Television The Propgropthrop

WWE Tag Team Match
The Miz & R-Truth vs. The Rock & John Cena

Winner: The Rock & John Cena

WWE Championship Match
CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio(c)

Winner: CM Punk (clean) or Nash will show his ugly head again and Del Rio will win, I could easily see HHH making his return to even things out.

WWE World Heavy Weight Championship Match
Big Show vs. Mark Henry(c)

Winner: Mark Henry

WWE Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match
Team Barrett (Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Hunico, Dolph Ziggler & Cody Rhodes) vs. Team Orton (Randy Orton, Mason Ryan, Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara, & Sheamus)

Winner: Team Orton

WWE Diva Championship Match
Divas Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Eve

Winner: Beth Phoenix

WWE United States Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler(c) vs. John Morrison

Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Would be good if they could have Cena turning heel on Rock tonight.

Never happen, but it'd be nice.
Would be good if they could have Cena turning heel on Rock tonight.

Never happen, but it'd be nice.

We can only dream. Cena smashing the Rocks face in at the end of the night would suit me just fine.
Even just for storyline purposes, seeing that arrogant, obnoxious, smug, D* grade actor Dwayne Johnson laid flat out on the mat with Cena above him would be fantastic and also it would piss off all those neanderthal smarky virgins.
Alicia Fox. :drool:

Right. Hardly watch WWE these days but watched this tonight because I will always like the Rock and want to follow his angle through to Mania. Not completely in tune with storylines but it's obvious that WWE have to turn Cena heel, he is being booed by the crowd and he's supposed to be the top face in the company. Plus the Rock was booked to make him look so weak and he has no credibility after tonight.

Whenever this has happened the tired face run has to result in a heel turn, he already has a ton of heat and would instantly have credibility as a heel. I know from reading up he has a huge fanbase with Kids and his merchandise sells well but the crowd clearly find him boring. This happened to Hogan and to a lesser extent Rock and Austin at one point or another and the obvious thing to do is to turn them heel because it breathes fresh life into the character. I bet he is sick working to mixed reactions or complete booing every other week.

I reckon this could happen tomorrow on Raw as Cena was humiliated tonight really by the booking. WWE can't turn Rock heel as the crowd love him and it's completely out of tune with his people champion gimmick despite how cocky he was portrayed at the end. They could try it but Cena would still get hammered every week.

Any reason why WWE are so reluctant to turn Cena heel when his face run is so obviously run its course? He will get booed every time he is in a match with Rock or CM Punk who are clearly over with the crowd. I don't watch WWE much these days but whenever I have ordered the occasional PPV it's always the same reaction and this goes back at least four years. It's very odd to see the top face so widely disliked. I have never seen anything as sustained as that.

I really like the team of Awesome Truth as well. Going look up how their angle started as it looks a good one. I'd really like to see them involved with Punk now he has the title as the promos and matches could be fun before they start to put the Mania storylines together. Tempted to watch abit more regularly again if they did something like that. I'm only tuning in tonight to see Rock and see first hand this situation with the top face being despised.
Ole, it's been obvious for a very long time that Cena has needed a heel turn, and on merchendising, CM Punk has been outselling him for a while now.

This I can see but there must be a reason why they don't. Even if Punk is outselling him for merchandise Cena must still be some kind of draw because he gets hammered in the PPVs. I can't see how they can keep this going though by putting him in a main event fued with the Rock. The Rock has been booked so strongly throughout this so you can't do face vs face. So far, the Rock has cost Cena his Wrestlemania main event match, completely dominated the tag match tonight and again rock bottomed him at the finish. The Rock has also run promo after promo poking fun at Cena's complete lack of popularity and what's more the crowd are hot for it. It makes Cena look very weak. They have to turn him heel now as he's never going to win a popularity contest with the Rock. Fecking hell he struggles to win a popularity contest with bona fide heels with plenty of heat.

