Television The Propgropthrop

Also, Jordan and Gable are brilliant... Jason Jordan is probably the most underrated (maybe not the right word... under pushed?) talent in NXT
Why do the women cry after every major event? Dont remember the men doing it so frequently, its kinda annoying when they want their wrestling to be treated seriously.
Great match that could have gone to an even higher level with a bit of better booking, no fault what so ever of Sasha or Bayley. In fairness the actual falls were executed fine, it's just 3-2 in a 30 minute Iron Man is pushing it massively. Take into account their first match was around 18 minutes for one fall. I mentioned it about a week ago though, the WWE tend to go way overboard with high scores in Iron Man matches.

Not as good as their first but still fantastic, with the right booking it would have been. The first had the ring work but also a fantastic story and Bayley finally overcoming the odds to win the title. Amazing moment tonight though, great job from both. Can't wait to see what they go with for the next special. Still want to see Bayley/Asuka but not confident we'll be seeing that for then.
Agree with everything you said. It was a good match, but can't top Brooklyn, and could have done with less falls. Tag Team Final was pretty good as well.
Also, Jordan and Gable are brilliant... Jason Jordan is probably the most underrated (maybe not the right word... under pushed?) talent in NXT

It says a lot that Jordan is significantly the worst part of that team in every aspect. He's carried massively on the personality front by Chad, when Jordan finds his voice he could be a real star, Chad isn't far from already being one.
Fantastic event, top to bottom. Best Dana has looked, the losing teams all looked fantastic as well. Honestly was hoping Jordan and Gable would win the whole thing but they didnt look bad in losing. Nice presentation to Joe and Balor (and yeah, glad there was no turn, not needed at all).

Hasnt been mentioned but I enjoyed Crews vs Breeze. I cant remember the last time Breeze won a big match (last thing that comes to mind is his win over Zayn).

I didnt mind the 3-2 at all. One was a countout after a vicious attack and tbh, the first pinfall was nearly 10 minutes in. It makes sense you tire after that and are less likely to kick out. 3-2 made for a better story than 2-1 and neither looked weak. I had no problems with it, and during the match I wasnt thinking, wow, cant believe another pinfall, and after the match, im not thinking that either.

The brooklyn match captured more of the emotion with Bayleys first win, but this was almost the perfect heel vs face match. Sasha is one of the best rounded characters and wrestlers in the organisation. (tough cookie too with that drop on the head)
And bayley is the perfect ultimate goodguy (kinda like a female Zayn). Lovely main event and a fun show.

Also, spoiler from upcoming show that was hard to avoid for me given it was tweeted by the official NXT page lol

catching up on the episode...comments till now...

- I was hoping one of the real tag teams would win.
- Felt Asuka's debut was a bit underwhelming. Crowd reaction and the match itself were just above average.
- The in ring announcer guy needs to be fired. His introduction during the Sasha / Bayley match was just horrendous.
OK, Just finished it.

- I was hoping one of the real tag teams would win.
- Felt Asuka's debut was a bit underwhelming. Crowd reaction and the match itself were just above average.
- The in ring announcer guy needs to be fired. His introduction during the Sasha / Bayley match was just horrendous.[/QUOTE]
- What a finale! Can't they even announce this as Iron Women match! :mad: Absolute stunning effort from both. The TV showing the crying kid (Bayley's family?) adds to the drama. 1st pinfall was a bit dubious, but doesn't matter in the overall quality of the match. Iron Women indeed! Brilliant.

Divas Revolution, my ass. Watch this Steph. This is where the standard is set.
Lets be real. Sasha is next level heel, where even smarks want to see her dead. Main roster men and women learn, that is how you get heat
Lets be real. Sasha is next level heel, where even smarks want to see her dead. Main roster men and women learn, that is how you get heat
She's just brilliant in every aspect. When she's in character you see how every movement she makes adds to her persona. Every movement is perfection. Honestly I will go out on a limb and say she's the best all-round performer I've seen since Eddie Guerrero.
Can't they even announce this as Iron Women match! :mad:

HHH was asked about this and iirc he said he asked Lita on her take, but Lita thought calling it an Iron Women match wouldnt be good. TBH, I think keeping it called 30 Ironman match was fine anyway.

