Television The Propgropthrop

Unless somebody has a lot of time and created those after the shows :P
That crossed my mind too but with the guy on Reddit revealing PPV results, I'm guessing someone leaking a script on the internet isn't that outlandish.

Interesting it seems that Rock gets given free reign with a mic whilst others are given a word to word script. Apparently HHH is trying to incorporate a more bullet point system to give them more chance to show personality

I never knew wrestlers were given exact scripts, I just the thought the more experienced guys and guys with good promo skills were give a guideline and told to run with it. HHH has the right idea, in my opinion.
Batista was great just before he left, in that cocky heel gimmick. I'd love it if that Batista returned, rather than boring face millions-of-title-matches Batista.
He's got a pretty decent part in the new Marvel film (Guardians of the Galaxy) so I doubt he's back full time.

He'll back be back until August where he'll leave and promote his new movie, apparently.
If Batista returns, he will probably work an angle with Bryan and Punk. He was all over Twitter when Bryan won the WHC due to his size commenting on the little guys several years ago.

Batista is decent but bringing back performers in their mid 40's just gets in the way of the next generation getting up the card. I get it for the Rock(massive star with huge appeal) and Brock Lesnar(massive star in the world of sport) and Taker at mania but bringing back Batista and HHH still working matches are an annoyance. There time is done. I honestly don't think anyone would pay to see either of these perform anymore. They might for someone new.
I don't mind if the likes of Batista returning as long as they feud with full time members of the roster like Jericho does. What I hate are feuds like Nash vs HHH, HHH vs Taker, HHH vs Lesnar, Undertaker vs Lesnar, Rock vs Lesnar, Batista vs Lesnar etc, Batista vs Rock. These former superstars should come back to enhance the current talent and help them showcase their skill. I hope to God Hogan isn't allowed to wrestle when he returns. Just show up in his yellow and red, rip the t-shirt, cup his ears then goes to the back.
Good ending, but don't understand how that is a DQ considering Cena did the same thing...
People always beat up Cena when they return to WWE. I assume Batista will do the same.

He'll come back as a baby face so I can't see him going for Cena, they'll perhaps cross paths in a backstage segment and move on. He'll either play apart for Vince against Triple H and Steph at Mania or be used to help get over someone like Roman Reigns over. He'll announce he's in the Rumble and probably get to the Final 2/3 which he'll get eliminated by either Bryan or Punk who'll win it.
Big return tonight according to Smackdown spoilers (they filmed that before Raw this week). Not Batista

Didn't see that happening yet, probably throwing him into the rumble match to boost the buys. He'll disappear shortly there after before returning to set up his Mania bout with Taker.

In other news there are rumors of them doing Cena vs Wyatt at Mania.
The way I want it to go down is: Lesnar just walks to the ring and F5's Henry over and over.

Also, new Cena shirt is mildly amusing:


Lesnar attacks Henry backstage.

It sets up a Big E vs Lesnar storyline. This should be good!
They only have a certain amount of matches they can get Lesnar in. If they're using one of them on Big E, they must see something in him.
I'd already guessed as much based on stuff around the net, but can we spoiler shit in future.
They only have a certain amount of matches they can get Lesnar in. If they're using one of them on Big E, they must see something in him.

He made a decent NXT champ, and you'd hope taking on the monster would win Big E a few fans. I'm definitely surprised that it is Big E that's getting this feud though.

Though it gives me hope this might come to pass: