Television The Propgropthrop

Cena vs Rollins main event. Cena taking a break. Rollins may just be the man in about an hour or so.
Cena vs Rollins main event. Cena taking a break. Rollins may just be the man in about an hour or so.

Jon Stewart will probably climb the cage and cost Cena... :nervous:

No, it'll end with Cena winning and Kane beating on Rollins.
How long until someone tells Cena he's going bald and he needs to stop wearing shorts?
"Approaching 400 days with that title" He won it like a week and a half ago.
Right.. So i've just knocked my opponent down with a boot to his skull right next to this wide open cage door..

Go through the door? feck that, i'll crawl further to him and pin him.
You have to love cage matches and how the participants lose the ability to crawl, walk or climb whenever their opponent is on the floor... :lol:
Can someone please explain to me why when Rollins was on top of the cage with Kane below him did he not just jump at Kane? This is the man that put Kane on the shelf and the man that beat him down like 2 weeks ago, yet he puts on a mask and a wig and suddenly he's terrifying!

Can somebody also explain why a low blow knocked cena out for around 20 minutes?

Decent show though, enjoyed it.
Can someone please explain to me why when Rollins was on top of the cage with Kane below him did he not just jump at Kane? This is the man that put Kane on the shelf and the man that beat him down like 2 weeks ago, yet he puts on a mask and a wig and suddenly he's terrifying!

Can somebody also explain why a low blow knocked cena out for around 20 minutes?

Decent show though, enjoyed it.

Would of been a better spot if he jumped, Kane caught him and kept Rollins feet on the ground.
Cage matches always break the immersion too much for me. Just drop to the fecking floor.

Agree... it's just so hard to get behind a Cage Match when they're even more preposterous then most matches that require you to stretch believability.

Apart from Stretcher/Ambulance matches... they're the worst.
I can't enjoy any cage matches. They go to the top of the cage and then stop. It reminds me of that Simpsons bit

"When you get to the top, speed up, don't slow down!"

"But that's when it's the scariest!"
NXT take over this week. Will have three matches (two semis and a final) for the dusty classic. And of course the main event womens match.

Dont believe anything else has been confirmed.
NXT take over this week. Will have three matches (two semis and a final) for the dusty classic. And of course the main event womens match.

Dont believe anything else has been confirmed.

Women's match with be a MOTYC.

Just hoping they keep the score low. 0-0, 1-0, 1-1 or at a push 2-1. Way too many high scoring Iron Man matches over the years. Considering it's a thirty minute one it's important they book it properly and have it low scoring. Too many falls could take away from the magic of the match. Tell yet another great story and take it to the absolute wire.
I think it will finish 1-0 or 2-1 to Bailey. A decision every 10 minutes is not bad.
Also, I like the way they choose music for NXT.

Dana Brooke and Asuka/Kana.

Ah yes. Just catching up on last weeks NXT.
Emma: good luck with that


Guessing Nia may debut as well.
I'm not a fan of ironman matches, everything just feels pointless until the last five minutes and there's no suspense, but if any pairing can pull it off...

Apollo Crews vs Tyler Breeze is completely under the radar but has all the makings of a fantastic match. Big fan of both guys. Also great to see Chad Gable finally make a live show, feel like I've been hyping him for 18 months with nothing.

I'm very interested in seeing how they do the Dusty tournament final, I'd guess the two matches in a night means that we get Finn and the opponents doing a Horsemen beatdown on Joe forming this Balor Club (shite name for a team btw). No teams even fit the bill even left in the tournament for such a role, I guess the Mechanics purely because Scott Dawson is compared to Arn Anderson quite a bit (that said I think they're facing Joe and Balor so who knows).

Maybe they'll get some outsider "Joe Deals" to fill the club.
Pretty excited about the NXT takeover to be honest. Iron Man match should be good if they keep the fall count low, Tag Team classic will have some sort of twist to make it work. Probably designed around Balor, he needs a new feud for the title anyways, since Owens is pretty much over in WWE.
Well they need to build something for the Wembley show :D

Breeze vs Crews will be fun. I like that Breeze has added the unprettier to his offence.

The one thing NXT needs to improve on is the commentary. Not a fan of it and dont like the three men thing they go for.
Looks like Cena is off anyway. He's not being advertised from after Hell in a Cell until the end of the year. Man deserves a holiday. Unless it's an injury in which case he'll probably heal in about a week and make an early return as he always does
Looks like Cena is off anyway. He's not being advertised from after Hell in a Cell until the end of the year. Man deserves a holiday. Unless it's an injury in which case he'll probably heal in about a week and make an early return as he always does
It's for 'personal reasons' and the WWE aren't advertising him for any events until December.

It's a good time for a top guy to take time off as he only misses the lowest of the 'top four' PPVs and he has time to build a feud for the Royal Rumble.
The one thing NXT needs to improve on is the commentary. Not a fan of it and dont like the three men thing they go for.

Yeah that's one thing that's baffled me since I started watching again, having three commentators. While I can understand wanting to shake up the formula of a heel colour commentator and face play by play, the current set up is very messy and people end up stepping on each others lines. At least NXT's commentators focus on the match a lot more than Raw or Smackdown's guys and they have Corey Graves who is hands down the best commentator WWE has.
Yeah that's one thing that's baffled me since I started watching again, having three commentators. While I can understand wanting to shake up the formula of a heel colour commentator and face play by play, the current set up is very messy and people end up stepping on each others lines. At least NXT's commentators focus on the match a lot more than Raw or Smackdown's guys and they have Corey Graves who is hands down the best commentator WWE has.

Think the only reason they have three is because it's developmental for the commentators as much as it is the wrestlers.

Graves and Brennan are good but feck Saxton. My only issue is that i find that there voices are not very 'distinct' from each other.
Another meh RAW (better then last weeks travesty, but not great) - though there was some very good stuff, a Heyman promo, a strong 6-man, Rusev with the line of the night "When we first got together, I didn't like you very much" , and New Day ascending to new levels of awesome and being booked like serious contenders.

I have no faith in the WWE keeping them strong mind you, but yeah... great ending beatdown.
Great start and great ending(It's nice to see New Day looking bad ass for a change) but the middle was crap.

What are the chances of Sasha Banks getting thrown into the title match at HIAC? Not likely but it would make sense with the way it is going and would make that match far more interesting than it's going to be.
Stephanie is the worst character. Shes meant to be a heel, but she wants to get cheered and makes all the superstars look stupid for no absolute reason other than ego. Its the stupidest thing ever.

At least Vince and Shane (and even HHH) did what was right for the wrestlers eventually, she just stands there and talks them down and never gets hers. I dont get the point of her character at all.