Television The Propgropthrop

Cool ending with the return of Bray Wyatt

Thought it was lame, but particularly because it A) was as expected, but with no new coat of paint. Looks like the old paint as the cult leader and B) I'm not a fan of his rambling non sensical promos where he contradicts himself and certainly havent missed watching his matches.

I did for a second think hey maybe they're doing the the idea they had in the past to have the funhouse characters be actual people, and they were going to come to the ring and reveal themselves all as a new faction. But then it was just same old Bray saying the old catchphrase. So I laughed
Thought it was rubbish. All that clever build up just for some over the top reveal when everyone knew who it was anyway. Just a lot of fireworks with absolutely no substance. Basically exactly what I was hoping they wouldn't do. We'll provably have qbout a month of him doing pointless promos now before he ends up in a feud with Ricochet or something.
Haven’t watched WWE consistently in a while but excited to hear this. There’s a lot of miles left in that character who was stupidly under utilised.
So it's cult Wyatt again? Prefer that as he gets to cut proper promos again.
Not a chance , would be great especially if the story is Sami destroying bloodline from inside

Btw anybody watching extreme rules live? I'll have to catch it tomorrow night as I'm getting up for the packers / London NFL game

The problem is, they've kind of booked themselves into a corner with Reigns. His run has been very good overall but it seems like such a huge waste to let him drop it to The Rock or some other part-timer.

There have been huge improvements with the product since HHH took over and I can see him pushing Sami. There are so many routes they can go with the story. The only reason I can think they'd be hesitant is Zayn's injury record.

If I were booking it I'd have him go through the entire Bloodline over the two nights, culminating in him beating Reigns in the main event on night two. Don't officially book Reigns in a title match but have a stipulation that if Sami can earn his shot Reigns has to defend. Makes sense with how they've built Reigns.
Really liked the Edge/Balor finish. Makes Judgment day look smart and strong and make fans want to see someone beat Balor. Good booking.

Rollins/Riddle was meh but Riddle getting the win establishes him as a credible champion.

Bray wyatt's return was well done. Now book him properly. And yes he doesn't need any title.
Really thought they would have Edge win and basically bury Judgment Day, glad they didn't go that way.

Bray Wyatt stuff at the end was awesome, despite knowing who it was.
That was one hell of a pop for Bray.

You'd hope so considering they basically made him the main event of the whole show. I just thought it was way over the top considering he literally didn't do or say anything and every wrestling fan on earth already knew he was going to turn up.

Not exactly like the Jericho debut for example where you can watch it back over because it was surprising and meaningful. Regardless if what they do with Bray now his appearance last night will basically have been completely irrelevant.

Also I felt where they tripped up with him last time was basically doing this exact same thing where he would just sort of exist or crop up during shows but there was never any remotely interesting point or story to it.

Thought the show overall was meh, outside of the Judgement Day stuff (which to be fair has been really good for a month or so now). Mind you it was still a lot better than the standard of ppv they were serving up this time last year.
I liked it.

I think most do, actually this page was the first I've seen a negative reaction to this. Even r/SquaredCircle is overwhelmingly positive. Some of the issues above are same old Bray but we actually don't know what we have yet. We might get a Wyyat of 6 faction or maybe a hybrid of cult leader/Fiend. That was part of the point they left that door open.
Wyatt being back makes WWE a lot more interesting - he's a pretty special talent, as a talker and a creative mind. His ability to sell a feud with a promo is rare.

If he could get in better shape, like he kinda did for about a month when he first started the fun house stuff, he'd be in the very top tier.
Strap a rocket to Bray’s back

Most interesting wrestler in any organisation by a long shot.
I think most do, actually this page was the first I've seen a negative reaction to this. Even r/SquaredCircle is overwhelmingly positive. Some of the issues above are same old Bray but we actually don't know what we have yet. We might get a Wyyat of 6 faction or maybe a hybrid of cult leader/Fiend. That was part of the point they left that door open.

People are very easily pleased that's all I can say. There was a big light show and then his face appeared for 0.5 seconds and that was literally it. I mean if you missed it, what did you actually miss?
Thought the Brutes vs Imperium match was great - Sheamus and GUNTHER have low-key had one of the best feuds of the year.

