Television The Propgropthrop

Looks like they gave up on Sin Cara. They had Hunico play him last night (the real one even managed to botch this as he checked in at a Mexican restaurant on twitter during Raw)

:lol: Oh Sin Cara
Yeah, that pissed me off when he done that. Raw on a whole was terrible last night, the best segment was the 3 faces of Foley trying to sell wwe merch. The fans just couldn't care about that awful main event.
Mankind! Absolute highlight!
Nevermind Bryan, they're turning Brodus Clay heel by the looks of it. fecking, at last.

He should have stuck with his original gimmick.
He was so fecking awesome on NXT, his final speech was brilliant, then there was that huge build up to his debut.

WWE brass: "Naahhhh, lets have him dance and shit."

Apparently he utterly loves kids, so some of it is on him.
Neville and Zayn just put on a great match.

EDIT: Holy shit that reversal into a pin.
How the feck is Zayn on NXT, could have said the same thing about Hero, then they released him. cnuts.
Looks like they gave up on Sin Cara. They had Hunico play him last night (the real one even managed to botch this as he checked in at a Mexican restaurant on twitter during Raw)
Sigh......... :(
No mention of that in the spoilers I've read... just that he and Goldust had a tag team match and won.

(2) Curtis Axel & Ryback def. Cody Rhodes & The Shield in a non-title match. Axel steals the win with a surprise roll-up.

This is for the Smackdown in 2 days time. Maybe it's a mistake and 'The Shield' should really say 'Goldust'
Whilst they could have an epic tag title tlc match, it looks as though they are going with Axel and Ryback as a team to challenge the champs (yawn). The Real Americans should be involved, and you could always throw the usos in there again. They wouldn't want to take the spotlight off the super biggest first time ever main event.
I was hoping Cody & Goldust would back up CM Punk in his handicap match and the Uso's would back up Bryan against the Wyatt's... because as it is, I do not remotely see the logic in two handicap matches... and I'm also interested in neither.

Ryback and Axel is an awful pairing though. My two least favourite performers currently on the roster.
I like Axel. Not due to his character, or mic work (he's a charisma vacuum), but when he won the title on fathers day he looked up to the sky and looked very emotional. Broke character if anything, but it made him very likable
I imagine its gonna be Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara at WM. Probably face vs face, because Mysterio has been a face his entire life, whilst they need a new Mexican face as Rey is on his way to the scrap heap
The one I feel sorry for is Camacho. They've stolen his tag team partner :(.
Bryan coming back into the picture. :drool: Smackdown spoilers.

Before he can get all the way through though, here’s Daniel Bryan to point his fingers in the air a lot. Bryan says Orton needs to apologize for being a champion. In all of their title matches, Orton never once legitimately beat him. Just because Bryan has been targeted by the Wyatts, he hasn’t forgotten about Orton or what Orton did to him. Daniel says that after TLC, he’s going to be first in line for a title shot at the new champion. Tonight though he’s looking at the face of the WWE and feels like putting a knee on that face. Orton says no but Bryan appeals to the crowd for a YES chant.

I did think they'd do it for Wrestlemania and not put everything on him now. Do it when the pay off is at its highest.
Is anyody else thinking that turning Cena heel at TLC is a real possibility?

The way they have been billing it, The Authority getting frustrated with Orten saying he's the best and untouchable and deserves respect etc, Cena suggesting the match to start with.

HHH interferes, Cena is the Undisputed champion and aligned with The Authority as the face of the company, I can dream.
Cena will never turn heel.

No but he would if i was writing it, the story writes itself, he is aligned with the Authority, retains the belt at the rumble and Elimination chamber, is really obnoxious on raw! for weeks until, what's this? MY GOD! It's Hogan!!

Mania, Cena V Hogan, shit match but needs to happen
No but he would if i was writing it, the story writes itself, he is aligned with the Authority, retains the belt at the rumble and Elimination chamber, is really obnoxious on raw! for weeks until, what's this? MY GOD! It's Hogan!!

Mania, Cena V Hogan, shit match but needs to happen
Nah, not that I mind seeing Cena loose, jobbing to Hogan would be a bit much, and Cena's no HBK...
Don't mind me, I'm just taking the piss out of Hogan's lack of taste for lying down even in the most sensible of situations.

I'm still surprised the Rock beat him. :lol:

The thing is though, Hogan has very little left after his divorce, so has no real bargaining chip with Vince, so Hogan needs WWE and WWE doesn't need Hogan, He would have no choice other than to play ball.
Last segment on RAW was great. Punk attacking HHH, Bryan attacking HBK, Cena standing alongside the authority over a down Orton. So many places they could go now.
Love how the fans were shitting all over the end segment with Daniel Bryan chants. Expected the ending to blow but wow was I surprised. Was amazing when all hell broke loose. Somehow excited for the outcome on sunday now.
The most worrying part is that all of that could lead to Bryan not winning the Rumble and getting his moment at Wrestlemania like he should. Last night could quite easily build to Michaels/HHH against Punk/Bryan at Mania or two singles matches between those two. Don't get me wrong, that'd be awesome...but after everything that's happened, Bryan has to win the Rumble and get his moment at Wrestlemania.

feck knows what they're going to do, it genuinely could swing either way. Awesome final segment to Raw though and Cena's still amongst the most underrated when it comes to these moments and important promo's.

Did have a few laughs at some of the award results though. No AJ for either Diva of the year or insult of the year? Right.
Good ending to RAW, hopefully that marks the beginning of the annual pre-wrestlemania push. The card is still difficult to judge, You'd guess Bryan was a shoe-in to win the Rumble but again it looks as though they are building to DX vs Bryan/Punk. Other than that who wins the rumble? Reigns? If so I'd head towards a card of -

Cena vs Reigns???? or Sheamus or Orton???
Lesnar vs Taker
Dx vs Bryan & Punk
Goldust vs Cody
Rey vs Sin Cara
Ambrose vs Rollins
Langston vs Henry
Big Show Vs Kane

Also have to fit in Sheamus, Orton, Unamericans, some sort of Tag Title match and rumored Rock and Hogan appearances.