Television The Propgropthrop

"The Wizard" Scarlet


Needs to finish Hogwarts like Jericho to improve that aim. Closer to hitting someone in the front row than Drew
This segment and the acting was pure gold. Sami Zayn is brilliant.

This was so brilliant and well done. Sami having a special handshake with Jimmy whilst Jey hates Sami despite Sami being so similar to how Jey was is so great

The Bloodline/Sami/Jey is the best stuff in wrestling right now.

Jey is so hateable for hating Sami.
Agreed. Easily the most entertaining stuff and Sami is on fire. Best he's been since nxt days
Why does Sami Zayn wear a different t shirt to the rest of the bloodline?
Sami is going to kick members out and work up to Roman. I can’t see what the bloodline randomly beating him does and that’s the main theory online.
This is his Foley run
Sami is going to kick members out and work up to Roman. I can’t see what the bloodline randomly beating him does and that’s the main theory online.
This is his Foley run
He will be saved by Owens who will then work with Sami to end the Usos reign ...
It's been built so well that could go either direction. Bloodline eventually turn on him making him a massive underdog favourite or Sami actually being an evil genius and secretly plotting against them.
It baffles me how awful Logan Paul is at talking.
"Roman Reigns is the head of the table, but in every industry I do, I am the table."

If that was written for him the writer needs to quit writing now that Riverdale is ending, if not then he needs to learn how to talk smack as that just made him look like a moron.
Nice to see my previous post about releases and it being AEW / Tony’s first big test has come good regardless of certain weirdos in here laughing at it!

Maybe it’s the backstage drama but there’s too many people either looking to be released or are seemingly winding down their contracts next year for it to be healthy. Tony out here saying Black has 5 years on his contract then Black himself calls it lies is really strange as well
It baffles me how awful Logan Paul is at talking.
"Roman Reigns is the head of the table, but in every industry I do, I am the table."

If that was written for him the writer needs to quit writing now that Riverdale is ending, if not then he needs to learn how to talk smack as that just made him look like a moron.

It doesn't help that he's naturally dislikeable. Not in the heel sense either. In the "why is this annoying bloke being given screen time and big spots ahead of actual professional wrestlers" sense.

Even if they made him a heel to play on it he's so unconvincing it wouldn't work. I mean his wrestling skills and commitment to the actual wrestling are great considering he's a youtuber, but the novelty/brownie points of that isn't a factor when you sign him to a professional wrestling contract rather than it being a one off celeb match.

And the celebrity novelty also isn't really there when instead of a Holywood star or Mike Tyson type figure, it's some guy who does stuff on YouTube that no one really knows what it is
It doesn't help that he's naturally dislikeable. Not in the heel sense either. In the "why is this annoying bloke being given screen time and big spots ahead of actual professional wrestlers" sense.

Even if they made him a heel to play on it he's so unconvincing it wouldn't work. I mean his wrestling skills and commitment to the actual wrestling are great considering he's a youtuber, but the novelty/brownie points of that isn't a factor when you sign him to a professional wrestling contract rather than it being a one off celeb match.

And the celebrity novelty also isn't really there when instead of a Holywood star or Mike Tyson type figure, it's some guy who does stuff on YouTube that no one really knows what it is
Logan Paul has 25 million subs on YouTube.

Smackdown does what 2.5 million views give or take in viewership?

Again, he has 25 million followers on Instagram, whilst WWE as a whole has 26 million.

He's quite clearly huge. People are letting their opinion of YouTubers in general cloud their judgment here. To call him just a YouTube is unfair in itself at this point.
Nice to see my previous post about releases and it being AEW / Tony’s first big test has come good regardless of certain weirdos in here laughing at it!

Maybe it’s the backstage drama but there’s too many people either looking to be released or are seemingly winding down their contracts next year for it to be healthy. Tony out here saying Black has 5 years on his contract then Black himself calls it lies is really strange as well

Logan Paul has 25 million subs on YouTube.

Smackdown does what 2.5 million views give or take in viewership?

