Television The Propgropthrop

AEW is such a huge mess right now, it has lost what it once was, what it originally set out to be, mainly an/the alternative to WWE.

When AEW first started, it was fresh, fans had gotten bored of WWE's style/presentation, and wanted something different, for a while that was TNA, when that fizzeled out, then it was RoH, then it was NJPW.

But the key thing was, that people liked non WWE wrestlers, Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Hangman, etc, they were invested in their respective journeys.

Having Y2J on board, was a way to get a TV deal, nothing more than that from the off, so fans put him to one side I think/belive.

They made themselves a genuine alternative by having matches that were harder hitting mostly (ignoring the Walter v Dragunov matches here), & a ranking system that they said that they would follow.

So far, so good then, so fans were genuinely excited about the launch of Dynamite, there were sooo many fresh faces, & unlike with WWE, the company didn't have loads of different belts, so it was easy to know who the Champions were at anyone point.

Flash forward to know however, and it has strayed sooo much from its origins, it has become what their fans once hated about WWE.
Stale feuds, far too many belts (trio's, & RoH belts now take them up to 11 titles, which is far too many, and just totally confuses and muddies the water tremendously, and makes all of the titles less meaningful, if practically everyone on the show has a title of some sort) & a heavy reliance on former WWE talent.

Just how is AEW a genuine alternative to WWE anymore, when you have Daniel Bryan on WWE TV one week, then AEW the next, or so it feels like, same for a lot of others, Keith Lee, Swerve, Claudio, Adam Cole, even Mox.

Where once storylines were key, and impsctful, now you have Private Party replaying the same storyline for the past year or so, you have the Dark Order just doing jack all, and you have the women's division in stasis.

Also where the rankings used to be hugely important, and something that was really hyped up as meaning something, and a way to stop just any random matches from happening, that has most definitely gone put the door now, with 50/50 booking, random matches happening left, right and centre (see Forbidden Door as a really big example of this, as the NJPW wrestlers were not in the rankings, so why were they having the matches that they did have, without qualifying for them via the ranking system??).

AEW just feels really flat at the moment, the wind has definitely been taken out of their proverbial sails so to speak.

There isn't anything to really say "This is what separates AEW from WWE" right now, it kind of feels like when TNA had its hot streak, and then Hogan came in, and brought his past it friends, and TNA didn't really recover from that, well AEW has kind of done similar, Sting, The Great Muta, CM Punk, & Billy Gunn for example.
All waaayyyy past their best, all getting on AEW TV.

For a period, it seemed as if there was a debut of a former WWE person every week, of not, more than one on the same show (with Paige the latest one of this trope).

Where once, AEW was a place to see different people then was on WWE TV, it mostly isn't anymore sadly, matches that were done before in WWE, now just being re-done in AEW, so where is the differentials anymore to separate the two companies??

It seems that Tony has just stretched himself too thinly, there was zero need to buy RoH, that was just his huge ego on show there.

It was always going to be the case that there would eventually be a plateaux of sorts of fan excitement, obviously the very first episode was full of hype and excitement, and the crowds in the early days were quite obviously very excited by what they were watching, it was fresh, as they were watching new people, who had not really been on the biggest of screens before, whereas this fan decrease, doesn't shock me, as I expected them to face difficulties when the original Elite got too old & couldn't wrestle anymore, but the speed of which this downfall and change, has shocked even me at the pace it has taken.

I was expecting something like this, but I'm a few more years then this!

AEW just needs to strip back to what made it sooo very good, less titles (get RoH off of AEW TV for example), and if you are going to have rankings, either use them, and go by what they say, or just announce that you have gotten rid of them.

There is still hope for AEW, but it feels like WCW 2000 now, which is never a good thing!!
Good post. It's not quite wcw20000. Seriously people might forget how bad that really was. That was laughable and horrible

Aew is still entertaining but it's also a bit stale. They've gone away from the pillars and thankfully mjf is a can't miss.

