Television The Propgropthrop


If it's not broken it'll be dislocated at the very least. There's no way in hell we're seeing Barret at mania.

Ziggler went face first into the announce table too, hopefully there's nothing serious there.

Truth had to be walked out of there by a ref. Could be something there too.

fecking hell show, just retire already.

And feck me, why did they still throw Santino right next to Barrets arm. Use some common sense for fecks sake.
That was really bad. Ziggler apparently worked the dark match though so he's okay. I can't for the life of me figure out how he didn't get a concussion. He can sell, but he can't sell that well.

The Big Show mistake I can understand. Sometimes you just overthrow. Cody throwing Santino out on the same side was inexcusable though. Same with whoever threw Kofi out near Vickie.
Amazing promo by Cena.....just randomly watched that on youtube. Dude can't act for shit so we know that was 100% legit, best shit he's ever done imo.
Amazing promo by Cena.....just randomly watched that on youtube. Dude can't act for shit so we know that was 100% legit, best shit he's ever done imo.

Just seen it. Very good promo and he really spoke the truth. I just wish he wouldn't fecking apologise to Vince half way through, killed it a little bit.
Just finished watching Raw... Notes:

- Take out the first 15 minutes and the diva tag match and that was an excellent edition RAW. Semi-makes up for the mehness of Elimination Chamber.

- It's incredible really... this time last year, Mark Henry walks out of the curtain and I groan. Now though? Well I wouldn't say I'm excited by it... but I'm not offended by it. He's "monster" character is excellent, and I think his in-ring work has improved because of it... was a decent match with Sheamus.

- Rosa Mendez... that is all.

- I actually thought that Teddy Long was pretty damn good in Johnny Aces office....then he ruined it all by picking Ezikel fecking Jackson

- The crowd saying "WHAT" to Taker offended me no end.

- So it's on, Taker vs. HHH in a match that I really couldn't be bothered about, it'll just be a copy of last years stumble-fest and I don't give a .... what's that, Hell in a Cell you say??? I'm in.

- Two people who competed in the most HIAC matches, and know how to work good ones will have a great match I think. The stipulation means they won't be able to plod around as much as they did last year. Also, I wouldn't be suprised if they bend the rules again like they did last year and throw some colour in there.

- What was with the Metallica song that Taker left too?

- Taking Santino seriously lasted less then 24 hours... good while it lasted though.

- Inconsequential Diva Tag-Match aye?? Great... this must mean Khama's coming out to cause some destruction!... or not.

- John Cena with a good promo... makes a nice change. When he's not talking about poop, making gaybashing jokes, generally using bad comedy, or involved in a shitty storyline... Cena can be great on the mic.

- Gutted for Wade Barrett... he's been on a role for the past 4 months and is amongst my top 5 favourites at the moment I would say. He probably would have been lost in the shuffle on a stacked card anyway... but an appearance would have been nice. Hopefully he'll still get to do something. If if there's a MITB, it could be good if Barrett got a patsy to play his role in the match, and if they win, Barrett wins.

- Was a terrible looking bump from Ziggler, not suprised someone got injured. Kofi also took a bad bump from that Battle Royal. The kind of bumps these 10 guys had been taking in the last 2 nights, it's not overly suprising someones got an injury (I'd have thought it would have been Ziggler though... his bumps to the Chamber floor yesterday, coupled with the one he took last night, it's surprising he's okay.).

- Right man one the Battle Royal... he should have won the sodding Rumble though.

- This mania card is STACKED... we have

Rock vs. Cena
HHH vs. Taker Hell In A Cell...
Jericho vs. Punk
Bryan vs. Sheamus

That will easily take up about 2 hours (if not more) if you include entrances and what not. Elsewhere, I wonder where Randy Orton fits in?? I think he'll make the WHC match a triple threat... he would give it that bit of extra star power it needs, and I think the 3 of those would work a great match. The Teddy Long vs. Johnny Ace tag-match should take out a couple more of the big names, and everyone else will be chucked into a MITB match... this, on paper, has the potential to be up there with WM17 and 19 if you ask me.
Just got this of seems some of the wrestlers really don't like the Rock.