Some of KOs tweets were brilliant.

Owens is brilliant.

I think the Ironman match was very very very good and had another brilliant ending but I don't think it topped Brooklyn. I think you ask me in 5 years for my favourite 5 matches ever and that Brooklyn match will probably still be in there, it was that good.
It was the build up that provided the context for that Brooklyn match that made it so great. It made the match mean something so we got emotionally invested in it.
Sasha has the IT factor.

If they are smart they'll have her face Bayley at Mania with Sasha as Champion.
Dana and Emma play better Bellas than the Bellas do.

im interested to see what they do with Joe and Finn. Still expecting Joe to turn on Finn and challenge him at the Wembley show for the title. They planted some good seeds last night with Finn asking for the tag and Joe not looking happy at times.
Yeah but that was after the show stopped airing.

Still shouldn't have been done, should have had the kid backstage afterwards. You're not trying to get heat from the people you can't see, you're trying to get it from the crowd so to then dissipate all the heat you got seems a bit silly. It could have been done out of sight and would have given the kid a nice memory too they could work a little backstage event into it.
Still shouldn't have been done, should have had the kid backstage afterwards. You're not trying to get heat from the people you can't see, you're trying to get it from the crowd so to then dissipate all the heat you got seems a bit silly. It could have been done out of sight and would have given the kid a nice memory too they could work a little backstage event into it.

Its all nothing though. Times have changed, the show was over, people who will cheer her will cheer her regardless, people who will boo her will do so regardless. That one act wont sway the NXT crowd. It would be like saying, why did Cody and Dustin break character.

It affected nothing and will affect nothing for the future.
Sasha has the IT factor.

If they are smart they'll have her face Bayley at Mania with Sasha as Champion.

It would need to be several years down the line really, Bayley's journey is what made it so special, to hotshot it does her no justice.

Still shouldn't have been done, should have had the kid backstage afterwards. You're not trying to get heat from the people you can't see, you're trying to get it from the crowd so to then dissipate all the heat you got seems a bit silly. It could have been done out of sight and would have given the kid a nice memory too they could work a little backstage event into it.

Sounds like something JR would say. It isn't 1976 anymore.

Sasha is done with NXT for all intents and purposes, so what does her going seeing Izzy (most of the crowd was empty by the time she did btw) do negative?
Still shouldn't have been done, should have had the kid backstage afterwards. You're not trying to get heat from the people you can't see, you're trying to get it from the crowd so to then dissipate all the heat you got seems a bit silly. It could have been done out of sight and would have given the kid a nice memory too they could work a little backstage event into it.

Its all nothing though. Times have changed, the show was over, people who will cheer her will cheer her regardless, people who will boo her will do so regardless. That one act wont sway the NXT crowd. It would be like saying, why did Cody and Dustin break character.

It affected nothing and will affect nothing for the future.

I read an article about the whole 'kayfabe' being redefined in WWE. They opt for more grey than outright face/heel that was the norm before. What got HHH sidelined now draws cheers from Four Horsewomen. Steph herself is the epitome of kayfabe dilution. Since it's not commonly known nowadays that the matches are scripted, maybe WWE thinks kayfabe is not that important any more.
Sounds like something JR would say. It isn't 1976 anymore.

Not really.

WWE still works on good vs bad. The bad people don't hug kids in front of the crowd that they're supposed to be getting boo'd by. If Rusev came out next week and hugged a kid everyone would go bonkers for how it makes no sense so let's not pretend that it's something archaic, it's just simple common sense. It's not anything major, it's just silly.
Just watched RAW. Stephanie McMahon is the worst thing on the product. What an insufferable character she's become. Please go away.
Not really.

WWE still works on good vs bad. The bad people don't hug kids in front of the crowd that they're supposed to be getting boo'd by. If Rusev came out next week and hugged a kid everyone would go bonkers for how it makes no sense so let's not pretend that it's something archaic, it's just simple common sense. It's not anything major, it's just silly.

