Television The Propgropthrop

Have you's seen the list for the all time top 50 WWE superstars?

It's a load of old shit, what absolute bollocks. Whoever thought it up doesn't have a clue.
Have you's seen the list for the all time top 50 WWE superstars?

It's a load of old shit, what absolute bollocks. Whoever thought it up doesn't have a clue.

1. Shawn Michaels
2. The Undertaker
3. Steve Austin
4. Bret Hart
5. The Rock
6. Harley Race
7. Ricky Steamboat
8. Andre the Giant
9. Rey Mysterio
10. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
11. Eddie Guerrero
12. Triple H
13. Gorgeous George
14. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
15. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig
16. John Cena
17. Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair (tied)
19. Edge
20. Jerry "The King" Lawler
21. Lou Thesz
22. Terry Funk
23. Hulk Hogan
24. Bruno Sammartino
25. Chris Jericho
26. Ted DiBiase
27. Fabulous Moolah
28. Classy Freddie Blassie
29. Randy Orton
30. Pat Patterson
31. The Iron Sheik
32. Jimmy Snuka
33. Mick Foley
34. Kurt Angle
35. Buddy Rogers
36. Gorilla Monsoon
37. Junkyard Dog
38. "Superstar" Billy Graham
39. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
40. Big Show
41. Jack Brisco
42. Sgt. Slaughter
43. Kane
44. Nick Bockwinkel
45. Jeff Hardy
46. Dory Funk Jr.
47. Bob Backlund
48. Rick Rude
49. Batista
50. Killer Kowalski
I don't really see any major problem, other than Batista making the list, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan are that low because they're both complete douchebags.
So the whole Nash thig and him being fired, was that just him being worked out of the system since he can't compete after physical, or leading to a new story line where he starts a rivalry with hhh and stays a superstar?

Smells like a work.
So the whole Nash thig and him being fired, was that just him being worked out of the system since he can't compete after physical, or leading to a new story line where he starts a rivalry with hhh and stays a superstar?

All evidence points to a work, it has been revealed that after a bit more work Nash will be able to compete, he's just not fit enough right now.
Who were the 2 guys in the changing room with Alberto? Big feck off muscle white guy with black dreads, never seen some of these guys before.

One is Curt Hawkins (debuted alongside Zack Ryder as Edge's cronies a while back)

Dreadlock guy is Tyler Reks. Got thrown straight into the main event at a PPV (Bragging Rights or Survivor Series, it was a big tag match anyway), then they realised he wasn't very good and he's been on Superstars since.
It is a work. Nash signed a five year contract back in January. He'll play a part in the outcome of the Punk vs Tripple H match for sure at night of champions.

:lol: Why would you do that, that's the equivalent of giving Hargreaves a 5 year deal.
:lol: Why would you do that, that's the equivalent of giving Hargreaves a 5 year deal.

Not really. Hargreaves has signed a contract as a footballer, whilst I'd wager that Nash has signed a contract merely to be part of the company. There's no way he'll be wrestling for those five years. Maybe a couple of matches before he retires, and goes to the commentary table, to reform the greatest announce team of all time.

Not really. Hargreaves has signed a contract as a footballer, whilst I'd wager that Nash has signed a contract merely to be part of the company. There's no way he'll be wrestling for those five years. Maybe a couple of matches before he retires, and goes to the commentary table, to reform the greatest announce team of all time.

I believe he's on a legends deal.
I believe he's on a legends deal.

Which is very misleading because he isn't a legend, his title reign was responsible for the single most boring year in WWE history.
Most of his career others have been making him look good, Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan.
He's shit on the mic too, he's so out of his depth with CM Punk and Triple H, thank god he wasn't bringing his in ring shitness to the table too.
Which is very misleading because he isn't a legend, his title reign was responsible for the single most boring year in WWE history.
Most of his career others have been making him look good, Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan.
He's shit on the mic too, he's so out of his depth with CM Punk and Triple H, thank god he wasn't bringing his in ring shitness to the table too.

