Television The Propgropthrop


That was a brilliant debut for Owens. Shame that the crowd was terrible. His career with the WWE has been so good, and it's all happened at a fast rate. His debut came shortly after being signed; he then won the NXT Championship in his first month, destroying pretty much everyone that challenged him; and he's just made an appearance on RAW. Triple H is fully behind him. There's no way that creative are going to screw this up.
There's a way...there's always a way.
Just catching up on Payback - did anybody else notice that after they'd put Orton through the table, when they were clearing the other table Ambrose threw a camera and it bounced and hit Orton on the floor?:lol:
Is his the fastest career growth ever? NXT title in a month or so. RAW debut is a feud with Cena, first main roaster match might be in a PPV :eek:

They are bringing them all on FAST! Neville will be a champ of some kind soon, Finn Balour will be up with the big boys very soon too I imagine. Carlisto will also go far.
Well since Brock and Kurt most probably. Kurt having the triple crown within like 10 months will probably not be beaten though, especially given it was an era where Austin, Rock, HHH, Jericho, ****** and Mick were at some point if not all of it full time. Forget the likes of Edge, Eddie, Taker all being there too.

But yeah, they all worked well in that 99-03 because they were pushed aggressively and quickly into spotlights, it worked amazingly with the Shield over the past few years, they need to do it again. Doesn't mean you have to hand them the titles quick, just give them spotlight that means something, so that when they go down in the card, THEY mean something.
They are bringing them all on FAST! Neville will be a champ of some kind soon, Finn Balour will be up with the big boys very soon too I imagine. Carlisto will also go far.

He luchas in the face of people who don't want to be cool.

Im still hoping for a Joe debut on NXT :P Have Owens destroy Zayn at the end, stand tall then Joe comes out, face to face with him.

One can hope
Him holding both the NXT and US titles? I think he'll keep the NXT and lose to Cena. That way they keep building the feud and when Zayn also makes it up full time, the feud will have extra threat.

And no more curb stomp? Rollins needs a finisher. That pedigree was awful.
Him holding both the NXT and US titles? I think he'll keep the NXT and lose to Cena. That way they keep building the feud and when Zayn also makes it up full time, the feud will have extra threat.

And no more curb stomp? Rollins needs a finisher. That pedigree was awful.
Seems like he's keeping it....

No, Seth. Not on you.
I am so pumped for NXT tonight! @Earthquake i haven't forgotten about you dude, but network exclusive seem harder than i thought to find, i have a last resort up my sleeve though.
I have a real irrational hatred for Byron Saxton. Makes me angry whenever he speaks.