Television The Propgropthrop

Interesting stuff, Owens has quite a bit going on, Cena, Joe and Finn, presuming Zayn is out for a while again?
The whoe design of that match leads me to think that they are writing zayn off TV whilst making him look strong for working through his injury, the biggest problem they face at the moment is how will they get through the match at EC without killing Owens momentum if they are planning on putting Cena over.
The whoe design of that match leads me to think that they are writing zayn off TV whilst making him look strong for working through his injury, the biggest problem they face at the moment is how will they get through the match at EC without killing Owens momentum if they are planning on putting Cena over.
Yeah, not a clue how they're going to handle EC.

If it's non title, Cena could eat the loss, or Owens could get himself dq'd, perhaps?
Cena has finished Rusev and been defending his title weekly for the past two months. A clean loss is due.

Plus DQ finishes on PPV's are bullshit.
Yeah, Emma's a bit crap, the rest were very good though. Flair is probably better than any of the women on the main roster barring Paige and maybe Nattie?

Of course, they get a better chance to actually wrestle on NXT.

Emma is fantastic, her use on the main roster has been horrific for such a great wrestler.Don't accidentally steal mobile phone cases then attempt to return it if the store has shoplifter quotas to meet, kids.

Also, Charlotte is bad. Unless she transformed into Manami Toyota between the last tapings and last night.
Cena has finished Rusev and been defending his title weekly for the past two months. A clean loss is due.

Plus DQ finishes on PPV's are bullshit.

Hopefully Owens does not cleanly lose.

They have given him, NXT and NXT title a huge push with what happened on RAW. I think Owens stepping up to the Main Roster and losing cleanly against Cena will reverse all of that, and probably do more harm than good. Maybe Joe will interfere.

Now Joe has appeared, i think he'll probably set up a feud with Owens and Zayn will get pushed him to the main roster. He got some great heat by attacking Cena, refusing the open challenge and stomping on the belt (those gasps were wonderful). Be great if he destroyed Cena.

Personally hope what Owens does to Cena is what Owens did to Zayn. Just completely destroy Cena so the ref stops it. Put him over as a monster heel.
Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch easily MOTN those ladies can work! I guess Zayn vs Owens was kept relatively short and with Zayn on the offensive most of the time to protect him until he has surgery. Great debut for Joe been a fan of this guy during his tenure with ROH and early TNA so its great to see him finally in the WWE.

I'm starting to not want the NXT guys to be called up to the main roster just because things are so good at NXT and im afraid they'll be wasted like The Ascension for example.
RE Cena vs. Owens:

It'd be really cool if Owens won that. Cena seems to be past the Rusev feud now, so he can lose the title (he was never going to lose it to anybody before the I Quit match, because that'd make the I Quit match effectively obsolete). It'd also mean that NXT gains a title, solidifying Kevin Owens as the man of NXT (holding two titles at once), and that the main roster loses a title that it doesn't really need - possibly meaning that the IC title becomes more sought after being the only midcard title left up there. From a marketing point of view, it's one of those things that they could point at on RAW after and say "if you had the Network, you'd have seen that."
I think they badly need the IC title in the main roster. The last thing they need is so much talent fighting over so few belts. Less TV time for a lot of people. If KO wins the IC title he'll just be promoted to main roster and drop the NXT title to Samoa Joe or something.
It's amazing to think, one time with 2 hour shows they managed to find room for the WWF title, Intercontinental, European, Hardcore, LightHeavyweight, and Tag Team, never mind the non title stories.
So TNA has been cancelled by whatever channel was showing them. Does this mean there is a chance of Rusev vs Angle at some point?

You know how they say never say never? That's not the case here.

Angle has burned bridges badly, add in his injuries and he is not being brought back. He's more likely to go to GFW to wrestle Goldberg.
Yeah, the US title is better off with Cena for now.

Owens vs Rusev would be much more awesome imo!
It's not really about te US Title though to be fair, it's about Owens looking strong and the WWE building a star in the proper way, i'm still marking out for Joe though, Owens Vs Joe will be amazing IMO.
It's not really about te US Title though to be fair, it's about Owens looking strong and the WWE building a star in the proper way, i'm still marking out for Joe though, Owens Vs Joe will be amazing IMO.