Again, he has 25 million followers on Instagram, whilst WWE as a whole has 26 million.

He's quite clearly huge. People are letting their opinion of YouTubers in general cloud their judgment here. To call him just a YouTube is unfair in itself at this point.

No I don't think I'm letting it cloud my judgement at all. He isn't particularly likeable (in the wrestling sense at least) and the audience clearly don't particularly take to him. If it wasn't for the respect he's gained from the effort and time he's clearly put into his actual wrestling work, he'd be getting slaughtered by the fans in every arena, and even with that they've not exactly taken to him. It'd be kind to call the reception he gets lukewarm, and his awful promo skills don't do anything to help, especially when you have him fued with the world champion rather than have him as side entertainment with someone like The Miz.

It doesn't really matter how many subscribers he has. Signing a celeb to a wrestling contract and having him in a main event with Roman Reigns in his 3rd match, cheapens the whole brand and is a bit of an insult to every actual wrestler on the roster as well as to the audience. It's not really comparable to having Tyson as a guest referee or someone like Bad Bunny in a one off tag match. It's expecting your audience to just accept complete bullshit.

And the other issue, and this might just be me being an old git, is that I don't care about Logan Paul in general. Outside of losing meaningless boxing matches and appearing on the wrestling I have no idea what he actuqlly does. There are people with millions of social media subscribers who literally don't do anything. It'd be like KSI being signed to F1 or something. It's not going to make me watch it or him more, it's just going to help convince me F1 has become somewhat of a joke.
The Saudi shows have become celebrity spectacles. They've requested to have Logan Paul involved and possibly even asked for him to be in the main event.

The Saudi shows are nothing more than a money making exercise for WWE and a sports washing spectacle for the Saudi's.

While Logan Paul impressed me massively at WM this will be a one off and he'll be back to midcard fueds for the big 4 shows.
No I don't think I'm letting it cloud my judgement at all. He isn't particularly likeable (in the wrestling sense at least) and the audience clearly don't particularly take to him. If it wasn't for the respect he's gained from the effort and time he's clearly put into his actual wrestling work, he'd be getting slaughtered by the fans in every arena, and even with that they've not exactly taken to him. It'd be kind to call the reception he gets lukewarm, and his awful promo skills don't do anything to help, especially when you have him fued with the world champion rather than have him as side entertainment with someone like The Miz.

It doesn't really matter how many subscribers he has. Signing a celeb to a wrestling contract and having him in a main event with Roman Reigns in his 3rd match, cheapens the whole brand and is a bit of an insult to every actual wrestler on the roster as well as to the audience. It's not really comparable to having Tyson as a guest referee or someone like Bad Bunny in a one off tag match. It's expecting your audience to just accept complete bullshit.

And the other issue, and this might just be me being an old git, is that I don't care about Logan Paul in general. Outside of losing meaningless boxing matches and appearing on the wrestling I have no idea what he actuqlly does. There are people with millions of social media subscribers who literally don't do anything. It'd be like KSI being signed to F1 or something. It's not going to make me watch it or him more, it's just going to help convince me F1 has become somewhat of a joke.
Thing is, this is all bollocks isn't it?

He's main eventing a bloody Saudi show not wrestlemania it's hardly that deep is it? He's gotten great responses in both of his matches simply because he's a lot better than anyone expected. What matches were you watching?

You've literally made up in your head that the roster are insulted that he's getting fed to Roman in Saudi Arabia, when much more than likely they couldn't give less of a shit? A PPV that top talent actively choose to sit out of.
The Saudi shows have become celebrity spectacles. They've requested to have Logan Paul involved and possibly even asked for him to be in the main event.

The Saudi shows are nothing more than a money making exercise for WWE and a sports washing spectacle for the Saudi's.

While Logan Paul impressed me massively at WM this will be a one off and he'll be back to midcard fueds for the big 4 shows.
The Saudi shows have become celebrity spectacles. They've requested to have Logan Paul involved and possibly even asked for him to be in the main event.

