Television The Propgropthrop

He's a very mediocre wrestler, mathces against Cm Punk and Shawn Michaels are not down to him. The matches against Lashley, JBL, Umaga and Great Khali were absolutely dire. He's not the worst wrestler but his ability is in line with the Rocks, maybe a small step above the likes of Hogan.

Mick Foley agrees with me :cool:


Perhaps the match with the Miz didn't live up to the hype. I didn't see the match with R Truth, but if many of you believe it didn't deliver, I'll take you at your word. But Cena has delivered great matches with regularity for far longer than most people realize, or are willing to give him credit for.

I understand the knock that he's had great opponents. I just don't agree with it. EVERY World Champion of the modern era has had great opponents to work with. In my opinion, Cena's lasting legacy of good to great matches with all of the top superstars of the modern WWE era is worthy of praise - even from those who find his character to be dull or in need of a turn.

Quick, who was Bobby Lashley's best match with? John Cena. Was Bobby carrying Cena then. Remember the shockingly watchable match Cena had with Great Khali? Come on, admit it - it was pretty good. Add great matches with Edge, Triple H, Kurt, etc, etc, etc, on up to the last two classics with Punk, and you are looking at one mighty underrated wrestler.

But the main reason Mick is a mark for Cena is because he is a man who treats EVERY wrestler on the card with equal respect. You may not think he's a great wrestler. Fine. I disagree, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. He IS, however, a great man. Respect!

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter
I missed the first hour of SmackDown, only started watching during Orton and DiBiase's match. What happened before?

You missed Botchico vs. Heath Slater. I hate Heath Slater so much I can't even be bothered to come up with a silly nickname for him.

Oh, and a good match between Daniel Bryan and Christian.
I heard that the Heath Slater vs Mistico finish had to be filmed 3 times because of botches. How do they sell the illusion of genuine competiton to the crowd when they see wrestlers come out and re wrestle segments of the match three times.
I heard that the Heath Slater vs Mistico finish had to be filmed 3 times because of botches. How do they sell the illusion of genuine competiton to the crowd when they see wrestlers come out and re wrestle segments of the match three times.

I don't know if they can. It has to be pretty embarrassing for them. Looks like Hunico is taking over the Sin Cara role full time now. Mistico's probably going to be fired.
Just reading on another forum that Mistico's eyes are actually really sensitive to light, which is part of the reason for the dimmed lighting in his matches.

Probably bullshit, but isn't that why Edgar Davids wore the glasses?
Just reading on another forum that Mistico's eyes are actually really sensitive to light, which is part of the reason for the dimmed lighting in his matches.

Probably bullshit, but isn't that why Edgar Davids wore the glasses?

Apparently he had glaucoma. Probably just an excuse to fog on when he played in Italy though :lol:
HHH vs CM Punk at Night of Champions will be good.

I like how the commentators said that Smackdown superstars on Raw was 'brand new, never been done before.' Erm wrestlers used to go on Raw and Smackdown before they made the split, and to be honest I've been waiting for them to switch back since Smackdown is a shower of shite.
Yep exactly like that. CM Punk's been throwing quite a few insults HHH's way so HHH called the board of directors and they allowed him to compete versus Punk at Night of Champions.

Behind the scenes Nash just had a physical and WWE decided there's no feckin way this guy's going to compete in the ring.
Nash will screw HHH at Night of Champions, starting the new Nwo with Punk and a few others maybe. I can imagine them painting NWO on the back of Triple H after the match
Nash will screw HHH at Night of Champions, starting the new Nwo with Punk and a few others maybe. I can imagine them painting NWO on the back of Triple H after the match

I think its more likely, Nash interferes, resulting in a HHH win. Nash going against HHH and starting a NWO would mean he would have to take part in matches, and he's not medically allowed to. I think he'll just be reduced to HHH's muscle.
There are also a couple of big articles on the WWE website about Nash's career in the nWo and who could be in a modern incarnation of it. I reckon they'll go with that angle again.
Where do you find these things out from?

It's a bit of a shoddy site but they've been pretty reliable when it comes to rumours panning out.

That said I was probably a little too definitive in the statement I made. Nash did just have a physical and I think the speculation is that what they found in the physical led to the events we saw transpire on RAW.

As far as Hunico vs Mistico, I don't think a lot of the kids can tell the difference or even care. They've spent a lot of time, money, and effort building up this Sin Cara character and I don't think they want to abandon it.

It's a bit of a shoddy site but they've been pretty reliable when it comes to rumours panning out.

That said I was probably a little too definitive in the statement I made. Nash did just have a physical and I think the speculation is that what they found in the physical led to the events we saw transpire on RAW.

As far as Hunico vs Mistico, I don't think a lot of the kids can tell the difference or even care. They've spent a lot of time, money, and effort building up this Sin Cara character and I don't think they want to abandon it.

I believe that the Nash physical said he isn't ready yet but could be ready to compete before to long.

In general on the Hunico vs Mistico thing I'm sure a lot of kids haven't noticed, I'm sure several people haven't just because of how little Mistico did on the show.

nWo theme again, the teases.

EDIT: Also, Punk since the Money in the bank time has been quite nWo ish in general, mainly with him changing to black and white, now Nash hits HHH too, it's on.
Urbandictionary says:

. skinny fat 90 up, 11 down

A physique, while not overweight (and possibly underweight), lacks any visible lean, striated tissue.

The term is often NOT used or understood by the uneducated, untrained eye. To the uneducated, untrained eye, a skinny fat female may appear to have a physique of the same caliber as an individual who is comprised of significantly more lean tissue. The term is particularly relevant when discussing women at NASCAR events; the types that may be skinny but have no muscle to speak of. The term is equally important while eating at Denny’s and discussing how unappealing the waitress is.