Television The Propgropthrop

Most of the reports say it was andrades fault and sammy didn't do much back (didn't throw a punch but andrade did)

Probably why andrade was sent home and sammy remained. Guessing andrade just wants to be fired / released quick time.
Tony khan would be silly to grant it as it would not set a good precedent
On the contrary, it sets a fantastic precedent. You won't out? Beat up Sammy Guevara :drool:
Apparently Andrade was told starting a fight wouldnt get him fired, then he started one anyway. Not a very professional wrestler.

I expect he'll be sitting at home for a year then eventually released similar to how WWE has done with a bunch of people. I wonder what the terms of his contract are like though because most of the time AEW wrestlers are working other promotions too. If part of his deal is that he needs to clear it with AEW to work those other promotions then that wont be good for him. If his agreement plainly has it written that he can work in mexico he probably decided he'll be fine with that and the AEW pay sitting at home.
Tony khan hopefully learns not to sign just anybody and everybody that wwe releases.

Hopefully he continues to also spotlight homegrown guys like mjf, Darby, hangman, Starks etc.
Tony khan hopefully learns not to sign just anybody and everybody that wwe releases.

Hopefully he continues to also spotlight homegrown guys like mjf, Darby, hangman, Starks etc.
Most of the reports say it was andrades fault and sammy didn't do much back (didn't throw a punch but andrade did)

Probably why andrade was sent home and sammy remained. Guessing andrade just wants to be fired / released quick time.
Tony khan would be silly to grant it as it would not set a good precedent
Aren’t they saying Sammy pushed first? It’s a mess but Sammy shouldn’t get a pass since he went nuclear in twitter as well.
Edit also how can they fire Punk and not Andrade? Suspend everyone in that brawl but have Sammy get the pin in the main event? There were people suspended for just being in the room!
Inconsistent mess
? What's wrong with page?

Aren’t they saying Sammy pushed first? It’s a mess but Sammy shouldn’t get a pass since he went nuclear in twitter as well.
Edit also how can they fire Punk and not Andrade? Suspend everyone in that brawl but have Sammy get the pin in the main event? There were people suspended for just being in the room!
Inconsistent mess
Nah I'm reading he didn't do anything except the twitter mess. Both guys got told to end it on Tuesday
But andrade went in and punched first
(One report said andrade grabbed him and that caused Sammy to push him but andrade threw punches)

Man is trying to get fired. So firing him would be the wrong thing to do. You sit his ass at home as punishment

Was punk fired? Is that confirmed? Haven't read the outcome of that investigation
Do you consider page homegrown?
Maybe home grown is the wrong term. Possibly Originals and homegrown then?

But In terms of national product, sure. like how AJ styles and Joe are considered more homegrown for TNA (despite having ROH years before them).
Yeah, he's not homegrown (is anyone?) but AEW is the company that made him a star. The first couple of years were largely centred around his rise to the title. So, I think originals is a better term.

Was punk fired? Is that confirmed? Haven't read the outcome of that investigation

The latest 'rumours' are that 'someone' is holding up the whole thing by being uncooperative and threatening legal action. "If" that's true and "if" that person is Punk then that just adds a whole other level of cuntishness to this guy. Honestly kind of just want Tony to go "feck it, let's go to court" and bankrupt the prick.
? What's wrong with page?

Nah I'm reading he didn't do anything except the twitter mess. Both guys got told to end it on Tuesday
But andrade went in and punched first
(One report said andrade grabbed him and that caused Sammy to push him but andrade threw punches)

Man is trying to get fired. So firing him would be the wrong thing to do. You sit his ass at home as punishment

Was punk fired? Is that confirmed? Haven't read the outcome of that investigation
No he’s not fired but he can not point to being treated differently, especially if Andrade isn’t fired.
You’ve got to look at the sources. Meltzer and that crowd are not an independent source for this. They and Andrade despise each other. Look at their reporting since, it’s a small amount of ex WWE stars making trouble and all this nonsense. Oh really Alvarez? You mean current AEW stars right? It’s this gentle shifting of the blame that blatantly obvious to me. I’m sure Sammy was in the hall minding his own business and it was all the man who wants to leaves fault..
I’m also shocked that fans just accept that Tony would rather keep a fractured and feuding locker room than let anybody go to WWE.
All Andrade said was Sammy thought Andrade was too stiff. Sammy 100 percent escalated that situation, he was the CM Punk in the media scrum antagoniser.
I wouldn’t go believing certain wrestling outlets over this. Especially not over TMZ
Mustafa Ali owning Russo and calling him a 'ho' is hilarious stuff.
Becky too.