"A number of WWE performers appeared giddy backstage over Cena's remarks as they legitimately feel that way over the actor/wrestler. One talent commented via text to (with permission to be quoted under the condition of anonymity): "[The Rock] comes in to use WWE to get back the audience he lost doing Disney movies, which is fine but he's been back over a year and name one person he helped make a bigger star since then? No one.

"He's here for himself, he keeps to himself, and he keeps someone who's actually touring here all year from making a bigger payday at the bigger shows. It's all about making this the "biggest" Mania of all time. OK, then what do we do the rest of the year? Who's been made? You think he took ANY blame for Survivor [Series] not drawing? Of course not, but how do you feud with a guy on the Titantron? Cena nailed the guy dead on tonight.

"Say anything about HHH, Taker, etc. still being in the top spot but if they were needed to work the road, they would and they would still work their asses off as much as they needed to. Rock is out for Rock and the idea he's here to better anything but his own wallet is the biggest work of 2012."

Smacks of bitterness to me. Unless this annoymous person is Taker or HHH, then I would place a large wager that this person has done feck all for wrestling compared to what The Rock has. He worked hard for years to make himself a star, loads of other people a star and make the WWE a shit load of money... frankly he doesn't owe anything to anyone.
Just got this of seems some of the wrestlers really don't like the Rock.

Smacks of bitterness to me. Unless this annoymous person is Taker or HHH, then I would place a large wager that this person has done feck all for wrestling compared to what The Rock has. He worked hard for years to make himself a star, loads of other people a star and make the WWE a shit load of money... frankly he doesn't owe anything to anyone.

Absolute bollocks, If he is coming in and taking a mania spot from a full timer who spends 300 days+ every year busting their ass just so he can promote his latest piece of shit movie then they have EVERY right to be bitter.

I used to be a huge rock mark in the day but quite honestly....same old shit.

Same lame ass catchphrases, same embaressing move set.....Peoples elbow.....really.....REALLY.....same piss poor attempt at a sharpshooter, funnilly enough all the same criticisms people have for Cena yet blindly ignore in the rock.
Absolute bollocks, If he is coming in and taking a mania spot from a full timer who spends 300 days+ every year busting their ass just so he can promote his latest piece of shit movie then they have EVERY right to be bitter.

I used to be a huge rock mark in the day but quite honestly....same old shit.

Same lame ass catchphrases, same embaressing move set.....Peoples elbow.....really.....REALLY.....same piss poor attempt at a sharpshooter, funnilly enough all the same criticisms people have for Cena yet blindly ignore in the rock.

Considering the match up actually doesn't really mean anything being a none title bout, it doesn't really take a spot from anybody, because their spot wouldn't mean anything if it was just a guy who spends 300 days+ every year busting his ass just so he can get rolled over by superman Cena.

If you want to be bitter about anything it should be HHH. The Undertaker at WM is a far better opportunity and matchup than Cena.
Absolute bollocks, If he is coming in and taking a mania spot from a full timer who spends 300 days+ every year busting their ass just so he can promote his latest piece of shit movie then they have EVERY right to be bitter.

I used to be a huge rock mark in the day but quite honestly....same old shit.

Same lame ass catchphrases, same embaressing move set.....Peoples elbow.....really.....REALLY.....same piss poor attempt at a sharpshooter, funnilly enough all the same criticisms people have for Cena yet blindly ignore in the rock.

I strongly disagree. The Rock is going to give Mania a million plus buys for the second year in a row. That means more money for the WWE, which puts the company in better stead, which means a better woking environment from everyone involved. Nobody else who can still actually work a match would make the WWE more money then The Rock will do... these feckers should appreciate that.

The Rock doesn't need wrestling to promote his next film. He's already a big hollywood name, the elevation he recieves from appearing in the WWE is minimal. GI Joe is going to make circa £300 million worldwide... like feck he needs to appear on Wrestlemania just to promote it!!