On a sidenote, WWE must absolutely fly through angles these days and considering Smackdown is now a none event, I don't see how they do it. Punk obviously has fueded in one way or another with Del Rio, Cena, Nash, HHH, Awesome Truth and John L(I can't spell his name) since Summerslam and there has been numerous title changes and they have accelerated through CEO angle with breakneck speed, going off the previews tonight and the limited reading I have done. You could only keep track of this if you watched each week and it does nothing for the credibility of the wrestlers. Punk is still over but fecking hell. There's almost a year's worth of stuff there gone through in 3 months. The whole thing with Awesome Truth obviously could have been built up alot more slowly as well.
Hhhmm, apparently he said "I don't care what they think" (about the audience) and "no more mr. nice guy" leading to up and after the rock bottom, I can't say I noticed though.
I'm hoping the reason they didn't do a heel turn tonight is because they want to do it on tv in front of a larger audience. Otherwise this was a huge feckup. I really do feel like Cena was humiliated tonight and basically worked as a jobber for a legend who only shows up occasionally, and a lot of people who love The Rock and hate Cena (the character, not the person) are actually feeling a bit sorry for Cena.

Worst of all people are starting to feel like they're sick of The Rock, which is bad, because that's the same stuff they've been saying about Cena this whole time. And burying Cena isn't going to make us like him after feeling sorry for him. It's just going to make the whole thing look stupid.

Ole part of the problem with the speed of the booking is that they have 13 pay per views a year. They had 12 during the Attitude Era, so that's not much different, but since the brand extension, each brand has only had half the time for buildup.

Of course the simplest answer to all of these questions is that the writers might just be dumb as rocks.
Hhhmm, apparently he said "I don't care what they think" (about the audience) and "no more mr. nice guy" leading to up and after the rock bottom, I can't say I noticed though.

It seemed like there was supposed to be something important going on in that conversation, but the mics didn't properly pick it up or something.
Hhhmm, apparently he said "I don't care what they think" (about the audience) and "no more mr. nice guy" leading to up and after the rock bottom, I can't say I noticed though.

Missed this as well. He did the same thing with his angle with Punk though. Proper heel turn would be him running his mouth on the fans and taking the Rock out tomorrow night. He would instantly be the biggest heel in the company and would generate more heat than Del Rio, Cole or Laurintis combined. He must want it himself. I could not go out night after night and get booed when I'm supposed to be liked. He's a joke at the present.
I'm hoping the reason they didn't do a heel turn tonight is because they want to do it on tv in front of a larger audience. Otherwise this was a huge feckup. I really do feel like Cena was humiliated tonight and basically worked as a jobber for a legend who only shows up occasionally, and a lot of people who love The Rock and hate Cena (the character, not the person) are actually feeling a bit sorry for Cena.

Worst of all people are starting to feel like they're sick of The Rock, which is bad, because that's the same stuff they've been saying about Cena this whole time. And burying Cena isn't going to make us like him after feeling sorry for him. It's just going to make the whole thing look stupid.

Ole part of the problem with the speed of the booking is that they have 13 pay per views a year. They had 12 during the Attitude Era, so that's not much different, but since the brand extension, each brand has only had half the time for buildup.


Of course the simplest answer to all of these questions is that the writers might just be dumb as rocks.

The brand extension seems to have died. THe main eventers are all on Raw. Smackdown is an afterthought and even the few big names on there end up on Raw regularly from what I can see.

Even with 13 PPVS, the pace of the booking seems to extreme. There's some potentially quality angles there which seem to have just been flown through. The CEO angle and the Awesome Truth stuff on Raw being the most obvious as well as the title changing all the time. Take Del Rio. He's a two time champion, Royal Rumble winner and MITB winner but I hardly consider him a big heel. They seemed to be building up to a HHH heel turn vs Punk which would have been a good angle and then all of a sudden he is fueding with John L(how fecking dull is he btw) and Nash(who is completely past it). Very odd. Nash vs HHH would be a very dull match, he's had his day. Not to mention building up and then seemingly completely abandoning this anonymous Raw GM idea.