The Saudi shows are nothing more than a money making exercise for WWE and a sports washing spectacle for the Saudi's.

While Logan Paul impressed me massively at WM this will be a one off and he'll be back to midcard fueds for the big 4 shows.
Yep pretty much. It's probably wwes biggest match in terms of marquee they can have right now with celeb and wrestler.

I doubt anybody is pissed off he's main eventing this show against roman
Now if we were to win that would be a whole different story but we know this won't happen
Where am I wrong? Adding on time to contracts for injuries, flat out refusing release now despite shouted of Unionise! Independent contractors! Sasha and Naomi were right to storm out and they should be released!

Years of listening to that shit for years now only for Tony to prove it’s actually the optimal way to run a wrestling promotion. Who knows?( except for rabid AEW fans of course)

I’m guessing you’re the poster who laughed so what now? What’s the next test to fall at?
Is it just me or does Bayley’s new theme remind you of Seth Rollins’ Monday night messiah theme?
Where am I wrong? Adding on time to contracts for injuries, flat out refusing release now despite shouted of Unionise! Independent contractors! Sasha and Naomi were right to storm out and they should be released!

Years of listening to that shit for years now only for Tony to prove it’s actually the optimal way to run a wrestling promotion. Who knows?( except for rabid AEW fans of course)

I’m guessing you’re the poster who laughed so what now? What’s the next test to fall at?

You're clinging onto this false equivalence for dear life, and yet have the lack of self awareness to call other posters rabid and weirdos, that's what I'm laughing at. You may actually be the physical embodiment of irony.
This tribalism is truly weird. Some people actually dislike a company due to some fans online?
It's weird

Wrestling is really grand right now. And the wrestlers benefit big time as do the fans.
Raw was very good this week,

Actually forgot Finn was with AJ over in Japan, loving that storyline,

Riddle v Priest and Sethv Rey we’re also good, making up for the eye for a eye fued,

enjoyed the tag match too even though it’s it’s pointless having strowman v Gable again.
Thing is, this is all bollocks isn't it?

He's main eventing a bloody Saudi show not wrestlemania it's hardly that deep is it? He's gotten great responses in both of his matches simply because he's a lot better than anyone expected. What matches were you watching?

You've literally made up in your head that the roster are insulted that he's getting fed to Roman in Saudi Arabia, when much more than likely they couldn't give less of a shit? A PPV that top talent actively choose to sit out of.

It's not some throw away Saudi show its taking up segments on Raw and Smackdown, WWEs two flagship shows. It is now a running fued between the champion of WWE and Logan fecking Paul. It is a joke, I'm afraid. Unless you are going to pretend you actually think its entertaining or enhamces WWE from the point of view of a wrestling fan.

You can dress it up and be as patronising about it as you want, but if your defence is that the "Saudi show" is just a nonsense in itself, I'm not sure how that does anything it her than to emphasise the point. WWE prioritising quick profit cringeworthy bullshit over putting on a good wrestling show for their fans, is exactly the point I'm making?

He got a good reception in his matches because it turns out he's not completely shit at wrestling, but he is completely shit at being a professional wrestler which is why every time he appears on Raw or Smackdown its horrid viewing anf the fans either don't react to him or actively make it apparent they want him to feck off.
It's not some throw away Saudi show its taking up segments on Raw and Smackdown, WWEs two flagship shows. It is now a running fued between the champion of WWE and Logan fecking Paul. It is a joke, I'm afraid. Unless you are going to pretend you actually think its entertaining or enhamces WWE from the point of view of a wrestling fan.

You can dress it up and be as patronising about it as you want, but if your defence is that the "Saudi show" is just a nonsense in itself, I'm not sure how that does anything it her than to emphasise the point. WWE prioritising quick profit cringeworthy bullshit over putting on a good wrestling show for their fans, is exactly the point I'm making?

