Television The Propgropthrop

If you don't think Roman did a fantastic job last night you're straight up delusional.

He did an even better job in that role than Cena did, and Cena was rightly praised to high heavens for his work.

I'm happy to be called delusional knowing I'm correct. Cena was praised because a guy in his position had never taken that kind of beating before. Reigns is no way near that position, so it was simply taking a borking, good for him, but also good for Miz, Show, Henry, Zach Gowen, Spike Dudley, etc , etc for also taking them borkings.
People complaining about some weird things here.
Reigns looked badass, took a beating like a man, but wouldnt stay down from Brock. And tbh, when he busted Brock open, it really looked believable he would beat Brock. It was total "badassness" from starting to end. Everybody looks stronger coming out of that which is a rare when there is a pinfall victory.

Everybody talking about Rock going on to long, tbh, the reactions in the stadium showed it didnt go on to long. Nobody was bored at all, it was fine for when it went and happened, it was just pure entertainment, a WM moment.

TBh, the whole weekend was great. The WM today parts on the network were fantastic, the HOF was one of the best top to bottom induction ceremonies with speeches and the WM preshow and actual show, with the main event was just pure entertainment as it should be. Nothing was bad the whole weekend.
Tonights Raw is normally one of the best Raws of the whole year, with a rowdy crowd packed into an arena, it will be entertaining no matter what.

WM normally does struggle between end of WM to Summerslam to keep things entertaining but theres so much hope and they have a really strong roster with some good characters.
They have a real chance to elevate the secondary titles as well as hopefully elevate Reigns, Rusev possibly Bray whilst Rollins is champ and using the experience of Orton and Brock.
After watching Wrestlemania last night I've been watching a few Raw/Smackdown moments from the past few weeks to try and catch up a bit, Seth Rollins has lost every match I've seen him in so far (vs Roman Reigns when Orton wouldn't tag, vs Reigns again in a 2 on 1 /w Kane and then the Orton match at Wrestlemania) you wouldn't have known he was about to be champ looking at it has a casual fan he seems pretty shite. He must have the worst finisher in the business as well its terrible.

I'm going to carry on watching in the coming weeks maybe I will see the buzz around him now he's champ.
I really liked The Rock/Rousey/Steph/Trips angle... nice change of pace and I for one liked how they let it breath and let the crowd reactions tell the story, as well as the guys in the ring. Much prefered that to a standard Rock 5 minute promo... we got a really fun moment.
I was sad that Suplex City was trending and Suplex City bitch wasnt. lol
Oh and how feckin' awesome was Rusev's entrance? He came on a sodding tank... A TANK. The man is a winner even when he loses.

Also, that RKO on Rollin's was thing of beauty.

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A lot of great moments last night, just highly entertaining from start to finish. The ending was brilliant too.
I'm still scratching my head as to how some of you think Regins was made look good?

It will set up a feud between Rollins and Reigns. Guess what Reigns will still not be the fan favourite in that feud either
I think Reigns will go heel(edit: i meant face) in that feud as Rollins will be heavily backed by the Authority. They're a genuinely dislikable group right now, and anyone going against them will be backed. It has to feel natural though, not forced. Raw tonight will be vital to making sure that happens.

Rollins needs a title party with HHH and Steph there, being smug and dislikeable, Show clapping him, J and J getting there little bit in as well. Make them dislikeable and get them to turn Reigns over as well. Reigns v the Authority, Reigns will not be booed there.

Rollins as champ could be like Corporate Rock when he was champ under Vince. Who will be the Mankind/Austin? Reigns makes the most sense for me. Purely because of their history and the way he lost last night.
Reigns' promos are boring as feck in my opinion. There's definitely potential, his two signature moves and his entrance he makes look very cool.

After watching Wrestlemania last night I've been watching a few Raw/Smackdown moments from the past few weeks to try and catch up a bit, Seth Rollins has lost every match I've seen him in so far (vs Roman Reigns when Orton wouldn't tag, vs Reigns again in a 2 on 1 /w Kane and then the Orton match at Wrestlemania) you wouldn't have known he was about to be champ looking at it has a casual fan he seems pretty shite. He must have the worst finisher in the business as well its terrible.

I'm going to carry on watching in the coming weeks maybe I will see the buzz around him now he's champ.

I quite like the Curb Stomp actually. Its different. A lot better than Big Show KO Punch and the People's Elbow for example
After watching Wrestlemania last night I've been watching a few Raw/Smackdown moments from the past few weeks to try and catch up a bit, Seth Rollins has lost every match I've seen him in so far (vs Roman Reigns when Orton wouldn't tag, vs Reigns again in a 2 on 1 /w Kane and then the Orton match at Wrestlemania) you wouldn't have known he was about to be champ looking at it has a casual fan he seems pretty shite. He must have the worst finisher in the business as well its terrible.

I'm going to carry on watching in the coming weeks maybe I will see the buzz around him now he's champ.

