Television The Propgropthrop

I really hope they have something planned for the end of this match, because this match is really lame.
I really hope they have something planned for the end of this match, because this match is really lame.

They are just easing us back in to the mundane shit that usually happens on Raw, kill the crowd by giving them everything pop worthy in the first hour, so that when Reigns comes out they cant be bothered to boo
Good chants for Enzo.

This was a mistake for a main event on this show. Something big needs to happen, like Brock coming in and destroying everybody.
Great shellshock... but thats it? bloody heck. haha Great raw with a lame ending.
A stare-off between Rollins on the ramp and Reigns in the ring giving his best Blue Steel impression.
That could have been on Raw instead of on the Network lol. It lasted all of 3 minutes, plus we got to see Renee in the ring. Should have been on Raw.

The main event was weird, im not sure what WWE were thinking or expecting with that lol. Went just the way you would expect, crowd not giving a F about most of them and doing their own thing.
What did Sting actually say?
"I came up short but I was glad to be there, yada yada yada, not sure what's next, yada" Bo Dallas comes out tells him to Bo-lieve, instead Sting Scorpion Death Drops Him. Renee Young looks hot throughout.
Overall, a great three days of HOF, WM and Raw. Its a shame they ended with a dud note tonight with that three on three. All in all, fantastic stuff and good for any wrestling fan.
Overall, a great three days of HOF, WM and Raw. Its a shame they ended with a dud note tonight with that three on three. All in all, fantastic stuff and good for any wrestling fan.
Yeah, agree totally, been a great weekend. Hopefully they keep up the momentum.
Great RAW, sucky main event. Assuming Lesnar is out of the picture for a while, Reigns and Orton will go after the title which is fine. I'm actually digging the "midcard" title scene, Bryan vs Ziggler was awesome and Cena vs Ambrose was fun but I just hope Dean is given a program of some sorts.
Only just watched Wrestlemania, having not see any of the build-up in the previous few months. Was a good show, was pretty buzzy seeing Sting there, and Brock is a freaking monster. Last time I watched WWE seemed like Ambrose was poised to be a main event guy, so was bummed to see him as one of the 7 in the spotfest (as enjoyable as it was). Also it's always weird seeing Orton as a straight face.

Still, as much as I enjoyed the show, it wasn't enough to make me watch Raw or anything else, I'll probably be taking a wrestling hiatus again until Summerslam.
How the hell can anybody watch RAW live, there are adverts every 5 minutes it's unwatchable on Sky, I'll be recording it from now on.
Yep, it's official... Brock Lesnar is amazing.

I saw on another forum that a fair few people preferred 02-04 Lesnar... I think these people are high.
The ending should of been Lesnar coming back to F5 all 6 in that ring, F5 Byron, maybe a fan or 2 and have Heyman finish on the mic. Knew Vinnie Mac would have to put Reigns over even though he's killing all intrest when he's in the ring. Suppose on the whole though, that was an awesome Raw bar the main event. Some promising points for the future with Neville & Lucha Dragons being called up, Bryan/Ziggler/Sheamus/Barrett 4 way shoot over the IC title could have some good matches. Seems like Charlotte is headed to the main roster soon too which is a plus. Just need to sort this main event picture out now they've kicked lesnar out for a while (dumb move btw).
What's well ends well. The IC and US title with Bryan and Cena gives lot of weight to mid card matches. The push this gives to likes of BNB, Sheamus etc will be immense.

Ambrose needs a better push up. I would love to get them play more on the Shield breakup. Rollins+J&J+Authority vs Reigns/Ambrose (and maybe Orton).
Cesaro needs to get out of the tag team and be in IC/US mix.
New Day needs to be disbanded. It's an awful gimmick.

Not sure what the path ahead for Wyatt is?
What's well ends well. The IC and US title with Bryan and Cena gives lot of weight to mid card matches. The push this gives to likes of BNB, Sheamus etc will be immense.

Ambrose needs a better push up. I would love to get them play more on the Shield breakup. Rollins+J&J+Authority vs Reigns/Ambrose (and maybe Orton).
Cesaro needs to get out of the tag team and be in IC/US mix.
New Day needs to be disbanded. It's an awful gimmick.

Not sure what the path ahead for Wyatt is?

They bottled New Day. If they made a modern day Nation of Domination they'd probably be more over, but WWE are scared to death of offending anyone of different race. Especially after reports of racism over the past year.

At one point they were working house shows under the name "Super intelligent friends"
They bottled New Day. If they made a modern day Nation of Domination they'd probably be more over, but WWE are scared to death of offending anyone of different race. Especially after reports of racism over the past year.

At one point they were working house shows under the name "Super intelligent friends"

Not even close to NoD. They had attitude, they had Rock. New Day has nothing.

In fact the whole franchise lacks aggressive characters. That's what makes Brock stand alone. Apart from Orton, I can think of anyone who as the Rock would say 'brings it' to the ring. Sheamus, BNB are close, but they need to develop their characters more.