Television The Propgropthrop

John Cena has 12 world titles :lol:. So he'll have for sure more than Flair within maybe 2-3 years, and he'll probably be on about 20 by the time he retires, if not more!! :eek:

Don't get me started.

I am also glad Mark Henry is now champion, it's new and makes for a complete change. I was a big fan of The Nation back in the day so I'm glad to see a former member is still around and has now been given a push and rewarded with a title run.
The Muppets are going to appear on the Halloween episode of RAW. Now, all Vickie/Miss Piggy and Sheamus/Beaker jokes aside, I want Statler and Waldorf on commentary. Seriously.
Been a WWE fan for 20 years, back when it was known as WWF and they had wrestlers like Dino Bravo, Jimmy Snuka, The Powers of Pain, Demolition, Bushwackers, Brutus the Barber Beefcake.....the good old days :D

Me too. Did you know that the Texas tornado wrestled in the WWF with only one foot? I was shocked when I found this out as he was always one of my favourites as a kid and it never really showed.
Been a WWE fan for 20 years, back when it was known as WWF and they had wrestlers like Dino Bravo, Jimmy Snuka, The Powers of Pain, Demolition, Bushwackers, Brutus the Barber Beefcake.....the good old days :D

Style :cool:

Ah yeah, those were great days. The Heart-foundation, Jim "Hacksaw" Duggan, Sting, Randy Savage... i used to tape it on ITV (i think) when it was on about 1 or 2 am on a school night in the mid-80's, and watch it the next day, feckin loved it. Have mellowed into hard-core midget-porn over the years now tho!

Keep up the good work :)
I really got into WWE during the Attitude Era. Favourite PPV was Unforgiven as it used to air near my birthday every year and Stephanie McMahon and I share the same birthday :D so there always tended to be a good storyline featuring her during that time. Also, I pretty much worshipped Stone Cold at the time and Undertaker scared the crap out of me every time he came on screen.
Ooh, are we doing the how we got into it thing?

I start off watching WCW on Channel 5. Bloody miracle that it didn't put me off for life, as it was round the time Russo started going mental with it. My favourite there was Goldberg.

Then you had Heat on Channel 4, as well as a few PPVs. I've managed to trace back my WWF watching to April 2000, when Viscera defeated Chris Jericho on Heat (that's the earliest match I can remember).

My first PPV was Backlash 2001. Great one to start with, with Rhyno vs. Raven in a Hardcore Match, Shane McMahon vs. Big Show (featuring Shane leaping off the titantron), and Angle vs. Benoit. I think my favourite at the time would have been The Rock (I was such a little mark).

Stopped watching because I lost the channels it was on in early 2002, and came back again in around August 2003. Meaning that I missed the Goldberg/Rock feud :( Watched it since then though.
Just checking up Channel 4 started showing Heat in January 2000 so that must have been when i started watching it as we didn't have anything other than the normal 4 channels at home until freeview came out. The first PPV i saw was the one that ended with Triple H vs Cactus Jack.

I remember watching Heat at my Grans house every Sunday when we'd pop over for lunch, she used to love the old British Wrestling so put it on but didn't like the WWF style, i loved it. Always seemed to be Too Cool wrestling against Kaientai and it was great, they also showed the clips of what was happening on Raw and Smackdown which was useful as i had no way of watching that!

A few months later my Dad got Sky and we used to watch Smackdown every other Saturday night when i was over. Don't think i watched a full episode of Raw until Across The Nation was the theme song, just saw the highlights.

My Dad would record PPV's on video off a German feed, luckily in English, and bring them round which i would watch and then lend out to my friends. I also used to sneak downstairs and watch the few PPV's that were on Channel 4.

I stopped watching it not long after the brand split as it wasn't seen as cool anymore, but i still checked the write ups online from time to time. It seemed to get popular again for a while when i was taking my GCSE's as i remember a few guys doing the Cena "You can't see me" thing, but i didn't start watching again properly till just before i went to uni in 2005.
I was a Wrestling fan because my Nan used to take me to see the likes of Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy at the Tooting leisure centre in the mid-80s.

I got into WWF as a friend used to get VHS tapes of Wrestlemania and lend them to me.

Stopped being a real fan in my late teens (just before the "Attitude" stuff) but still can appreciate a good match.
Haven't watched wrestling in years now. Used to love it when i was younger.
I watched it probably from a bit before Mr McMahon & Stone Cold screwed over the Rock at Wrestlemania, all through that WCW takeover bit, and lost interest a while later.

I look at it now though, and half the idiots on the microphone say the corniest/boring stuff ever. None of it is ever funny...
My best mate started doing amateur wrestling, and he now points out all the little tricks of the trade, so if ever i sit down and watch a match, I kinda look out for all the stuff he tells me, as opposed to getting into the storyline of the whole thing...
Just checking up Channel 4 started showing Heat in January 2000 so that must have been when i started watching it as we didn't have anything other than the normal 4 channels at home until freeview came out. The first PPV i saw was the one that ended with Triple H vs Cactus Jack.

