Television The Propgropthrop

Vince just made a return and is out there right now, but PPV is "finished". Great logic - missing probably the best part.
Unification coming up. Smackdown is now merely an extension of Raw. There's no need to have seperate titles. Punk and Bryan should have put those rednecks over. Roman Reigns will be one hell of a star if he is pushed properly. However knowing the WWE he'll probably end up like Ryback. Why the Kofi Kingston heel turn? He doesn't have the charisma or mic skills to pul it off. HHH is annoying can't he just stay in the background. I hate the Bellas. They can't wrestle for shit. I like Big E has potential unlike a certain Bobby Lashley. When are Paul Heyman and Lesnar coming back?
Unification coming up. Smackdown is now merely an extension of Raw. There's no need to have seperate titles. Punk and Bryan should have put those rednecks over. Roman Reigns will be one hell of a star if he is pushed properly. However knowing the WWE he'll probably end up like Ryback. Why the Kofi Kingston heel turn? He doesn't have the charisma or mic skills to pul it off. HHH is annoying can't he just stay in the background. I hate the Bellas. They can't wrestle for shit. I like Big E has potential unlike a certain Bobby Lashley. When are Paul Heyman and Lesnar coming back?

They still have Smackdown house shows though. If they do unification, who's going to go to a live event with no world champion?

It could be unification but it wouldn't surprise me if last nights ending led to nothing and it was just used as a cheap way to end the show with Cena in front of the Boston crowd.
A Cena/Orton feud? This is completely new ground for WWE.

If (IF) they have them feud until Royal Rumble, where Cena wins the new WWE Heavyweight Championship, and then goes on to wrestle Rumble winner Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania, I might be OK with this.
A Cena/Orton feud? This is completely new ground for WWE.

If (IF) they have them feud until Royal Rumble, where Cena wins the new WWE Heavyweight Championship, and then goes on to wrestle Rumble winner Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania, I might be OK with this.

How about... title unification at TLC Cena undisputed, Punk vs Cena at rumble Punk wins undisputed while Bryan wins rumble, Bryan vs Punk at WM.
Punk vs. Bryan would make a great WM match.

The problem with any title unification thing is that I think the Royal Rumble winner, whoever that ends up being, should win the title at Wrestlemania. If we suggest that the title unification happens at TLC in December, that still only leaves the Royal Rumble, and Elimination Chamber between Wrestlemania. If Cena loses it to Punk, and then Punk loses it to Bryan at Wrestlemania, then Cena and Punk are only going to have held the title for a month or two months each. I don't think WWE would want their first winner of this brand new prestigious title to pass it on at the first opportunity. When Jericho won the Undisputed Championship, he held it for 98 days, defeated Rock and Austin on the same night to win it, and then successfully defended it against The Rock at Rumble, and Austin at No Way Out, and then lost it to upcoming young superstar Triple H at Wrestlemania (let's just ignore that this would have been the fifth time HHH held the title).

I've never liked the idea of a title being swapped around quickly at the best of times, and a new title would make that even worse. I wonder if WWE would want to "waste" a title unification match on a PPV like TLC. I know the Jericho one I mentioned before happened at Vengeance, which is hardly a big PPV, but the current day WWE? I'd half expect them to want to do it at Wrestlemania XXX itself, to have that big WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT (tm). The idea of Cena vs. Orton at Wrestlemania for the Undisputed Title makes me shudder.

One possibility might be John Cena vs. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania. Which could lead to the very interesting visual of Daniel Bryan winning the title at Wrestlemania in a Triple Threat match...with the Yes Lock?
So obvious there was going to be a unification match.

Bryan has been taken away by the Wyatts.
Its not guaranteed to be a unification match, just that both titles are on the line. They will probably end up with both champs grabbing the other's belt
Cena is the greatest heel of all time :lol:. Anyone who can seriously spin Daniel Bryan chants into wanting change so he can unify the titles against Orton is the most played out match ever is a step above Bo Dallas.

BTW - If Bryan is turned heel to be part of the Wyatts it won't stop how over he is. They should really just run with him in the main event. He's more over with everyone than Punk ever was.
Yeah, that pissed me off when he done that. Raw on a whole was terrible last night, the best segment was the 3 faces of Foley trying to sell wwe merch. The fans just couldn't care about that awful main event.
WWE do that a lot with Cena, have him piggyback off someone elses popularity. Bryan last night, Cesaro recently, Ryback and Zack Ryder a good while back.
If they unify the titles, are they going to introduce a new unified belt? Kind of makes introducing the new WWE belt a bit pointless. I reckon Cena will be facing Taker at WM so they'll have Punk vs. Bryan vs. Orton for the unified belt at WM.

Also, like EvilChuck, they'll probably grab each other's belt and add one on to their tallies.
Yep, they'll grab each others belts. The main belt will be back with Cena for the road to Wrestlemania and Orton.....well, no-one cares about Orton.
I was excited about a unification match, until i came on here and realised that's exactly what they'll do and now i'm pissed of with myself for believing.

You bunch of killjoys
I only watch it in the vain hope that AJ Lee's gash slips out under those tiny shorts she wears. She's dreamy.

They ruined Daniel Bryan's momentum. Those Whyitts are boring as shit. Very PG.
D-Bry heel turn would be pointless, but they blamed him for summerslams low buy rate apparently.

They turned punk heel for no reason apart from HHH couldn't understand why he was being cheered. Now the same for Bryan, hopefully they'll cheer him anyway.
Nevermind Bryan, they're turning Brodus Clay heel by the looks of it. fecking, at last.

He should have stuck with his original gimmick.
I've always hated that Funkasaurus gimmick. Why have someone who was a bouncer and former body guard of Snoop Dogg dance with a leprechaun in colourful outfits? He should have been kicking ass from day one. I heard he came up with the Hall of Pain gimmick but WWE gave it Henry instead.
:lol: Did anyone just watch Bo Dallas's interview? He sounds like Michael Jackson. I can't take him seriously and who the feck is this stoner guy dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow.

EDIT: Apparently he's Vader's son. :lol: this is woeful stuff.

EDIT: When is NXT filmed? Kassius Ohno just got knocked out? I thought he was released a few weeks ago.

:lol: William Regal swaps between gangster and English at will. 'I've told this story before why Hunico and Camacho are so tight. It's because one day, he saved him from a bloody good hiding.'
EDIT: Apparently he's Vader's son. :lol: this is woeful stuff.

The dreadlocked guy? No he isn't, Jake Carter is Vader's son (and no longer works for WWE). Dreadlocked guy is called CJ Parker.