Television The Propgropthrop

It was probably the worst but he gets a lot of mixed reactions throughout (SD helps sweeten that). I think putting him back with Dean was a good idea. I think hes been working hard since WM and taken some beatings. I do think they need to be careful with his promos though lol.

It was pretty stupid to have him recap the feud instead of Bray who is a much better talker. Reigns has been looking good and has probably won back a lot of people but every so often he gets put in stupid situations that sets him back a touch.
So basically, they are taking the route they should have taken with him all along? I just watched the WWE 24 episode about Roman at WrestleMania and such, and it was very interesting to see how he dealt with it all, especially the huge amount of boo's he received. Very humble in saying that this might be his only Wrestlemania, and he realizes he needs to work for it all.

He has the potential to be a huge star I think, but then again: It's WWE, might be a new toy comes along soon and Roman goes to midcard feuding with the other thrown away toys.

Think it's obvious he's not the new toy. He's still there despite the reactions to him. WWE pushed him to obviously and to quickly though and people easily picked that up.

Unfortunately Vince is all about looks, and Reigns looks the part (minus that stupid padded vest). He was very green and is poor on the mic. He was protected in the shield, but his singles push exposed him. Didn't help that a massively over Daniel Bryan who was just returning, gets thrown out of the Rumble the Reigns won.

I think a lot of that heat Reigns got during the Rumble to Wrestlemania was because he wasn't Daniel Bryan. Bryan is super over, he comes back just before the Rumble, enters at number 10... and gets dumped out like two spots later. So most of Reigns heat came because he was in the spot fans wanted Daniel Bryan in. It also didn't help that he wasn't the greatest worker or talker.

I don't blame Roman, who wouldn't want to get pushed to the moon?, but he and the fans wasn't ready and WWE kept making mistake after mistake. Creative obviously knew it that the Rumble was going to be a problem because they had Rock try and help him get over, and that backfired hugely. Then had him come out the next Raw and deliver a poor promo trying to use the Rock and his family heritage to get himself over. Then they had fastlane where they put themselves in a lose lose situation by having him against Bryan, can't have Reigns lose otherwise that would be a climb down and ruin him, can't have Bryan lose as that would cause even more heat. What did they do? have Reigns win, but worst he was made to look overly strong compared to Bryan and that pissed fans off, and the Bryan endorsement the next night just pissed them off even more as it was way to obvious. They didn't learn and had people like Mark Henry 'endorse' him as well. Oh and don't mention one of the poorest Wrestlemania build ups in recent years filled with poor Reigns promos and relying on Heyman to try and big Reigns up to make him seem like a legitimate challenger.

So that period from the Rumble to Wrestlemania did him a lot of damage. The feud afterwards with the big show and The Authority were duds and didn't help, but they couldn't have him go right after Seth, because most of the fans would of cheered for Seth. The smart things they have done is put him back with Ambrose and pit him against Wyatt who is a great worker and can carry a feud on the mic by himself. So that, coupled with the fact he's improving is getting fans on his side, but still a lot of heat from his Rumble push.

The signs are still there that he's being pushed as the next big face of the company. He's featured on Raw intro the most, and has the last shot. He's in the ring with Cena last week with the breast cancer survivors (where he actually spoke pretty good) and he's pretty much featured a lot in WWE charity/publicity events.

I think he's probably going to get a push again after this Wyatt feud is done.... Just a feeling the fact he was in that segment last week, and that he mentioned the title a few times on Monday, just seems to me he maybe gearing for it again. Although i think they should put a lower belt on him, as he would actually help elevate one of those titles and can show people he can be a legitimate champion but at the same time, he's probably the guy it makes most sense for Seth to drop the title to.
@Hal9000 - you mean you didnt like the tug o'war between Brock and Reigns on the gohome Raw for WM? :P

It was pretty stupid to have him recap the feud instead of Bray who is a much better talker. Reigns has been looking good and has probably won back a lot of people but every so often he gets put in stupid situations that sets him back a touch.

