more bums in seats, but yeah - doubt it'll be a total sellout.

It's quite funny really, if you get your tickets through the WWE emails then you are almost guaranteed near front row tickets. The packages for overseas buyers always come with great seats, and the bonus being you get the Monday night RAW tickets included and they are usually front row too.
I really thought they were going somewhere when Xavier said "were happy because you dont want to see us mad". this was a few weeks ago, then nothing. Really, it would have been perfect for them to come out, be over the top campy faces which people will hate, but they are facing people the crowd get behind, Then they can switch it and make them aggressive and say they wanted to be positive but they kept getting booed, so screw it.
Kofis never been heel I believe, I think it would suit Xavier and Big E more, and Kofi for a while before he breaks free from them which will refresh him as a face.

I don't think Kofi can do a good heel. Pair him up with someone like Tyson Kidd and he'll make good tag competition to Uso's, Lucha etc. Maybe I've not watched enough matches, but I don't recall having any distinctive opinion of Big E or R-Truth. Big E comes across as a uninspiring version of Ryback and R-Truth is just meh. The actual aggression in tag team should come from Ascencion, but again you can depend on WWE to goof up the gimmick.
Not sure why they are referring to it as Neville's Raw debut, he was on Raw last year teaming with Zayn against Breeze and Kidd, just before Fatal 4 Way.

I think people know Cena is good in the ring (well most knowledgeable people anyway). Part of the fun is booing him now for most people and the "John Cena Sucks" chant or singing chant. At the end of the match he got a good ovation (clap) as did Ambrose.
It's quite funny really, if you get your tickets through the WWE emails then you are almost guaranteed near front row tickets. The packages for overseas buyers always come with great seats, and the bonus being you get the Monday night RAW tickets included and they are usually front row too.

I'm deffo going to raw the next night too. Maybe a package would be the best idea. How much are the gold packages each? They're the best ones right?
I'm deffo going to raw the next night too. Maybe a package would be the best idea. How much are the gold packages each? They're the best ones right?

I haven't checked this year, but was really close to booking it last year for me and my son. We really fancied going to New Orleans. It was surprisingly cheap for a 8 night deal including HOF, WM and Raw and some other stuff. I think it was originally £900 per person but the deal made it just over £600 each. I will go and check the email I got a couple of days ago and see what they are offering for next year.

EDIT. My email was for the upcoming UK dates not WM packages.
IMO Rusev or Bray will get MITB.

@langster - £600 for an 8 night deal is amazing. THats defo something I want to / have to do for a future WM especially if the seats are brilliant.
IMO Rusev or Bray will get MITB.

@langster - £600 for an 8 night deal is amazing. THats defo something I want to / have to do for a future WM especially if the seats are brilliant.

Yeah that was for last year in New Orleans, i'm really gutted I didn't go. Even at £900 it would have been worth it for great seats at WM and RAW and flights, hotel and everything. I paid £450 for 3 people and £650 for four, for 3 bloody nights at Butlins Minehead to see Raw one year and Smackdown another time. One year it was in the middle of near hurricane force winds and torrential rain, the whole place was flooded, it was shocking.

You should all be signed up to the website I presume? so should get the same emails I do, just remember to check them all and not delete them.
Which email is it? Im sure ive had emails about WWE packages before but I always knew I was never going to go due to circumstances. Need to keep an eye out now.


Which email is it? Im sure ive had emails about WWE packages before but I always knew I was never going to go due to circumstances. Need to keep an eye out now.


It's just the generic emails you get from WWE. I signed up to the website years ago and just get general shite sent through. Updates on what's going on, sales in the online store, and of course all UK events and packages for WM. I usually never read any emails from them, and I presume most people are the same unless something catches your eye.

As for the pic, I'm still hopeful it could happen. WM 32 Texas, The Undertaker in front of his home crowd and giving them the fight they have always wanted to see and then he retires. It's like the perfect storm all coming together at once.
Brock Lesnar is the best thing in the company, and I really hope they have more dates on this contract than his previous.
I enjoyed Wrestlemania apart from that a show called "Wrestlemania" really shouldn't have two seperate 45 minute slots where no actual wrestling takes place.

That RAW was shite though. It's supposed to intice you into wanting to carry on watching? The only thing of note that happened was the best character getting written off the television for the forseeable future, and that was incredibly dumb in itself after Heyman's "wont happen at Summerslam" speech at the very start of the show.
I enjoyed Wrestlemania apart from that a show called "Wrestlemania" really shouldn't have two seperate 45 minute slots where no actual wrestling takes place.

That RAW was shite though. It's supposed to intice you into wanting to carry on watching? The only thing of note that happened was the best character getting written off the television for the forseeable future, and that was incredibly dumb in itself after Heyman's "wont happen at Summerslam" speech at the very start of the show.

Cena Vs Ambrose, great match.

Bryan Vs Zigglar, great match.

Mizdow vs miz being set up for a heated rivalry, great.

Rollins looking like a proper old school heel champ, with Reigns and Orton potentially chasing him while Brock is away, great stuff.

It was a very good raw with a terrible ending.
Just watched RAW and I thought it was very good. The crowd being so hyped up and involved really makes the product so much better overall.
What is your favourite MITB cash in?

Mine would still be Edge at EC, purely for the shock value. I don't read any of the online forums for spoilers and such so it came completely out of the blue.

One of the best concepts WWE has come up with imo.
Just watched RAW and I thought it was very good. The crowd being so hyped up and involved really makes the product so much better overall.

Thought that myself, back in the old days when the pops were bigger it produced excitement while you were watching it, hearing the crowd going wild for the high spots was great. The crowd on Monday was excellent, love a little give and go between the talent and the audience. Makes for much better viewing.
Yeah that was for last year in New Orleans, i'm really gutted I didn't go. Even at £900 it would have been worth it for great seats at WM and RAW and flights, hotel and everything. I paid £450 for 3 people and £650 for four, for 3 bloody nights at Butlins Minehead to see Raw one year and Smackdown another time. One year it was in the middle of near hurricane force winds and torrential rain, the whole place was flooded, it was shocking.

You should all be signed up to the website I presume? so should get the same emails I do, just remember to check them all and not delete them.

Prices for this years mania were $1,150 (£780) for a gold package and $900 (£610) for a silver.

Both included:

Mania ticket
Raw ticket
Hall of fame ticket
Ropund rail transportation
2 general admission sessions to axxess
Hotel accommodation
dining card for various restaurants

Based on reviews though the silver package for the seats is better since your view can get blocked a lot being on the floor by signs/people standing all the time etc. Silver seats are a bit higher up so you get better entrance ramp and ring views. Suppose you wouldn't want to be on the floor unless your were front row really. My missus is only small so she'd have a shit view.