Television The Propgropthrop

Finally........Finally The Goat is back...

As much as I loved that and that it was a definite return to the Attitude Era heel Rock. And as much as his insults were absolute fire, the actual Cody rant made no sense at all. Cody earned the right to a rematch at Mania because he fecking won the rumble, for the second time in a row no less.

Then he had it taken away because The Rock flexed his star status, WWE legacy and board of directors member status to remove Cody and place himself in the match instead. Only after that did people complain and get the original match reinstated. So Rock can make out he's hard done by and the fans screwed themselves out of the biggest Mania main event of all time as much as he likes, but the fans just won't buy it.

Hopefully Cody comes out soon and points this out, probably earning himself a rock bottom and a people's elbow and no doubt a superman punch, spear, Samoan spike and Uso superkick for good measure, which will only reinforce his babyface status and the Bloodlines heel status at the same time.

Fair play for using this all and making the most of it. Turning a shambles back round in to a massive win for entertainment, excitement and adding absolute confusion and uncertainty to a match that should be a completely given result.

Wrestlemania 40 might just live up to the billing if it carries on like this. Personally, I can't fecking wait.
Great promo :lol: although I would have liked a slight transition to Rock calling everyone trash.
Fell short of expectations. Didn't like him showing the goosebumps and sharing the attendance record with that crowd.
As much as I loved that and that it was a definite return to the Attitude Era heel Rock. And as much as his insults were absolute fire, the actual Cody rant made no sense at all. Cody earned the right to a rematch at Mania because he fecking won the rumble, for the second time in a row no less.

But surely as a heel he shouldn't be making sense? He should sound like an entitled, delusional dick.
Man, this place can find anything and everything to complain about

Some of you really don't know how to enjoy or are just miserable
But surely as a heel he shouldn't be making sense? He should sound like an entitled, delusional dick.

Also, He is making sense. Literally everything he said has a point or large element of truth to it. He just left out the inconvenient bits like Cody winning the Rumble to get his re-match, which is exactly what a heel character should and actually has to do in order to be a heel.

Also the reason there wasn't a "transition" is because the fans forced this angle onto WWE, so it isn't a natural turn or arc. No point getting what you want and then moaning about it. A heel Rock who the fans wont just cheer for anyway is the biggest bonus to come out of this imo. He's genuinely great at it.

The Rock is the only thing making this entertaining. Without him its just the same match as last year, and we'd have 2 months of Cody repeating himself over and over, and Reigns showing up once every 2-3 weeks to do the exact same promo he's done for the past year. Now we have Rock being more entertaining than he has been in forever and that also gives Cody something with far more substance to work with. Rock belittling Cody's "story" is designed to do precisely the opposite, because fans will naturally rally behind it and Cody is now also very much the underdog.

Also don't buy that The Rock basically took over WWE and forced them to put him in the main event to distract from the Vince stuff and this makes him super arrogant. Firstly, something like that would have been a joint board decision and just as deplorable on everyone involved. They didn't install Rock as God to replace Vince. Secondly, there's just been revelations + strong evidence of systematic sex trafficking and basically rape within WWE which has been going on for years, and all any wrestling fan wants to do is talk about The Rock. So if that was the plan, it's actually worked quite astonishingly well and in a horrible way was very very clever.
As much as I loved that and that it was a definite return to the Attitude Era heel Rock. And as much as his insults were absolute fire, the actual Cody rant made no sense at all. Cody earned the right to a rematch at Mania because he fecking won the rumble, for the second time in a row no less.

Then he had it taken away because The Rock flexed his star status, WWE legacy and board of directors member status to remove Cody and place himself in the match instead. Only after that did people complain and get the original match reinstated. So Rock can make out he's hard done by and the fans screwed themselves out of the biggest Mania main event of all time as much as he likes, but the fans just won't buy it.

Hopefully Cody comes out soon and points this out, probably earning himself a rock bottom and a people's elbow and no doubt a superman punch, spear, Samoan spike and Uso superkick for good measure, which will only reinforce his babyface status and the Bloodlines heel status at the same time.

Fair play for using this all and making the most of it. Turning a shambles back round in to a massive win for entertainment, excitement and adding absolute confusion and uncertainty to a match that should be a completely given result.

