Television The Propgropthrop

The best bit of the Mark Henry thing was when he shouted at Cena 'I got a lot left in the tank'. The way he said it cracked me up so much
I loved how the crowd started chanting "we want puppies" when Stephanie came out!

Cena isnt going anywhere for another 10 years. He'll be well over 20 reigns by the time he retires as well, and still doing the whole 'r time = now' shit.
Ryback or Sheamus. Ryback most likely, IIRC Vince said years ago that he saw him as the next Cena.

Ryback is shit, he's never going to be the man. Sheamus is Irish and that's a no-no.

It'll either be someone from the Shield who are being molded into the future stars or someone we don't know yet. Though, personally I'd love to see Daniel Bryan as the de facto main event.
Being shit never stopped Cena. Or Hogan, Or The Rock, Nash, Goldberg, etc, etc.

FWIW, I don't actually want Ryback to be on top, just expect him to be as rammed down our throats.
So why the comparison then? The next Cena is the next top guy, not just another wrestler that's heavily promoted. Punk's been quite heavily promoted the last couple of years, he's not the next Cena. And for all their flaws, the people on that list are much better than fecking Ryback.
Won't happen, there's younger guys (shield namely) who are booked much better and protected a lot more than Ryback. They even pinned him when he was getting a monster face push. Not to mention, he's no spring chicken, I doubt his career will even last until Cena retires.
To put it into context, he's been with the WWE since 2004, and only got a serious push after 8 years in developmental, at which point he still wasn't good. He's got the muscles and everything, he's just really shit.
Cena is not shite, far from it. Just wish the WWE had the balls to make him go as a heel. The heat he would get from the crowd if he did turn heel would be amazing
Cena is not shite, far from it. Just wish the WWE had the balls to make him go as a heel. The heat he would get from the crowd if he did turn heel would be amazing

He's not shit perse, but jesus feck can someone get more stale? Having to listen to Michael McIntyre jokes more than once is less painful than his promos.
He's not shit perse, but jesus feck can someone get more stale? Having to listen to Michael McIntyre jokes more than once is less painful than his promos.

Oh I agree. Cena is the stalest character on the WWE at the moment and that won't change until WWE decide to do something. The likes of Austin, Rock and now Punk have all been Heels which prevented them from getting stale. The only person who's been a face for longer than Cena is Undertaker and he's probably the only one who could get away with it.
Talk of Rollins and Ambrose, where's the Roman love fellas? With his heritage could see him getting a decent push after a Shield break up. He's with 2 of the right guys right now to develop in ring too.
I don't know, Rollins manages to look a lot more brutal than Roman despite being the 'wrasler' rather than the 'big man'


I don't count things like a spear through the barricade in this by the way, because that's the kind of spot you're only going to get in gimmick matches, as opposed to simple 1 v 1s
I just hope they keep the shield together until they are all ready to be main eventers, splitting them up would be a big mistake
I like Roman's superman offence, it's interesting, very based around strikes though.
If it was me, i would be looking at october to turn Cena heel, get Punk back over as a face over the summer and have the two of them feud into mania.

Also, if anybody gets bored go on youtube and listen to jim cornette shoot videos, i could listen to the man all night, his love for the buisness is incredible.