That I cant deny. I dont think recap promos are even needed unless its Heyman doing it. One of WWEs constantly and consistently best aspects is their video packages. Just let that do the talking. They use great music, great shots, great editing and make the feuds look hotshit.
I think he's probably going to get a push again after this Wyatt feud is done.... Just a feeling the fact he was in that segment last week, and that he mentioned the title a few times on Monday, just seems to me he maybe gearing for it again. Although i think they should put a lower belt on him, as he would actually help elevate one of those titles and can show people he can be a legitimate champion but at the same time, he's probably the guy it makes most sense for Seth to drop the title to.

So basically, have him answer the open challenge and win Cena's title? Can't see it happen, but hey! Have him with the title for a while before a heel takes it off him in a low way, have Reigns feud for it for a while and then move on to the bigger title because he outgrew the US belt?
Surprised so many haven't realised what was going on in the Cena match.

It's not like somebody has announced their engagement and completely derailed what's going on in the wrestling recently.
So basically, have him answer the open challenge and win Cena's title? Can't see it happen, but hey! Have him with the title for a while before a heel takes it off him in a low way, have Reigns feud for it for a while and then move on to the bigger title because he outgrew the US belt?

I could see the feud going on until WM but depends on what happens at HIAC. Normally that would be the blowoff, but wouldnt mind Bray getting his way to the US title and actually beating Cena (and destroying him) :)
I could see the feud going on until WM but depends on what happens at HIAC. Normally that would be the blowoff, but wouldnt mind Bray getting his way to the US title and actually beating Cena (and destroying him) :)
ohh yes, that would be pretty awesome. But I'm gonna guess it will not happen. Do feel that the Reigns/Wyatt feud elevates them both, and can't see creative blow it off yet. Somehow I feel that a HIAC match is not enough to settle the feud.
So basically, have him answer the open challenge and win Cena's title? Can't see it happen, but hey! Have him with the title for a while before a heel takes it off him in a low way, have Reigns feud for it for a while and then move on to the bigger title because he outgrew the US belt?

Well no because Cena's not going to be there till December/Jan (Rumble return anyone?) But yeah stick the US title on him, keep it around the level of Cena/Ambrose/Reigns/Wyatt's and use it like the IC title was used in the attitude era. Sticking the title on Cena was a good move, it elevates it... But it needs to been kept around the upper mid card.
Surprised so many haven't realised what was going on in the Cena match.

It's not like somebody has announced their engagement and completely derailed what's going on in the wrestling recently.

It was stupid angle anyway because everyone knew they were still together non kayfabe... They've actually been engaged for a month or two, just TMZ decided to pick it up now. Either way they probably announced it on purpose to get out of the storyline nearly everyone hated anyway.
It was stupid angle anyway because everyone knew they were still together non kayfabe... They've actually been engaged for a month or two, just TMZ decided to pick it up now. Either way they probably announced it on purpose to get out of the storyline nearly everyone hated anyway.

Or somebody contacted TMZ and sold the story without telling WWE. I for one am amazed that WWE would get very pissed off at such a scenario unfolding.

The pictures TMZ had weren't on either persons social media accounts, both of them are quite active on social media, so where did they get them from without the couples permission?
Or somebody contacted TMZ and sold the story without telling WWE. I for one am amazed that WWE would get very pissed off at such a scenario unfolding.

The pictures TMZ had weren't on either persons social media accounts, both of them are quite active on social media, so where did they get them from without the couples permission?

It's a gossip site, friends, family, hacking, private social media...
WWE should just pretend that storyline didnt happen, that Summer wasnt involved, that Lana and Rusev never split on screen and just act like he just lost to Cena at WM and then go forward as a heel duo. CM punk it from our minds.
It's a gossip site, friends, family, hacking, private social media...

If it hadn't come from Lana/Rusev (or with their permission) then WWE wouldn't particularly care. They definitely knew before Sunday that they were engaged (hell I found out a week earlier and I'm not particularly well up on those two and what they're up to).