No, The Rock is working Wrestlemania because he will get a nice big payday (that he doesn't actually need in fairness, he's already loaded) and he only gets that because, literally, millions of fans WANT to see him in a big Wrestlemania match. If peeple didn't want to see it, he wouldn't be in it. Surely giving the fans what they want is much more important then any single wrestler getting a rub?? To call the Rock "selfish" for appearing at Mania, because he's not giving guy A and guy B a push off him is hypocritical.

Also, whose spot is he taking?? Cody Rhodes? Wade Barrett? Sheamus? Like feck... If any of those were versus Cena, that match wouldn't be going on last... Taker HHH would be. All of those bar Barrett will be appearing on the card anyway, and all of those will be watched by a bigger audience soley due to The Rock being on the card.
I strongly disagree. The Rock is going to give Mania a million plus buys for the second year in a row. That means more money for the WWE, which puts the company in better stead, which means a better woking environment from everyone involved. Nobody else who can still actually work a match would make the WWE more money then The Rock will do... these feckers should appreciate that.

The Rock doesn't need wrestling to promote his next film. He's already a big hollywood name, the elevation he recieves from appearing in the WWE is minimal. GI Joe is going to make circa £300 million worldwide... like feck he needs to appear on Wrestlemania just to promote it!!

No, The Rock is working Wrestlemania because he will get a nice big payday (that he doesn't actually need in fairness, he's already loaded) and he only gets that because, literally, millions of fans WANT to see him in a big Wrestlemania match. If peeple didn't want to see it, he wouldn't be in it. Surely giving the fans what they want is much more important then any single wrestler getting a rub?? To call the Rock "selfish" for appearing at Mania, because he's not giving guy A and guy B a push off him is hypocritical.

Also, whose spot is he taking?? Cody Rhodes? Wade Barrett? Sheamus? Like feck... If any of those were versus Cena, that match wouldn't be going on last... Taker HHH would be. All of those bar Barrett will be appearing on the card anyway, and all of those will be watched by a bigger audience soley due to The Rock being on the card.

See, I dont entierly disagree, but one thing I never understand about talking wrestling with people these days is they want to talk about money, and buyrates and who sells the most merchendise......funnily enough as someone who holds absolutely no WWE stock I couldnt care less, its all about entertainment to me and the rock stopped being entertaining a long long time ago. Im actually pretty content with the way they are going at the moment, the two champions are both legitimately talented wrestlers, Zack Ryder is off my screen for the most part...Even Cena isnt annoying me as much as usual, and if the rock/cena match was anywhere on the card other than the main event it would not bother me as much, but when you add his 7 year absence, reluctance to acknowledge his wrestling background for a large part of those 7 years and the admittedly unconfirmed reports of his seperatist and arogant attitude backstage then the guys do have a right to be pissed off.
See, I dont entierly disagree, but one thing I never understand about talking wrestling with people these days is they want to talk about money, and buyrates and who sells the most merchendise......funnily enough as someone who holds absolutely no WWE stock I couldnt care less, its all about entertainment to me and the rock stopped being entertaining a long long time ago. Im actually pretty content with the way they are going at the moment, the two champions are both legitimately talented wrestlers, Zack Ryder is off my screen for the most part...Even Cena isnt annoying me as much as usual, and if the rock/cena match was anywhere on the card other than the main event it would not bother me as much, but when you add his 7 year absence, reluctance to acknowledge his wrestling background for a large part of those 7 years and the admittedly unconfirmed reports of his seperatist and arogant attitude backstage then the guys do have a right to be pissed off.

I'll go along with that from your personal standpoint. If you find The Rock bland and arn't interested in the match, then that's both understandable and fair enough.

What I don't get however is people inside the company bitching about it... as they are the ones that should be somewhat interested in money/buyrates/merchandise selling! And they should be somewhat grateful that The Rock appearing on Wrestlemania will mean that they will get to perform infront of a hell of lot more people then if he wasn't on the card. More people watch Mania, more people tune in the next night on RAW, and if thats done right and is entertaining, in theory, the more people buy the next PPV that the probably Rock isn't on. Least that's the way I see it.

