Television The Propgropthrop

The fact that wwe have booked cody the way they have done,I think not having him win the title will make him look like an idiot. Rock roman is a money match with or without the title. In fact title will just look an afterthought in their feud, just like it did with rock cena 2.

Yes, rock holding the title sounds fun but not sure it is needed.
Without an interesting build up, it might end up like Brock vs Goldberg at wm 20.

I don't think the fans will care about the "head of the table" feud when they know that The Rock will disappear after the match.

As for Cody, he shouldn't be winning the title now as it will derail all of his momentum. Just my opinion.
I honestly think they were sort of playing both sides with this whole thing - putting The Rock out there, putting Cody out there, they probably wanted Rock vs Roman but were obviously aware there might be backlash so were more then ready to pivot.

Either way, they've now made an incredibly hot main even scene... and I'm here for it.

I think the angle was meant to be Rock vs Reigns, because that's what's been hinted and that's what would have made sense. They've changed tact when the internet threw its tantrum (which IMO was a mistake) and now playing to the whole angle and trying to make it seem real. So we'll have a Rock vs HHH power struggle angle thrown in. Almost seemed like they've been mocking the fans without them even realising it the past week. No way they keep referring to the "elders" not being happy with Reigns, have Rock come out and say he wants to be head of the table, have Rock come out and stare Reigns down after Cody introduces him, and then suddenly with no explanation at all him and Roman are suddenly super buddy heel mates a couple of days later, and that was all pre planned, because its absolutely dumb, even for wrestling. Its dumber than when Vince was the higher power. Ironically the one thing that might save it is if The Rock does a really good job as a heel.

Also I don't agree the main event scene is hot at all. We've gone from two main events that I wanted to see, made sense, and actually had a degree of unpredictability about them, to two that make no sense and look very much fumbled together. Like someone re-writing the script for a play half way through the play because the audience didn't like what happened to one of the characters.

Cody vs Reigns - so now Cody has to win because that's the only reason to put him into the match since the whole outcry was about how he needs to "finish the story" and the Rock was stealing his spot.. If he does win he isn't really finishing his story now, he's finishing the non-sensical narrative that's been forced onto him, which will ruin the whole thing as a moment and leave him with no story at all after WM. Or Reigns wins which means the whole thing was for absolutely no reason and a complete waste of a main event, for the second year in a row. As well as a complete waste of TWO Royal Rumbles. Either way, I'm absolutely not hot for it. I actually think I'd want Roman to win the same way as last year just because it'd be funny at this point.

Then we have Rollins vs who knows. Maybe Drew would be decent. There's no one else in the frame who I'm at all interested in Rollins facing but Drew is busy doing his anti CM Punk thing and already had two matches with Rollins, so again, makes no sense. Maybe Punk turns up to screw him over, further infuriates Rollins in the process. I dunno. Not that excited for it. Rollins vs Cody after the previous matches, Cody's injury, Reigns needing to prove he can actually beat him, etc. - I'd actually have kind of liked to see that.

I'm just confused what the plan actually was with Reigns/Cody before Punk got injured. It wasn't going anywhere interesting. I mean it could have but they've done nothing to build it and I'm so bored with Reigns vs x person who he wont lose to and/or makes no sense if he does.
Also I don't agree the main event scene is hot at all. We've gone from two main events that I wanted to see, made sense, and actually had a degree of unpredictability about them, to two that make no sense and look very much fumbled together.

That's a 'you' issue.
Cody/reigns makes more sense from the last year than rock/reigns
Rock was nowhere to be seen during the bloodline civil war
Heck his first return was trashing Austin theory rather than even mentioning bloodline.
You keep making the point Cody did thinks outside of reigns and bloodline but rock was even worse
At least wth Cody it made sense
After mania he wanted Cody but Brock turned on him so he had to finish that side quest.
Then the side quest with JD
Then with nakamura
And now as rumble winner he gets reigns again

Rock meanwhile had one comment about reigns, then had a face off and ... That's it
If you watch the video again. The Rock legit acted face and tried to be a kind to Cody. Cody even hyped The Rock before he came out.