The person this has done most for is Summer, they have been impressed by her in the role she did, she always pushed for new ideas and now Vince feels like she's been shit on by a great height for something that isn't her fault. Expect her to stick around on the show for a while longer. Maybe even make her Ziggler's heel manager if they decide to go that route.
If it hadn't come from Lana/Rusev (or with their permission) then WWE wouldn't particularly care. They definitely knew before Sunday that they were engaged (hell I found out a week earlier and I'm not particularly well up on those two and what they're up to).

The person this has done most for is Summer, they have been impressed by her in the role she did, she always pushed for new ideas and now Vince feels like she's been shit on by a great height for something that isn't her fault. Expect her to stick around on the show for a while longer. Maybe even make her Ziggler's heel manager if they decide to go that route.

Not sure how the engagement has pushed Ziggler towards Cena though? I mean they teased Ziggler and Cena last week with the super kick...

It's been a stupid storyline but also an unlucky one. Everyone knew about Rusev and Lana non kayfabe, Dolph and Lana had 0 chemistry... at least Rusev and Summer made up for that. Then you have Rusev's injury, Dolph going away to film a movie, Lana being injured and now this.

I actually thought last week, when Rusev gave the promo saying he wanted championship gold, was that he was going to be the one to write Cena out. Probably a better person to write him off than Ziggler and builds Rusev back up to the monster he was before those three loses to Cena and the shit he's been given since.
Not sure how the engagement has pushed Ziggler towards Cena though? I mean they teased Ziggler and Cena last week with the super kick...

It's been a stupid storyline but also an unlucky one. Everyone knew about Rusev and Lana non kayfabe, Dolph and Lana had 0 chemistry... at least Rusev and Summer made up for that. Then you have Rusev's injury, Dolph going away to film a movie, Lana being injured and now this.

I actually thought last week, when Rusev gave the promo saying he wanted championship gold, was that he was going to be the one to write Cena out. Probably a better person to write him off than Ziggler and builds Rusev back up to the monster he was before those three loses to Cena and the shit he's been given since.

My guess, and it is only that, is that the plan was for Rusev to beat Cena via Summer distraction or she would order him to beat him down after or whatever, they'd do the big wedding making clear that Summer and Dolph planned it all along to embarrass Rusev and Lana comes back for a Macho Man with Elizabeth moment where they rekindle their love blah blah blah.

Now the engagement means they aren't keeping up the Summer/Rusev pretence and have been pushed into doing the actual Dolph turn early.
I hope they just end this abruptly, and don't mention the Summer/Dolph/Lana/Rusev angle again.


I'd keep Rusev off TV till Lana can come back as his manager, and have him come out and crush a face. Someone like the Lucha Dragons.
I hope they just end this abruptly, and don't mention the Summer/Dolph/Lana/Rusev angle again.


I'd keep Rusev off TV till Lana can come back as his manager, and have him come out and crush a face. Someone like the Lucha Dragons.

Either that or like @Hal9000 said, have Rusev take out Cena and his title, and built him up as the monster again.

Also: How entertaining are the Vaudevillains? Such a weird gimmick, but they make it work.
With NXT in mind, how about this for Cena (theory from Bleacher Report)
Cena issues his open challenge Monday and out comes Samoa Joe, picks up a shock win and Cena goes away, disgusted with himself for a while. Samoa Joe is not the first contender for the NXT Title after last nights Battle Royale, and he seems ready to get the push up. Maybe that is a reasonable thing to happen?[\SPOILER]
With NXT in mind, how about this for Cena (theory from Bleacher Report)
Cena issues his open challenge Monday and out comes Samoa Joe, picks up a shock win and Cena goes away, disgusted with himself for a while. Samoa Joe is not the first contender for the NXT Title after last nights Battle Royale, and he seems ready to get the push up. Maybe that is a reasonable thing to happen?[\SPOILER]

Really like this idea and this will lead to Cena time off
With NXT in mind, how about this for Cena (theory from Bleacher Report)
Cena issues his open challenge Monday and out comes Samoa Joe, picks up a shock win and Cena goes away, disgusted with himself for a while. Samoa Joe is not the first contender for the NXT Title after last nights Battle Royale, and he seems ready to get the push up. Maybe that is a reasonable thing to happen?[\SPOILER]

Can't see it.