He got a good reception in his matches because it turns out he's not completely shit at wrestling, but he is completely shit at being a professional wrestler which is why every time he appears on Raw or Smackdown its horrid viewing anf the fans either don't react to him or actively make it apparent they want him to feck off.
So going back to my original point, it's clear you're letting your opinion on who or what Logan Paul is cloud your judgement. This faux outrage is odd, you're probably one of only people in the world supposedly angry at this match happening in Saudi arabia. The place that gave us classics such as the greatest royal rumble cus 30 is not enough, middle aged degeneration x stinking up the place against BOD, and Goldberg almost killing undertaker. Top tier "PPV" that.

Give it a watch, don't think Roman minds wrestling him at all.
So the Saraya stuff is probably the worst angle AEW has had since its inception, right? Everything about it was wrong.

Loving the Ring of Jericho angle though.
So the Saraya stuff is probably the worst angle AEW has had since its inception, right? Everything about it was wrong.

Loving the Ring of Jericho angle though.

Sarayas promo was not good. I assume this was all done on the fly but the your name rhymes with shit went down as well as you would think.
Has to be on the fly cos there's no way they practiced that
The lumberjack match was decent

Dynamite and aew focusing too much on roh though. It really really needs it's own show.
Jericho Vs Danielson for the roh title for a first show would be something for sure but they need that TV deal
Saying that the main event was great

Also regal on commentary especially his comments towards Excalibur are too funny
Hayter is the coolest one in the women's division, and the hottest. They should be pushing her to the moon.

Wasting their time with Toni Storm, who has the personality of a tea towel.
Toni is great and is very hot too. But I think her dropping it to hayter makes sense. But I have a feeling like usual they are waiting, this time for thunder Rosa to return so that they can do toni vs thunder them give us the inevitable break up between hayter and dmd

I just hope she still has momentum. They've sorta killed the momentum of Starks and also FTR.
Also the rankings has become such a joke it's also a non entity.
Think they're even making boring jokes on air about Jade winning all the time (not sure who ends that streak as there isn't anyone obvious)
So the Saraya stuff is probably the worst angle AEW has had since its inception, right? Everything about it was wrong.

I've always wanted her to succeed - I don't know any of them personally, but when you've seen people (her and her parents) wrestling in front of 50 people in a room above a post office you feel invested! To be honest though, I do think she got further than her talent deserved.

She's always been dreadful on the mic, and although she's solid in-ring would you put her up there with the 4HW, Asuka, IO Shirai etc? Really she had her moment because WWE was ready to move away from "Divas", and because she'd been wrestling since she was 13 (...moving quickly past how appropriate some of that stuff was...) she was ready to go when the 4HW needed more time training, even though she's young.

Anyway - good for her, I hope she can stay safe and make a few quid; but will never be shocked to see someone saying her angle bombed (esp. when she isn't wrestling, which is the stronger part of her game!).

Side note: can you imagine if Charlotte Flair had always wanted to wrestle? Maybe they wouldn't have had to give her so many tiny title reigns to get her up near Ric's numbers. Oh well.
If she cant wrestle a certain number of matches then I dont like Saraya's presentation so far either. If shes there to be a character then say so. I'm assuming she will have some big featured matches putting a big spotlight on the women who havent had the kind of WWE exposure she has had and help make them closer to household names.

If you dont get that out of her, then they should have made her an on screen authority figure for the womens division, a manager or faction leader etc. So far we're just left to guess and assume shes there to wrestle but every week they dont say it, it seems less likely.
Well she's apparently not cleared to wrestle so what's the point? A cheap pop and nothing else.
AEW is such a huge mess right now, it has lost what it once was, what it originally set out to be, mainly an/the alternative to WWE.

When AEW first started, it was fresh, fans had gotten bored of WWE's style/presentation, and wanted something different, for a while that was TNA, when that fizzeled out, then it was RoH, then it was NJPW.

But the key thing was, that people liked non WWE wrestlers, Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Hangman, etc, they were invested in their respective journeys.

Having Y2J on board, was a way to get a TV deal, nothing more than that from the off, so fans put him to one side I think/belive.