It's clear that this wasn't a work but they must have suspected it might happen and had an alternative angle already thought out.

They knew the reaction it would get and it's the same thing they did with Daniel Bryan. It's clearly a work from the start
They knew the reaction it would get and it's the same thing they did with Daniel Bryan. It's clearly a work from the start
You think Daniel bryan getting the main event of mania 30 and being added to Orton V Batista was a work from the start ?
I think the angle was meant to be Rock vs Reigns, because that's what's been hinted and that's what would have made sense. They've changed tact when the internet threw its tantrum (which IMO was a mistake) and now playing to the whole angle and trying to make it seem real. So we'll have a Rock vs HHH power struggle angle thrown in. Almost seemed like they've been mocking the fans without them even realising it the past week. No way they keep referring to the "elders" not being happy with Reigns, have Rock come out and say he wants to be head of the table, have Rock come out and stare Reigns down after Cody introduces him, and then suddenly with no explanation at all him and Roman are suddenly super buddy heel mates a couple of days later, and that was all pre planned, because its absolutely dumb, even for wrestling. Its dumber than when Vince was the higher power. Ironically the one thing that might save it is if The Rock does a really good job as a heel.

Also I don't agree the main event scene is hot at all. We've gone from two main events that I wanted to see, made sense, and actually had a degree of unpredictability about them, to two that make no sense and look very much fumbled together. Like someone re-writing the script for a play half way through the play because the audience didn't like what happened to one of the characters.

Cody vs Reigns - so now Cody has to win because that's the only reason to put him into the match since the whole outcry was about how he needs to "finish the story" and the Rock was stealing his spot.. If he does win he isn't really finishing his story now, he's finishing the non-sensical narrative that's been forced onto him, which will ruin the whole thing as a moment and leave him with no story at all after WM. Or Reigns wins which means the whole thing was for absolutely no reason and a complete waste of a main event, for the second year in a row. As well as a complete waste of TWO Royal Rumbles. Either way, I'm absolutely not hot for it. I actually think I'd want Roman to win the same way as last year just because it'd be funny at this point.

Then we have Rollins vs who knows. Maybe Drew would be decent. There's no one else in the frame who I'm at all interested in Rollins facing but Drew is busy doing his anti CM Punk thing and already had two matches with Rollins, so again, makes no sense. Maybe Punk turns up to screw him over, further infuriates Rollins in the process. I dunno. Not that excited for it. Rollins vs Cody after the previous matches, Cody's injury, Reigns needing to prove he can actually beat him, etc. - I'd actually have kind of liked to see that.

I'm just confused what the plan actually was with Reigns/Cody before Punk got injured. It wasn't going anywhere interesting. I mean it could have but they've done nothing to build it and I'm so bored with Reigns vs x person who he wont lose to and/or makes no sense if he does.

Disagree with a lot of this. Rock vs Reigns needs to be without a belt, it's similar to Hogan vs Rock all those years ago. The belt would just make it predictable, I'm happy for this to build until next year.

Cody should finish the story, wrestling always builds to a payoff, be it Austin, Cena, Byran etc in the past. Every so often the good guy needs to triumph.
Disagree with a lot of this. Rock vs Reigns needs to be without a belt, it's similar to Hogan vs Rock all those years ago. The belt would just make it predictable, I'm happy for this to build until next year.

Cody should finish the story, wrestling always builds to a payoff, be it Austin, Cena, Byran etc in the past. Every so often the good guy needs to triumph.
Wrestlemania doesn't always need a happy conclusion. My favorite WM finish is still the WM 17.
Feck it's been a long time since I posted in this thread, but I've been actively following it.

From everything I've read, The Rock pretty much forced his way in to the Mania match v Reigns. Apparently he felt that after the Vince and Brock news and then Punk's injury, f that only he could save things. Be it the entire company or Wrestlemania. He felt fans and the media needed a big distraction and his name, legacy and since his departure, his gained recognition and popularity of being a box office Hollywood movie star was the perfect and only answer. I think if true, that's incredibly arrogant and at the same time deeply disrespectful to Cody.