No he’s not fired but he can not point to being treated differently, especially if Andrade isn’t fired.
You’ve got to look at the sources. Meltzer and that crowd are not an independent source for this. They and Andrade despise each other. Look at their reporting since, it’s a small amount of ex WWE stars making trouble and all this nonsense. Oh really Alvarez? You mean current AEW stars right? It’s this gentle shifting of the blame that blatantly obvious to me. I’m sure Sammy was in the hall minding his own business and it was all the man who wants to leaves fault..
I’m also shocked that fans just accept that Tony would rather keep a fractured and feuding locker room than let anybody go to WWE.
All Andrade said was Sammy thought Andrade was too stiff. Sammy 100 percent escalated that situation, he was the CM Punk in the media scrum antagoniser.
I wouldn’t go believing certain wrestling outlets over this. Especially not over TMZ
:lol: Relax my guy. I know your history regarding AEW on here, so just take a step back and look at it all calmly.

The interview happened, the twitter stuff happened (both were dicks for that) and AEW management basically told both guys on Tuesday to cut it out. That is it being dealt with a day before. If either guy fights they are sent home.

Now TMZ is the first one who said this that Sammy threw a punch on Wednesday. Another outlet said the same but then put a correction out (all before the show started).
There are other reporters out there who basically said the same thing as the correction.
Based on the fact that Andrade got sent home and Sammy didnt, it would point to that being right story.

Also its not just about keeping a feuding locker vs letting somebody go to WWE. You need to set a precedent. Andrade has made it clear hes talking to WWE (through his wife). Him being fired now would basically tell anybody else that wants out of their contract, do the same (which long term is the worst thing you can do).Nothing against Andrade, but hes not a needle mover. So if im Tony Khan, you know you got a contract with him. You tell Andrade that he can buy it out, or you sit his ass at home, pay him (cos you gotta do that either way if hes there or not). And that will send a message to the rest of the locker room.

Its ok not to trust certain wrestling outlets, sure. But when a lot of them independently put out the same story, its saying something. And TMZ arent always 100%, you shoudl know this.

The punishment is the biggest indicator of how the story went (and which is to be believed)
Mustafa Ali owning Russo and calling him a 'ho' is hilarious stuff.
Becky too.

:lol: Relax my guy. I know your history regarding AEW on here, so just take a step back and look at it all calmly.

The interview happened, the twitter stuff happened (both were dicks for that) and AEW management basically told both guys on Tuesday to cut it out. That is it being dealt with a day before. If either guy fights they are sent home.

Now TMZ is the first one who said this that Sammy threw a punch on Wednesday. Another outlet said the same but then put a correction out (all before the show started).
There are other reporters out there who basically said the same thing as the correction.
Based on the fact that Andrade got sent home and Sammy didnt, it would point to that being right story.

Also its not just about keeping a feuding locker vs letting somebody go to WWE. You need to set a precedent. Andrade has made it clear hes talking to WWE (through his wife). Him being fired now would basically tell anybody else that wants out of their contract, do the same (which long term is the worst thing you can do).Nothing against Andrade, but hes not a needle mover. So if im Tony Khan, you know you got a contract with him. You tell Andrade that he can buy it out, or you sit his ass at home, pay him (cos you gotta do that either way if hes there or not). And that will send a message to the rest of the locker room.

Its ok not to trust certain wrestling outlets, sure. But when a lot of them independently put out the same story, its saying something. And TMZ arent always 100%, you shoudl know this.

The punishment is the biggest indicator of how the story went (and which is to be believed)
TMZ are damn near as reliable as you can get because they pay for news. It’s been like that for many years now. They report on shit and aren’t high brow but the shit they report on isnt made up. I remember they had Every step of Michael Jackson’s death before everybody else and I remember that because they confirmed He died before the coroner did! Don’t forget they broke this before SRS and Daddy Dave knew what was happening or before Tony got his propaganda out.
They legitimately have eyes and ears everywhere.
I am relaxed, i just can’t see why these reports that come out from wrestling sources that have continually showed themselves to be constantly inaccurate are believable.
Look at Meltzer today, he’s now reporting Omega and Bucks never even threw a punch. That subtle change of stance and why it’s happening is glaringly obvious Don’t go believing these biased reports, that’s all I’m saying.
Look at SRS with Black or getting played by MJF. These aren’t people you listen to over legit media outlets
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I'm not saying TMZ make stuff up. I'm saying TMZ aren't always 100%
When it comes to sources it's always the way unless you have footage to back it up
I'm not saying TMZ make stuff up. I'm saying TMZ aren't always 100%
When it comes to sources it's always the way unless you have footage to back it up

You're wasting your time, his position will change constantly based on whatever makes AEW look the worst. Its either an unhealthy obsession or a dedicated WUM, neither is worth entertaining.
There were a bunch of people there, only Andrade's (defence) camp suggest Sammy pushed or touched him. And even then it was after Andrade spun him around. Neutrals say Andrade punched him a couple of times and that was all the physical

Remember that Punk's camp were saying The Bucks kicked down the door. The door wasnt even locked. Dont expect a very honest account from the guys around the guy that assaulted someone :lol:
I'm not saying TMZ make stuff up. I'm saying TMZ aren't always 100%
When it comes to sources it's always the way unless you have footage to back it up
They basically are though. They’re as reliable as it gets. They broke the news of Kobe’s death before the family knew! I mean it’s not like they’re wrong here, they literally broke the story themselves.
I’m not even having a go at AEW here but at the sub standard journalism the entire sport has around it.MMA suffers from the same problems but they have 1 or 2 outlets that are dependable and worth listening to.
Commentary teams in WWE are changing, looling forward to hearing Barrett on Smackdown.

