Television The Propgropthrop

Yep, agreed esp as sometimes "predictable" is not the worst thing as its the best course for a story to take.

Everybody needs to just go after Charlotte, Fox should be on her own, I dont mind Naomi having Tamina as a bodyguard tbh, but Sasha should be on her own too but dont mind her too much with Team BAD as long as she breaks out eventually as the obvious course of story.

Im actually happy for split personality kane. At first I was wondering where they could go, but it could be a terrifying as feck storyline for Rollins (happy corporate friend with demonic killer machine enemy)
That is until they job out Kane cos they want somebody else to look good. I think kane is the one guy that can pull it off.
I agree on both parts, all though the limited matches per event limits how the Diva's Division could pan out. Less room for 1vs1's without some of the gangs around to stay relevant as well. Wonder if Paige is gonna hang around alone now or will team up with someone else. Hope the first.

The dual identity of Kane can be really, really cool if they execute it right. The bit where he dragged Rollins under the ring was 50% hilarious and 50% scary.
I don't watch much wrestling these days but was a big fan of the Stinger back in the WCW times, especially in that NWO/Wolfpack/WCW era. He really was one of the best characters in the business. I don't know why the hell he signed for WWE. I have read that he lost his first fight to HHH and now again to this Rollins guy. What's the point in signing a legendary wrestler only to make him constantly lose? Saddens me :(
Paige can play a better heel imo. Its also better for the division that shes heel.

I don't watch much wrestling these days but was a big fan of the Stinger back in the WCW times, especially in that NWO/Wolfpack/WCW era. He really was one of the best characters in the business. I don't know why the hell he signed for WWE. I have read that he lost his first fight to HHH and now again to this Rollins guy. What's the point in signing a legendary wrestler only to make him constantly lose? Saddens me :(

The HHH loss still baffles me. The loss to Rollins made sense. Sting beating HHH and then losing to Rollins would have been perfect for Rollins to brag he did something HHH couldnt. Plus would have made more sense as to why Sting got a title shot (instead of hiding Rollins statue).
I am in complete agreement with phelans regarding Charlotte. She's poop. Or pwp as they say in Wales.
Bo was brilliant when they embraced that he should be a heel and became champ.
My only problem is why the hell Ric Flair keeps on being brought in for the storyline. She is more than talented(unlike the Bella Twins) to be recognized as a great performer without her father.

This irritates me too. Shows that WWE still does not trust the 'revolution' to stand on it's own.

Paige can play a better heel imo. Its also better for the division that shes heel.

Why? Bellas (and Team Bella) plus Sasha (Team BAD) are already heels. Only PCB were overt faces. With Paige turning, there is a imbalance. Becky needs more story time and with Natty back, hopefully they address this.
Charlotte is awful? She may not be the best diva on the roster, but her least these new crop of divas+ Paige, Natty and Alicia Fox understand the fundamentals of story telling, have tremendous athleticism, and now how to entertain the crowd. The Nikki Bella might have improved but they are still shit.
She is putrid on the mic. Her athleticsm is almost nonexsistent(compared to the other divas on the roster). I mean for god sakes have you seen how awkward she looks when she tries to do a springboard drop kick? Not to mention whenever she is in the ring, she does things for the sake of it and not for the sake of telling a story. Enough is enough with trying to forcefully push these untalented bums such as Cameron and Eva Marie and lets see if we can enjoy some legitimate womens wrestling.
Kane's push was well deserved but it came at the wrong time. Rollins is at a point where he should be trying to establish himself as one of the greatest to build up to his feud with HHH. Feuding with a post prime Kane is not something he needs right now imo.
Charlotte is awful? She may not be the best diva on the roster, but her least these new crop of divas+ Paige, Natty and Alicia Fox understand the fundamentals of story telling, have tremendous athleticism, and now how to entertain the crowd. The Nikki Bella might have improved but they are still shit.
She is putrid on the mic. Her athleticsm is almost nonexsistent(compared to the other divas on the roster). I mean for god sakes have you seen how awkward she looks when she tries to do a springboard drop kick? Not to mention whenever she is in the ring, she does things for the sake of it and not for the sake of telling a story. Enough is enough with trying to forcefully push these untalented bums such as Cameron and Eva Marie and lets see if we can enjoy some legitimate womens wrestling.

