Television The Propgropthrop

I think we'll get a Sheamus match... maybe against Drew MacIntyre?? It's a sad state of affairs when he is your most over heel after all the elimination chamber participants. That's not a slight on him as a wrestler, as I think he's very good... just a slight on his standing on the roster.

Also... What they should have done was have Uso's beat Primo and Epico on SD to set up a title match for the PPV. Sure no one will pay money to see it... but give them 10 minute and they would put on an very good opening match that would entertain the crowd.

Also, if they take the title of Daniel Bryan in the chamber then they are officially mental... the man is on fire at the moment. A mania triple threat vs. Orton and Sheamus beckons.
Diva's title: Beth Phoenix
Ambulance match: John Cena, because he's not going to lose when he's got a match against The Dwayne coming up.
RAW EC: CM Punk, beating Jericho right at the end to set up a WM match between them.
Smackdown EC: Christian
I would hate to think something like the PPV tonight would be streamed anywhere. Thankfully I don't know of any site that is doing so... and I certainly wouldn't want anyone to PM me with a link to such a stream however, if one did even exist.
Jericho has to win the chamber. He will come in last and steal the title leading to their one on one match at WM. The promos should be awesome but Jericho winning is the only thing that can make sense logically after Jericho lost the rumble.

Beth will win and Kharma should hopefully come out (though they may save that for Raw)

Dont really care about Kane/Cena. Its all a horror b-movie called "see no money" designed to make Zack Ryder look like Cenas younger retarded brother and for Cena to do something before he faces Rock. Cena to win.

Bryan has to retain the title in SD chamber. Guess he will then face Sheamus at WM for the title which will be so funny given how they were bumped of last years show...

This PPV surely cant be as dull as the last PPV.
Always read this thread but never contribute, my son is into WWE like you wouldnt believe and I end up watching it everytime, also he has tickets for Monday night Raw at the 02 so I'll be taking him to that in April!

Tamina will be the new Divas champion, that much seems pretty obvious to me, again Cena cant lose to Kane with his match v The Rock coming up surely?

And Annihilatenow, its not on ppv, unless you're stateside??
They were hardly going to have two chamber matches straight after each other.

Although I do see what you mean about starting with RAW rather than SD. RAW chamber has much more star power. Maybe some shenanigans are going down in the SD one?
Wait, are they seriously opening with the WWE championship? What the feck man.

... That's baffling. Surely the WHC has the less star-studded lineup.

I think that means Punk retains and we have shenanigans later on...
Jericho may have caught a whack on the head from the camera that wasn't planned. Cameraman might have not moved back in time?

Still, watch out for miraculous Jericho recovery.
He's going to come steel it at the end... and I will love it!

From what it looked like... thats one of the least painful bumps of this match so far. This match has seemed pretty brutal, and there's been a few dodgy landings.
Did Kofi slam his own face onto the steel during his SOS move? If so, that's probably the nastiest bump of the match.

Well, Punk wins with no Jericho return. Jericho to come out on RAW and say "I was never properly beaten," and demand a WM match?
Did Kofi slam his own face onto the steel during his SOS move? If so, that's probably the nastiest bump of the match.

Well, Punk wins with no Jericho return. Jericho to come out on RAW and say "I was never properly beaten," and demand a WM match?

Yeah that would make sense...

I think this means we'll be getting a title change later on :(

Big Show or Barrett?

Or if he fails to make a shocking return, I'd rather Barrett/Rhodes won it than anyone else (barring Bryan, obviously).
thats a lot of excitement for just lifting weights, when i do that at the gym nobody gives me a round of applause.
It didn't offend me... which is more then I can say for most Diva's matches.

The Glam Slam is a great finisher... probably one of the best in all of WWE. Always draws a good crowd reaction too.
Got nothing on the F5. But it is good though.

Oh definitely... but then there currently is no F5!

Though... Brock Lesnar as a suprise entrant later?? :smirk:

And here's John Laurinitis... then man who probably benefited most from the Invasion angle!
Here's my favourite World Heavyweight champion for years!

Also, I'm pretty sure Gunner in TNA does the F5. Although he's awful, so we'll just ignore him.