I think Cena will turn tomorrow as it's the natural way to book him against someone with the gimmick of being the "people's champion". The Rock will still be hugely over with the crowds and TV whatever the Internet fans say. He's the biggest draw in the WWE by a mile. If anything fueding with the Rock will eventually help Cena but he has to turn heel and build up some credibility again. There's certainly a spot there for a heel which seem distinctly lacking at the moment. There's not a heel in the company worthy of fueding with Punk at the moment perhaps aside from Awesome Truth.
The brand extension seems to have died. THe main eventers are all on Raw. Smackdown is an afterthought and even the few big names on there end up on Raw regularly from what I can see.

Even with 13 PPVS, the pace of the booking seems to extreme. There's some potentially quality angles there which seem to have just been flown through. The CEO angle and the Awesome Truth stuff on Raw being the most obvious as well as the title changing all the time. Take Del Rio. He's a two time champion, Royal Rumble winner and MITB winner but I hardly consider him a big heel.

I think they've certainly recognized that they need to merge the brands, but it seems like they want to do it slowly. There's still stars on Raw that don't appear on both shows (Cena and Punk being the most notable) but I do think they'll move back to the old format eventually. As of right now though the titles are still separate so there's only half the field for each one and I think that hurts them a little bit.

I think Ziggler, Miz, and Truth are the most credible heels on the Raw side. Punk and Del Rio are going to keep feuding through TLC but afterwards, I think only Ziggler has a shot at the title since Miz looks like he'll be doing tag-team stuff for the mean time.
I think they've certainly recognized that they need to merge the brands, but it seems like they want to do it slowly. There's still stars on Raw that don't appear on both shows (Cena and Punk being the most notable) but I do think they'll move back to the old format eventually. As of right now though the titles are still separate so there's only half the field for each one and I think that hurts them a little bit.

I think Ziggler, Miz, and Truth are the most credible heels on the Raw side. Punk and Del Rio are going to keep feuding through TLC but afterwards, I think only Ziggler has a shot at the title since Miz looks like he'll be doing tag-team stuff for the mean time.

If Cena turned heel would it not make sense to have him fued with Punk for abit. The Rock is obviously not going to be on TV much until at the very least after the Rumble after tomorrow night. I can't see who is also going to win the Rumble at the moment or whose Taker opponent is going to be although I guess this year's winner is going to be against against whoever the Smackdown champion is. HHH is wrapped up with Nash/Laurintis.

I hope they don't book Cena vs Rock as a WWE title match. It does not need it and Punk should win the main event with the title but there's no one credible there to give him a mania win from what I can see. Punk's a bigger star than Miz, Truth, Ziggler or Del Rio although I would like to see Ziggler get into the main event picture along with Wade Barrett and for them to get matches in the next couple of months before they build up Punk's wrestle mania opponent. I'm still hoping he gets a heel HHH at Mania and this whole Nash angle to be a swerve but again that leaves Taker with no obvious opponent and he's nearly always the biggest draw at Mania.
I think Cena will turn tomorrow as it's the natural way to book him against someone with the gimmick of being the "people's champion". The Rock will still be hugely over with the crowds and TV whatever the Internet fans say. He's the biggest draw in the WWE by a mile. If anything fueding with the Rock will eventually help Cena but he has to turn heel and build up some credibility again. There's certainly a spot there for a heel which seem distinctly lacking at the moment. There's not a heel in the company worthy of fueding with Punk at the moment perhaps aside from Awesome Truth.

I don't think there's time for a quick Cena vs Punk feud before Wrestlemania. Cena's match is already booked, so he's not going to be in the title picture. He'd have to get in and get out in time for buildup with The Rock and in time for Punk to build up another feud for himself. It's either Del Rio, Ziggler, Miz, or a Rumble winner from Smackdown.
I don't think there's time for a quick Cena vs Punk feud before Wrestlemania. Cena's match is already booked, so he's not going to be in the title picture. He'd have to get in and get out in time for buildup with The Rock and in time for Punk to build up another feud for himself. It's either Del Rio, Ziggler, Miz, or a Rumble winner from Smackdown.