The Judgement Day stuff was excellent - they're getting some fantastic heat right now.
Really enjoyed the ppv. I've enjoyed ppvs in general since hhh has taken over given we are getting finishes (even if some of them are screwy)

Enjoyed bray's return and a great reaction. Of course we knew who it was :lol: that didn't kill any expectation at all
And how can we say it's the same thing when we hardly got anything expect a return to show he's back now?
Odd posts above

Anyway will be interesting to see who his first feud is and the changes given he's evolved a few times already. Fiend was too much and not entertaining at all in matches. This should hopefully be better with somebody else in charge
Imo people like the spooky style of character Bray has. Its not so much Bray himself. Its being the only spooky guy in one of the big American companies that have a bunch of resources to put behind it.

Impact has tried to do the spooky stuff a bunch of times but its never with production close to WWE. AEW doesn't have someone like that... Not really. They have Black but he's presented as more of an in ring and entrance experience. And thats popular itself. But Bray is more on the character and promo side.

My guess is if someone was creative and in shape, doing the spooky stuff with WWE's backing and effects they'd be popular. But Bray is the only one who gets the role and the backing so you have to take him or nobody.

Anyway was hoping to see today that they've finally moved on with him and the people wearing the masks were revealed. Instead its a Gallow and Anderson return... Bray on Smackdown.

At this point I'm going to guess they'll stretch it out even more and not reveal on Smackdown either. They probably dont know what to do with them after that.
WWE seem to be bringing in a lot of new (old) faces which begs the question how will they cope with all of these people on the roster and avoid the problems AEW seem to have with a bloated roster.
Yeet my dawgs

Sami is a treasure. Organic baby face movement there.

Bray should appear on smackdown but they would also be silly to reveal everything about him. You give enough that the crowd are happy but wanting more.
WWE also hired that long term creative guy who worked on horror and comics right? That must be with bray in mind so I'm sure they (hhh) has an idea of what he wants to do with him.

There does seem to be more direction and evolution with a lot of their stories (except miz / Dexter but haven't finished raw yet)
Imo people like the spooky style of character Bray has. Its not so much Bray himself. Its being the only spooky guy in one of the big American companies that have a bunch of resources to put behind it.

Impact has tried to do the spooky stuff a bunch of times but its never with production close to WWE. AEW doesn't have someone like that... Not really. They have Black but he's presented as more of an in ring and entrance experience. And thats popular itself. But Bray is more on the character and promo side.

My guess is if someone was creative and in shape, doing the spooky stuff with WWE's backing and effects they'd be popular. But Bray is the only one who gets the role and the backing so you have to take him or nobody.

Anyway was hoping to see today that they've finally moved on with him and the people wearing the masks were revealed. Instead its a Gallow and Anderson return... Bray on Smackdown.

At this point I'm going to guess they'll stretch it out even more and not reveal on Smackdown either. They probably dont know what to do with them after that.

AEW has Abbadon in their women's division, but they rarely use her, and have no idea what to do with her sadly, as she has huge potential, but since she isn't the stereotypical woman, they just ignore her.

One question I have in regards to WWE at the moment is, what on earth os going on with Theory?? He keeps on losing and getting beat, in quick throwaway matches, how does that help to build him upto be a threat to Roman??

As the current Money in the Bank holder, he surely will cash that in at some point......won't he??

And when he does, isn't it best to try and at the very least build him up as something like a potential threat to Roman??

As right now, he is anything but a threat, it is very odd booking for him I would say...
AEW has Abbadon in their women's division, but they rarely use her, and have no idea what to do with her sadly, as she has huge potential, but since she isn't the stereotypical woman, they just ignore her.

One question I have in regards to WWE at the moment is, what on earth os going on with Theory?? He keeps on losing and getting beat, in quick throwaway matches, how does that help to build him upto be a threat to Roman??

As the current Money in the Bank holder, he surely will cash that in at some point......won't he??

And when he does, isn't it best to try and at the very least build him up as something like a potential threat to Roman??

As right now, he is anything but a threat, it is very odd booking for him I would say...

They've done this with past mitb winners.
I'm thinking hhh doesn't want him as the holder and we will probably see him lose it anyway
I don't mind theory tbh. I do wonder what Vince's plan with him was unless it was to cash in during a match to make a triple threat so he could eat a pin and not have Roman take it?
AEW has Abbadon in their women's division, but they rarely use her, and have no idea what to do with her sadly, as she has huge potential, but since she isn't the stereotypical woman, they just ignore her.