They made themselves a genuine alternative by having matches that were harder hitting mostly (ignoring the Walter v Dragunov matches here), & a ranking system that they said that they would follow.

So far, so good then, so fans were genuinely excited about the launch of Dynamite, there were sooo many fresh faces, & unlike with WWE, the company didn't have loads of different belts, so it was easy to know who the Champions were at anyone point.

Flash forward to know however, and it has strayed sooo much from its origins, it has become what their fans once hated about WWE.
Stale feuds, far too many belts (trio's, & RoH belts now take them up to 11 titles, which is far too many, and just totally confuses and muddies the water tremendously, and makes all of the titles less meaningful, if practically everyone on the show has a title of some sort) & a heavy reliance on former WWE talent.

Just how is AEW a genuine alternative to WWE anymore, when you have Daniel Bryan on WWE TV one week, then AEW the next, or so it feels like, same for a lot of others, Keith Lee, Swerve, Claudio, Adam Cole, even Mox.

Where once storylines were key, and impsctful, now you have Private Party replaying the same storyline for the past year or so, you have the Dark Order just doing jack all, and you have the women's division in stasis.

Also where the rankings used to be hugely important, and something that was really hyped up as meaning something, and a way to stop just any random matches from happening, that has most definitely gone put the door now, with 50/50 booking, random matches happening left, right and centre (see Forbidden Door as a really big example of this, as the NJPW wrestlers were not in the rankings, so why were they having the matches that they did have, without qualifying for them via the ranking system??).

AEW just feels really flat at the moment, the wind has definitely been taken out of their proverbial sails so to speak.

There isn't anything to really say "This is what separates AEW from WWE" right now, it kind of feels like when TNA had its hot streak, and then Hogan came in, and brought his past it friends, and TNA didn't really recover from that, well AEW has kind of done similar, Sting, The Great Muta, CM Punk, & Billy Gunn for example.
All waaayyyy past their best, all getting on AEW TV.

For a period, it seemed as if there was a debut of a former WWE person every week, of not, more than one on the same show (with Paige the latest one of this trope).

Where once, AEW was a place to see different people then was on WWE TV, it mostly isn't anymore sadly, matches that were done before in WWE, now just being re-done in AEW, so where is the differentials anymore to separate the two companies??

It seems that Tony has just stretched himself too thinly, there was zero need to buy RoH, that was just his huge ego on show there.

It was always going to be the case that there would eventually be a plateaux of sorts of fan excitement, obviously the very first episode was full of hype and excitement, and the crowds in the early days were quite obviously very excited by what they were watching, it was fresh, as they were watching new people, who had not really been on the biggest of screens before, whereas this fan decrease, doesn't shock me, as I expected them to face difficulties when the original Elite got too old & couldn't wrestle anymore, but the speed of which this downfall and change, has shocked even me at the pace it has taken.

I was expecting something like this, but I'm a few more years then this!

AEW just needs to strip back to what made it sooo very good, less titles (get RoH off of AEW TV for example), and if you are going to have rankings, either use them, and go by what they say, or just announce that you have gotten rid of them.

There is still hope for AEW, but it feels like WCW 2000 now, which is never a good thing!!
Well she's apparently not cleared to wrestle so what's the point? A cheap pop and nothing else.

Star power, there is a giant difference between someone's google searches/etc when they were someone successful in WWE for years, vs someone who is doing well in AEW but doesnt have that time in WWE. So you want those with the exposure to rub shoulders with the newer people and get more of a light shone on them.

A good example would be Hangman Page and someone who was successful on the main roster like Punk. Punk is a much bigger star. AEW cant make people as big a star as Punk because they dont have that exposure to the amount of homes/people watching as when Punk was on WWE every week. So you need those ex WWE guys who were big stars to mix with the AEW new stars and hope to drive towards eventually, years down the line, being able to make stars like that.

And thats fine if they just say that shes there for a certain role. If they dont, and they have the heels clear the ring like the first week then obviously we're going to assume she can have some matches. Dont suggest something you cant deliver.