It was a bit shit with the whole 'decide between me the guy who has been back for 5 minutes, and him, this universe isn't big enough for the both of us' I couldn't begin to contemplate taking it seriously.
1. Shawn Michaels
2. The Undertaker
3. Steve Austin
4. Bret Hart
5. The Rock
6. Harley Race
7. Ricky Steamboat
8. Andre the Giant
9. Rey Mysterio
10. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
11. Eddie Guerrero
12. Triple H
13. Gorgeous George
14. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
15. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig
16. John Cena
17. Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair (tied)
19. Edge
20. Jerry "The King" Lawler
21. Lou Thesz
22. Terry Funk
23. Hulk Hogan
24. Bruno Sammartino
25. Chris Jericho
26. Ted DiBiase
27. Fabulous Moolah
28. Classy Freddie Blassie
29. Randy Orton
30. Pat Patterson
31. The Iron Sheik
32. Jimmy Snuka
33. Mick Foley
34. Kurt Angle
35. Buddy Rogers
36. Gorilla Monsoon
37. Junkyard Dog
38. "Superstar" Billy Graham
39. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
40. Big Show
41. Jack Brisco
42. Sgt. Slaughter
43. Kane
44. Nick Bockwinkel
45. Jeff Hardy
46. Dory Funk Jr.
47. Bob Backlund
48. Rick Rude
49. Batista
50. Killer Kowalski
I don't really see any major problem, other than Batista making the list, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan are that low because they're both complete douchebags.

I'm sorry, any list with John Cena ahead of Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Ted Dibiase, Jake Roberts and Rick Rude is obviously a complete farce. No matter what you think of Hulk Hogan, he put the WWE on the map. Plus Kurt Angle is the best pure wrestler in their history, he deserved to be higher than number 34, no wonder he felt insulted.
It was a bit shit with the whole 'decide between me the guy who has been back for 5 minutes, and him, this universe isn't big enough for the both of us' I couldn't begin to contemplate taking it seriously.

On top of revealing that he sent the text to himself. Torpedoed the whole angle for me right there.
Nash is absymal on the mic. "I MADE WWE COOL AGAIN!" wut really? when?. "THIS UNIVERSE AINT BIG ENOUGH FOR THE TWO OF US" which he had to repeat himself on....and yet neither time made sense considering he's been back like 3 weeks.

He's killing Punks momentum.
I am saddened that Punk never mentioned Nash injuring himself walking across a ring.
I keep seeing this thread bumped and was thinking about the time I watched it..

They need to bring him back

I'm sorry, any list with John Cena ahead of Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Ted Dibiase, Jake Roberts and Rick Rude is obviously a complete farce. No matter what you think of Hulk Hogan, he put the WWE on the map. Plus Kurt Angle is the best pure wrestler in their history, he deserved to be higher than number 34, no wonder he felt insulted.

Agree totally. Hulkamania in the late '80's was a phenomenon that will never ever be seen again in wrestling. His name alone represented the WWF and subsequently made Vince millions and millions of dollars.

If he was on a wwe legends contract and not working for a rival he would have topped that list for sure. Vince is very fickle sometimes.
Agree totally. Hulkamania in the late '80's was a phenomenon that will never ever be seen again in wrestling. His name alone represented the WWF and subsequently made Vince millions and millions of dollars.

If he was on a wwe legends contract and not working for a rival he would have topped that list for sure. Vince is very fickle sometimes.

Hulkamania in the 80's was huge. It turned a localised business with medium proceeds into a world wide industry. It's affects on the business can never be underestimated.
I'm sorry, any list with John Cena ahead of Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Ted Dibiase, Jake Roberts and Rick Rude is obviously a complete farce. No matter what you think of Hulk Hogan, he put the WWE on the map. Plus Kurt Angle is the best pure wrestler in their history, he deserved to be higher than number 34, no wonder he felt insulted.