Very true but Cena needs a opponent for at least two PPVS before the Rock is likely to be on another PPV. I don't see the Rock wrestling again this year so who does Cena face. You could stick him against someone like Sheamus for abit I guess for a mini fued before building up the Rock. Also a chance Rock vs Cena could be a three way match with Punk brought into the mix. Difficult to call.
Very true but Cena needs a opponent for at least two PPVS before the Rock is likely to be on another PPV. I don't see the Rock wrestling again this year so who does Cena face.

Assuming no heel turn, I think he continues his feud with Miz/Truth. He doesn't need booked matches at any event besides TLC (the next one). He'll be in the Rumble match and in an Elimination Chamber match for the next two.

If there is a heel turn, I hope he quits tomorrow in disgust from all the abuse he's taken and then shows up backstage at every event to terrorize all the faces.
Watching the show now (I've opened this thread on page one, and am typing in the quick reply box, and will close the tab as soon as this is posted, so I don't read any posts).

Just want to say: how good are the WWE video guys? You could have Spike Dudley vs. Test, and they'd make it look like Kurt Angle vs. Ricky Steamboat.
I know I'm probably sounding like the typical internet fan here (which couldn't be further from the truth, I like Mark Henry!), but that's just bullshit. That was the time WWE should have turned Cena heel. Have him react more and more to the boos throughout the match, then break up the People's Elbow and roll Miz onto The Rock. The argument against Cena being heel is the merchandise he sells, but that's a weak argument. You turn Cena heel, and have him turn his back on all the kids that cheer for him, and they'll start cheering for whoever's against him. Let's say a heel Cena starts to feud with one of the roster members until the Royal Rumble. Whoever that person is, they're going to start shifting loads of merchandise because the kids want them to beat Cena. This is a guy that's been face now for seven years (I think), and he's long since grown stale in his current character. The only other guy to have maintained a character that long is Rey Mysterio, and that's because Rey would make an absolutely terrible heel. Why not have Cena turn heel like I said? Then the next week on RAW he cuts the promo about how he's sick of the fans disrespecting him. Then he moves on to a short feud (only lasting until the December PPV) against Zack Ryder. Zack's a popular guy, who gets cheers. Have Cena assault him to show that he's a vicious thug now, and then Cena beats him handily at ChristmasMania, or whatever the December PPV is. Then Rock eliminates Cena at the Royal Rumble, in a "HEY GUYS, I'M STILL HERE" moment. Elimination Chamber, you can have Cena battling in the Elimination Chamber or something. Just. Something. New.
I know I'm probably sounding like the typical internet fan here (which couldn't be further from the truth, I like Mark Henry!), but that's just bullshit. That was the time WWE should have turned Cena heel. Have him react more and more to the boos throughout the match, then break up the People's Elbow and roll Miz onto The Rock. The argument against Cena being heel is the merchandise he sells, but that's a weak argument. You turn Cena heel, and have him turn his back on all the kids that cheer for him, and they'll start cheering for whoever's against him. Let's say a heel Cena starts to feud with one of the roster members until the Royal Rumble. Whoever that person is, they're going to start shifting loads of merchandise because the kids want them to beat Cena. This is a guy that's been face now for seven years (I think), and he's long since grown stale in his current character. The only other guy to have maintained a character that long is Rey Mysterio, and that's because Rey would make an absolutely terrible heel. Why not have Cena turn heel like I said? Then the next week on RAW he cuts the promo about how he's sick of the fans disrespecting him. Then he moves on to a short feud (only lasting until the December PPV) against Zack Ryder. Zack's a popular guy, who gets cheers. Have Cena assault him to show that he's a vicious thug now, and then Cena beats him handily at ChristmasMania, or whatever the December PPV is. Then Rock eliminates Cena at the Royal Rumble, in a "HEY GUYS, I'M STILL HERE" moment. Elimination Chamber, you can have Cena battling in the Elimination Chamber or something. Just. Something. New.