There are loads of better ways of doing that. Cena may be in a lower title, but he definitely is not a midcarder...yet. The big difference is as seen with Neville or Zayn, losing to Cena still made them look strong. Won't work with KO that way. Him winning takes the US title (which nowadays is a RAW highlight) away from RAW which is a shame.

Orton has nothing to do now.
Ryback/Wyatt is a meaningless feud. At least Rusev/Ziggler has Lana there.
Cesaro is being wasted in the tag team.
And there are hosts of low level players like Fandango, Stardust etc

All of whom he can fight with and come out on top looking strong. In fact the more I think of it, the more I think he will do well with Orton.
There are loads of better ways of doing that. Cena may be in a lower title, but he definitely is not a midcarder...yet. The big difference is as seen with Neville or Zayn, losing to Cena still made them look strong. Won't work with KO that way. Him winning takes the US title (which nowadays is a RAW highlight) away from RAW which is a shame.

Orton has nothing to do now.
Ryback/Wyatt is a meaningless feud. At least Rusev/Ziggler has Lana there.
Cesaro is being wasted in the tag team.
And there are hosts of low level players like Fandango, Stardust etc

All of whom he can fight with and come out on top looking strong. In fact the more I think of it, the more I think he will do well with Orton.

It makes more of an impact for him beating Cena, even by count out, he could even win the title at EC and drop it back to Cena after interference from Zayn or Joe. Then again, I am looking at it as Kevin Steen Vs Cena, which is kind of a dream match for me and one that I have put on my fantasy cards for years. I just want WWE to build him in the right way, ROH deserve so much more respect for the way that they develop stars. Owens could easily be the world champion one day, they just have to book him right.

I'm a huge Owens mark.

It makes more of an impact for him beating Cena, even by count out, he could even win the title at EC and drop it back to Cena after interference from Zayn or Joe. Then again, I am looking at it as Kevin Steen Vs Cena, which is kind of a dream match for me and one that I have put on my fantasy cards for years. I just want WWE to build him in the right way, ROH deserve so much more respect for the way that they develop stars. Owens could easily be the world champion one day, they just have to book him right.

I'm a huge Owens mark.

My only disagreement is that Cena is doing US championship a big favour here. After being neglected and mishandled, that belt is having a renaissance here and putting it on Owens will stop that. WWE needs to do more to US and IC titles and putting one on Owen right now will just be bad. A DQ loss to Cena would work, but I would prefer if Owen would win clean over someone else.

Agree on world champion, though it's a bit far down the line. The thought of Ownes/Rollins under Authority vs Reigns/Ambrose is just :drool: with a possible Owens vs Rollins few to see who is HHH's favourite.
My only disagreement is that Cena is doing US championship a big favour here. After being neglected and mishandled, that belt is having a renaissance here and putting it on Owens will stop that. WWE needs to do more to US and IC titles and putting one on Owen right now will just be bad. A DQ loss to Cena would work, but I would prefer if Owen would win clean over someone else.

Agree on world champion, though it's a bit far down the line. The thought of Ownes/Rollins under Authority vs Reigns/Ambrose is just :drool: with a possible Owens vs Rollins few to see who is HHH's favourite.
I have a bit of a fantasy stable in my head featuring Owens, Joe and Daniel Bryan, being anti wwe and indie guys, in my head i was going to call them the Internet Darlings, but ROH think the same way I do and named a Tag team the Internet Darlings so that's out, they were obviously feuding with the authority in my fantasy booking too.
I have a bit of a fantasy stable in my head featuring Owens, Joe and Daniel Bryan, being anti wwe and indie guys, in my head i was going to call them the Internet Darlings, but ROH think the same way I do and named a Tag team the Internet Darlings so that's out, they were obviously feuding with the authority in my fantasy booking too.
The crowd wouldn't know where to begin with the chants! :D
I feel that the brilliant match last night between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch shouldn't be overlooked, it just occurred to me that with the quality of the show last night and the well worked ending to the main event with Zayns injury, that the womans title match may be overlooked, but it was fecking superb!