Television The Propgropthrop

here is my cover anyway


brb tweeting it to whatever I am meant to tweet it to to get it as the cover
Decent Raw, pretty shit crowd.

You do that exact same show infront of a really hot crowd, and we'd be talking about yet another amazing RAW I think.
Decent episode of Raw. Not as good as the week before but the storylines they are building for Summerslam and MITB are the best angles for a good two years because they are taking abit of time about building the angles. Feels like Bryan's push, Orton's heel turn, Ziggler vs Del Rio, Punks vs Lesnar and Henry vs Cena is being built in the right way. Pretty sure Bryan is going to go over in the MITB match and that would be a huge win for him given who is in the match.

Think, long-term, turning both Punk and Ziggler is going to make the roster to full of baby faces as Lesnar's the only genuine heel on the same level as the top babyfaces. With Bryan so over and Cena being Cena I don't think there is enough room for Ziggler and Punk as well and even with Orton turning there is a spot there to be filled. Punks vs Lesnar is a big draw so keeping Ziggler heel and the belt on him would have been better for him long-term.
And Orton taps out! I enjoyed their mini-feud, a well booked face vs face rivalry, whoda thunk it?

Don't think it's over. I reckon Orton is going to turn heel and best way of doing that is have him turn on the most over face in the company and both are booked for the MITB match which has far too many faces in it at the moment. They are just building it slower(or if not slower certainly better) than usual which is what is making the programme far more entertaining and less predictable and the performances also seem to have upped a notch.

Take Henry vs Cena. If you told me this is who Cena would have after Ryback I'd have thought he would have comfortably gone over Henry and then moved on his next angle. After Henry's awesome retirement promo and the way they built him never winning the title, I still Cena will win but I'm not 100% sure like I was with the piss poor Ryback angle and I also want to tune in to see what happens next. Much better booking.
Bryan is seriously brilliant. Maybe it's just me but I'd like to seen Bryan win the title normally rather than the MITB route which is what I suspect will happen now.

"I am not an extra from the Hobbit":lol:
Don't think it's over. I reckon Orton is going to turn heel and best way of doing that is have him turn on the most over face in the company and both are booked for the MITB match which has far too many faces in it at the moment. They are just building it slower than usual which is what is making the programme far more entertaining and less predictable and the performances also seem to have upped a notch.

Take Henry vs Cena. If you told me this is who Cena would have after Ryback I'd have thought he would have comfortably gone over Henry and then moved on his next angle. After Henry's awesome retirement promo and the way they built him never winning the title, I still Cena will win but I'm not 100% sure like I was with the piss poor Ryback angle and I also want to tune in to see what happens next. Much better booking.

Cena/Henry won't go to Summerslam... it's not a big enough match for the 2nd biggest show of the year.

It's a shame, 'cos Henry deserves more then just a month program with the work he did on that promo, but then, I don't imagine the WWE expected him to do such an awesome job with it. Ultimately though, as a match, Cena vs. Henry will, at best, be decent... it's not going to set the world on fire, so it'll end at MITB.

I honestly think WWE will give Bryan that briefcase, he will cash it in nobaly and face Cena at SummerSlam. The big 3 matches could then be:

Bryan vs. Cena
Punk vs. Lesnar
Shield vs. Taker/Kane

In which case, take my (imaginary) money Vince.
Orton turning heel.. Heard it so many times this year already. He's had tons of opportunities to do it, and with the past 3 matches v Bryan and the tag match at payback perfect times to do it, I'm not sure it's actually ever going to happen. Heel's dont show respect and shake hands after losing by submission. Face v face doesn't have to end with someone turning heel, i'm just surprised the mitb match has 7 babyfaces in it.
Orton turning heel.. Heard it so many times this year already. He's had tons of opportunities to do it, and with the past 3 matches v Bryan and the tag match at payback perfect times to do it, I'm not sure it's actually ever going to happen. Heel's dont show respect and shake hands after losing by submission. Face v face doesn't have to end with someone turning heel, i'm just surprised the mitb match has 7 babyfaces in it.