The ex WWE hirings just went way overboard. I mean tony neese :lol: nothing against the guy but seriously ?
Swerve and Lee winning the tag titles before a team like private party is weird too. Whats happened to Scorpio sky?
Whats happened to malakai? I mean if you read online you got an idea but in terms of TV storylines, there's no flow and explanation

They lost momentum after bringing in punk, Cole and Bryan. They basically did nothing with Adam Cole. What a waste
Khan signs wrestlers the same way I order food when I'm hungry. Getting too fecking much.

He signs all these big "game-changing" names; Punk, Bryan, Cole, Christian, Andrade, Black, Lee, Jeff, Miro, Joe. Then you have the established big names already there; Jericho, Moxley, MJF, Page, Omega.

How do you use them on one TV show a week at 2 hours long? Rampage doesn't count. It's a joke, it's Sunday Night Heat/Velocity/Main Event. 1 hour long with a handful of nothing matches.

Don't even mention the Youtube shows to me. A 17 match card full of squash matches to pad rankings that don't matter.
Yeah I think that's the problem. They need two main shows for the number of wrestlers they have. There's no continuity to anything now where as before one of the best things about AEW is they'd build fueds and wrestlers characters slowly. Now they seem to half build someone then just completely forget they exist.

The Punk fiasco hasn't helped but even if you take that out of the equation it's all gone a bit off track.
Khan signs wrestlers the same way I order food when I'm hungry. Getting too fecking much.

He signs all these big "game-changing" names; Punk, Bryan, Cole, Christian, Andrade, Black, Lee, Jeff, Miro, Joe. Then you have the established big names already there; Jericho, Moxley, MJF, Page, Omega.

How do you use them on one TV show a week at 2 hours long? Rampage doesn't count. It's a joke, it's Sunday Night Heat/Velocity/Main Event. 1 hour long with a handful of nothing matches.

Don't even mention the Youtube shows to me. A 17 match card full of squash matches to pad rankings that don't matter.

The thing is the rankings don't even matter, you look at a show like say Forbidden Door, what did Jay White do to get an AEW title shot?
Dream match or not, fantasy booking or not, if AEW was really going to be this more sports oriented company, then that match, along with the other title matches on that card shouldn't have happened.

It was said that winning and losing would actually mean something in AEW, perhaps that was the intention, but now, honestly, when was the last time on TV, that the rankings were actually brought up, discussed or a graphic on them were shown??

Plus having the female version of WCW's Goldberg is just unbelievably boring, I am talking about the TBS Champion, Jade, I mean where is the peril, where is the intrigue in her matches???
If she is seemingly so good, and she believes in herself so much, then why is she not in the main women's title picture, what more is there for her to do with that belt??

AEW has far too many people, and taking advert breaks out, about what less than two hours a week to try to showcase them all, with proper storylines??

12 titles (I forgot about Pac's title earlier on, such is the sheer number of belts these days now!) (someone please remind me, they introduced the trios titles??????) if you were/are to/including the RoH titles (as where else are you going to showcase them, as the company doesn't have a TV show) is far too many.

Imagine having a ppv with all of them on the line, crazy, and then also booking for the Money in the Bank equivalent the casino chip, plus other non title storylines, it is just an impossibility with such limited TV time.

To get anywhere close to be able to do justice with the amount of titles alone, you would need about 4 or 5 hours a week of TV time (after advert breaks have been taken away), nevermind the whole other roster that they currently have.

They desperately need at the very least two things, 1) make Rampage their version of Smackdown, so make it longer, film it live, and put it on a different day, and not just tacked on to Dynamite.
2) Get all of the RoH stuff away from AEW TV, no matter if they don't have a TV deal yet, the Champions should not be on Dynamite or Rampage.
Only when they do have a TV deal, then the RoH Champions & other associated talent should only appear on that show.

So at the moment, that would mean no Y2J, no Joe, etc, as AEW, should be an AEW show, no muddying the waters with outside talent.

The roster is far too big as it is, to be messing about with non contracted talent, where is Miro for example, why is that random pizza bloke getting more TV time than him??
Tony seems to have far too much on his plate (Fulham, his American football team, RoH, AEW) and boy is it showing, he is spreading himself far too thin.