Wrestlemania 40 might just live up to the billing if it carries on like this. Personally, I can't fecking wait.
To be fair Cody was crying about finishing the story long before he won the rumble.
The "what is his story" line from The Rock I actually thought was really good, because you'd actually struggle to answer in a way that made it specifically about a match with Roman Reigns, except that by saying that Rock is now making about a match with Reigns.
Also don't buy that The Rock basically took over WWE and forced them to put him in the main event to distract from the Vince stuff and this makes him super arrogant. Firstly, something like that would have been a joint board decision and just as deplorable on everyone involved. They didn't install Rock as God to replace Vince. Secondly, there's just been revelations + strong evidence of systematic sex trafficking and basically rape within WWE which has been going on for years, and all any wrestling fan wants to do is talk about The Rock. So if that was the plan, it's actually worked quite astonishingly well and in a horrible way was very very clever.

Why The Match Was Changed
The Rock publicly expressed his desire for a match against Roman Reigns on January 1st, appearing during the Day 1 episode of RAW. Subsequently, the match was arranged shortly thereafter, despite Cody Rhodes winning the 2024 Royal Rumble match. Notably, Triple H was aware of the agreement for Rock vs Reigns.

It's been well publicised that was the case. Although The Rock held the final decision and decided to pivot back to Rhodes/Reigns instead agreeing for a tag match between Rollins/Rhodes v Reigns/Rock.

I also definitely do not agree it's only The Rock making things interesting at all. I think the last year saw some truly outstanding matches and I'm more than happy with the current crop of stars along with the more seasoned wrestlers too. The women's roster is stacked and some of their matches have been fecking amazing. It's far better now than it was a few years ago when it just relied on older big name wrestlers coming to the end of their careers.
To be fair Cody was crying about finishing the story long before he won the rumble.

Yeah, but that's been a thing since he lost at Wrestlemania last year where everyone, including the bookies were almost certain he was going to win. As I said, him losing has actually turned out to be a good shout and has lined up some amazing stories and rivalries. Him winning this year leaves them more avenues to go down than last year. If he loses again though.... Well that would really be something. :lol:
It's been well publicised that was the case. Although The Rock held the final decision and decided to pivot back to Rhodes/Reigns instead agreeing for a tag match between Rollins/Rhodes v Reigns/Rock.

I also definitely do not agree it's only The Rock making things interesting at all. I think the last year saw some truly outstanding matches and I'm more than happy with the current crop of stars along with the more seasoned wrestlers too. The women's roster is stacked and some of their matches have been fecking amazing. It's far better now than it was a few years ago when it just relied on older big name wrestlers coming to the end of their careers.
Is that tag match the plan? I really feel like that’s a waste. Why not a triple threat? Rock can just insert himself in
Is that tag match the plan? I really feel like that’s a waste. Why not a triple threat? Rock can just insert himself in

Apparently it's being set up for night one of Wrestlemania giving that night a top billing main event. Recent events have made it a huge possibility but obviously we won't really know until the matches are confirmed.

Rhodes/Reigns is set for the real main event on night two.
It's been well publicised that was the case. Although The Rock held the final decision and decided to pivot back to Rhodes/Reigns instead agreeing for a tag match between Rollins/Rhodes v Reigns/Rock.

I also definitely do not agree it's only The Rock making things interesting at all. I think the last year saw some truly outstanding matches and I'm more than happy with the current crop of stars along with the more seasoned wrestlers too. The women's roster is stacked and some of their matches have been fecking amazing. It's far better now than it was a few years ago when it just relied on older big name wrestlers coming to the end of their careers.

You lot can't make up your minds. This is what I said only to be told in this thread that The Rock vs Reigns was definitely meant to be next year and only changed after The Rumble and Punk's injury. Now its "well publicised" that it was decided before then? One way or another bollocks is being spouted in this thread and presented as if its fact.

Also what you are describing there isn't the same as what I said at all? Rock doesn't run WWE. Whenever, whatever was decided, it wouldn't have just been him dictating it to everyone else. He's now also playing to the situation and doing a really good job when he could have thrown his toys out of the pram and phoned it in/walked away.

Also not sure if you're deliberately missing the point or accidentally but I was referring specifically to the Reigns vs Cody angle. If you take The Rock out of the equation there is nothing interesting about it an they'd have struggled to draw 2 months of entertaining build out of it, because it'd be the same cycle as every Reigns feud since forever. Outside of that yes they have some good stuff going on in the women's division and have had some really good matches over the past year. Although I do think it's tailed off a bit over the past few months.

The most interesting thing about WWE prior to the fuss with the rock was that its CEO was using his position in WWE to sex traffic women and no one in WWE was doing anything about it. It's worth remembering that.
The "what is his story" line from The Rock I actually thought was really good, because you'd actually struggle to answer in a way that made it specifically about a match with Roman Reigns, except that by saying that Rock is now making about a match with Reigns.
I'm indifferent to his story but I assume it's to be world champion/hold the highest belt in the company
It’s to win the title his dad didn’t.