I'm trying to think, if they do another MITB match (which they should), who would be in that without it being dominated by heels?

Wade Barrett, Antonio Cessaro, Dean Ambrose, The Miz.... Will Fandago or Kofi be back? or Swagger? Then there's people like Big E, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow... There's only really midcard heels left apart from Kofi and Miz! Maybe they could throw in Tyson Kidd or Sin Cara mind.

Then again, I suppose a crowd will just be into a match like that regardless of whether or not they have someone to get behind.
I was hoping/thinking that sheamus and randy orton would be in the world title mitb match, with the likes of sandow, rhodes, cesaro... If anything having two matches now just shows how little regard there is for the world title. Having all the main upper card faces in one match looks good on paper but leaves the other one much weaker. Unless there will only be one mitb match this year. That jericho - ryback match is just weird. Guess they want Rybak to finally get a ppv win and dominate since y2j is heading off for a while.
Orton turning heel.. Heard it so many times this year already. He's had tons of opportunities to do it, and with the past 3 matches v Bryan and the tag match at payback perfect times to do it, I'm not sure it's actually ever going to happen. Heel's dont show respect and shake hands after losing by submission. Face v face doesn't have to end with someone turning heel, i'm just surprised the mitb match has 7 babyfaces in it.

It does not have to end with someone turning heel, no, but look at how many main event/upper mid card faces there at the moment. Cena, Orton, Ziggler, Punk, Bryan, Jericho and Sheamus. Something's got to give eventually. I did not see Orton shake Bryan's hand at the end of the match otherwise may have doubted it more but eventually one of those 7 is going to have to turn heel. Lesnar will be working Summerslam but with his contract I can't see him being on TV much after for the rest of the year and that leaves a huge void in terms of main event heels with Punk and Ziggler being turned face. The likes of Henry and Del Rio are decent but they are not good enough to be the biggest heels on the roster and Ryback's not even in their league.

I think Orton is the most likely candidate as his face run has become stale and he's not like Cena who will probably always stay face. He could work an angle with Bryan or Ziggler(who may well both both titles) and it would be fresh and help establish them more. Faces are booked so strongly on WWE nowadays though maybe they will continue with the main event feuds mainly being face vs face. It's happened more this year than I can ever remember before.

BTW - I also think Bryan vs Cena could be the main event of Summerslam and think the Henry programme is one month. It's still been booked much better.
So the MITB ladder match has CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Christian vs. Kane vs. Rob Van Dam.

Ziggler, Del Rio, Ryback, Jericho, Cena and Henry all have other matches. So basically Show is arguably the only "top name" who isn't in that one. So the WHC MITB match is almost certainly going to be a "star making" match. This pleases me. Unless they pick Bo Dallas to win it, in which case I am not pleased.
Ambrose with the briefcase. :drool:

Would be an interesting dynamic, the champion having the Shield waiting to pick him off at his weakest moment. Could lead to a whole paranoia angle, like when Crash Holly was the Hardcore Champion.
Big E wins MitB, Ziggler wins WHC. There's an interesting dynamic.
So the MITB ladder match has CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Christian vs. Kane vs. Rob Van Dam.

Ziggler, Del Rio, Ryback, Jericho, Cena and Henry all have other matches. So basically Show is arguably the only "top name" who isn't in that one. So the WHC MITB match is almost certainly going to be a "star making" match. This pleases me. Unless they pick Bo Dallas to win it, in which case I am not pleased.

I didn't think they were even doing a WHC one this year?

Also, the Orton handshake means nothing, he can still easily turn heel. Have that loss add fuel to his fire and him eventually turn on Bryan because of it. They're doing it slowly, which is the right thing to do. I'm also still not ruling out Orton winning the MITB and Orton/Cena happening, though you'd expect Bryan is the current favorite right now with his current run.