Television The Propgropthrop

That was feckin awful. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
How the feck can wwe justify honouring the women wrestlers of the past when they have this fecking travesty as their champion? and worse still, they have picked the worst wrestler on the rosta to challenge her tonight just because of who her father is!
How the feck can wwe justify honouring the women wrestlers of the past when they have this fecking travesty as their champion? and worse still, they have picked the worst wrestler on the rosta to challenge her tonight just because of who her father is!

Eva Marie? Charlotte is fine to take the title off Nikki and once a face has the title she can drop it to Sasha Banks.

Was funny that package about past great female wrestlers, non of whom won that Divas title or were even around for that god awful butterfly belt.
How the feck can wwe justify honouring the women wrestlers of the past when they have this fecking travesty as their champion? and worse still, they have picked the worst wrestler on the rosta to challenge her tonight just because of who her father is!
Nikki right place right time, WWE probably just wanted to get Aj record over taken as quickly as they could, now Nikki has I can see Charlotte winning
Oh great Charlotte is hurt early so it's going to be mostly Nikki on offense before a short comeback and finish rather than a proper back and forth match. This better end quickly.
Cole: "doors didn't open easy for Charlotte being the daughter of Ric Flair"

As she stands next to her dad holding the Divas championship.
Was hoping for a Paige turn at the end. Not a bad match though, decent enough. Nikki get's a ridiculous amount of shit aimed her way, very underrated worker.

Gonna stay up to see the mystery partner now and then watch the rest in the morning. Waiting around to see the hilarious disappointment that's coming :lol: (Hopefully I'm wrong and it's a decent mystery partner. It's tough to get your hopes up when this has happened countless times before to then have a reveal such as Big Show)
Was hoping for a Paige turn at the end. Not a bad match though, decent enough. Nikki get's a ridiculous amount of shit aimed her way, very underrated worker.

Gonna stay up to see the mystery partner now and then watch the rest in the morning. Waiting around to see the hilarious disappointment that's coming :lol: (Hopefully I'm wrong and it's a decent mystery partner. It's tough to get your hopes up when this has happened countless times before to then have a reveal such as Big Show)
Actually the Big slow hasn't turned in about a month so he's due a face turn...