Nikki is far superior to Charlotte for a multiplude of reasons. Most prevalent of which is that she is safe, which is probably the most important aspect of a wrestlers job. Add in that she never breaks character which Charlotte does constantly (both in ring and in promos), she never fecks up the finishes of her matches (Charlotte has multiple times since promotion).

Also fecking lol at having a go at a Nikki Bella dropkick and using it to say Charlotte is better. Charlotte has a worse dropkick than Erik fecking Watts. It's even more funny when you consider that Nikki is power based not agility based.
I'm not usually the over-sensative type, but Cena doing that felt very disrespectful. WWE have said Seth does that frogsplash as homage to Eddie, and Cena just gets up from it as if it was nothing.

Cena really does suck. I bet he is a right little bitch behind the scenes.
Jesus, what a let down for him. After huge match with Cena and feud with Owens, he's now with the BS. One more career ruin on the way...
Yep, it is very infuriating to watch bums like Big Show get pushes yet Antonio Cesaro who is 2nd best technician in the ring on the roster and a fantastic entertainer and storyteller be treated like crap in the WWE. Him and Bo Dallas should leave the WWE asap and go to TNA if this continues, at least there they will be treated like actual stars for once.

Nikki is far superior to Charlotte for a multiplude of reasons. Most prevalent of which is that she is safe, which is probably the most important aspect of a wrestlers job. Add in that she never breaks character which Charlotte does constantly (both in ring and in promos), she never fecks up the finishes of her matches (Charlotte has multiple times since promotion).

Also fecking lol at having a go at a Nikki Bella dropkick and using it to say Charlotte is better. Charlotte has a worse dropkick than Erik fecking Watts. It's even more funny when you consider that Nikki is power based not agility based.
What does "she is safe" mean?
I'm not going to lie, Charlotte finishing that match with a bridge figure 4 leg lock after selling to the crowd that she had an injured knee made no sense whatsoever, but other than that i have yet to see her break character on the mic or in the ring. Think about this- When was the last time you saw a good match from Nikki Bella?

Charlotte doesn't do drop kicks off the ropes or turnbuckle does so Idk what you are talking about. What I do know is that whenever Nikki tries do something remotely athletic, I feel like turning the TV off..
I've not watched this weeks RAW yet, U.S. There any point? Have I missed much?
Big Show was being made to look like a fool by Miz. Then they realise, wait hes facing brock so lets make him look good, job out Cesaro which will mean people may think hes got a shot at Brock. Bleh.

WWE really dont think about things long term do they? Theres going to be a time where they cant keep on bringing back people from the attitude era and will be like "oh shit..."

But lol @ leave WWE and go to TNA. Id rather be a jobber on Raw than not even watched at all...
As the podcast I was listening too earlier put it... You can tell the Nikki is decent in the ring by comparing her work to her sisters. It's night and day.
Impact gets around 300,000 - 500,000 viewers if I recall. That's maybe 10%-20% of RAW's audience (which has dropped rapidly in recent years), but still hardly qualifies as 'not watched at all'.
Half a million viewers (at most) is pretty much hardly watched at all. That and a fraction of the pay. (well when they make the payments that is)

As the podcast I was listening too earlier put it... You can tell the Nikki is decent in the ring by comparing her work to her sisters. It's night and day.

Which is funny, it seemed like it would have been the other way around over a year ago. brie vs Stephanie was a well thought and put together match. Brie was decent around that time and Nikki wasnt that great at all.
Half a million viewers (at most) is pretty much hardly watched at all. That and a fraction of the pay. (well when they make the payments that is)
Again, not really. It's still quite high for a modern wrestling show. As an example I think RoH and LU have viewers in the 10,000s if they're lucky.

And as far as I can tell, the upper pay scale for TNA is around half a million dollars a year, which would be below WWE upper-carders and some mid-carders, but still way above most of their roster. Their schedules are also considerably lighter, which is a big thing for talent. If you were a mid-carder in WWE going nowhere, going to TNA might be a sensible move depending on how the cards fell.
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Well yeah, really.

