Television The Propgropthrop

So after all that, no interference or funny business at all :lol:

So does that mean the titles are now unified?

Nothing at all. I'm not even joking.

The titles are now unified, correct. It's now referred to as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

I really hope Bryan gets what he deserves and is in the main event of WM.
I didn't think it was boring at all. After all, a match with a clean finish was long overdue and I'm glad Orton won it instead of Cena.
How can a TLC pay per view have only 1 match in which tables ladders and chairs are used? Cena will probably get his rematch on Raw and then get screwed out of a win. There's no way he's losing cleanly to Orton twice.
It's going exactly the way it should be and how I've expected it to go for months. Bryan will win the Rumble and finally get his moment on the biggest stage in Wrestling. It's simple and effective booking. If that happens then quite possibly Cena/Undertaker at Mania too.

We'll see though.

And damn, AJ sure is in the doghouse :lol:
I watched most of this...went to bed for the man event. It was awful.

There was no explanation offered or obvious reason for why most of the matches were taking place on a PPV, and therefore no reason for me to care who won any of them.

Why did HHH and Stephanie come out at the start of the PPV and explain what the main event was, just before the PPV intro explaining what the main event was? Were they seriously struggling to fill the 3 hour time slot and couldn't think of anything less boring and pointless to do than this?

Why did Brodus Clay have a completely pointless match with Arrgh-Truth? Why was Jimmi Hendrix at ringside for said match? Why did all of Brodus's mates get pissed off and leave when he was winning ad hadn't done anything wrong?

How come the Shield, who when I watched this last year, were some indestructable rampaging force, lost to one guy after spending the whole match clumsily beating each other up by accident?

Also, I only watched it because it was Tables, laddrrs and chairs, which I usually watch because of all the tables, ladders and chairs, of which there were none.
Brodus has actually been feuding with Xavier Woods for the past few shows.

I do have no idea why Damien Sandow and Big E Langston don't like each other though.
I watched most of this...went to bed for the man event. It was awful.

There was no explanation offered or obvious reason for why most of the matches were taking place on a PPV, and therefore no reason for me to care who won any of them.

Why did HHH and Stephanie come out at the start of the PPV and explain what the main event was, just before the PPV intro explaining what the main event was? Were they seriously struggling to fill the 3 hour time slot and couldn't think of anything less boring and pointless to do than this?

Why did Brodus Clay have a completely pointless match with Arrgh-Truth? Why was Jimmi Hendrix at ringside for said match? Why did all of Brodus's mates get pissed off and leave when he was winning ad hadn't done anything wrong?

How come the Shield, who when I watched this last year, were some indestructable rampaging force, lost to one guy after spending the whole match clumsily beating each other up by accident?

Also, I only watched it because it was Tables, laddrrs and chairs, which I usually watch because of all the tables, ladders and chairs, of which there were none.

Last week on RAW, Brodus Clay went a bit mental at the end of his match with "Jimmi Hendrix". He's in line for a heel turn. Let's face it, a monster like Brodus Clay should be utilised better, as a heel preferably - he has potential to be a good heel too, IMO.

Whoever dictated the outcome of The Shield and CM Punk match should just leave, I agree with you on that one. There is no way that three men lose against one, it shouldn't happen. But it's clear The Shield are on the verge of breaking up, as Reigns is going to get a big, big push in 2014.

I'll be pissed off if Bryan isn't involved at the main event of WM. But I don't think WWE will allow that to happen - I expect Sheamus to return very soon and add a little bit more fun into the business. The first half of 2013 was really good, with Bryan performing at a great level with Punk out due to a well-deserved break. The PPVs in the second half of the year have all been average, unfortunately.
D Bry straight back into the main event. Good to see. Hopefully he loses tonight, enters the Rumble at 1 and wins and challenges him again at mania. The payoff will be enormous.

Great to see. Looks like he's definitely going to have a pivotal role next year.
Brodus comes out, all pally with Tensai. Not a hint of what happened last night.

:lol: Love the ending though. I wonder what will happen when they split properly though. Surely Cameron and Nayomi won't stick with Tensai.

