Television The Propgropthrop

I just got a Viscera vibe from him then :lol:

Have you guys seen photos of Kelly? There is actually no life behind her eyes. It's like she's a robot.
Yeah, saw that coming.

Although I'm watching it on a dodgy stream, so at first I thought it wasn't Edge, when he was on the stage.
Christian and Orton work really well together. They've had four or five matches together, and I've enjoyed every one.
I'm still waiting for a storyline where the Spanish announcers turn heel, and walk out due to the damage to their table.

Nice to see the table finally break under the RKO.
I'm still waiting for a storyline where the Spanish announcers turn heel, and walk out due to the damage to their table.

Nice to see the table finally break under the RKO.

The Spanish announce team turn heel and put someone through the American announce table, and we have to listen to them in Spanish every week :lol:
Probably getting paid for each spit.

Probably, still must be minging though knowing that there's phlegm about to hit your face/eye and you can't prepare for it because you have to sell it.

Wrong about the corner table, but I still reckon Christian is going to survive all the odds to win it, the way they tend to take 200 hits and look down and out but suddenly get the energy to hit the other guy once and knock him out for good.

EDIT: Wrong again, that was a good ending.