There's a shock, it was John Cena you had a problem with :rolleyes:

You can't just consider pure wrestling ability when compiling these lists, they've taken into consideration so many other things which come with being a WWE Superstar hence why Cena is above some of the guys you mentioned.
They might wrestle better than John but do they have as much charisma, were they as marketable, did they put butts in seats? if anything Cena should be higher, he's been the most important wrestler of the last ten years.

Ric Flair and Hogan would be higher in the list if 1. they weren't both douchebags, 2. if they didn't work for TNA.

Do you now see why that list is anything but a farce and when taking everything into consideration it's actually quite accurate.
Cena should be ahead of Dibiase, Roberts and Rude though. I dont get why theres hate on Cena. Maybe on the way hes being used but thats not his fault. Cena seems a pretty good guy, he does great for the company and has shown he is an excellent wrestler.

His superman thing gets annoying but thats not his fault, its how hes booked. In fact Orton is probably worse right now cos Cena at least has lost the last two PPV matches (and could be three if he doesnt beat ADR)

On a fair list, Hogan and Flair should be higher but yeah, they are with another promotion, so thats taken into consideration.

All lists would be argued anyway. Thats the reason they do this, to get people talking which has obviously worked.

And Bischoff and Hogan are ruining TNA (along with Karen Angle / Jarrett). Fck, I hate what they've done with TNA.
1. Shawn Michaels
2. The Undertaker
3. Steve Austin
4. Bret Hart
5. The Rock
6. Harley Race
7. Ricky Steamboat
8. Andre the Giant
9. Rey Mysterio
10. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
11. Eddie Guerrero
12. Triple H
13. Gorgeous George
14. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
15. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig
16. John Cena
17. Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair (tied)
19. Edge
20. Jerry "The King" Lawler
21. Lou Thesz
22. Terry Funk
23. Hulk Hogan
24. Bruno Sammartino
25. Chris Jericho
26. Ted DiBiase
27. Fabulous Moolah
28. Classy Freddie Blassie
29. Randy Orton
30. Pat Patterson
31. The Iron Sheik
32. Jimmy Snuka
33. Mick Foley
34. Kurt Angle
35. Buddy Rogers
36. Gorilla Monsoon
37. Junkyard Dog
38. "Superstar" Billy Graham
39. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
40. Big Show
41. Jack Brisco
42. Sgt. Slaughter
43. Kane
44. Nick Bockwinkel
45. Jeff Hardy
46. Dory Funk Jr.
47. Bob Backlund
48. Rick Rude
49. Batista
50. Killer Kowalski
I don't really see any major problem, other than Batista making the list, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan are that low because they're both complete douchebags.

Whats wrong with Batista on the list? Before he left, he was one of the biggest stars in the WWE. The last person to beat Cena clean I think, which shows how big a drawing power he was
Batista's last heel run before he left was amazing.

Anyway, I'm OK with the list. I'd change the order round for sure, but the people on there I can agree with.
Jerry Lawlor shouldn't be in the top 20. He was only ever average.

The work he did for the industry between the 1960's - til (yes the 1960's (AWA)) now means he deserves his spot for me, especially if we're not just including wrestling in ring talent but the effect they had on the sport.
There's a shock, it was John Cena you had a problem with :rolleyes:

You can't just consider pure wrestling ability when compiling these lists, they've taken into consideration so many other things which come with being a WWE Superstar hence why Cena is above some of the guys you mentioned.
They might wrestle better than John but do they have as much charisma, were they as marketable, did they put butts in seats? if anything Cena should be higher, he's been the most important wrestler of the last ten years.

Ric Flair and Hogan would be higher in the list if 1. they weren't both douchebags, 2. if they didn't work for TNA.

Do you now see why that list is anything but a farce and when taking everything into consideration it's actually quite accurate.

How many wrestlers aren't 'douchbags', as you call them? Look at how much of a bastard Shawn Michaels was at one point, he was hated backstage and he gave McMahon more headaches and grey hairs than enough, yet he's top of the list (and yes before you point it out, I do realise he ended his career with the company, and retired as a WWE wrestler) Also, being an arsehole doesn't come into it. Any list that has Cena ahead of Hulk Hogan is a joke. You want to talk marketable? You want to talk people who put asses on seats? Hogan put the company on the map. He had charisma, he was marketable, he put people in their seats.

