Television The Propgropthrop

That was a great end to the year, but I'm not sure about Bryan joining the Wyatt family.

This sums it up:

"You chanted YES in every building I go to, but the machine won't let me win."
"Wyatt's plus Bryan vs The Authority, and we find out Kane is a mole. Bam! story full circle." - Some dude on twitter.
I'd be all for that, Shield vs the Wyatts 6 man tag match would certainly be great.
"Wyatt's plus Bryan vs The Authority, and we find out Kane is a mole. Bam! story full circle." - Some dude on twitter.

I'd be all for that, Shield vs the Wyatts 6 man tag match would certainly be great.

Nice storyline. Maybe this is Bryan as a faux heel. He did this to get his hands on Bray Wyatt. Or maybe - and I hope not - WWE don't consider him a big time playa.
They would be crazy to turn Bryan heel considering how over he is. It's not like turning Punk when they had the Rock to work with him and who is a much better heel anyway. Bryan is a natural face and is much more over than any of the other faces. Where this is going is not obvious yet so need to wait and see.
Things picking up pace now before WM. Old School Raw next week too, should be fun.
The Wyatt's seem to get a decent pop when their music hits. It may be a case of transitioning them to be faces off the coat tails of Daniel Bryan's popularity. It was said they were to be WWE's take on the Duck Dynasty due to the shows popularity. I wouldn't say they have been hated in the way WWE foresaw, certainly not in the manner of previous heel groups.
Thing with the Bryan "turn" is the Wyatt Family are trying to break down "the machine" - which I'm guessing means The Authority. So if Bryan is going from feuding with The Authority/Orton/The Shield AND The Wyatt Family, to teaming with the Wyatts against those other people, does that actually mean he's turned heel?

Maybe it's just a ploy by him to get to Bray, bring down the Wyatt Family from the inside sort of thing. Maybe it's part of WWE's supposed new "there are no faces or heels" thing. I dunno.
It kind of looks like they are going to build the Wyatts as a Face faction and they will feud with The Shield. Not Sure I would have added Bryan, seems like a momentum killer to me, but we're heading into Mania season so lets see what develops.
CM Punk frustrated. Apparently he wants to main event WM. Not going to happen this year, especially when you consider how sloppy was in the ring last year. His ego is hard to tame.
What the year he had like 3 of the top 5, if not THE top 3 matches? Solid sloppiness imo.
What the year he had like 3 of the top 5, if not THE top 3 matches? Solid sloppiness imo.
That doesn't mean anything. It's like saying Nani produced one of the best winger performances for us this season, yet he's not been great in other games. The matches against Undertake Lesnar were really good (his best last year(, of course, but he's not done enough to main event WM this year (looking at it from an open mind), yet he still finds a way to complain. He's faced HHH, Lesnar, turned heel, and held the title for the longest period in the last 20+ years. Punk has looked disinterested and hasn't been good enough in 2013. The final match of the year against Rollins was horrible and it summed up his year perfectly: good but sloppy. I like Punk but Rollins made him look good. The GTS wasn't even properly executed. Since he came back against Chris Jericho (Payback?), he's looked poor. His promos have generally been decent but nothing special (though I'd rather listen to him than any other wrestler). And his skills in the ring have suffered because of his physical condition. I don't believe that the break he was given was enough. Everything just looks sloppy, especially when he tries to go for an elbow. I understand that he wants to main event WM, it's disgusting that he hasn't, but with the way he's gone about 2013 the chances are slim. His contract is up soon (in the summer?) - I don't think he has more than 2+ years left in him. And as you said, it's solid sloppiness, he's doing better than most, but not enough to main even WM this year.
His best last year was against Cena. Which was basically the WM main event before WM. Match of the year by a huge landslide, just like it was in 2011. Bryan vs Cena was very impressive too, anything from those 3 should be ME on merit. Ortons done genuinely nothing to deserve it over any of them.

Being a big anniversary show, it probably won't be a title match headlining anyway.
Punk is a great wrestler but comes across as a real twat. Cena on the other hand comes across as fecking jesus.
Punk comes across as a pretty normal person to me. Typical work frustrations imo.
I read somewhere that Undertaker asked for Bryan to be his wrestlemania opponent. Thats a match I don't mind seeing as long as Bryan gets to end the streak. It can't go on forever. Also the WWE are reluctant to have Lesnar face Taker because his physical style would be too much for the Deadman's creaking joints and dilapidated body.
Yeah, at the moment Punk doesn't slightly deserve to main event WM. Orton neither though.

Daniel Bryan probably should, but I can't imagine who should be in the main event with him. Probably be Orton, of course Punk could win the Rumble.... don't much fancy Punk/Orton.
Benoit, Hitman Mr Perfect, HBK and Eddie made me appreciate the acual in ring work. You would have to be a paraplegic to have a bad match with anyone of them. Anyway I don't blame the WWE for the Benoit blackout.
I used to love Mr Perfect back when I was a kid. It was a shame he never got a decent push.

The perfect-plex was a cool move, it actually annoyed me to see Curtis Axel use it one someone in a nothing, mid-card match and they just kicked out of it with no fuss or fanfare. Such a waste.