Sasha hasn't been a heel in NXT since she won the title though. Sure her bell to bell stuff this match was but that's storytelling, she was worried that Bayley proved she could out wrestle her at Brooklyn, so now was the time to take the gloves off.

@phelans shorts sasha is exposing the business!

She needs to slow down, grab a hold and fix those damn lights.
For some reason I had it in my head that Bayley went 1-0 up after 20 minutes, then Sasha hit her finisher and went for the pin with 5 seconds left and Bayley kicked out to a double ovation at the end. No fecking idea where I got that from. Man I get some weird dreams.
Brock Lesnar to weep with joy after ending the life of Mean Mar-- The Undertaker.
My dream wasn't actually far off what happened now I think about it. Stupid twat, heads gone.
Comparing a Rusev hug on Raw to what Sasha did (off-air - which btw you would only know about if you read an online report) is quite funny tbh.

Edit :ahh man, they released Devin. Always found her interviewing Dana funny.
Still shouldn't have been done, should have had the kid backstage afterwards. You're not trying to get heat from the people you can't see, you're trying to get it from the crowd so to then dissipate all the heat you got seems a bit silly. It could have been done out of sight and would have given the kid a nice memory too they could work a little backstage event into it.
This sort of thing always happens when the show stops airing. When Ric Flair announced his retirement and all the roster came to the ring congratulating him, even the Undertaker came out started hugging him and more or less crying.
One part of me wants the Reigns/Wyatt feud to keep going after HIAC, 'cause it's (arguably) the best thing WWE has going on (well, together with The New Day). But on the other hand, Reigns has the tools to challenge for titles I feel, and he's not in the picture for any right now.

Also very cool to see that Becky Lynch basically started wrestling because Finn opened that store there. His docu is great fun.
BOLA is out for anyone interested. Just watched night one and there's some fantastic stuff on there (thats not even including Melissa Santos' dress), most notably Mark Andrews vs Will Ospreay and Eurotrash (Zack Sabre jr, Marty Scurll and Tommy End) vs Mt. Rushmore 2.0 in the main event.
BOLA is out for anyone interested. Just watched night one and there's some fantastic stuff on there (thats not even including Melissa Santos' dress), most notably Mark Andrews vs Will Ospreay and Eurotrash (Zack Sabre jr, Marty Scurll and Tommy End) vs Mt. Rushmore 2.0 in the main event.
Do you have a link for me maybe? You know, so I can report it to the relevant authorities?

Also, Tommy End! He (and his tag team partner, forgot his name) used to hang out at local hardcore shows in Amsterdam and such. Used to wrestle in merch from local bands as well I believe.
I know I'm behind but I finally watched NXT: Respect.

Although I really enjoyed Bayley vs Sasha Banks it wasn't really a patch on their first encounter.
I do love that it was the main event though and love that there is finally some respect for women's wrestling. Bayley is incredible but Sasha Banks is the best in the world right now.

My biggest concern is that Sasha will drop down to that of a bit player or 'eye candy' on Raw, very much the same way as they have misused for lack of a better word. Becky Lynch.
I know I'm behind but I finally watched NXT: Respect.

Although I really enjoyed Bayley vs Sasha Banks it wasn't really a patch on their first encounter.
I do love that it was the main event though and love that there is finally some respect for women's wrestling. Bayley is incredible but Sasha Banks is the best in the world right now.

My biggest concern is that Sasha will drop down to that of a bit player or 'eye candy' on Raw, very much the same way as they have misused for lack of a better word. Becky Lynch.

To be fair she does seem to be the focul point of Team Bad. She's the one in the centre, the one talking more and the one getting the wins for the team and it does look like they are building towards something. May not be actually becoming champion but it at least looks like they might have some ideas for her.
To be fair she does seem to be the focul point of Team Bad. She's the one in the centre, the one talking more and the one getting the wins for the team and it does look like they are building towards something. May not be actually becoming champion but it at least looks like they might have some ideas for her.
It helps that Tamina has the charisma of a brick wall to be fair, not hard for Sasha to be the boss there. I do hope she has some nice things ahead, great performer and the character has potential I feel.
Rusev engaged to Lana.

Jealous that he gets to crush her every night.