I'm not convinced Joe will ever debut on the main roster tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if he's kept in NXT for name value.
Really like this idea and this will lead to Cena time off

Can't see it.

I'm not convinced Joe will ever debut on the main roster tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if he's kept in NXT for name value.

Well, it could be someone else then Joe to be fair, but with how he got passed over for a title shot at NXT, who knows. Someone like Ziggler, Cesaro or even Ambrose would also work. Ambrose is pretty much demoted to the preshow at HIAC and if they end the Wyatt feud there, he needs something new to do.
Ambrose and Orton on a pre-show is a weird choice. Never expected they would do that. Was thinking it would be one of the best matches. Crowd will defo be hot for it given its the first match now.
Can't see it.

I'm not convinced Joe will ever debut on the main roster tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if he's kept in NXT for name value.

He was in a few darks matches, and he was signed on the basis that he wouldn't be in developmental for long, which is why he didn't really have any feuds and bounced around a lot when he first started in NXT.

But that was before he botched the muscle buster (i'm surprised they still let him do it) on Tyson Kid in a dark match and nearly killed him and he's apparently been on the shit list since, so i doubt Vince would put him against Cena.

Joe got eliminated to feud with Breeze, which hopefully Breeze goes over.
He was in a few darks matches, and he was signed on the basis that he wouldn't be in developmental for long, which is why he didn't really have any feuds and bounced around a lot when he first started in NXT.

But that was before he botched the muscle buster (i'm surprised they still let him do it) on Tyson Kid in a dark match and nearly killed him and he's apparently been on the shit list since, so i doubt Vince would put him against Cena.

Joe got eliminated to feud with Breeze, which hopefully Breeze goes over.

There's no heat at all on Joe or the Muscle Buster (outside of the Hart family, even then it's not Tyson/Nattie), it was a matter of time before Kidd got that injury. The straw that broke the Hart's neck if you will.
Was hoping Zack Sabre Jr would end up in NXT, then those hopes got raised this deal with EVOLVE got traction. Now they mention him on the WWE website...

Be interesting to see if he ever makes the jump, because his style isn't really what WWE go for, but who knows... Daniel Bryan got super over as a technical wrestle and ZSJ is better.

Not for me.

I guess they remembered the whole cosmic wasteland thing they started a while back that lasted a couple of weeks. Wouldn't mind a Cesaro/Stardust feud, even though it won't get the full attention it deserves.
Was hoping Zack Sabre Jr would end up in NXT, then those hopes got raised this deal with EVOLVE got traction. Now they mention him on the WWE website...

Be interesting to see if he ever makes the jump, because his style isn't really what WWE go for, but who knows... Daniel Bryan got super over as a technical wrestle and ZSJ is better.

Would be amazing if he did. His style is defo NXT. For WWE, its about Nevile level. May get a few feuds and maybe a US title but thats about it imo.
It will be interesting to see how Cena is written off.

Knowing WWE, it will just be another no reason Wyatt attack. So they can have a no reason feud when Cena returns.
They handled the Lana/Rusev engagement horribly, why not just ignore it?

Also Crews as number 1 contender in NXT is good news, someone from here put me on to him on Twitter. He can go
I would of liked to see Corbin tbf. I like his character at the moment and he's working hard to improve but meh not exactly unhappy with Apollo
Might still get it mind you, they could go for a 1st contenders match after they have a rivalry built for a while. Corbin wins it dirty, defines himself as a heel and Apollo is still made to look strong in that match. He has to lose sometime...

Also: That huge pop for Dean on Smackdown was very satisfying. The whole match & it's segments were great, well done in defining New Day as heels some more.
Finn vs Crews in Wembley would be fantastic. I really did think it was going to be Finn vs Joe though with one of them obviously heel.
Might still get it mind you, they could go for a 1st contenders match after they have a rivalry built for a while. Corbin wins it dirty, defines himself as a heel and Apollo is still made to look strong in that match. He has to lose sometime...

Also: That huge pop for Dean on Smackdown was very satisfying. The whole match & it's segments were great, well done in defining New Day as heels some more.

Wouldn't be mad at that