But yeah, Mania should be a cracker... this Hell in a Cell has ramped my excitement levels right up.
On the one hand, I can understand why some guys would be pissed off at somebody who left the company years ago just walks back in and gets the main event spot at Wrestlemania.

But the question any of those guys have even half the charisma The Rock has? No they do not. Rock v Cena has been a dream match for a few years now with some fans, much like Hogan v Austin. The fans want to see it, so they're getting it.

And also yes, The Rock being there and the fact it's shaping up to be a pretty damn good Wrestlemania means it will get a hell of a lot of buys.

I'm mostly interested in HIAC with Undertaker v HHH. It should be the main event in my eyes.
And considering All that Taker and HHH have given the company they SHOULD be on last.

I'm mostly interested in HIAC with Undertaker v HHH. It should be the main event in my eyes.

Thing is, especially considering it's in The Rock's hometown, it would hurt Taker vs. HHH to go on last... as they wouldn't get the crowd reaction needed to make it a great match. The crowd will be far too vested in The Rock and Cena that they'll be dead for anything that follows it... they'll be too exhausted!

If it went on last, it would be HHH vs Jericho following Hogan Rock, or HHH vs. Randy following Taker vs. Michaels all over again!

It's still a Main Event though.... Mania has 3 or 4 "Main Events" every year now... (though some are more "Main" then others).
I'll go along with that from your personal standpoint. If you find The Rock bland and arn't interested in the match, then that's both understandable and fair enough.

What I don't get however is people inside the company bitching about it... as they are the ones that should be somewhat interested in money/buyrates/merchandise selling! And they should be somewhat grateful that The Rock appearing on Wrestlemania will mean that they will get to perform infront of a hell of lot more people then if he wasn't on the card. More people watch Mania, more people tune in the next night on RAW, and if thats done right and is entertaining, in theory, the more people buy the next PPV that the probably Rock isn't on. Least that's the way I see it.

But yeah, Mania should be a cracker... this Hell in a Cell has ramped my excitement levels right up.

Anytime HHH and Taker bring their A game it will be superb.
Thing is, especially considering it's in The Rock's hometown, it would hurt Taker vs. HHH to go on last... as they wouldn't get the crowd reaction needed to make it a great match. The crowd will be far too vested in The Rock and Cena that they'll be dead for anything that follows it... they'll be too exhausted!

If it went on last, it would be HHH vs Jericho following Hogan Rock, or HHH vs. Randy following Taker vs. Michaels all over again!

It's still a Main Event though.... Mania has 3 or 4 "Main Events" every year now... (though some are more "Main" then others).

Fair point actually.
On the one hand, I can understand why some guys would be pissed off at somebody who left the company years ago just walks back in and gets the main event spot at Wrestlemania.

But the question any of those guys have even half the charisma The Rock has? No they do not. Rock v Cena has been a dream match for a few years now with some fans, much like Hogan v Austin. The fans want to see it, so they're getting it.

And also yes, The Rock being there and the fact it's shaping up to be a pretty damn good Wrestlemania means it will get a hell of a lot of buys.

I'm mostly interested in HIAC with Undertaker v HHH. It should be the main event in my eyes.

Never thought Id be rooting for a Cena win at Wrestlemania :D
I do agree certain points what Cena said, and I do understand why some superstars would be bitter towards The Rock, but he's still my man so I'm going with Rocky on this one :D

It still amazes me that no one has informed Vince or Cena what a 5 knuckle shuffle actually is in this PG era...:D:D:D
The more I see of El Generico the more I want the WWE to sign him. That said, They'd probably ban him from using about 22 of his moves..

This will probably be the best Wrestlemania so far. The card is just getting better and better as time goes by. I'm going to make an early prediction (basically a repeat of what I said earlier but I've decided who wins):

The weakest match will be Kane vs. Ryder, in which we'll see probably quite a bit of rather shit wrestling but Kane will elevate Ryder to the next level.

Big show vs. Shaq, the Big Show will get his obligatory loss at wrestlemania.

Kharma vs. Beth Pheonix. Hopefully they give these two 10-15 minutes, they've got in them to put out a great match.