I remember watching Heat at my Grans house every Sunday when we'd pop over for lunch, she used to love the old British Wrestling so put it on but didn't like the WWF style, i loved it. Always seemed to be Too Cool wrestling against Kaientai and it was great, they also showed the clips of what was happening on Raw and Smackdown which was useful as i had no way of watching that!

A few months later my Dad got Sky and we used to watch Smackdown every other Saturday night when i was over. Don't think i watched a full episode of Raw until Across The Nation was the theme song, just saw the highlights.

My Dad would record PPV's on video off a German feed, luckily in English, and bring them round which i would watch and then lend out to my friends. I also used to sneak downstairs and watch the few PPV's that were on Channel 4.

I stopped watching it not long after the brand split as it wasn't seen as cool anymore, but i still checked the write ups online from time to time. It seemed to get popular again for a while when i was taking my GCSE's as i remember a few guys doing the Cena "You can't see me" thing, but i didn't start watching again properly till just before i went to uni in 2005.

I would suggest that me and Woods helped the wrestling addiction at Uni :P
the Cena "You can't see me" thing

Kalou did that to celebrate a goal a while back, as well as Punk's "X" gesture. Then got in trouble because people thought it was some kind of political statement.

Also, Lex Luger's Wikipedia picture has him wearing a United hat. Probably just liked how it looks though, not a fan like MVP.

Actually, that reminds me of a show I went to. Chris Benoit was champ at the time, and he was cutting a promo, and finished it with "taking this title off me is going to be like taking the FA Cup off Man United." Massive boos for that, and you could tell he was thinking "I just praised the hometown team! What is wrong with these people?"
I started watching around the time of Hogan/Beefcake vs Money Inc at mania 9. I remember the Yoko/Taker storylines and Luger/Hart storylines vividly.

Then had a teency break and came back just as the Montreal Screwjob happened.

Been watching ever since.

Loved the days that Cartoon Network turned into TNT with Nitro at like 10pm.
Me too. Did you know that the Texas tornado wrestled in the WWF with only one foot? I was shocked when I found this out as he was always one of my favourites as a kid and it never really showed.

Did you know hehe commtied suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a 45. colt.
Style :cool:

Ah yeah, those were great days. The Heart-foundation, Jim "Hacksaw" Duggan, Sting, Randy Savage... i used to tape it on ITV (i think) when it was on about 1 or 2 am on a school night in the mid-80's, and watch it the next day, feckin loved it. Have mellowed into hard-core midget-porn over the years now tho!

Keep up the good work :)

I'm not as into it nowadays as I used to be, but I still tune in from time to time, and I normally go to see them when they come here to Belfast.

I lived my dream of going to Wrestlemania, it was unbelievable.
Did you know hehe commtied suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a 45. colt.

Yes mate. Kerry von Eric was a very fecked up individual that needed but never got any professional help.
I've got tickets for the Raw 02 arena show in November. I haven't been to a live show since summerslam '92 at wembley.
I often read through this thread but never watch WWF anymore. I cant believe that stack of shit Mark Henry has been given the title

Has he ever had a good match?
I often read through this thread but never watch WWF anymore. I cant believe that stack of shit Mark Henry has been given the title

Has he ever had a good match?

It's a monster tale, they do them every so often, look at the old Earthquake Hogan storyline for reference.
The problem with Henry, (aside from injury and some of the worst booking ever during "Sexual Chocolate",) was an inability to translate his size and strength into coming across as a genuine badass in the ring. Over the last few years, he's overcome that problem, and when booked right, which he absolutely has since his recent move to Smackdown, looks like an absolute beast.
Don't watch wrestling at all anymore but loved it back at the the beginning of the new millenium. Just popped in here to see what was going down and had a massive flashback when people were talking about Raw:

Actually thinking about it, WWF probably had a big influence on being getting into nu-metal back then. Loved the theme songs
The problem with Henry, (aside from injury and some of the worst booking ever during "Sexual Chocolate",) was an inability to translate his size and strength into coming across as a genuine badass in the ring. Over the last few years, he's overcome that problem, and when booked right, which he absolutely has since his recent move to Smackdown, looks like an absolute beast.

Yeah, they're pushing him as this indestructable monster who steamrolls over anybody in his way, and nobody can stop him. Then returns.....The Undertaker! A lot of talk on various WWE sites that Undertaker will return and stop Henry's reign of terror, thus setting up a feud between the two.
Can anyone sum up RAW for me? I won't get chance to watch it after I recorded it until Monday, I saw 10 mins of it this morning HHH saying a triple threat hell in a cell Del Rio, Cena and Punk but then had to switch off. What happened for the rest of it?

This wasn't shown but here's what they did show,

Look just after he got hit, you can see the blood pouring onto the announce table. Ouch.