With Dwayne holding 30% of TKO shares he used that and all the above to get his own way and get the Mania headline match against Reigns. Cody being the professional he is voiced his objections but ultimately knew he wasn't going to win so agreed to step aside and instead challenge Seth hence his gracious yet obviously begrudging segment with The Rock on SD.

What Dwayne and co weren't expecting though was the absolute disgust and the annihilation of both The Rock and the proposed match from the fans on social media and the insane support given to Cody. It was made worse when people started posting the betting odds from WM last year with Rhodes being the overwhelming favourite and said to have been one of the most one sided WM headline events ever for betting odds. Then of course we all know how that ended with a dirty finish and a Reigns win.

It's clear this prompted some serious panicking and scrambling behind the scenes and at the moment, after the shenanigans in Vegas it looks like Cody/Reigns is back on and The Rock is forced to step aside and it's all down to the fans reactions.

Personally I want Rhodes/Reigns and hope it's not diluted by becoming a Triple Threat match or Fatal Four Way. It also absolutely has to be a Rhodes win with a clean finish and no match altering interference, even if it's in Rhodes favour from The Rock.

Then I want to see the inevitable Rock/Reigns given the proper build up with the match headlining Summerslam. That gives enough time for some of what The Rock does best and humiliate Reigns with his classic segments like he did when facing Cena in Boston. The merch in the harbour and following history lesson segments were two of the funniest moments I've seen since the attitude era.

I'm just bored to death with Roman. I've always liked him but found him way too one dimensional, predictable and limited in the ring. Although thghe fact he has kept the title(s) for so long is purely down to family involvement and being propped up by Paul Heymen who now even he seems to be just going through the motions and not allowed to be attending his usual devious yet eloquent best. Really he's just there to introduce Reigns and often offers little else.

I also don't get the Cody hate. He's come a LONG LONG way from his early days and the Stardust role he never really wanted. He's wrestled outside the WWE and in other countries and despite being on the list of wrestlers that were rumoured to never return while Vince was in charge, he's come back better than ever and clearly bulked up. His entrance pops and gets reactions to rival some of the best, his microphone work is good and in the ring he's exciting, competent and absolutely gives it all every time he's in there. He's also got some nice varied moves that are so much better than a fecking superman punch.

If anyone saw his interview with Stone Cold then you saw a very intelligent, articulate and humble young man who truly loves the industry and the fans. Ultimately he just loves wrestling and understands the history of where it came from and traditions it's famous for. I get he's not everyone's cup of tea but there's no doubting the lad is genuine or that he truly deserves his moment at Wrestlemania and not just because of his name and family legacy either, more because of the hard work he's put in to get where he is and the shit he's ensured along the way.

Sorry for the long post, I'm still half pissed and have just spent nearly 8 hours watching old matches on the network :lol:
Nothing wrong with that @langster

Also it wasn't talked about much but Becky's line to rhea at the press conference was great. They've done enough teases that her winning chamber and facing rhea at mania could be awesome.
And it really could have either one win.

Bayleys stuff has been great and has the added element of really starting at 2022 summerslam where they all returned.

With regards to Sami, and the raw title. They gotta have drew win the chamber, win the title at mania then have Sami win mitb on toronto. You can then have Sami be the ultimate good guy and challenge drew at summerslam (like cena did to punk or rvd did to cena) and finally win the big one
Wrestlemania doesn't always need a happy conclusion. My favorite WM finish is still the WM 17.

Which ironically was a happy conclusion for most as they wanted the belt on Austin. Not so much the heal turn however.

I do agree, but I feel last year finished down with Cody losing, pointless to do that again.

Had the gone Roch vs Reigns (before the Rock heel turn), it would have been so boring knowing Reigns would retain the belt. At least with Cody there is some suspense.
Nothing wrong with that @langster

Also it wasn't talked about much but Becky's line to rhea at the press conference was great. They've done enough teases that her winning chamber and facing rhea at mania could be awesome.
And it really could have either one win.