Nothing to indicate what youve said is true. (@Guy as far as you can tell). - What does that mean?!
You've said half a million viewers means 'not watched at all', then 'hardly watched at all', and I've said I don't believe that's the case. It's exceptionally high for its peers (it's probably about 5-10 times bigger than LU or RoH, although with RoH it's hard tell as it's distributed across a lot of Mid-West stations locally), and it's out-done by just one show - RAW - which has around 3,000,000+ viewers now. Just saying 'yeah' doesn't qualify what you said in the slightest.

If you do a basic search for wrestlers' salaries you can find the information. I meant it's difficult to tell who exactly makes what a year as it's difficult to discern merchandise and PPV income, although salaries are a good baseline to judge.

You were the one that made the claim you would be cutting your salary to a fraction if a WWE wrestler moved to TNA, so again I don't get how I need 'indications of truth' when you're the one that made a claim without any evidence. I said based on the information we can see about salaries it depends on who you are, as most wrestlers on WWE's roster earn far below the upper limits of what TNA are willing to pay. If you were a mid-carder with no indication you were going to progress with WWE, it might make financial and/or lifestyle sense to jump ship if TNA offered you a good enough contract with less dates.
The "not watched at all" was a tongue in cheek remark about TNAs state of affairs. That and they could be losing a TV slot. (Not sure why ROH, LU is being brought into this though) since my point was being about on Raw compared to TNA.
But based on the information we can see / heard, lots of wrestlers have left TNA because of either not being paid on time, or being paid less (especially compared to a WWE contract)

If you were a mid-carder with no indication you were going to progress with WWE, it might make financial and/or lifestyle sense to jump ship if TNA offered you a good enough contract with less dates.

Which would be great if they were not cost cutting and were actually giving guaranteed contracts right now. Theres only like 5 or so people on those contracts.
The "not watched at all" was a tongue in cheek remark about TNAs state of affairs. That and they could be losing a TV slot. (Not sure why ROH, LU is being brought into this though) since my point was being about on Raw compared to TNA.
But based on the information we can see / heard, lots of wrestlers have left TNA because of either not being paid on time, or being paid less (especially compared to a WWE contract)
State of affairs? It seems to just mean their audience as you said half a million is 'not/hardly watched at all', which is a bit bizarre given they are probably the number two pro wrestling television slot in terms of ratings in the world (I don't think NJPW has pipped them to this). So your scale seems a bit off if everything after number one is literally nothing.

There's a possibility they could lose their current slot as their contract with DA runs out at the end of the year, but I would consider that unlikely as they've gone through this before and managed to pick up another slot, and as per Meltzer TNA have a sizable core audience that actually tends to follow them from station to station. So I don't see their numbers dropping so significantly to qualify as 'not watched at all'.

RoH and LU are fellow North American promotions with television shows, which I presumed we were talking about you were comparing television show ratings of two other promotions. Even if we are to ignore this and just consider the number on its own, half a million or thereabouts doesn't seem insignificant so I have no idea where you came from with this.

TNA delaying on payments was mostly for production staff earlier on in this year, and talent at the higher end wasn't really effected (which is what we're talking about). Wrestlers permanently left mostly because they could make similar or even more money on the indie circuit with less commitments.

I'm confused by the comment in bold though, why would they leave because they didn't make as much as 'a WWE contract'? So Austin Aries would leave TNA because he didn't make as much as John Cena? I don't get the parity here. We were talking about a WWE wrestler leaving for TNA, which apparently was laughable as 'no-one would watch you'. I think we've covered why that's wrong, but there were also considerations like TNA could feasibly pay you more for less dates. By their and WWE's relative pay scales we can see that TNA could feasibly pay more for talent in the mid-card downwards if they wanted them.

Which would be great if they were not cost cutting and were actually giving guaranteed contracts right now. Theres only like 5 or so people on those contracts.
'Guaranteed contracts' doesn't mean what you think it does, at least in pro wrestling. It usually means income not dependent on PPV performance or merchandise sales.

The link above I gave is for salaries which would be independent of this stuff, and using it as a barometer we can see that in a hypothetical scenario TNA could feasibly stump up more money to a lot of WWE's talent. Which would make it a realistic move to go there if they did offer such a contract. So a 'jobber on RAW' might have it quite a bit worse than TNA's mid- and upper-tier talent.
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Again, not really. It's still quite high for a modern wrestling show. As an example I think RoH and LU have viewers in the 10,000s if they're lucky.

