Television The Propgropthrop

Congratulations Dolph Ziggler on somehow managing to be the Janetty of a team that also involved Jack Swagger.

Speaking of Swagger, now his title reign isn't the worst!
Ziggler should win the WHC off Del Rio as a face, their match last night was good (assuming they follow through with the double turn)

They should follow through with it, most of the crowds have been hot for Ziggler since Mania, and without Ricardo Rodriguez no one would give two shits about ADR.... completely the opposite reactions that what they were supposed to be getting. And the way they were bigging up Ziggy's efforts last night make him seem very face-ish
Del Rio bores the absolute pants off me. Im sure hes a big draw for the WWE because hes a good wrestler and Mexican, but he's just had a big title run a few months ago, and now he has already taken it off Ziggler?. I mean Zig after that concussion absence has hardly had a "title run".

Its a shame that both he and A.J could not be the new power couple holding both titles. Meh.
I loved the ending to Ziggler/Del Rio... I thought it was incredibly well done and probably the most dramatic end to a WWE match in ages. It sucks that Ziggler has dropped the title this quickly, but with how they made him look really strong at the end of the match, I can't see WWE not giving him a good run as a face... I predict he wins the title back at Summerslam.

All in all, great PPV overall... I saw this without seeing the main event.

Oh and also, is there a finer sight in WWE right now then a Daniel Bryan hot-tag?
To be fair, AJ and Katlyn put on a very good match last night. Best WWE Divas match in years... that Widows Peak counter AJ pulled when Katlyn spun her around was superb.
Sad to think a while back it looked like there was a chance of it becoming interesting with Kharma.

It's even sadder to think that just a few years ago, Trish and Lita were in the division. If only Vince would understand the difference between having a gorgeous valet to lust after and having actual talented wrestling in the divas division. Kaitlyn and AJ put on a really good wrestling match last night, I was genuinely impressed, but you watch AJ drop the title to some bimbo who can't wrestler or act.

EDIT: i'm not watching Raw live because i like to fast forward the 14000 ad breaks, so thanks for spoiler tags :D
It's even sadder to think that just a few years ago, Trish and Lita were in the division. If only Vince would understand the difference between having a gorgeous valet to lust after and having actual talented wrestling in the divas division. Kaitlyn and AJ put on a really good wrestling match last night, I was genuinely impressed, but you watch AJ drop the title to some bimbo who can't wrestler or act.
It's funny, both Trish and Lita(to an extent) were brought in as eye candy. Got pretty embarrassing when Lita was better at Essa Rios shtick than he was. Last night was good, but how easy would it be for them to have that be the norm, not a pleasant surprise....
EDIT: i'm not watching Raw live because i like to fast forward the 14000 ad breaks, so thanks for spoiler tags :D
Yeah, stupid American ad system...
It's funny, both Trish and Lita(to an extent) were brought in as eye candy. Got pretty embarrassing when Lita was better at Essa Rios shtick than he was. Last night was good, but how easy would it be for them to have that be the norm, not a pleasant surprise....

Yeah, stupid American ad system...

Oh my days!! I hgad completely block Essa Rios from my mind! didn't he emerge at around the same time that WWE were trying to get their light heavyweight division off the ground to counter WCWs cruiserweights?

Thinking back there were some shocking charactors in that sort of era and just before, Mantaur, Tatanka was getting a heel push (although that lasted about 6 months) and summerslam '95 was headlined by King Mabel Vs Diesal. I take it back vince, I have known worse championship matches than last nights.

Does anybody remember Man Mountin rock?
Aye, that was it, the Light Heavyweight, they had some baaaad wrestlers involved in that, but in fairness, some greats too. How the hell was most of Michinoku's WWF/E career such a joke?

Had to Google Man Mountain rock. Kinda sorry I did, hahaha.
"I gotta lot left in the tank!" :lol:

That was well done, a part of me thought he would attack Cena but when he handed the title back I was actually convinced he was retiring.
i dont understand why the heck they made him pretend to retire just for that. It was great though
That was actually a great episode of Raw, straight after a good PPV (minus the main event) and a fantastic main event on SD last week.... I hope they can keep this up
What a great RAW. That Mark Henry promo is one of the best I've seen in recent years (yeah, not a "pipebomb" but still fantastic). Lesnar vs. Punk should be great. And for about two minutes Regal and Cesaro had a match!
Some of those kicks Del Rio gave Ziggler were horrible. I know they are trained to take them and make them seem more effective, but the kick to his head when he climbed back into the ring seemed to have some real welly behind it. It even made A.J jump because it was so suprising!.

and I haven't seen raw yet, but Punk v Lesnar?!?!?! :drool:
Punk vs Lesnar
Punk vs Lesnar
Punk vs Lesnar


Marking out so hard for that match, love when wrestling makes me feel like a kid again.
Mark Henry's "retirement" was sensational. The way the commentators kept selling the rumours angle, I had a feeling something might happen, but when Henry started speaking I stopped believing. But THAT'S WHAT HE DOES!
Brilliant Raw.

Henry was outstanding. I hope he gets the title but I have a feeling he'll only be more cannon fodder for Cena. Cena only won the title recently so I can't imagine him dropping it so early. Henry deserves a shot.
Cesaro is wasted. I was at a house show recently and he stole the show. I don't see how aligning him with Coulter will help, but I hope it does. He should be much more higher up in the pecking order.
For a legend like Henry he deserves a decent title run before retiring.

He plays the indestructible monster character better than anybody IMO.

His entrance music is awesome too.
Brilliant episode of raw coming off the heels of a solid PPV!

Ziggler V Del Rio - great feud, double turn. Awesome.

The intercontanental championship seems to be gaining relevance again with Barrett, Henning and Miz doing a great job.

Punk Vs Lesnor!!!!!! Ohhhhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhh!

Daniel Bryan just being awesome, even the divas title feud is enjoyable. I love it when everything just clicks!

The only downside is that we seem to be building towards HHH Vs Vince at summerslam.