Bayleys stuff has been great and has the added element of really starting at 2022 summerslam where they all returned.

With regards to Sami, and the raw title. They gotta have drew win the chamber, win the title at mania then have Sami win mitb on toronto. You can then have Sami be the ultimate good guy and challenge drew at summerslam (like cena did to punk or rvd did to cena) and finally win the big one

Cheers mate. I agree with your post too, especially regarding Becky and Drew. Although with Vince going and Brock looking like he may not return anytime soon, I would absolutely love to see Owens given a shot at one of the big titles. He's one of many on a long list of those criminaly underappreciated and often fecked over during the past two decades and think his talent absolutely deserves to be shown and used and rewarded. Although I'm torn as to how, either as a face or heel as he is a truly likeable bloke but also like Seth, plays a heel so well too.

Where have you got this information from?

Sorry, as I said it was early in the morning and I was pretty smashed. I've just reread my post and there's a few shocking typos but it's ok aside from that comment. Dwayne doesn't own 30% of the stock, rather £30 MILLION of stock and is a member on the board of directors. Still, the rest is correct as far as I know and he used his position on the board and his history and current status as one of the highest paid actors in the world to force his way on to the Mania card over Cody.
That's a 'you' issue.
Cody/reigns makes more sense from the last year than rock/reigns
Rock was nowhere to be seen during the bloodline civil war
Heck his first return was trashing Austin theory rather than even mentioning bloodline.
You keep making the point Cody did thinks outside of reigns and bloodline but rock was even worse
At least wth Cody it made sense
After mania he wanted Cody but Brock turned on him so he had to finish that side quest.
Then the side quest with JD
Then with nakamura
And now as rumble winner he gets reigns again

Rock meanwhile had one comment about reigns, then had a face off and ... That's it
Rock can walk in with 24 hours notice and have more stakes on the table and claim TO a Reigns rivalry, because the whole angle is who is head of the table. The head of the table scene has been set for a year and we don't need any buildup to know Rock has been the top dog in that family during his time at WWE.

Cody meanwhile has nothing outside of "I win the Royal Rumble", which by the way could have been fixed with him fighting Rollins but whatever.
Rock can walk in with 24 hours notice and have more stakes on the table and claim TO a Reigns rivalry, because the whole angle is who is head of the table. The head of the table scene has been set for a year and we don't need any buildup to know Rock has been the top dog in that family during his time at WWE.

Cody meanwhile has nothing outside of "I win the Royal Rumble", which by the way could have been fixed with him fighting Rollins but whatever.

And the whole, revenge for last years main event, and the whole 'i want the title my dad couldnt get' (which isnt the Rollins title).
Basically Cody/Reigns makes more sense given whats happened in the last year than Rock/Reigns in terms of TV.

Rock/Reigns is a huge match that doesnt need the title. In fact not having the title makes the match better imo.
Rock/Reigns is a huge match that doesnt need the title. In fact not having the title makes the match better imo.

Exactly. They will more than last kely invent some 'Tribal Chieftain' match along with special rules and a semi-offemsive ring design and unique win conditions etc

And.rigjtly so, because that's exactly what it deserves along with a proper run up. Yes it could have been just thrown in late with no build because of family history etc, but I definitely think it needs the proper build. It's also a merchandise money making dream. I can't see them not making the most of that either.
Exactly. They will more than last kely invent some 'Tribal Chieftain' match along with special rules and a semi-offemsive ring design and unique win conditions etc

And.rigjtly so, because that's exactly what it deserves along with a proper run up. Yes it could have been just thrown in late with no build because of family history etc, but I definitely think it needs the proper build. It's also a merchandise money making dream. I can't see them not making the most of that either.
TBF, they had tribal combat for Reigns v Uso. But it didnt make sense as im sure they mentioned something about there being no interference, heck, when the match was announced, they had Roman stop Solo from attacking Jey, like its not allowed. but then they probably scrapped that thinking they cornered themselves for interference.
Disagree with a lot of this. Rock vs Reigns needs to be without a belt, it's similar to Hogan vs Rock all those years ago. The belt would just make it predictable, I'm happy for this to build until next year.