R Truth 'Funkadactyls why don't you just come on in here and do a bit of dancing'

'OK SURE, forget Tensai in pain. Dance time!'
:lol: It really is such a mind boggling rule that a DQ means you retain. It's that ridiculous you could literally walk down to the ring, punch your opponent in the bollocks and then walk off week after week. It makes no sense whatsoever.

The other way round would be worse. What's to stop someone just getting a buddy to hit them, therefore getting the other guy dq'ed and wining the belt? Keeping the belt on the same guy is the safer option with such a finish, from a storyline perspective.
Orton and Bryan are great together
So if Cameron and Naomi officially join R-Truth will their name be changed from the Funkadactyls to the Video Hoes?
No surprise the PPV started with HHH/Steph coming out and ended with HHH/Steph and Vince coming out. Everything in between those two moments dont matter cos they are the face of the company.
I watched most of this...went to bed for the man event. It was awful.

There was no explanation offered or obvious reason for why most of the matches were taking place on a PPV, and therefore no reason for me to care who won any of them.

I reckon you haven't been keeping up. While I don't watch RAW or SD, I mostly read up the next day. There was a build to most of the matches, it was only really Kofi vs. Miz that was made on the night.

Why did HHH and Stephanie come out at the start of the PPV and explain what the main event was, just before the PPV intro explaining what the main event was? Were they seriously struggling to fill the 3 hour time slot and couldn't think of anything less boring and pointless to do than this?

They came out at the beginning to build more hype and make fans expect some kind of swerve. The actual finish was swerve enough tbh, I don't think many were expecting Orton to go clean over. The whole angle is to do with being the 'face' of the company and it's their company so they've inserted themselves at the forefront.

Why did Brodus Clay have a completely pointless match with Arrgh-Truth? Why was Jimmi Hendrix at ringside for said match? Why did all of Brodus's mates get pissed off and leave when he was winning ad hadn't done anything wrong?

Brodus is turning into heel bad-ass Brodus

How come the Shield, who when I watched this last year, were some indestructable rampaging force, lost to one guy after spending the whole match clumsily beating each other up by accident?

Roman Reigns will most likely be getting a huge singles push soon. He is a beast. If he brushes up his promo skills he will be even more of a fan favourite.

Also, I only watched it because it was Tables, laddrrs and chairs, which I usually watch because of all the tables, ladders and chairs, of which there were none.

They were all in the last match.

Answers above!
Tbf, even the Miz/Kofi deal has been bubbling away a bit the past month or so.

As for Reigns, all the promo he needs is spearing the shit out of everyone, especially good sellers like Bryan and Punk.
So wrestling fans criticise Cena for being boring and having limited wrestling moves, but want some other guy to be a mian eventer despite having no charisma, because he can spear people?

You're right, I don't keep up, but usually watch TLC as there's a load of matches with carnage in them and the reasons for the matches taking place is usually fairly evident or explained. Neither of these things applied in this instance. It was like watching a really boring episode of Raw.
Hated the ending of TLC to be honest.

1998-2002 was such a good era it's gone really downhill since then.

Not enough top talent.
Reigns can still be a top superstar with the limited skillset and mic skills. Goldberg was one of the biggest WCW superstars without any exceptional ability in the ring or on the mic. In recent years Batista is another example. He was 2nd only to Cena yet he never had any outstanding matches or promos. It's all about how Reigns will be packaged and booked. It's clear WWE are looking for the next crossover superstar. Reigns can be that guy. He has the look and intensity. All he needs is a manager while he makes the transition like they did with Lesnar and Heyman in 2002.
I was going to say, when did charisma = mic skills. Cena and the Rock need the mic, Goldberg, Batista, Lesnar etc, don't/didn't. Undertaker never did either, despite being quality when he did talk.
Reigns can still be a top superstar with the limited skillset and mic skills. Goldberg was one of the biggest WCW superstars without any exceptional ability in the ring or on the mic. In recent years Batista is another example. He was 2nd only to Cena yet he never had any outstanding matches or promos. It's all about how Reigns will be packaged and booked. It's clear WWE are looking for the next crossover superstar. Reigns can be that guy. He has the look and intensity. All he needs is a manager while he makes the transition like they did with Lesnar and Heyman in 2002.