MitB. I'm going to predict that Dolph Ziggler wins this. I mean come on, the guy deserves it, he's been putting his body through hell for a while now. How he's not gotten an injury is beyond me, the rate at which he takes pretty big bumps is insane.

Team Ace vs. Team Long. This match is probably the reason they've been booking Santino and Otunga a bit stronger than usual, they need the stables to look strong. Team Ace will of course win, and Johnny will go on a tirade to get all the titles on his guys, that should be good fun, it could set up the main events for the next 3 or 4 PPV's.

Sheamus vs. Bryan (vs. Orton). Super Sheamus becomes the big face of smackdown.

Jericho vs. Punk. Punk will go over in an epic match, Ziggler will then come out and win the WWE title.

Taker vs. HHH HiaC. There will be blood.

Cena vs. Rock. Rockys going down, Cena will be bood the hell out of that arena. If they don't turn him heel the WWE are feckwits.

As far as the Rock goes, even though he's part time, and even though he's clearly a dick in the eyes of the full time wrestlers he's still the most electrifying man in all of sports entertainment. That said, if he was full time he would probably get the same treatment from the crowd as Cena gets, hell, if Cena went part time and only come back a couple of times a year he'd probably get huge pops. His corny jokes would be greeted with incredibly loud cheers. As much as I agree with Cena, that part time stars shouldn't be revered, the point remains that these are the people who the fan are willing to pay money to see. There aren't enough icons on the roster to draw big numbers at wrestlemania. Cena is one, Orton is kind of one, Punk is on his way there but still lacking, but if his push is sustained and he gets decent stories he'll become one. HHH and Taker aren't exactly full time either. The point about those two however has been made; even though they aren't full time if the company needs them too they will go out there 300 nights of the week. However, they're only really needed for Mania (and the occasional PPV for HHH). Whoever that anonymous Raw Superstar is (let's face it though, it's probably fabricated shite to get hits) he needs a good slapping, anyone in that position in the business aught to know the role icons play. They aught to know that The Rock is one of the men making enough money for the WWE to be able to pay his wages because he sure as feck won't be making them much.

The crowd were quite cnutish with the "what" chants to taker, but they did at least redeem themselves with "you're a coward" and "prove it"
Good to hear that Dolph had a dark match, seemingly fine. I've become a bit of a mark for him of late. Also glad(ish) to hear Wade has only dislocated his elbow, which is a much lesser injury than the initial prognosis of a broken arm, hopefully he gets a push on return, he has been doing well of late.

Don't get me started on Cody throwing Santino out the same side as that, he even appeared to land on Wade, Cody should lose the belt in the coming weeks IMO for that.

Anyway, I wouldn't be against the above prediction silva, would quite like the scenario you paint, would make up a bit for EC. Personally however I'm not looking forward to Taker HHH, hiac should hide some f the flaws but it can only do so much, hopefully it's not as stumbley as last year, they need to up their game. Also for the first time last night I looked at Undertaker and didn't see "the phenom" the exceptional athlete, I merely saw an old man, which saddened me. This was soon took over with rage at the what shouts.

Ace vs Long is obviously going to be the main thing at SS, at least they are starting the storyline going early, a build up is vital in this case.
Also, I'm slightly worried about Mania timing. Take the 4 matches so far.

Taker HHH 45 mins
Rock Cena 30-40 mins
Punk Y2J 30 mins
Bryan Sheamus 25 mins

Some predictions there, if anything I think Rock Cena will be longer and the two title matches shorter, which is terrible for others. MitB (if it goes ahead, which I'm beginning to doubt due to hiac (surprise surprise, a "me me me" attitude from HHH) and it being too gimmicky. This means that matches which could be very good will be rushed. Far too top heavy IMO, will detract from the all round show.
Also, I'm slightly worried about Mania timing. Take the 4 matches so far.

Taker HHH 45 mins
Rock Cena 30-40 mins
Punk Y2J 30 mins
Bryan Sheamus 25 mins

Some predictions there, if anything I think Rock Cena will be longer and the two title matches shorter, which is terrible for others. MitB (if it goes ahead, which I'm beginning to doubt due to hiac (surprise surprise, a "me me me" attitude from HHH) and it being too gimmicky. This means that matches which could be very good will be rushed. Far too top heavy IMO, will detract from the all round show.