Cody should finish the story, wrestling always builds to a payoff, be it Austin, Cena, Byran etc in the past. Every so often the good guy needs to triumph.

So where does Cody go after his "pay off" then?

Which is now going to feel forced and far less meaningful btw, since we all know its only happening because WWEs manbaby fanbase forced it to rather than through any kind of actual planned "story" (which is meant to be the whole point).

Long term it will be better to get the belt away from Reigns whoever it is that takes it, but it isn't going to do Cody any good to have his pay off moment hijacked by the fans just wanting to spite The Rock.

And what's the plan for Rollins and his belt? Or we're all just ok with now making him and whoever he fights look like a complete chump? That's not even a main event at this point.

I don't agree Reigns vs Rock doesn't need the title at all. Reigns is part time and Rock is a one off. And what exactly are they fighting to be head of if there's no title and nothing relevant about the Bloodline? So we're already ruining next year's WM now with garbage as well.

Reigns keeping the title for years just to lose to someone he already beat and had no ongoing rivalry with makes no sense from a story point of view. Rock wanting to challenge Reigns then suddenly being his super buddy for no reason then suddenly wanting to fight him again when he doesn't have anything to fight him for will be incredibly dumb.

People are trying to piece together rubbish around the narrative they've forced the WWE into.

Wrestling fans are a weird bunch. It's story based entertainment. If you're going to cry every time the story goes somewhere you don't like, why bother? Would be like reading a book then rather than getting to the end, forcing the author to re-write it to how you wanted
So where does Cody go after his "pay off" then?

Which is now going to feel forced and far less meaningful btw, since we all know its only happening because WWEs manbaby fanbase forced it to rather than through any kind of actual planned "story" (which is meant to be the whole point).

Long term it will be better to get the belt away from Reigns whoever it is that takes it, but it isn't going to do Cody any good to have his pay off moment hijacked by the fans just wanting to spite The Rock.

And what's the plan for Rollins and his belt? Or we're all just ok with now making him and whoever he fights look like a complete chump? That's not even a main event at this point.

I don't agree Reigns vs Rock doesn't need the title at all. Reigns is part time and Rock is a one off. And what exactly are they fighting to be head of if there's no title and nothing relevant about the Bloodline? So we're already ruining next year's WM now with garbage as well.

Reigns keeping the title for years just to lose to someone he already beat and had no ongoing rivalry with makes no sense from a story point of view. Rock wanting to challenge Reigns then suddenly being his super buddy for no reason then suddenly wanting to fight him again when he doesn't have anything to fight him for will be incredibly dumb.

People are trying to piece together rubbish around the narrative they've forced the WWE into.

Wrestling fans are a weird bunch. It's story based entertainment. If you're going to cry every time the story goes somewhere you don't like, why bother? Would be like reading a book then rather than getting to the end, forcing the author to re-write it to how you wanted
Very, especially the use of manbaby but then crying on a forum about getting something that he doesnt like.
I totally get not liking somebody or something but how can anybody deny the obvious when all metrics point to what the right move is.

I cant take the poster seriously anymore. Especially when he just ignores the obvious being addressed (manbaby behaviour maybe)?

Also 'where does x wrestler go' is such a silly point to make. Imagine using that over time?
Where does HBK go after 'the boyhood dream' is realised at mania?
Where does HHH go after winning the title on his comeback?
Where does Austin go once he defeats the evil vince mcmahon and his corporate champ at mania?
So where does Cody go after his "pay off" then?

Which is now going to feel forced and far less meaningful btw, since we all know its only happening because WWEs manbaby fanbase forced it to rather than through any kind of actual planned "story" (which is meant to be the whole point).

Long term it will be better to get the belt away from Reigns whoever it is that takes it, but it isn't going to do Cody any good to have his pay off moment hijacked by the fans just wanting to spite The Rock.

And what's the plan for Rollins and his belt? Or we're all just ok with now making him and whoever he fights look like a complete chump? That's not even a main event at this point.

