Television The Propgropthrop

Oh for feck's sake, Teddy Long is there. He'll make this a tag team match.
Nobody thought about bringing bolt cutters?

I watch wrestling far too much. My first mental image after reading "bolt cutters" wasn't of actual bolt cutters. It was of Usain Bolt hitting a cutter move.
I watch wrestling far too much. My first mental image after reading "bolt cutters" wasn't of actual bolt cutters. It was of Usain Bolt hitting a cutter move.

Nice. Well it seemed idiotic especially since WWE recently posted this in an article on their web site along with a video:

Beware of bolt cutters in the Playground

At Hell in a Cell 2009, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase locked Triple H out in the DX vs. Legacy Tag Team Hell in a Cell Match before it even began. This left The Game's partner, HBK, to suffer an absolutely brutal double assault at the hands of the second-generation Superstars. However, Triple H would not be left out in the cold for long. With the help of bolt cutters, the future WWE COO made short work of the steel chains that secured the door, then stormed into the ring to even the odds.
I'm getting huge nWo vibes from this too. You've got Triple H, AirBoom, Zeke, Riley etc. as the "WCW" - the company itself. Then you'll have Truth, Miz, Swagger, Ziggler, Otunga, Vickie, Laurinaitis, Rhodes and Christian as the nWo.

CM Punk is Sting. The lone wolf character.

But I'm not sure where Cena and Rock fit in. At the moment I'm leaning towards a Cena heel turn (I know, I know). Cena is "the third man." Rock is now fighting not just for the lulz, but because he represents the prime era of the WWE (in a lot of people's minds).
Heh, not too pleased with the endings of both the World championship matches. It seemed as though Mark Henry was getting over with the fans (who were piss poor BTW) and then the Randy Orton superface onslaught began.

With all the power struggle going on I almost forgot that Del Rio won the championship. They should have made Cena climb to the top of the cell and jump through the centre and I wouldn't have even cared if he had won after that. I was really rooting for Punk but oh well, let's see how long this Del Rio era lasts.

Also, the Sin Cara match was a lot slower than I expected and there only a total of about 5 moves repeated over and over in the whole thing? Nevertheless I prefer the original Sin Cara, even if he does botch up a lot. He has a lot more personality and we haven't even heard him speak yet!
I think they've got a tour of Mexico coming up, which is why they've shifted the title onto Del Rio. They'll probably do something with the Sin Cari there too.

I've got a bit of an old school mentality when it comes to title reigns, I prefer them to be longer. Being a 3x World Champion isn't quite as impressive when you notice that the guy only held the title for about twenty-odd days on average each reign.
I think they've got a tour of Mexico coming up, which is why they've shifted the title onto Del Rio. They'll probably do something with the Sin Cari there too.

I've got a bit of an old school mentality when it comes to title reigns, I prefer them to be longer. Being a 3x World Champion isn't quite as impressive when you notice that the guy only held the title for about twenty-odd days on average each reign.
Agree, I like what they've been doing with Cody Rhodes. That mask should be coming off soon too.
Big Show. :cool:

Seems to be in good shape, the way he was moving about before his promo, and when he ran down to confront Henry. The promo was a bit awkward though, with his "serious acting."

RAW tonight should be interesting, with the whole "everyone's refusing to compete" thing going on.
Johnny Ace in charge of RAW. I'm hoping the eventual guy in charge will be Mick Foley (as they're saying this is only temporary).
Yeah, that was a terrible reason for walking out. I can understand Christian, and Rhodes, and the cowardly heels, but why would somebody like Mark Henry be hiding in the parking lot?
H and Punk vs. Awesome Trush
Cena vs. Del Rio
Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Vengence should be good. They need to stop embarrassing Henry though, it's making "the world strongest man" seem like a pretty shit Heavyweight Champion.

I would have prefered someone else teaming with Punk, or someone else teaming with H though. They were mortal enemies what, 2 weeks ago?
What's Jericho doing on Smackdown, I thought he didn't wrestle anymore...

Also Santino is a fecking embarrassment.

That was a replay of a match from a couple of years or so back mate.

Jericho still hasn't returned to the WWE yet.
I loved that whole segment at the start of Raw with HHH, Cena, Sheamus and Punk.

But, I just want The Undertaker back.

It's rumoured that he's returning this month. My bet is on him being the one to stop Mark Henry.
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk at Wrestlemania. You heard it here first (or second if you heard it elsewhere).

I heard it here about thirtieth.

Probably be Wrestlemania 29, so it isn't overshadowed by Rock/Cena at this one.
I wonder how pissed off Del Rio was that Cena got a bigger cheer than him in his home country.

It happens unfortunately. All those little kiddies screaming for Cena does it.

I was watching a video on youtube one time, it was from a house show in Dublin. Sheamus got a great reaction in his home city, but it sounded like it was bigger for Cena. It's all the young ones in their Cena gear.