Is that just for the entrances??

Seriously though, I know what you mean... I think those 4 matches will take up about 2 - 2 1/2 hours.... if you throw the Big Show and Shaq will take up roughly 20 minutes, Beth and Kharma will get 10minutes I think...

They'll probably have to rush one of the title matches (Probably Bryan vs. Sheamus will get 10 minutes), so I think you'll have betwee 60 to 90 minutes for the rest of the card...

Just trying to come up with a list of people who will need a match for 'Mania but don't have one yet... it's not a very long list really:

Del Rio
Mark Henry
R Truth
The Miz

And possibly:


15 definites... 9 heels. Am I missing anyone?
The more I see of El Generico the more I want the WWE to sign him. That said, They'd probably ban him from using about 22 of his moves..


The guy is fantastic. I've honestly never seen a bad match of his. Have you seen El Generico vs. Kevin Steen at PWG Steenwolf? How the feck either of them are still walking after that is beyond me. Although WWE had Colt Cabana on their books, and fecked that up, so probably best they stay away from El Generico.

Watched RAW earlier today. Undertaker vs. Triple H in a HIAC should be interesting, to say the least. Hopefully Taker manages to get through this Mania without hanging anybody. The Santino push seems to be continuing, as he got a couple of big eliminations from the battle royal.
I genuinely can not see Cena/Rock going more than 20 minutes. Rock will start quite strong, arse it up, Cena will beat him down for 5 mins hit his 5 moves of doom, rock will kick out, cena will rock bottom the rock, who will kick out, Rock will attempt the FU, cena will counter into an FU of his own for the win.

Quite possibly the most predictible match in history barring anything involving Hogan.
As it's in Miami... I think Rock is winning. No matter how they build it up, It's Rocks hometown... so Cena will definitely be heel, and I don't think they'll want to end it with Cena being boo'd to feck. I could be wrong though... but regardless of how it goes, the crowd will certainly be responsible for elevating this match into something great I think.

So yeah, Rock wins after a 2nd Peoples Elbow (Cena will kick out of one earlier)... then I think they'll shake hands and embrace after it's over, as they'll have earnt each others "respect". They'll then have a rematch at SummerSlam where Cena will go over.
As it's in Miami... I think Rock is winning. No matter how they build it up, It's Rocks hometown... so Cena will definitely be heel, and I don't think they'll want to end it with Cena being boo'd to feck. I could be wrong though... but regardless of how it goes, the crowd will certainly be responsible for elevating this match into something great I think.

So yeah, Rock wins after a 2nd Peoples Elbow (Cena will kick out of one earlier)... then I think they'll shake hands and embrace after it's over, as they'll have earnt each others "respect". They'll then have a rematch at SummerSlam where Cena will go over.

Alas, I think the opposite, it's the perfect way to complete the heel turn, with the entire arena booing him at wrestlemania.
As it's in Miami... I think Rock is winning. No matter how they build it up, It's Rocks hometown... so Cena will definitely be heel, and I don't think they'll want to end it with Cena being boo'd to feck. I could be wrong though... but regardless of how it goes, the crowd will certainly be responsible for elevating this match into something great I think.

So yeah, Rock wins after a 2nd Peoples Elbow (Cena will kick out of one earlier)... then I think they'll shake hands and embrace after it's over, as they'll have earnt each others "respect". They'll then have a rematch at SummerSlam where Cena will go over.

That could work, Cena ultimately has to go over in the final match though as he is the one left still trying to get asses in seats when the rock leaves again.
The guy is fantastic. I've honestly never seen a bad match of his. Have you seen El Generico vs. Kevin Steen at PWG Steenwolf? How the feck either of them are still walking after that is beyond me. Although WWE had Colt Cabana on their books, and fecked that up, so probably best they stay away from El Generico.
The ladder match? I really want to watch it, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet. And it's not due to lack of trying!