I don't agree Reigns vs Rock doesn't need the title at all. Reigns is part time and Rock is a one off. And what exactly are they fighting to be head of if there's no title and nothing relevant about the Bloodline? So we're already ruining next year's WM now with garbage as well.

Reigns keeping the title for years just to lose to someone he already beat and had no ongoing rivalry with makes no sense from a story point of view. Rock wanting to challenge Reigns then suddenly being his super buddy for no reason then suddenly wanting to fight him again when he doesn't have anything to fight him for will be incredibly dumb.

People are trying to piece together rubbish around the narrative they've forced the WWE into.

Wrestling fans are a weird bunch. It's story based entertainment. If you're going to cry every time the story goes somewhere you don't like, why bother? Would be like reading a book then rather than getting to the end, forcing the author to re-write it to how you wanted

Sorry, but I disagree with the vast majority of this post.

After Cody's payoff he goes where? Basically he goes in to whatever fued is deemed fit. Maybe he defends at Summerslam and Priest attempts a MITB cash in but fails, thus setting up a fued? Just one of many possibilities but after Reigns is defeated we can go back to titles being held for varying lengths of time and swapping more frequently instead of a forced domination that many are sick and tired of.

How can you claim Cody/Reigns being forced when that has been set up for nearly a year after Reigns surprise victory last year? It's equally bizarre you claim it to be forced when The Rock literally changed the plan and forced himself in and Cody out.

Rollins was meant to face CM Punk. That's fecked because of Punk's injury so the options are open. It's going to be Drew. Personally I think Orton is a great shout but at the same time after recent developments with Seth and Cody, maybe it will just be a tag event between Cody/Rollins and Reigns/Rock. Whichever or whoever, the original plan went to shit and you can trust a contingency is in place. Wrestlemania is about the spectacle and great matches not about defending titles or belts changing hands.

Reigns/Rock doesn't need a title and your reasoning for needing one doesn't make sense other than to those who just put value on the belts over the actual match and the content of it.

This entire thread and wrestling from it's inception has been party about fans trying to guess and predict what's going on. It's bizarre you even mention that.

As for your final point, no fecking shit wrestling fans are a weird bunch. It's fecking wrestling FFS! People weren't crying like you say, just pissed off about the way things were going and how it happened. I love The Rock but dislike how he used his power and influence to change something that didn't need changing and had been set up for over 18 months. His proposed match was forced and didn't make any sense. On top of that, it also rightly pissed fans off. If the match went ahead as originally planned and Cody won only for Rock to walk out and batter Roman while he was mourning the loss of his belts and then even dropped Cody with a Rock Bottom, that would have been ok. But to do it the way he did, it's only natural people were pissed and took to social media to have their say.

Just like you had your say here or I have now.
Sorry, but I disagree with the vast majority of this post.

After Cody's payoff he goes where? Basically he goes in to whatever fued is deemed fit. Maybe he defends at Summerslam and Priest attempts a MITB cash in but fails, thus setting up a fued? Just one of many possibilities but after Reigns is defeated we can go back to titles being held for varying lengths of time and swapping more frequently instead of a forced domination that many are sick and tired of.

How can you claim Cody/Reigns being forced when that has been set up for nearly a year after Reigns surprise victory last year? It's equally bizarre you claim it to be forced when The Rock literally changed the plan and forced himself in and Cody out.

Rollins was meant to face CM Punk. That's fecked because of Punk's injury so the options are open. It's going to be Drew. Personally I think Orton is a great shout but at the same time after recent developments with Seth and Cody, maybe it will just be a tag event between Cody/Rollins and Reigns/Rock. Whichever or whoever, the original plan went to shit and you can trust a contingency is in place. Wrestlemania is about the spectacle and great matches not about defending titles or belts changing hands.

Reigns/Rock doesn't need a title and your reasoning for needing one doesn't make sense other than to those who just put value on the belts over the actual match and the content of it.

This entire thread and wrestling from it's inception has been party about fans trying to guess and predict what's going on. It's bizarre you even mention that.