Where once at the start AEW was fresh, it is now unbelievably stale, repeating story after after story after story (I mean how many times is Starks having the same match, or Matt Hardy and Andrede going to fight over the rights to Private Party?? and these are but just two examples!!)....

Dark Order sad to say, very sadly indeed there is just absolutely no need for them ever since the very sad and untimely death of their leader, keeping them around now is pointless, and they are just there as basically a tribute act these days.

There doesn't seem to be a set of ideas about what AEW is, or what it stands for, and what separates it from WWE.

At the outset it was, "watch these amazing wrestlers, that you can only see in AEW, that have not been on mainstream TV before!!", but now, having seen Matt Hardy v Christian, and Y2J and Daniel Bryan, to mention but just two in WWE not too long ago really (and you can easily if you wanted to, go and watch such matches on the network), where is the difference these days between AEW and WWE.

AEW has fallen into the TNA trap of about 2010 or just before, of becoming a sad parody of itself right now, it is leaderless (as seen by the backstage stuff with Punk, and that pathetic press conference where Tony was just so nodding dog, for all of Vince's faults, and oh boy did he have a lot, he would never have just sat alongside a wrestler and been a nodding dog to them!) and there is no one there it seems to really steady the ship creatively.

Just coughing up some more cash to MJF, is not doing well from a creative standpoint.
It is lazy.

Where once AEW could say that they had the best tag team division, now that certainly isn't the case, that is a mess, it like when TNA had the best cruiserweights, and the X Division was their standout ("it isn't about weight limits, it is about no limits!!") before along came Hogan and that division died a death.

There just isn't anything really going for AEW at the moment, the initial buzz has definitely subsided, and it is now what they wanted to separate themselves from when they originally stated up.

Having a founding member in Cody leave, was a huge blow, no matter how you look at it, that was a massive sign that all was most definitely not right.

Could you imagine say Steph quitting WWE, then turning up in AEW?? No, but that is the equivalent here.

I am not saying that AEW is done for, far from it, but it seems to be in the TNA phase now, where they pushed WWE (with their attempt at a "Monday Night War" revamp or redo), but have been firmly seen off, and are seeing people want to leave, but Tony is saying no, and as such dealing with the issues from that.

It just seems that they don't know what they want to be, nor how to get there.

The next year, maybe two or three will be massive, as they could end up where Impact is right now, if they are not careful, as they are falling into the trap that WCW fell into 9f only pushing older WWE guys at the top of their shows (Mox, Y2J, Bryan, CM Punk, Paige, etc) whilst their younger ones take a backseat, and are not pushed as much.

There are a lot of questions about AEW, and a fair few need to be answered soon, otherwise they really could be in big trouble.
Yeah I think that's the problem. They need two main shows for the number of wrestlers they have. There's no continuity to anything now where as before one of the best things about AEW is they'd build fueds and wrestlers characters slowly. Now they seem to half build someone then just completely forget they exist.

The Punk fiasco hasn't helped but even if you take that out of the equation it's all gone a bit off track.

Yes, that is a huge issue, Tony is trying to placate far too many people, and when you have a bloated roster (and you keep on making it bigger, I mean why was Muta on the show??) you can't please everyone, you can't have storylines that go in a sensible manner, there isn't a possibility to have any good long term storytelling.

To get as many people on the show (including his RoH people, speaking of them, has anyone seen their women's Champion???) it will necessitate having shorter and shorter storylines, or repeated ones, so that people can remember why people are having matches in the first place.

It is all such a complete mess right now.
Looks like the tediously melodramatic essays about how awful AEW is are back, with the same tired nonsense arguments. It's nothing like late WCW, nor TNA after Hogan turned up. AEW is doing just fine, with homegrown or original champions for every title except for the Women's one.

It's a real shame about Punk and the Elite though, as Punk's run was gearing up to be an all time great one, and would have ended up putting over MJF as a megastar. MJF will get there anyway, but the story with him taking the title from Punk would have been one for the ages.
Looks like the tediously melodramatic essays about how awful AEW is are back, with the same tired nonsense arguments. It's nothing like late WCW, nor TNA after Hogan turned up. AEW is doing just fine, with homegrown or original champions for every title except for the Women's one.