I don't mind the raw commentary as it is. Wade should be good on Smackdown to be fair but Cole and his obvious fake melodrama is irritating. The wrestling version of Martin Tyler.

I know its all fake and melodramatic but Cole somehow manages to always overdo it at the wrong times. Remains seemingly disinterested while all hell breaks loose,then looses his shit because a wrestler suplexes another wrestler in a wrestling match.
They basically are though. They’re as reliable as it gets. They broke the news of Kobe’s death before the family knew! I mean it’s not like they’re wrong here, they literally broke the story themselves.
I’m not even having a go at AEW here but at the sub standard journalism the entire sport has around it.MMA suffers from the same problems but they have 1 or 2 outlets that are dependable and worth listening to.
:lol: ok if that's what you want to believe

You're wasting your time, his position will change constantly based on whatever makes AEW look the worst. Its either an unhealthy obsession or a dedicated WUM, neither is worth entertaining.
I've certainly seen a pattern here. I won't take into consideration past posts on this topic ...
But yep...
:lol: ok if that's what you want to believe

I've certainly seen a pattern here. I won't take into consideration past posts on this topic ...
But yep...
you keep laughing it off but I can spend all day telling you reports from Meltzer etc that are either flat out wrong or made up.
Dave reported Gable Stevenson was failing at everything in development and he might be let go.
Comes out last week that Gable is recovering from a serious illness and that’s why he disappeared.
Wrestling fans need to be ITK about everything and these parasites play off it.
Feck me WWE were investigating Vince for many months before legit media broke it, usual crowd didn’t have a clue.
It’s simply no contest. TMZ even broke the story we’re discussing here.
If you believe Dave and SRS past who’s booked for a match then the jokes on you I’m afraid.
I’ll leave it there but that’ll be 12:99 please
Can't be wrong when you report both outcomes.



Can't be wrong when you report both outcomes.



Speaking on today's episode of Wrestling Observer Radio, Meltzer stated that the family health emergency that forced Rhodes to return home after flying out for AEW's 5 January Dynamite tapings may have prevented him from physically signing a contract extension. This Wednesday's advertised Dynamite appearance will be Cody's first of 2022.

It was pointed out, too, that there was "nothing of substance" to the idea of him outright leaving AEW, given his various WarnerMedia shows (Rhodes to the Top and Go-Big Show), EVP status, and more.

I remember Dave went big with physically not being there for a while and how he’ll sign the contract when he’s physically at the next show as if it’s 1912

Edit in other news Spanish speaking fans aren’t tuning into AEW because their Spanish speaking announce team aren’t fluent in Spanish and flat out make words up while commentating.
That’s hilariously carny
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Edit in other news Spanish speaking fans aren’t tuning into AEW because their Spanish speaking announce team aren’t fluent in Spanish and flat out make words up while commentating
That's not true surely? The amount of fluent Spanish speakers in the US and they decide to go for non-fluent speakers.
That's not true surely? The amount of fluent Spanish speakers in the US and they decide to go for non-fluent speakers.
It’s been a massive complaint from Latin America for a while now. Apparently it’s Spanglish instead of Spanish and is embarrassingly bad
Smackdown was really good.
Loving the new stuff they add to the whole bloodline story. Great stuff

The white rabbit stuff has been fantastic to follow too

The ic title means something again which is great. Wish they gave us the sheamus title win in Cardiff though but overall great matches
Do they have the balls to let Sami beat Reigns for the titles at Mania?

Probably not but he's going to get Yes Movement levels of support soon.
Do they have the balls to let Sami beat Reigns for the titles at Mania?

Probably not but he's going to get Yes Movement levels of support soon.
Not a chance , would be great especially if the story is Sami destroying bloodline from inside

Btw anybody watching extreme rules live? I'll have to catch it tomorrow night as I'm getting up for the packers / London NFL game
Not a chance , would be great especially if the story is Sami destroying bloodline from inside

Btw anybody watching extreme rules live? I'll have to catch it tomorrow night as I'm getting up for the packers / London NFL game

I'll probably watch it tomorrow too...

Great looking card though, should be a very very good show.

These 6 match PPV shows really work for WWE.