As for your final point, no fecking shit wrestling fans are a weird bunch. It's fecking wrestling FFS! People weren't crying like you say, just pissed off about the way things were going and how it happened. I love The Rock but dislike how he used his power and influence to change something that didn't need changing and had been set up for over 18 months. His proposed match was forced and didn't make any sense. On top of that, it also rightly pissed fans off. If the match went ahead as originally planned and Cody won only for Rock to walk out and batter Roman while he was mourning the loss of his belts and then even dropped Cody with a Rock Bottom, that would have been ok. But to do it the way he did, it's only natural people were pissed and took to social media to have their say.

Just like you had your say here or I have now.
Saying this while writing a long essay about it. :lol:

This is why I say this place isn't real with some of the comments :lol:
He right though. Wrestling fans come out with gems like this

And it is what it is, wrestling fans are a weird bunch.

At its core wrestling should be really simple. (99% of the time) its a good guy Vs a bad guy. The payoff is that the good guy wins eventually and over the years that payoff was always Wrestlemania. However we're in an era where the lines are so mudded and the fans are so smart (thanks in part to the internet) so you get weird statements like above about derailing momentum. The Cody train should have stopped last year at WM but for whatever reason they didn't pull the trigger.
The Cody train should have stopped last year at WM but for whatever reason they didn't pull the trigger.

That's the one thing I can't understand, I can only think Vince came up with this whole longest reign with Reigns angle and wanted to throw a curve ball. It's actually not a bad twist to be fair as long as Cody does eventually get his reward.

It's just for me personally another reason why Vince should have gone years ago. Don't get me wrong he was a visionary and played an amazing heel, but in truth that's just him. I never liked him and you can see he's a narcissist sexist, racist prick and a bully.

I don't dislike Roman as such, just think Seth was always the real star of The Shield and that Vince has always had such a hard on for Roman and can remember his relentless push for him to be another Rock/Austin type and in the beginning so many fans hated him and the constant force push for him over many other far better, more talented wrestlers.

This is why I say this place isn't real with some of the comments :lol:

My favourite part of this was how, of course he vividly remembers almost every millennials choice of best Wrestlemania...... when he was barely 3. :lol: :lol:
That's the one thing I can't understand, I can only think Vince came up with this whole longest reign with Reigns angle and wanted to throw a curve ball. It's actually not a bad twist to be fair as long as Cody does eventually get his reward.

It's just for me personally another reason why Vince should have gone years ago. Don't get me wrong he was a visionary and played an amazing heel, but in truth that's just him. I never liked him and you can see he's a narcissist sexist, racist prick and a bully.

I don't dislike Roman as such, just think Seth was always the real star of The Shield and that Vince has always had such a hard on for Roman and can remember his relentless push for him to be another Rock/Austin type and in the beginning so many fans hated him and the constant force push for him over many other far better, more talented wrestlers.
I agree Cody should have won last year but don’t forget he was unbeaten going into WM and I do think the fans might have turned on him without having any real tribulations to get the title.

He’s the most over baby face since Daniel Bryan, sooo maybe they’ve actually (even if by accident) done a really good job getting him to the title.
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Looking forward to smackdown tonight. The main event stuff should be awesome
I agree Cody should have won last year but don’t forget he was unbeaten going into WM and I do think the fans might have turned on him without having any real tribulations to get the title.

He’s the most over baby face since Daniel Bryan, sooo maybe they’ve actually (even if by accident) done a really good job getting him to the title.

Yeah, I agree. Looking back at last year his loss was a shock but if Reigns lost he didn't have many, if any avenues he could take that really made any sense. This time he has the obvious Rock fued, Seth has called him out and if he retains that match makes perfect sense.

Orton returning isn't the worst idea, but I think it's being set up for a complete breakdown of his Samoan family. There's plenty of options available there and Jimmy and Jay reuniting is always going to happen eventually anyway so Roman and Solo is an option for a tag battle too. Or a combination of say Roman/Jimmy v Jay/Solo etc.... Or like many are suggesting, Roman heads off to retirement/semi retirement and looks to build a career outside wrestling. Although I'm not convinced he' star material, but could easily be proved wrong.