It's a real shame about Punk and the Elite though, as Punk's run was gearing up to be an all time great one, and would have ended up putting over MJF as a megastar. MJF will get there anyway, but the story with him taking the title from Punk would have been one for the ages.
What indication did you have that punks run would have been an "all time great" one?

Dudes a 2x champion at this point with literally no run whatsoever. Kind of a joke if anything.
Looks like the tediously melodramatic essays about how awful AEW is are back, with the same tired nonsense arguments. It's nothing like late WCW, nor TNA after Hogan turned up. AEW is doing just fine, with homegrown or original champions for every title except for the Women's one.

It's a real shame about Punk and the Elite though, as Punk's run was gearing up to be an all time great one, and would have ended up putting over MJF as a megastar. MJF will get there anyway, but the story with him taking the title from Punk would have been one for the ages.

Please do help me out, where or what have I said previously about AEW, and the current state is incorrect??

They are stale, they have no hood storylines currently, the women's division is a mess, there are far too many titles, why is RoH on AEW TV, and so many points that are just bringing the company down right now.

Where there was once excitement about having a rival to WWE, or a true alternative, now they are just a pale shadow of what they wanted to be, with one of their founding members in WWE.

Where for art though ranking system??

Now it is just random match after random match, rematch after rematch....

AEW has become what it was deriding WWE for when it was first set up, and trying to separate themselves from them.

It is very much like TNA (let's have someone that WWE just released show up this week!!), or latter day WCW (glass ceiling for certain people, younger ones not being allowed to take over from the older ones....why is Sting still here? Why was Muta used?? Why give the title to Mox yet again?? Why is Y2J RoH Champion??).

There are huge issues with AEW, Tony is spreading himself sooooo thin with all of his businesses, and that is why sooo many people want out, want to go to WWE, a company that actually know what they are doing.
What indication did you have that punks run would have been an "all time great" one?

Dudes a 2x champion at this point with literally no run whatsoever. Kind of a joke if anything.

Punk is a waste of space, he always has been, his run was never even remotely close to an all time great one, he came back completely out of shape, and far top old to do anything with anyone, it is only due to Tony being an infatuated puppy dog, that he got remotely close to the title picture (again ranking system, what ranking many matches did Punk win to get his titles??).

He was just what Hogan was if not worse when Hogan first joined WCW, an over the hill has been.
I kind of agree with most of what you've said there @MUW4Eva (awful username btw). AEW has definitely lost it's way at the moment. I think peak for me was that Arthur Arshe match a year ago between Omega and Danielson. It needs a course correction sharpish and maybe getting the title in MJF's hands will do it, I don't know.

On a side note anyone else think Mox might be back on the bottle? I hope not but he's looking a bit more puffy again as he was before he went into rehab. I think they're asking too much of him and he needs a proper break. They need to sort this Punk/Elite stuff out as well and get the best bout machine version of Kenny back in if he can still go. Punk obviously can do one.
I kind of agree with most of what you've said there @MUW4Eva (awful username btw). AEW has definitely lost it's way at the moment. I think peak for me was that Arthur Arshe match a year ago between Omega and Danielson. It needs a course correction sharpish and maybe getting the title in MJF's hands will do it, I don't know.

On a side note anyone else think Mox might be back on the bottle? I hope not but he's looking a bit more puffy again as he was before he went into rehab. I think they're asking too much of him and he needs a proper break. They need to sort this Punk/Elite stuff out as well and get the best bout machine version of Kenny back in if he can still go. Punk obviously can do one.

AEW needs to make a firm decision as to what it wants to be, as right now, it is the mother of all clusterf's....

It has RoH wrestlers on it; it has NJPW wrestlers on it; it has independent wrestlers on it, there is nothing right now that says what AEW is.

They also need to publicly drop the ranking system, abolish it, as it seems as if they care not one single iota about it anymore.