Exactly that. His dad was a well loved babyface and a very funny guy, but when he came to the WWF it was when Hulk Hogan was top dog and number 1 fan favourite babyface. He also had to compete with the likes of Bret Hart and Sean Michaels. According to others he was also quite vocal backstage and often challenged Vince on his creative ideas and the direction he wanted Dusty to go. We all know how that usually ended. He's a bit like Steve Bruce never playing for England as being known as a well loved Wrestler who never held the ultimate prize. His brother also while being a great wrestler was never quite good enough or popular enough to do it either.

Hence Cody's obvious obsession with finally winning it for the Rhodes family name and to honour his dad. Never mind he fact he is now actually good enough and more than
That promo was fun. You could see rock is enjoying that. He will trash anything and everything and still look cool. You could also feel this is all done for rock to screw roman and cody win it.
Got a bit wild a few weeks ago with the Rock vs Roman stuff but they've completely nailed it with this new direction. Heel Rock is good shit
Thought we’d have got some form of an announcement last night that at Elimination Chamber it’ll be a tag team match between The Rock & Roman vs Cody & Seth.
Thought we’d have got some form of an announcement last night that at Elimination Chamber it’ll be a tag team match between The Rock & Roman vs Cody & Seth.
Well Seth's injured I'm pretty certain.

I don't think that tag match is gonna happen. At least not until post mania. I don't see Seth doing double duty so close from returning from injury but regardless, you're taking spots away from others in the roster for a poxy exhibition match?
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Well Seth's injured I'm pretty certain.

I don't think that tag match is gonna happen. At least not until post mania. I don't see Seth doing double duty so close from returning from injury but regardless, you're taking spots away from others in the roster for a proxy exhibition match?

Yeah, you're right. I forgot about Seth's injury, and I agree it would be a risk to put him in two big matches in a row, but it has been touted by a few different websites.

Here's the one I read. Again reporting about The Rocks involvement in the decision making behind the scenes too.
I would take almost every "report" with a total pinch of salt. None of them clearly have a clue in regards to this story and the evolution of it. There's enough evidence to justify this going close to the plan, going by what's been actually said and more specifically, how it was said. The Rock was never coming back to do a vanilla yawn worthy one-off Rock vs Roman match on a 2 month build should be the first giveaway, it's something he made exceptionally clear last year.

I like how he directly compared Cody to two double losers in the Niners (KC 20 and 24) and the Jazz (Chicago 97-98) :lol:, whether indirectly or not.
I would take almost every "report" with a total pinch of salt. None of them clearly have a clue in regards to this story and the evolution of it. There's enough evidence to justify this going close to the plan, going by what's been actually said and more specifically, how it was said. The Rock was never coming back to do a vanilla yawn worthy one-off Rock vs Roman match on a 2 month build should be the first giveaway, it's something he made exceptionally clear last year.

I like how he directly compared Cody to two double losers in the Niners (KC 20 and 24) and the Jazz (Chicago 97-98) :lol:, whether indirectly or not.
Solid disagree. It's the match people have wanted to ages but the opportunity for it has come at the wrong time. It's a match that doesn't need the belt too.
Allegedly he was pushing to go over originally too.
"Allegedly".... I revert you straight back to the first sentence of that quote.

I'm not reasonably sure what there is to disagree with really, but if you think he was gonna rock up and do a match on a 2 month window to build and market it. then fair enough. I just don't buy it, in the slightest, from either side, and to me, there's nothing to suggest it either. Rock loves marketing the shit out of anything he attaches himself to now.
"Allegedly".... I revert you straight back to the first sentence of that quote.

I'm not reasonably sure what there is to disagree with really, but if you think he was gonna rock up and do a match on a 2 month window to build and market it. then fair enough. I just don't buy it, in the slightest, from either side, and to me, there's nothing to suggest it either. Rock loves marketing the shit out of anything he attaches himself to now.
Yes. It's WrestleMania and the match speaks for itself. He came back at the beginning of January and hinted at a feud with Roman which everyone seems to forget. That would have been a 4 month build which was more than fine. Why would the rock come back and talk about sitting at the head of table if the plan wasn't a match with Roman?
Yes. It's WrestleMania and the match speaks for itself. He came back at the beginning of January and hinted at a feud with Roman which everyone seems to forget. That would have been a 4 month build which was more than fine. Why would the rock come back and talk about sitting at the head of table if the plan wasn't a match with Roman?

I'm not suggesting it wasn't the plan. Just not, or realistically at point, at 40. They don't put together matches like that on a whim, thus the 16 month build to 41 you are getting.