Near the end of his run, I thought Batista was brilliant. One of the best cocky heel characters in years.
Reigns certainly has what it takes to be a good champion I think.

They have definitely built his spear up to be a powerful finisher too.

It will be a shame if the Shield does end, but all things must end.
I don't get the love in for Ambrose. Yeah he cuts a decent promo but he appears to be very limited in that he can only ever play a heel character, and probably one like his current Joker persona. (I know, I know he was doing it before The Dark Knight.) Reigns and Rollins can switch as needed if they get stale.
I don't get the love in for Ambrose. Yeah he cuts a decent promo but he appears to be very limited in that he can only ever play a heel character, and probably one like his current Joker persona. (I know, I know he was doing it before The Dark Knight.) Reigns and Rollins can switch as needed if they get stale.

The face of the WWE is one of the worst babyfaces I have ever seen, I'm sure Ambrose will be fine. Nothing says you can't be a face with a slightly unhinged character either tbf.
The face of the WWE is one of the worst babyfaces I have ever seen, I'm sure Ambrose will be fine. Nothing says you can't be a face with a slightly unhinged character either tbf.

True, but at least with Orton he has things going for him as a face such as his speed and his RKO etc, I get the feel with Ambrose that his character is the only thing going for him. If he ever were a face he'd be incredibly generic.
Ambrose doesn't have to rely on pandering to the crowd/insulting the crowd to cut a promo, so I don't see why he can't be a face, the only difference would that he'd be telling heels how they're going to get disemboweled rather than faces. He's quite easily the best of the new crop of wrestlers and I'd be disappointed if he never got his run at the top.
I don't think the way WWE these days portrays all it's good guys as can do no wrong role models, realy lends itself to having a psychotic maniac as a face character.

I mean, the faces when I used to watch WWE were probably more baddass than the heels are these days. Austin and Rock were basically egotistical, moral disregarding bullies.

The closest thing they had then to a current WWE face was Kurt Angle's original character...who was a massive heel because everyone hated how goodie two shoes he was.
I don't think the way WWE these days portrays all it's good guys as can do no wrong role models, realy lends itself to having a psychotic maniac as a face character.

I mean, the faces when I used to watch WWE were probably more baddass than the heels are these days. Austin and Rock were basically egotistical, moral disregarding bullies.

The closest thing they had then to a current WWE face was Kurt Angle's original character...who was a massive heel because everyone hated how goodie two shoes he was.

CM Punk is a a face who does not really fit the do no wrong role model and he's one of the few faces who gets universally cheered. Daniel Bryan is just so incredibly popular because of his in ring work he gets cheered regardless but he's slowly turned into one of these smiling, role model good guys as well when before he was not like that. WWE is a PG, family product now so it's good guys are clean cut and wholesome which is something that does not really attract adults who are none parents. That's why there was little to no blood or many tables, ladders and chairs matches at a PPV called Tables, Ladders and Chairs.

Funnily enough most of the role model good guys faces either get no reactions or treated like a heel. Cena who is the ultimate role model good guy gets booed and jeered by most of the male audience and adults and cheered by the women and the kids which makes for a very weird dynamic. Half the time he feuds with good guys who the crowd will never boo like the Rock, Punk or Bryan because he is a heel to 50% of the audience.

For some reason, he makes them a shit load of money with women and children and is the perfect corporate guy for a PG product so his character never gets changed.
Ambrose doesn't have to rely on pandering to the crowd/insulting the crowd to cut a promo, so I don't see why he can't be a face, the only difference would that he'd be telling heels how they're going to get disemboweled rather than faces. He's quite easily the best of the new crop of wrestlers and I'd be disappointed if he never got his run at the top.

I pretty much agree with this. Ambrose is going to make it at the WWE. He's very technical in the ring, sells moves well, and is great on the mic. Reigns is good for a man of his size, I like him. Interestingly, Rollins is the one who is in third position at the moment. He's the most athletic member of the shield, good technically, and sells very well (though sometimes, he oversells, but it's better to do that than undersell). His problem is that his mic skills need to be improved and I feel WWE already have wrestlers of his profile.
Unless somebody has a lot of time and created those after the shows :P