Television The Propgropthrop

Pre-show with Neville was amusing. Not surprised by the heels winning, the rivalry is just too good and entertaining to watch to end it already. The triple takout outside of the ring was pretty cool though.

“You think you can powerbomb me? Never!” *gets powerbombed*. oh, never change Owens. Cheap win, but that was to be expected I think.

Undertaker VS Lesnar at Hell in a Cell then? Last match for the phenom?

Xavier Woods is incredible. His commentary would even make my life seem interesting. Also: “BRAAACKKK OOOBAAAMAAAAA”. Amusing match, great ending after the DQ. Nice little reminder that eventhough they are well-liked, they are still heels.

Diva’s match was okay, very predictable but the submission ending was pretty cool I guess. No Paige heel turn makes me sad. Maybe because I just want to hear her accent more.

Did not see Y2J coming, pretty awesome though. Marked out for Reign’s spear on Strowman.

Rollins VS Cena was way better than expected. Nice to see Cena expand on his moves a little and I did not suspect he would take the title from Rollins. Good thing I did not put money on that.

Good match from Sting even with the injury and Sheamus and Kane coming in makes a lot of sense I think. Opens nice doors for Rollins to keep going with his feud against Sting, start something (or continue it) with Kane and with Sheamus still holding the contract he still gets into the mix as well. Hope Sting gets a chance to fight back a bit more, think this injury was unfortunate.

All in all a good PPV.

Yes, long post, I know. Procrastinating from working on school.
The likes of Kane & Big Show have to play the background, don't wanna see them any more.

Wasted their spot using Jericho, Samoa Joe would have been a good addition to the main roster at this point
Sting has been made to look like a joke ever since joining WWE. First he loses to HHH and now he loses to Seth. WWE's booking has been horrendous and if it werent for the fact that they have immensely talented wrestlers who can put on a show this year would have been awful.

I feel bad for Sting to. Being a big WCW fan back in the day I find it crap that the WWE still feel the need to keep scoring points in 2015.
If they were going to have Cena win the US title, which is fine and probably a good move, then they shouldn't have had the matches back to back or had such a tame finish. Sting just looks so lame and Rollins doesn't get much out of beating him I don't think. Glad Sheamus didn't cash in though.
Just after watching it. Mostly meh.

Owens winning wasn't bad.

New Day, nuff said.

Charlotte sold the leg injury better than most of the male roster would have, tbf, by still limping after the match.

The moment Jericho's countdown started, you knew he was coming in to eat the pin. Y2Jobber.

Cena wins lol. (actually happy with this, really)

The feck is the point in jobber Sting? We get it, WCW lost, move the feck on.

Sick to death of that "OMG! MITB cash in! But wait?! What's this?! *interference* He couldn't cash in, but still has the case....."

Would have been more interesting had Kane come out, smashed Rollins, helped Sheamus cash in, then when he's celebrating, smash him too.
Awful ending for Sting match. Absolutely doesn't make sense. Bring him into the title picture out of the blue, hype the hell out and make him lose two PPVs in a row. Disgusting.

Though I still can't decide on which decision was worse, Sting losing or Sheamus winning the MitB before. Creative like to paint themselves into a corner.
Rollins stole the show once again. He was more or less a face last night. He worked incredibly hard against Cena but lost and was AA'd after the match. He then faced Sting and was able to reverse his finisher and win the match. And then he avoided a cash-in after taking a Brogue Kick to the face...And to end his night off, he took a brutal beating from Kane. Which is probably going to set up a Rollins vs. Kane feud, which every champ needs of course. It seems like the sympathetic seeds for a slow face turn were planted.
Cena wins lol. (actually happy with this, really)
Rollins stole the show once again. He was more or less a face last night. He worked incredibly hard against Cena but lost and was AA'd after the match. He then faced Sting and was able to reverse his finisher and win the match. And then he avoided a cash-in after taking a Brogue Kick to the face...And to end his night off, he took a brutal beating from Kane. Which is probably going to set up a Rollins vs. Kane feud, which every champ needs of course. It seems like the sympathetic seeds for a slow face turn were planted.

Rollins will never be a face with Reigns/Ambrose in the picture. They need to find a way to put the Shield backstabbing to rest if they want to go down that route.

Yeah, Rollins has pretty much been the main thread holding up the entire act recently. Post Shield breakup, he has been involved in some main-event plot of the other. Great in the ring, superb mic skills...but there's only so much he can do with lack of proper story support. Reigns, Brock, Cena, Sting..he has pretty much been through the big hitters and still come out on top. That's why I think Kane is another stop-gap match that will only hold till next PPV.