I've met John Cena, he's a great guy who works hard and works to the best of his (average) ability. He's a role model for the kids, but he doesn't have half the charisma that a lot of others had before him. I realise there's other things you have to take into account other than wrestling ability, but nobody can convince me that a list with Cena ahead of Hogan is accurate.
How many wrestlers aren't 'douchbags', as you call them? Look at how much of a bastard Shawn Michaels was at one point, he was hated backstage and he gave McMahon more headaches and grey hairs than enough, yet he's top of the list (and yes before you point it out, I do realise he ended his career with the company, and retired as a WWE wrestler) Also, being an arsehole doesn't come into it. Any list that has Cena ahead of Hulk Hogan is a joke. You want to talk marketable? You want to talk people who put asses on seats? Hogan put the company on the map. He had charisma, he was marketable, he put people in their seats.

I've met John Cena, he's a great guy who works hard and works to the best of his (average) ability. He's a role model for the kids, but he doesn't have half the charisma that a lot of others had before him. I realise there's other things you have to take into account other than wrestling ability, but nobody can convince me that a list with Cena ahead of Hogan is accurate.

Excellent post. I agree with every point you've made.
Is Cody Rhodes' voice breaking?

I'm not surprised. I mean, the amount of trauma that young man has been through after having his face RUINED by Rey Mysterio, it's no great shock that he'd have trouble talking.

It's still real to me, dammit.
How many wrestlers aren't 'douchbags', as you call them? Look at how much of a bastard Shawn Michaels was at one point, he was hated backstage and he gave McMahon more headaches and grey hairs than enough, yet he's top of the list (and yes before you point it out, I do realise he ended his career with the company, and retired as a WWE wrestler) Also, being an arsehole doesn't come into it. Any list that has Cena ahead of Hulk Hogan is a joke. You want to talk marketable? You want to talk people who put asses on seats? Hogan put the company on the map. He had charisma, he was marketable, he put people in their seats.

I've met John Cena, he's a great guy who works hard and works to the best of his (average) ability. He's a role model for the kids, but he doesn't have half the charisma that a lot of others had before him. I realise there's other things you have to take into account other than wrestling ability, but nobody can convince me that a list with Cena ahead of Hogan is accurate.

Why are you sooo upset over an internet list produced by a company that currently has Cena as their franchise?

Anyway, Rock to wrestle at Survivor Series teaming with Cena. Strange.

It will be interesting to see how they come around for that, who their partners will be and who they face.
Excellent post. I agree with every point you've made.

Thank you.

Why are you sooo upset over an internet list produced by a company that currently has Cena as their franchise?

Anyway, Rock to wrestle at Survivor Series teaming with Cena. Strange.

It will be interesting to see how they come around for that, who their partners will be and who they face.

Not upset over it, doesn't keep me awake at night. But as a fan of the WWE for 20 years, back when it was known as the WWF, I've seen hundreds of wrestlers/superstars walk through and walk out their doors. All I'm doing is giving my opinion on the list, and I think it's a complete joke. Yeah, seems like Rocky is teaming with Cena at SS, I suppose they don't want to wait another 6 months to get Rocky in the ring, the fans want to see him wrestle now.

All I want is Undertaker back, isn't the same without him. I love that man.
This is what's going to happen:

Team Rock/Cena: The Rock, John Cena, Alex Riley, John Morrison & Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger (which ever one is face by then)

Team Notwinning: The Miz, R-Truth, Alberto Del Rio, Kane, Ziggler/Swagger.

Kane's only there because I think the heel team would have a "big man," and he flips between being a face and heel at random.

Right, basically the three members of Team Rock/Cena that aren't Rock/Cena get eliminated. Rock and Cena mount a huge comeback, managing to somehow execute teamwork despite HATING EACH OTHER'S FACES. The show ends with a staredown, whilst Michael Cole screams excitedly and I cry myself to sleep.