Television The Propgropthrop

Why does Paul Heyman have one phone to phone Roman Reigns and then a different phone to phone The Rock?

Does he not understand how phones work?
Tag match is on then! Loved that promo again and glad Rock acknowledged Roman to ensure he remains the dominant party since it’s his match it had to happen. :lol:

Think Rock pins Seth night 1 and Cody wins somehow night 2 against the odds.
Tag match is on then! Loved that promo again and glad Rock acknowledged Roman to ensure he remains the dominant party since it’s his match it had to happen. :lol:

Think Rock pins Seth night 1 and Cody wins somehow night 2 against the odds.

Yeah feel like Rock and Roman have to win the tag match. I'd have Rock pin Cody though, just to further set up that match down the road.

Rollins losing both matches could be a great story for him too, especially if Drew cuts a "I told you so" promo on Raw the night after
I feel like a tag team match is a waste of The Rocks in ring return. Triple threat would have been better

Hopefully they have something planned
Don't like it. Rock and Cody are doing great work to build it. Particularly Rock who keeps mixing very good points in with acting like enough of a heel for it not to matter.

Mania just seems a mess to me now though.

The tag match is pointless and Rollins involvement in it makes absolutely no sense at all. It also completely sh*ts on him and Drew as now their main event wont even really be the main event on that particular night. Its just all too obvious that they are trying to fit a plan/story around bowing to fan pressure and I still don't really get what the pay off at the end is to make it worth it. Other than the heel Rock we're getting now which has been much better than him cutting good guy promos every other week.
Don't like it. Rock and Cody are doing great work to build it. Particularly Rock who keeps mixing very good points in with acting like enough of a heel for it not to matter.

Mania just seems a mess to me now though.

The tag match is pointless and Rollins involvement in it makes absolutely no sense at all. It also completely sh*ts on him and Drew as now their main event wont even really be the main event on that particular night. Its just all too obvious that they are trying to fit a plan/story around bowing to fan pressure and I still don't really get what the pay off at the end is to make it worth it. Other than the heel Rock we're getting now which has been much better than him cutting good guy promos every other week.
When was Seth and Drew ever going to be one of the main events
Possible but probably never. Probably would have been Becky/Rhea if not for the tag team.

It was certainly never advertised or promoted as such.
Yeah agree, it should be one of the women's title matches but it is what it is, was never going to be Seth without Punk
Tag match is on then! Loved that promo again and glad Rock acknowledged Roman to ensure he remains the dominant party since it’s his match it had to happen.

It does make it to obvious that he will turn on Roman though.

I do like he is still holding up the loser sign when the rest are holding up one finger however
It does make it to obvious that he will turn on Roman though.

I do like he is still holding up the loser sign when the rest are holding up one finger however
It’s a possible theory, everyone also seems to think it’ll end with Stone Cold helping Cody win. As fun as that would be I don’t think that overbooked nonsense would be especially helpful for Cody. Although I did enjoy the overbooked Bad Bunny v Priest match recently that had similar vibes (lots of random run ins), that was thoroughly sport’s entertaining.
When was Seth and Drew ever going to be one of the main events

It's not even going to be Seth's biggest match at Mania, which is dumb since his whole angle of being champion is about how he wants his championship to be the one that matters. It also pretty much buries the world title forever.

He also has absolutely no reason or motive to involve himself in Cody vs Reigns. Especially not in a tag match to decide the rules for the main event when he could just as easily interfere in it himself anyway.

Don't want Austin interfering in the match either as then it just becomes even more of a mess.

They were leaning very heavy on the Rock/Reigns tension this Friday with Reigns constant expressions and refusing to look at Rock, and Rock even doing the same delayed "I'm the most important" arm raise thing he used to do in his nation days. There's enough going on with this without needing to throw more at it.

It's not going to be Cody's story if he wins the title as part of a Rock/Austin/Reigns angle.
It's not even going to be Seth's biggest match at Mania, which is dumb since his whole angle of being champion is about how he wants his championship to be the one that matters. It also pretty much buries the world title forever.

He also has absolutely no reason or motive to involve himself in Cody vs Reigns. Especially not in a tag match to decide the rules for the main event when he could just as easily interfere in it himself anyway.

Don't want Austin interfering in the match either as then it just becomes even more of a mess.

They were leaning very heavy on the Rock/Reigns tension this Friday with Reigns constant expressions and refusing to look at Rock, and Rock even doing the same delayed "I'm the most important" arm raise thing he used to do in his nation days. There's enough going on with this without needing to throw more at it.

It's not going to be Cody's story if he wins the title as part of a Rock/Austin/Reigns angle.
I've actually been thinking Seth could do a heel turn for old times sake or something daft like that.
Just seen that Darby spot.

What is the point? He does it that often it’s totally diluted. He’ll die in a match.
Stayed up for Revolution last night and totally worth it, one of the best PPVs I've ever seen, every match was great.
Just seen that Darby spot.

What is the point? He does it that often it’s totally diluted. He’ll die in a match.
I'm gonna go out and say at this point he simply wants to do it. I'm pretty sure no one is telling him to do that, if anything the exact opposite. I'm all for letting them push the boundaries and it's his style, but there definitely seems like there could have been a better/safer way of doing something like that.
Noodle is in a weird spot. Cos he is complaining week after week cos he didnt get something his way., so if he watches Mania, his complaints are for nothing, and if he doesnt watch, hes now in a position where hes making the same complaints every week :lol:

BTW, if it wasnt obvious, Sting is a GOAT. Ive enjoyed his AEW run.
Even away from the obvious dumbness of diving through chairs and glass (that will explode onto fans) - Jackson wasn't on there at any point, and Derby would have missed him altogether even if he had stayed exactly where he was.
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Is he even a wrestler really? He's like a Jackass character (showing my age...) doing a big stunt cameo in every match.

Orton's reversing Theory into an RKO on Smackdown was a bigger "Wow!" spot, to be honest.

Also, Eddie Kingston continues to be the worst thing in wrestling.
Revolution was alright, too many of the matches were either lacking in enough story to care about or completely predictable. AEW has some brilliant characters at the moment, Christian Cage and Toni Storm are doing some career best stuff, but they don't anyone to play the foil well enough to match them.

Eddie Kingston seems to have fallen off a cliff, I get that his brawling style will never look completely crisp or clean but when Bryan Danielson can't make you look good there's a problem. I remember watching his match with Punk at Full Gear a few years ago and it was a great match, he came out of it looking really good. Maybe he's just phoning it in nowadays.

As for the main event, I enjoyed every second of it. Sting got the treatment he deserved, great to see such a big crowd there for him, and given his choice of opponents and the build up it was the right result too. Almost always a legend should be going out on their back, but the Bucks (who played their part well in all of this) didn't need the rub at all. The match was great fun too, messy at times but that's how a tornado tag should look. All in all it was a fitting end to a legendary career.
Yeah seems like Rock and Reigns will win the tag match and will be all the smoke and mirrors you could possibly imagine on Night 2