People get title shots who have done naff all anyway, so why keep up the pretence with them anymore??

Bringing back the Elite etc, will just make things worse, as they will take up TV time from other wrestlers that need it far more then they do.

AEW needs to get rid of Y2J, Sting, & the other elder statemen, give the women's division a bigger platform, and actually try to stand for something, as right now, they are not standing for anything.
Punk's cuntishness is long lasting and varied...

On a side note anyone else think Mox might be back on the bottle? I hope not but he's looking a bit more puffy again as he was before he went into rehab. I think they're asking too much of him and he needs a proper break. They need to sort this Punk/Elite stuff out as well and get the best bout machine version of Kenny back in if he can still go. Punk obviously can do one.
I don't think TV lighting does him any favours. I thought he looked a bit rough recently but then I saw a pic of him outside wrestling and he looks fine. When you look back at the Shield guys, they're all the same age but Reigns and Rollins still look great while Moxley looks nothing like Ambrose/early AEW Moxley. It's probably some unfortunate genetics of approaching 40 hitting like a truck.
AEW needs to make a firm decision as to what it wants to be, as right now, it is the mother of all clusterf's....

It has RoH wrestlers on it; it has NJPW wrestlers on it; it has independent wrestlers on it, there is nothing right now that says what AEW is.

They also need to publicly drop the ranking system, abolish it, as it seems as if they care not one single iota about it anymore.

People get title shots who have done naff all anyway, so why keep up the pretence with them anymore??

Bringing back the Elite etc, will just make things worse, as they will take up TV time from other wrestlers that need it far more then they do.

AEW needs to get rid of Y2J, Sting, & the other elder statemen, give the women's division a bigger platform, and actually try to stand for something, as right now, they are not standing for anything.

He's the hottest thing in AEW and probably the best thing in weekly wrestling shows at the moment, why would they get rid of him?
AEW needs to make a firm decision as to what it wants to be, as right now, it is the mother of all clusterf's....

It has RoH wrestlers on it; it has NJPW wrestlers on it; it has independent wrestlers on it, there is nothing right now that says what AEW is.

They also need to publicly drop the ranking system, abolish it, as it seems as if they care not one single iota about it anymore.

People get title shots who have done naff all anyway, so why keep up the pretence with them anymore??

Bringing back the Elite etc, will just make things worse, as they will take up TV time from other wrestlers that need it far more then they do.

AEW needs to get rid of Y2J, Sting, & the other elder statemen, give the women's division a bigger platform, and actually try to stand for something, as right now, they are not standing for anything.

Don't agree with this at all. For me and probably a lot of people who got back into wrestling when AEW kicked off, the Elite are a major reason why.

They'd free up tv time if they simply trimmed the fat and as others have said, Tony stopped signing anything that was available just for a cheap 'new toy' pop.

Obviously you still need some jobbers but I would build around MJF, The Elite, Starks and Hobbs, Swerve and Lee, FTR, The Acclaimed, Death Triangle, Miro, Wardlow, Page, Mox, Danielson, Darby, Jungle Boy. Probably missing a few but if they can focus back on making the titles actually mean something these are the ones you want in the title picture and headlining your PPV's.

The women's division is a whole other mess completely but oddly one that's easier to sort. They need to push Jamie Hayter whilst she's hot.
Why would they get rid of Jericho? What?

As a way to keep RoH off of AEW programming, same for the rest of the RoH Champions, and people assigned to that brand.

Let AEW be AEW, and let RoH be RoH, there is no need to put RoH on AEW programming it just makes this over booked, and far too complex.
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Don't agree with this at all. For me and probably a lot of people who got back into wrestling when AEW kicked off, the Elite are a major reason why.

They'd free up tv time if they simply trimmed the fat and as others have said, Tony stopped signing anything that was available just for a cheap 'new toy' pop.

Obviously you still need some jobbers but I would build around MJF, The Elite, Starks and Hobbs, Swerve and Lee, FTR, The Acclaimed, Death Triangle, Miro, Wardlow, Page, Mox, Danielson, Darby, Jungle Boy. Probably missing a few but if they can focus back on making the titles actually mean something these are the ones you want in the title picture and headlining your PPV's.