They really need to elevate Reigns/Ambrose and Wyatt family into the title events. Kane/Reigns/Ambrose will be a awesome team and with J&J also moving to the face's side, it'll be an epic feud.
Cena wins lol. (actually happy with this, really)
Not really a CENAWINSLOL moment - I think those are generally reserved for lazy, undeserved victories when it's pretty obvious Creative could think of nothing better to do and ignored an interesting alternative in having the other guy get the win; the archetype being Cena vs the Nexus.

Rollins wasn't going to take up two belts for long and Cena has been trading wins with him for a while. I'm okay with it too.
Not really a CENAWINSLOL moment - I think those are generally reserved for lazy, undeserved victories when it's pretty obvious Creative could think of nothing better to do and ignored an interesting alternative in having the other guy get the win; the archetype being Cena vs the Nexus.

Rollins wasn't going to take up two belts for long and Cena has been trading wins with him for a while. I'm okay with it too.

Exactly. Plus it hopefully keeps Cena away for the WWE title picture which is surely a good thing at this point.
Decided to use my next two free weeks watching the attitude Raw's on the Network. Accidentally missed the first two and instead started with the episode of Austin putting Goldust in a portable toilet (final Raw of 1997). Three weeks before the Royal Rumble. Man brings back so many awesome memories growing up with that product.

While I love it though you know a massive chunk of it would have got seriously shit on today. The first episode opens up with Goldust dressed as a baby. Austin brings down a portable toilet, stunners Goldust and puts him in the toilet. Can you imagine the shit storm if Cena came out and did that to open Raw tonight? :lol:

Every match finished with dodgy finish and a lot of the booking was actually all over the place. You had Terry Funk running around the arena waving a chainsaw, George 'The Animal' Steele not having a clue what's going on as he eats the turnbuckle to pieces and staggers around the ring! Roll on the the following week where Austin decides to stunner about 8 people throughout the night, destroying a portion of the roster. Again, imagine a Cena or somebody doing this nowadays and the different take a lot of people who praise the attitude era would have on it.

I'm having a blast watching it and personally I doubt I'll ever enjoy an era more because I grew up in it and loved it, but people who think everything about the product is shit nowadays while the 90's were a sensational product of pure quality wrestling are way wrong.

That all said, it's the over the top mental stuff that made the attitude era what it was and why I love it.

One more Raw until the 1998 Rumble. Undertaker/Michaels casket match. They showed the highlights on Raw of the HIAC match between the two, will never forget that. IMO I don't feel anything will ever top the original HIAC, such an incredible story. The build to that match was seriously crazy at the time. As a massive Shawn Michaels fan I was legit shit scared for him in the build up.
Not really a CENAWINSLOL moment - I think those are generally reserved for lazy, undeserved victories when it's pretty obvious Creative could think of nothing better to do and ignored an interesting alternative in having the other guy get the win; the archetype being Cena vs the Nexus.

Rollins wasn't going to take up two belts for long and Cena has been trading wins with him for a while. I'm okay with it too.
Yeah, I was just using the term to point out my lack of surprise at the result.
Decided to use my next two free weeks watching the attitude Raw's on the Network. Accidentally missed the first two and instead started with the episode of Austin putting Goldust in a portable toilet (final Raw of 1997). Three weeks before the Royal Rumble. Man brings back so many awesome memories growing up with that product.

While I love it though you know a massive chunk of it would have got seriously shit on today. The first episode opens up with Goldust dressed as a baby. Austin brings down a portable toilet, stunners Goldust and puts him in the toilet. Can you imagine the shit storm if Cena came out and did that to open Raw tonight? :lol:

Every match finished with dodgy finish and a lot of the booking was actually all over the place. You had Terry Funk running around the arena waving a chainsaw, George 'The Animal' Steele not having a clue what's going on as he eats the turnbuckle to pieces and staggers around the ring! Roll on the the following week where Austin decides to stunner about 8 people throughout the night, destroying a portion of the roster. Again, imagine a Cena or somebody doing this nowadays and the different take a lot of people who praise the attitude era would have on it.

I'm having a blast watching it and personally I doubt I'll ever enjoy an era more because I grew up in it and loved it, but people who think everything about the product is shit nowadays while the 90's were a sensational product of pure quality wrestling are way wrong.

That all said, it's the over the top mental stuff that made the attitude era what it was and why I love it.

One more Raw until the 1998 Rumble. Undertaker/Michaels casket match. They showed the highlights on Raw of the HIAC match between the two, will never forget that. IMO I don't feel anything will ever top the original HIAC, such an incredible story. The build to that match was seriously crazy at the time. As a massive Shawn Michaels fan I was legit shit scared for him in the build up.