One question I have in regards to WWE at the moment is, what on earth os going on with Theory?? He keeps on losing and getting beat, in quick throwaway matches, how does that help to build him upto be a threat to Roman??

As the current Money in the Bank holder, he surely will cash that in at some point......won't he??

And when he does, isn't it best to try and at the very least build him up as something like a potential threat to Roman??

As right now, he is anything but a threat, it is very odd booking for him I would say...

He either fails cashing in, or cashes in on the battered baby-face that eventually beats Reigns.

It's chicken shit heel 101. Make him look weak, have him win title against the odds then retain through shit-housery and shenanigans.
He either fails cashing in, or cashes in on the battered baby-face that eventually beats Reigns.

It's chicken shit heel 101. Make him look weak, have him win title against the odds then retain through shit-housery and shenanigans.

Doesn't Theory only have a year to cash it in, or has that rule changed??

I am interested to see just when and how he does, as he isn't even interacting with Roman at the moment is he?
Doesn't Theory only have a year to cash it in, or has that rule changed??

I am interested to see just when and how he does, as he isn't even interacting with Roman at the moment is he?

As far as I know but MiTB is after Mania so he has time.
Perhaps he could do a Seth and cash in during the title match at Wrestlemania then??

Feels too derivative.

Best case for Mania cash in is him cashing in after the match on a beaten up champ. Think Orton on Bryan at Summerslam.
Feels too derivative.

Best case for Mania cash in is him cashing in after the match on a beaten up champ. Think Orton on Bryan at Summerslam.

But cashing in on an already beaten down champion is far more derivative then the Seth example is it not??
Doesn't Theory only have a year to cash it in, or has that rule changed??

I am interested to see just when and how he does, as he isn't even interacting with Roman at the moment is he?
He was before. Wouldn't be shocked if he had to put the briefcase on the line at rumble or something and loses it to someone like Riddle or Owens.
But cashing in on an already beaten down champion is far more derivative then the Seth example is it not??

Because the Seth cash in is and remains the only successful WM cash in. To do something similar cheapens the momentous occasion that was. It's always showcased in trailers etc. It's the only example of a cash in turning the match into a triple threat as well as far as I can remember.

Cash ins have mainly come from the champion being incapacitated and taken advantage of. That fits perfectly with Theory and how they're building him and his character. Seth was a legit star when he cashed in so he needed that big Mania moment to elevate him winning his first title.

One is derivative of a one off event; the other is how most expect the cash in to happen.
AEW has Abbadon in their women's division, but they rarely use her, and have no idea what to do with her sadly, as she has huge potential, but since she isn't the stereotypical woman, they just ignore her.

In regards to my suggestion I dont think Abaddon has shown any reason to think that her horror stuff would be better than WWE/Bray's. She has a look people like but its not like shes shown she can cut a good promo or have that same presence. So yeah thats why I didnt even mention her.

One question I have in regards to WWE at the moment is, what on earth os going on with Theory?? He keeps on losing and getting beat, in quick throwaway matches, how does that help to build him upto be a threat to Roman??

As the current Money in the Bank holder, he surely will cash that in at some point......won't he??

And when he does, isn't it best to try and at the very least build him up as something like a potential threat to Roman??

As right now, he is anything but a threat, it is very odd booking for him I would say...

I think its likely Triple H doesnt want to bury him or make him lose the briefcase in defeat but has no plan for building him up to that level. He was Vince's project. So he'll probably just continue to annoy people with the briefcase for the time being. If he does get pushed that simply leaves less space for Triple H's guys he's hiring every week to be pushed towards the top. I'm hating Kross' current run but clearly Triple H thinks highly of him and it might be that he is jumping the line to working with the likes of Roman instead.
Moxley re-signing and giving AEW that stability is the best thing to happen to them since signing Danielson.
If people had to say who will cash in their respective opportunity first, and will either be successful at doing so, Theory with his briefcase, or MJF with his casino chip??
If people had to say who will cash in their respective opportunity first, and will either be successful at doing so, Theory with his briefcase, or MJF with his casino chip??
Nobody is even sure if the chip is meant to be their MITB equivalent. I really hope it’s not