Television The Propgropthrop

Right I've finished the show more organised thoughts.

Tyler Breeze is money, his entrance was out of this world good. The match was good until that fecking stupid ending. Those spots were so forced it killed the match for me. The womens tag match, Charlotte is still awful, Dana bumped like crazy, I wonder who taught her that eh. Evil Emma is still one of the best things going in the company right now, her rubbing Dana's bicep on the entrance was a great touch.

Corbin is something of an enigma to me, I like him but not anything he does in particular, although that finish is very impressive every time. Enzo is improving stupidly fast now that he doesn't have DeMott outright bullying him, who'd have thought.

The womens title match. OH MY feckING GOD THAT WAS EVEN BETTER THAN I EXPECTED AND I HAD HUGE EXPECTATIONS. Stupidly good match. Just leaves me wondering what might have been if not for Becky's neck injury. She could have been GOAT tier.

The main event was good for what it was, write Sami off for surgery and give Owens another big name opponent, just a shame that Joe is getting such a role when he's already fecked from doing dumb fecking spots on TNA shows that no one was watching. His next few months will be very interesting. I'd imagine other guys will get similar "NXT is an indie now" contracts in the near future.

Although his ripoff LL Cool J theme was fecking awful.
NXT once again was a helluva lot of fun. Tyler is great, I just have this feeling on the WWE roster he will be no higher than Ziggler. Finn has the greatest entrance in wrestling today. Just a shame about Hideo.

Cass and Enzo are great together. I hope it translates to the main roster.

Think Charlotte will be called up soon. The womens title match was easily MOTN. Great showing by both.

Main event was what I hoped and expected. Zayn looked fantastic but was written off for now due to KO being a killer. And Joes debut :D Agreed he needs new music though :lol:

Who would have thought Joe and Owens would come to WWE looking like they do and being used in spots they are currently in.

As for Owens vs Cena. A Owens DQ or no contest because he flattens Cena will be best imo. US Open continues on Raw (and leaves open a future cena/Owens feud), Owens looks strong because of it and doesnt have to eat a loss (which as stated was fine for Zayn as it fits his character).
A legit "Holy shit!" moment....

Just seen Banks vs Lynch...easily the best womens match I've ever seen, absolutely phenomenal.
I check in with NJPW on phelans shorts recommendation, I watch ROH regularly and obviously WWE and NXT.
I just don't have time for it all. Way back, I used to watch WCW back when it was so batshit insane and awful, it looped around to magnificent, along with picking up ECW vids when possible, and some of the Backyard Wrestling stuff.
I just don't have time for it all. Way back, I used to watch WCW back when it was so batshit insane and awful, it looped around to magnificent, along with picking up ECW vids when possible, and some of the Backyard Wrestling stuff.

Sid Vicious/Justice and Flying Brian were the greatest of all time! WCW on ITV was legendary! I used to love that show.
Sid Vicious/Justice and Flying Brian were the greatest of all time! WCW on ITV was legendary! I used to love that show.

I remember it being on some sports show on a Saturday afternoon as well. I also remember watching 'WWF' when it was on sky movies before moving to sky sports, feck me that must have been 23-25 years ago.