What?!?! Didn't you ask yourself why Paul Bearer was still feuding with Taker throughout all of this and see the Kane debut coming from literally a mile away?
PPV was decent in terms of matches. What last night illustrates is how shit WWE has been with treating their newers stars and how much they still rely on attitude era guys.

Instead of guys like Rusev, Bray, Ryback, Ziggler, Reigns, Ambrose, Cesaro, Sandow being real forces near the top of the card instead they are relying on Taker, Kane, Big Show, Sting,
I so damn pissed when I saw Chris Jericho coming back. I was praying to badly for it to be Apollo Crews.
Kane is different story, the guy has been such a loyal servant to the WWE and he has always deserved a title run, I just don't think now is the time..
How the feck can wwe justify honouring the women wrestlers of the past when they have this fecking travesty as their champion? and worse still, they have picked the worst wrestler on the rosta to challenge her tonight just because of who her father is!
Charlotte is one of the most talented Divas on the roster. Have you not been watching her matches?She is fantastic. The only other option was Sasha Banks, but techinically she is a heel, so a heel vs heel match wouldn't be very efficient at all.
Charlotte is one of the most talented Divas on the roster. Have you not been watching her matches?She is fantastic. The only other option was Sasha Banks, but techinically she is a heel, so a heel vs heel match wouldn't be very efficient at all.
Trust me, Charlotte is hated in this thread. Delete your post, do it now while you still can.
Trust me, Charlotte is hated in this thread. Delete your post, do it now while you still can.
Are you serious? What the hell are the looking for in a competitor? She is athletic as shit, Great physique(have seen her freakin wingspan!!), very nice moveset(reverse neck breaker, spear, and a bridge figure 4 leg lock) and is a damn hot Womens wrestler.

My only problem is why the hell Ric Flair keeps on being brought in for the storyline. She is more than talented(unlike the Bella Twins) to be recognized as a great performer without her father.
Nah, shes only hated by Phelan tbh.

Sting will probably announce his retirement or something. Shame if so. Wish they had managed to get a moment with him and Taker.
Are you serious? What the hell are the looking for in a competitor? She is athletic as shit, Great physique(have seen her freakin wingspan!!), very nice moveset(reverse neck breaker, spear, and a bridge figure 4 leg lock) and is a damn hot Womens wrestler.

My only problem is why the hell Ric Flair keeps on being brought in for the storyline. She is more than talented(unlike the Bella Twins) to be recognized as a great performer without her father.
Look out. Here comes @phelans shorts !
:lol: Oh no.

Its kinda hard to see where WWE are going with their main storylines. Could be a good thing or a bad thing tbh.

im still hoping my long term plan of Rollins rejoining Shield to take on Authority (lead by HHH) and Wyatts comes true :D Long term of course.

Edit: Wyatts start Raw. Nice change from Rollins / Authority but really thought Sting would open it lol.
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What?!?! Didn't you ask yourself why Paul Bearer was still feuding with Taker throughout all of this and see the Kane debut coming from literally a mile away?

I was a Michaels mark and 10 years old. The thought of my favorite wrestler going against the fecking 'Deadman' inside a Hell In A Cell that had been built up as the most hellacious match in wrestling history didn't exactly fill me with joy at the time.
Paige heel turn woooo! That was an good promo but if they can acknowledge all the problems of the diva revolution why the feck did they go through with those decisions? And now making more bad decisions by sticking Charlotte in a match with Brie.
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Boring rematches, but Corporate happy-chipper Kane is more terrifying then his Demon persona. And yes, Paige saying what we all think about the Diva's revolution. Wonder what her path will be now. Very predictable heel turn, but I do not mind. Think she's better off as a heel.

Also: I really despise Bo Dallas and Dolph Ziggler. That match between Sheamus and Henry was pointless tpp.
Very predictable heel turn, but I do not mind. Think she's better off as a heel.

Yep, agreed esp as sometimes "predictable" is not the worst thing as its the best course for a story to take.

Everybody needs to just go after Charlotte, Fox should be on her own, I dont mind Naomi having Tamina as a bodyguard tbh, but Sasha should be on her own too but dont mind her too much with Team BAD as long as she breaks out eventually as the obvious course of story.

Im actually happy for split personality kane. At first I was wondering where they could go, but it could be a terrifying as feck storyline for Rollins (happy corporate friend with demonic killer machine enemy)
That is until they job out Kane cos they want somebody else to look good. I think kane is the one guy that can pull it off.