And as far as I can tell, the upper pay scale for TNA is around half a million dollars a year, which would be below WWE upper-carders and some mid-carders, but still way above most of their roster. Their schedules are also considerably lighter, which is a big thing for talent. If you were a mid-carder in WWE going nowhere, going to TNA might be a sensible move depending on how the cards fell.

Chances are TNA could be extinct by Christmas and they have massive problems in paying the wrestlers. If it was 2-3 years ago I think it would be a good option potentially, but in the current climate that would be career suicide.
What does "she is safe" mean?
I'm not going to lie, Charlotte finishing that match with a bridge figure 4 leg lock after selling to the crowd that she had an injured knee made no sense whatsoever, but other than that i have yet to see her break character on the mic or in the ring. Think about this- When was the last time you saw a good match from Nikki Bella?

Safe is not injuring your opponents by being reckless or sloppy, something Nikki hasn't done in as long as I can remember. Charlotte however…

Fwiw Nikki carried Charlotte to 2 good matches in 5 days only last week. They were also Charlotte's best performances in the company to date.

Charlotte doesn't do drop kicks off the ropes or turnbuckle does so Idk what you are talking about. What I do know is that whenever Nikki tries do something remotely athletic, I feel like turning the TV off..

When was the last time Nikki did a top rope dropkick, come to think of it? You appear to have two completely different people with completely different strengths and weaknesses mixed up.

Charlotte's regular dropkick is a contender for all time worst.

State of affairs? It seems to just mean their audience as you said half a million is 'not/hardly watched at all', which is a bit bizarre given they are probably the number two pro wrestling television slot in terms of ratings in the world (I don't think NJPW has pipped them to this). So your scale seems a bit off if everything after number one is literally nothing.

There's a possibility they could lose their current slot as their contract with DA runs out at the end of the year, but I would consider that unlikely as they've gone through this before and managed to pick up another slot, and as per Meltzer TNA have a sizable core audience that actually tends to follow them from station to station. So I don't see their numbers dropping so significantly to qualify as 'not watched at all'.

RoH and LU are fellow North American promotions with television shows, which I presumed we were talking about you were comparing television show ratings of two other promotions. Even if we are to ignore this and just consider the number on its own, half a million or thereabouts doesn't seem insignificant so I have no idea where you came from with this.

TNA delaying on payments was mostly for production staff earlier on in this year, and talent at the higher end wasn't really effected (which is what we're talking about). Wrestlers permanently left mostly because they could make similar or even more money on the indie circuit with less commitments.

I'm confused by the comment in bold though, why would they leave because they didn't make as much as 'a WWE contract'? So Austin Aries would leave TNA because he didn't make as much as John Cena? I don't get the parity here. We were talking about a WWE wrestler leaving for TNA, which apparently was laughable as 'no-one would watch you'. I think we've covered why that's wrong, but there were also considerations like TNA could feasibly pay you more for less dates. By their and WWE's relative pay scales we can see that TNA could feasibly pay more for talent in the mid-card downwards if they wanted them.

'Guaranteed contracts' doesn't mean what you think it does, at least in pro wrestling. It usually means income not dependent on PPV performance or merchandise sales.

The link above I gave is for salaries which would be independent of this stuff, and using it as a barometer we can see that in a hypothetical scenario TNA could feasibly stump up more money to a lot of WWE's talent. Which would make it a realistic move to go there if they did offer such a contract. So a 'jobber on RAW' might have it quite a bit worse than TNA's mid- and upper-tier talent.

Your info here is WAYYYYYY out. The top guys make decent midcard WWE pay, yeah. Those deals were signed under the Spike TV deal. TNA aren't making anywhere near that much any more. TNA are also in a position where they have no chance of staying on DA, who themselves were paying next to nothing. Other stations have seen the incompetence involved with running TNA and want nothing to do with them.

TNA were delaying payment to everyone, btw. Unless you think Matt Hardy is production crew.

You're also way out on ROH's viewers by only taking DA viewers into account, which is a tiny portion of their audience compared to Sinclair affiliates, and New Japan worldwide EASILY outdrawn TNA. Hell TNA haven't sold a single ticket in 2015. Not one. That's embarrassing.