Not Ryder, I'm hoping Ryder gets a push for the USC, how many more times can he keep beating Ziggler before he actually has to go someplace with it...

I could easily see it being Sheamus though.

Let's see what happens on Raw, maybe a heel turn there.
I'm finding The Rock to be a vile character at the moment. I still mark out at the occasional catchphrase, I still marked out at the People's Elbow but my goodness, last night just confirmed what I've known for ages, The Rock is a dick.

His whole twitter obsession is revolting, boots to asses is stupidly lame and these spastics eating it up are even more revolting.
His promos are tiresome crap, him repeating the same bollocks, feeding his ever expanding ego and then sucking up to the NY crowd in such a way that would leave Mick Foley wincing.
He says a lot without actually saying anything of note, he's like Del Rio but with more energy but again the smarks and fanboys just eat it up when it's awful, awful stuff.
His methods of attacking Cena are outdated, he bangs on about the crowd reactions, when those were being talked about way back in 2006, I wonder has he paid any attention to the product since he left.

Yes Rock we get it, kids love Cena, adult males love you, you get more cheers than Cena, now tell us something interesting ffs.
He's so fecking limited with his material these days its embarrassing.
His promos only tell me one thing, he's an obnoxious, condescending, arrogant, smug piece of work.

Just goes to show you, even a D* grade actor being cast in crappy Disney movies and generic action movies will still believe he's the greatest thing to happen to Hollywood.
Not Ryder

Yeah, that was a "first name into my head" sort of thing.

Edit: About The Rock's catchphrases, last time he was on RAW before this "run" (or one of the last times), he tried to make Popcorn Fart a phrase.
Actually the smarks are all pretty much tired of it already and have been since he made it abundantly clear he doesn't really have a great deal of material from like third promo months ago.

But still a tired and one track still kind of entertaining, whereas nothing else seems to be, I watched a Raw repeat earlier today and it's a shame they've already killed off what steam CM Punk had built up.

The Rock might be a dick, I don't know....but in the wrestling industry, he's far from it, he's put everyone he needed to over and more(no doubt he'll let Cena beat him clean at WM, not that Cena needs it.), he's never hogged the title or got stroppy when he had to drop it, one of the very few true top tier elite wrestlers to have stayed clean or at least not juiced to the heavens to the point where he's beating up his spouse and shit. And almost everyone praises his work ethic and how easy he is to work with.

Vince just needs to milk him as much as he can while he's doing this little run until WM.
I'm finding The Rock to be a vile character at the moment. I still mark out at the occasional catchphrase, I still marked out at the People's Elbow but my goodness, last night just confirmed what I've known for ages, The Rock is a dick.

His whole twitter obsession is revolting, boots to asses is stupidly lame and these spastics eating it up are even more revolting.
His promos are tiresome crap, him repeating the same bollocks, feeding his ever expanding ego and then sucking up to the NY crowd in such a way that would leave Mick Foley wincing.
He says a lot without actually saying anything of note, he's like Del Rio but with more energy but again the smarks and fanboys just eat it up when it's awful, awful stuff.
His methods of attacking Cena are outdated, he bangs on about the crowd reactions, when those were being talked about way back in 2006, I wonder has he paid any attention to the product since he left.

Yes Rock we get it, kids love Cena, adult males love you, you get more cheers than Cena, now tell us something interesting ffs.
He's so fecking limited with his material these days its embarrassing.
His promos only tell me one thing, he's an obnoxious, condescending, arrogant, smug piece of work.

Just goes to show you, even a D* grade actor being cast in crappy Disney movies and generic action movies will still believe he's the greatest thing to happen to Hollywood.

I didn't know they mean the nonsense they spout. Always thought it's rather tongue in cheek and they're sticking to a scripted story line.
But I guess The Rock really is a dick. Shame.