Television The Propgropthrop

That was a total waste of time... though I always appreciate a Christian sighting, and Mark Henyr's character is great, he's never happy about anything!
What the feck?? Cena Kane last?? Maybe The Rock is turning up... though they would be stupid to have Rock appear on a PPV and not publicise it.

On the bright side... at least I can go to bed after this match.
santino marella - another victim of the stupidity of wwe. they made him into a funny man whereas Dolph ziggler is a 'top talent'. what a joke.
We were talking about this match main eventing because of potential shenanigans. Cena vs. Kane possibly has more chance of them happening, given the kind of story that's been.
santino marella - another victim of the stupidity of wwe. they made him into a funny man whereas Dolph ziggler is a 'top talent'. what a joke.

I actually think Santino will be in the final two. Bryan beats, say Big Show, whilst Santino hides. Thinking he's won, he does the YES YES YES YES thing in the middle of the ring, whilst Santino sets up the Cobra behind him, and Cole froths at the mouth..

Then Bryan counters into the LeBell Lock and wins.
I'd actually kind of like a Santino win. I know I'm a terrible person, but I like the guy.
Haha... feck me, that was actually quite a gripping end to a pretty poor Elimination Chamber.

I'm a big Santino fan too... but I don't really think he should be in the WM main event. Still, the crowd were into him big time. If that's anything to go by, he probably should get a title reign at some point in his future.
this is the worse thing they've done in years, making natalya do farts - shes hot, can wrestle, a member of the hart family and theyv got her doing this, disgrace.
That was well done. Not the greatest start to the match but Big Show gets a good spot spearing Khali and breaking into the pod. Barrett looks like a beast. Cody did well. Hopefully Santino's transitioning into a more serious wrestler because he can actually work. Bryan still goes into Mania as champion and the Sheamus - Bryan matchup is now in place.
I'm a big Santino fan too... but I don't really think he should be in the WM main event. Still, the crowd were into him big time. If that's anything to go by, he probably should get a title reign at some point in his future.

Yeah it's far too early to push him into the WM main event. But it's matches like this that can help him shed the comedy gimmick little by little. It starts with stuff like this and hopefully they give him some more serious matches.
You know a feud is awful when even WWE's video package team can't make it look good.
I was really marking out over a possible Santino win. He was so close! I've got new respect for Big Show, for a giant he gets around well in the ring. He isn't afraid to take a pummelling now and again as well. Loved the way Sheamus came out dropped his new(ish) finisher on Daniel Bryan.

I felt the Raw EC was neither here nor there. Also, wtf at them having that match first? In hindsight it makes sense seeing as Big Show destroyed one of the pods, but in real time it looked like a stupid decision. Was quite looking forward to a Punk vs. Jericho showdown in the last two spots but I can see why they opted to go the way that they did. Is this the first chamber PPV where both champions have retained their titles?

Ever since Ziggler lost the US title, it has become pointless again. Santino should get a run at it at some point for his performance.

Cena vs. Kane? *sigh* Should have known. Crap main event. Crap ending. Crap crap crap.
Rhodes and Ziggler are/were the best things to happen to their respective titles for years. With Swagger now, and with most of the previous champions I honestly keep/kept forgetting who the title holder actually is/was.

I think the last Intercontinental champ that I found entertaining was Santino, with his Honkameter, back in about 2008/2009?

As for US Champion, before Ziggler I have to go back to 2005, when Booker T and Chris Benoit were feuding over it. There's been champions that I've liked since then, but none of them that really made their belt a focal point. It was more a case of "oh yeah, I have this gold thing too."
My prediction for Mania during chamber.

mitb, show vs Cody, bryan vs sheamus, cena vs rock, punk vs Y2J, taker vs ??? And a diva match?

I can see the whole Teddy vs Ace thing being involved in the MITB match, unless they keep it rumbling all the way through to Survivor Series. Also a shocking lack of Ziggler in there, maybe he'll have a shot at MITB.
Dark Match: Tag Titles
Bryan vs Sheamus
MITB (Ziggler, Kofi, Miz, Gabriel, Cody, DiBiase, Kane)
Beth vs Kharma
Team Ace vs Team Tag Team (Christian, Mark Henry, Otunga, Del Rio vs Ryder, Mysterio, Khali, Santino)
Orton vs Barrett one last time
Taker vs HHH
Punk vs Jericho
Shaq vs Big Show
Cena vs The Rock