Watch his triple threat in the Rumble or some of his matches vs Ambrose after the Shield broke up
Rollins as champ could be like Corporate Rock when he was champ under Vince. Who will be the Mankind/Austin? Reigns makes the most sense for me. Purely because of their history and the way he lost last night.

They can work Ambrose into it later this year imo. Unfinished business with Rollins but for now, Id like to see 20-30 minute matches for the IC title or number one contender matches for the IC title to make it meaningful again. Cody, Ambrose, Ziggler, Barrett all chasing the IC title will make for some great stuff (or at least as the potential to be).

A victory celebration for Rollins will make sense but honestly, hope they then go away from the 20-30 minute Authority promos every week to start of Raw. They need to mix it up. Have more backstage segments / more interactions backstage if need be. Do some "earlier today" sit down interviews with guys or whatever.
As a casual fan who hasn't watched any of the build up, quite enjoyed that. Takers match I thought was a bit poor, but the rest were decent to watch. Final match I thought was really good.

Some of those segments just dragged on though. Rock and co could have simply been left out, or cut down to five minutes, but I'm guessing they are building for a future feud.
As a casual fan who hasn't watched any of the build up, quite enjoyed that. Takers match I thought was a bit poor, but the rest were decent to watch. Final match I thought was really good.

Some of those segments just dragged on though. Rock and co could have simply been left out, or cut down to five minutes, but I'm guessing they are building for a future feud.

Possible mixed tag match at Summerslam? Or straight up Rock v HHH? And McMahon v Rousey?
Doubt Rousey will do anything in WWE in terms of a match whilst shes still an active UFC fighter.

Also DDP should be inducted into the HOF. Not just because of his career, but the work hes done with Scott Hall. Brilliant.
Doubt Rousey will do anything in WWE in terms of a match whilst shes still an active UFC fighter.

I wouldn't be surprised at all. She's a huge fan and does some pro wrestling training when she's not in active UFC camps. She'd be well up for it and Vince has Dana over a barrel after Brock openly talked about being tapped up.
I love WWE because I know their thinking. Won over £70 from a £1 bet predicting the winners.

What was your accy? Though you won via fluke, not by knowing their thinking tbf. I'd assume you had Trips and Show to get a £1 bet to none of the others were all that, oh Orton at evens.
Doubt Rousey will do anything in WWE in terms of a match whilst shes still an active UFC fighter.

Also DDP should be inducted into the HOF. Not just because of his career, but the work hes done with Scott Hall. Brilliant.
Read an article about this, Jake the Snake too.

Also said he's been in talks with HHH about having a seminar with the current rosters at the performance centre, to try and get some on board. Would do them all the power of good to be looking after themselves more.
Also said he's been in talks with HHH about having a seminar with the current rosters at the performance centre, to try and get some on board. Would do them all the power of good to be looking after themselves more.


Loads already do it, main roster definitely, and NXT have quite a few who do so, and I'd guess the numbers will raise with drill sergeant DeMott gone.
Reigns V Rollins @ Summerslam.

Whatever the crowd feels for Reigns, I feel for him. Won the rumble and still had to prove himself, does it v Bryan and then Seth cashes in. Was the right move imo. Although with Lesnar signed on for 3 years, they can't take him out of the title picture.

Maybe with Reigns getting 'screwed' theyre trying to get the sympathy vote for him?

Has nothing to do with sympathy but rather putting the belt on Reigns would have had disasterous implications.

Reigns has either received tepid crowd response or boos for his current run which for the future face of the company is never a good thing.

Reigns needs a heel turn to increase his popularity and he needs more time to practice his promos and hopefully get better material from the Writers.
One last moan from me, I honestly did enjoy the show even thought it probably doesn't sound like it

But JBL. On commentary is so bad. Especially in the Sting match

I think they should keep the straps on cena and Bryan for a long time to make those titles seem important. Then perhaps unify them

Has cena ever had a feud with Bryan before?
Reigns wasn't really screwed .... Brock was. But Reigns can claim he was, and then Orton can claim he beat Rollins on the night, clean. It's a fourway for Extreme Rules, which Rollins should clearly win, cheaply mind you, but win nonetheless. He moves onto the long build to Reigns-Rollins for Summerslam. I don't really know what Brock does for Summerslam, it's a hard sell on Rollins vs Brock 1v1. Brocks next two should of been Bryan(however this should of been for the title....after Brocks killed everyone), ultimate underdog, sells itself, and Brock-Rock II, sells itself.

Only fourway above is natural, and given Brock might take his "break", might not even get that, just a triple threat without him.

Onto Brock, theres the inevitable split with Heyman down the line too. Which could lead to your Rusev match without overly hurting Rusev or Brock.
Has cena ever had a feud with Bryan before?

Yeah they have. Cena and Bryan actually "wrestled" as well. Cena did it to prove a point and prove he can wrestle. Although it wasn't ever a proper bad blood feud. Cena has been dropping some great moves in his matches for ages. The Stunner from the ropes last night is a perfect example. Haters won't ever agree though, despite many saying his matches have been excellent in most recent PPV shows. The same as his work rate is usually ignored.
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