The women's division is a whole other mess completely but oddly one that's easier to sort. They need to push Jamie Hayter whilst she's hot.

The issue is, they have one show a week (they could change Rampage into their version of Smackdown, rather than what it is now, their version of Main Event) which lasts for less than two hours, when advert breaks are taken away, so even if they were to keep all of those male wrestlers, they would surely have to cut down on the number of titles (Pac's, & trio's should definitely go for a start, as should the pathetic FTW one), and also a lot of the male performers.

The amount of male matches compared to women's matches is a complete farce, in this day and age where in WWE women have headlined Wrestlemania, and now regularly headline Raw/Smackdown, then AEW's treatment of their women is diabolical.

If you are not a professional dentist, then you currently stand no chance of a push with Tony in the women's division.
That needs to change, and change quickly, there needs to be multiple women's matches, multiple women's storylines, not just all about titles either.

Until AEW properly expand with more than one show a week (Rampage tacked onto Dynamite, & the jobber shows on YouTube don't count, as they serve no purpose whatsoever in terms of furthering storylines), then they will to change a lot of what they are currently doing.
The issue is, they have one show a week (they could change Rampage into their version of Smackdown, rather than what it is now, their version of Main Event) which lasts for less than two hours, when advert breaks are taken away, so even if they were to keep all of those male wrestlers, they would surely have to cut down on the number of titles (Pac's, & trio's should definitely go for a start, as should the pathetic FTW one), and also a lot of the male performers.

The amount of male matches compared to women's matches is a complete farce, in this day and age where in WWE women have headlined Wrestlemania, and now regularly headline Raw/Smackdown, then AEW's treatment of their women is diabolical.

If you are not a professional dentist, then you currently stand no chance of a push with Tony in the women's division.
That needs to change, and change quickly, there needs to be multiple women's matches, multiple women's storylines, not just all about titles either.

Until AEW properly expand with more than one show a week (Rampage tacked onto Dynamite, & the jobber shows on YouTube don't count, as they serve no purpose whatsoever in terms of furthering storylines), then they will to change a lot of what they are currently doing.

That's a bit of a false equivalence in all honesty. From what I've seen WWE has a far more stacked women's roster and one that's at a far higher level than AEW. You can't just put them on tv because.....
That's a bit of a false equivalence in all honesty. From what I've seen WWE has a far more stacked women's roster and one that's at a far higher level than AEW. You can't just put them on tv because.....

There are plenty of very talented women with AEW (even discounting Paige, as she presumably can't wrestle), that fully deserved more minutes/storylines/matches than they are getting.

Tony just backs only one person sadly.
There are plenty of very talented women with AEW (even discounting Paige, as she presumably can't wrestle), that fully deserved more minutes/storylines/matches than they are getting.

Tony just backs only one person sadly.

There really aren't though. Hayter, Deeb, Storm, Rosa, Athena (?). Jade and Statlander have great potential but are still a bit green. Stat is further ahead. I really rate Penelope Ford as well. That's not enough for what you're asking.
They should just do a reboot and strip all the champions, bro.

No matter how many people give their take on podcasts or shoot tapes, I will never understand how this was allowed to happen. I know desperate times call for etc. etc. but continuity in wrestling isn't exactly a steel trap; just write your way to where you want to be, surely? The entire concept of a "reboot" just flew in the face of...well, basically everything about being a fan.

I'm too casual at this point to have a view on AEW and why it's failing miserably and/or is the pinnacle of all human achievement; but enjoying watching the discussion. I do find it odd that, having watched Cody massively, massively inflate his value and standing in the eyes of the fans by going on a self-powered indie/dream match run post-WWE, the AEW brass snap up everyone the second they leave WWE - you'd think there must be some people who are borderline and you'd give them some time on the indies to see what they can do for themselves.
What indication did you have that punks run would have been an "all time great" one?

Dudes a 2x champion at this point with literally no run whatsoever. Kind of a joke if anything.

I said it was gearing up to be one - the entire story was that he was turning into Cena without realising it, and it was gonna end with MJF taking the title off him, and elevating plenty of the younger guys along the way.

It went off the rails when he jumped the barrier and broke his foot, but there's an alternate universe where he cleared the barrier and everyone is raving about his run (except for the folks in this thread that just hate AEW no matter what).
Please do help me out, where or what have I said previously about AEW, and the current state is incorrect??

They are stale, they have no hood storylines currently, the women's division is a mess, there are far too many titles, why is RoH on AEW TV, and so many points that are just bringing the company down right now.

Where there was once excitement about having a rival to WWE, or a true alternative, now they are just a pale shadow of what they wanted to be, with one of their founding members in WWE.

Where for art though ranking system??

Now it is just random match after random match, rematch after rematch....

AEW has become what it was deriding WWE for when it was first set up, and trying to separate themselves from them.

It is very much like TNA (let's have someone that WWE just released show up this week!!), or latter day WCW (glass ceiling for certain people, younger ones not being allowed to take over from the older ones....why is Sting still here? Why was Muta used?? Why give the title to Mox yet again?? Why is Y2J RoH Champion??).

There are huge issues with AEW, Tony is spreading himself sooooo thin with all of his businesses, and that is why sooo many people want out, want to go to WWE, a company that actually know what they are doing.

This post is "sooooo" packed with hyperbole, as all of your posts are in this thread, and I have no interest in debating with you any more - there's evidently nothing AEW can do to prevent you from continually predicting their imminent demise, and any legitimate criticisms you make are lost in the sea of nonsense.
I said it was gearing up to be one - the entire story was that he was turning into Cena without realising it, and it was gonna end with MJF taking the title off him, and elevating plenty of the younger guys along the way.

It went off the rails when he jumped the barrier and broke his foot, but there's an alternate universe where he cleared the barrier and everyone is raving about his run (except for the folks in this thread that just hate AEW no matter what).
You fantasy booked this in your head
Or I actually watched the show, rather than crying about its existence while simping for Vince.
You watched something that didn’t happen? Reminder that Punk gave up the title 5 days after winning it so stop with the fantasy nonsense.
Numerous young stars going over by Punk who jobbed what? Once in his AEW career?
Maybe you should pay more attention to what you’re watching instead of crying against people crying about AEW on here
Btw just getting this in here, aew is not failing miserably or anything like that. They are clearly number 2. Their shows are mostly still entertaining and they still make good money from attendance (even if it is down)
They are consistently number one or two in terms of the key demos (they really are still important)
You watched something that didn’t happen? Reminder that Punk gave up the title 5 days after winning it so stop with the fantasy nonsense.
Numerous young stars going over by Punk who jobbed what? Once in his AEW career?
Maybe you should pay more attention to what you’re watching instead of crying against people crying about AEW on here

I was explicitly talking about before he won the title, clearly your reading comprehension is as poor as your ability to discern a story without Vince ordering Michael Cole to beat you round the head with it.

Genuine question, why are you so offended by the existence of AEW? They aren't ever going to be a threat to WWE, and the existence of an alternative has forced WWE to put more effort into their product. Wrestling fans, and wrestlers, are miles better off with 2 legitimate companies.
I said it was gearing up to be one - the entire story was that he was turning into Cena without realising it, and it was gonna end with MJF taking the title off him, and elevating plenty of the younger guys along the way.

It went off the rails when he jumped the barrier and broke his foot, but there's an alternate universe where he cleared the barrier and everyone is raving about his run (except for the folks in this thread that just hate AEW no matter what).
Have to agree with @cyberman here, this is pure fantasy booking. You don't know what CM punk's reign was going to be like, or who'd he eventually drop too.
Have to agree with @cyberman here, this is pure fantasy booking. You don't know what CM punk's reign was going to be like, or who'd he eventually drop too.

It's fairly obvious that was the plan, given how much attention to detail they put into the program between the two, and even MJF's pipebomb promo afterwards was basically aiming at Punk. But even then, I said "gearing up to be", as in it had potential to be great.
This post is "sooooo" packed with hyperbole, as all of your posts are in this thread, and I have no interest in debating with you any more - there's evidently nothing AEW can do to prevent you from continually predicting their imminent demise, and any legitimate criticisms you make are lost in the sea of nonsense.


I enjoy wrestling full stop, I want to see as many companies thriving as it is possible to do so.

I enjoyed AEW at the start, I want them to be a success, thd more companies that are a success, the better for the whole industry as a whole it will be.
More companies means more employed talent, which means more matches, so a win win all round.

However that doesn't mean I watch and think everything that I see and watch is amazing, there is room for constructive criticism, ways to make things even better then they currently are, and that is all that I have ever tried to do with my comments on AEW.

I could similarly do a list on what I think WWE could do better with, but in recent times, they have started to show improvements, so there isn't as big of a need to do so right now.
Btw just getting this in here, aew is not failing miserably or anything like that. They are clearly number 2. Their shows are mostly still entertaining and they still make good money from attendance (even if it is down)
They are consistently number one or two in terms of the key demos (they really are still important)

They are failing in terms of what they actually want the company to be, how to stand out from the myriad of other non WWE companies, for example GCW is getting a lot of traction in recent times.

Where there used to be a fair few ways that AEW separated themselves (rankings, less title belts, more investment in storylines, different wrestlers from WWE) all, if not most of what did separate them, has now practically stopped sadly.

They lost one of their founding members, there has literally been in fighting behind the scenes between wrestlers, and higher up members of the corporate structure, and the owner is a nodding dog, who has seemingly lost a lot of authority.

It is a mess these days, a shadow of what it once was.
There is of course, still time for them to right this ship, to get it back on course, but right now, it isn't a good watch, there are just soo many things that need to change for it to get anywhere near what it used to be.
They are failing in terms of what they actually want the company to be, how to stand out from the myriad of other non WWE companies, for example GCW is getting a lot of traction in recent times.

Where there used to be a fair few ways that AEW separated themselves (rankings, less title belts, more investment in storylines, different wrestlers from WWE) all, if not most of what did separate them, has now practically stopped sadly.

They lost one of their founding members, there has literally been in fighting behind the scenes between wrestlers, and higher up members of the corporate structure, and the owner is a nodding dog, who has seemingly lost a lot of authority.

It is a mess these days, a shadow of what it once was.
There is of course, still time for them to right this ship, to get it back on course, but right now, it isn't a good watch, there are just soo many things that need to change for it to get anywhere near what it used to be.
It might not be on track but failing is not the word is use

I enjoy wrestling full stop, I want to see as many companies thriving as it is possible to do so.

I enjoyed AEW at the start, I want them to be a success, thd more companies that are a success, the better for the whole industry as a whole it will be.
More companies means more employed talent, which means more matches, so a win win all round.

However that doesn't mean I watch and think everything that I see and watch is amazing, there is room for constructive criticism, ways to make things even better then they currently are, and that is all that I have ever tried to do with my comments on AEW.

I could similarly do a list on what I think WWE could do better with, but in recent times, they have started to show improvements, so there isn't as big of a need to do so right now.

Very little of your criticism is constructive, most of it is nonsense.

It might not be on track but failing is not the word is use

Yeah in this case "failing" means "it isn't exactly how I want it to be", despite the metrics that matter (ratings, income, etc) being good still.
Why would they get rid of Jericho? What?

Yeah I'm lost there. He's getting on obviously but he's still got more charisma than almost anyone in either AEW or WWE, and also does more than most to put lesser established guys over.

I wouldn't go as far as to say AEW is a mess. I still think the shows are far more entertaining than WWEs, but it's hard to see that lasting if they keep I making it impossible to invest in any fued or story by basically not having any that last more than 2 weeks and actually make any sense.

I don't think it's a problem signing ex wwe guys either. They've done that since the very start. The problem us trying to cram 2 rosters worh of talent onto a single two hour show while trying to fit 4-5 decent full length wrestling matches in at the same time. Even before their signing spree they were having to resort to 10 man tag matches nearly every week.