Television The Propgropthrop

Remember when Mox won the title in a tournament a few weeks ago and immediately lost it ti the returning superstar not long afternoon?

MJF and a month later says hello!
Surely there’s a better why than test another tournament?
Edit I’ve just seen it pointed out that they took the rankings list for their tournament and just skipped over the black wrestlers. It’s not a good look
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It is funny how they held off on the Trios belts for all that time until Omega returned, then they had to strip The Elite of the belts virtually the same night they became the inaugural champions.

Tony Khan apparently got big boos talking to the live audience last night and Hangman’s reaction during his entrance was certainly mixed.

Remember when Mox won the title in a tournament a few weeks ago and immediately lost it ti the returning superstar not long afternoon?

MJF and a month later says hello!
Surely there’s a better why than test another tournament?
Edit I’ve just seen it pointed out that they took the rankings list for their tournament and just skipped over the black wrestlers. It’s not a good look
The rankings haven’t been updated since Sunday, so not sure how people came to that conclusion. They probably don’t want to give a loss to Hobbs, so it is sensible to not include him. Lethal I am less sure on why he couldn’t be included, but he might not be top 5 anyway now. You’ve got your head up your arse if you think that black wrestlers are struggling for prime spots in AEW regardless. The likes of The Acclaimed, Keith Lee, Swerve, Jay Lethal and others are regularly featured and heavily pushed.

Another tournament ain’t ideal, but a tournament is always better than most alternatives. It will make the title feel earned and Moxley delivered a great promo in that regard.

I just hope that they haven’t turned MJF’s casino chip title shot into a MITB briefcase. Nobody needs to see him steal the title at the end of the tournament. Do it properly if you want the belt on him.
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It is funny how they held off on the Trios belts for all that time until Omega returned, then they had to strip The Elite of the belts virtually the same night they became the inaugural champions.

Tony Khan apparently got big boos talking to the live audience last night and Hangman’s reaction during his entrance was certainly mixed.

The rankings haven’t been updated since Sunday, so not sure how people came to that conclusion. They probably don’t want to give a loss to Hobbs, so it is sensible to not include him. Lethal I am less sure on why he couldn’t be included, but he might not be top 5 anyway now. You’ve got your head up your arse if you think that black wrestlers are struggling for prime spots in AEW regardless. The likes of The Acclaimed, Keith Lee, Swerve, Jay Lethal and others are regularly featured and heavily pushed.

Another tournament ain’t ideal, but a tournament is always better than most alternatives. It will make the title feel earned and Moxley delivered a great promo in that regard.

I just hope that they haven’t turned MJF’s casino chip title shot into a MITB briefcase. Nobody needs to see him steal the title at the end of the tournament. Do it properly if you want the belt on him.
No, I’m saying it’s not a good look that they’ve just dumped all the black wrestlers out, not that they set out to dump all the black wrestlers out.
Bryan has lost what? Twice in 3 weeks and he’s in..Not sure we need updated rankings to work this one out.
AEW have had too many tournaments, just do a battle royal that covers one episode and move on. Everybody likes a good tournament but not two per month.
No, I’m saying it’s not a good look that they’ve just dumped all the black wrestlers out, not that they set out to dump all the black wrestlers out.
Bryan has lost what? Twice in 3 weeks and he’s in..Not sure we need updated rankings to work this one out.
AEW have had too many tournaments, just do a battle royal that covers one episode and move on. Everybody likes a good tournament but not two per month.
Literally 2/5 wrestlers in the (outdated) top 5 on AEW's website are in the tournament. There's one white wrestler, two black missing. Getting hung up over small samples is a ridiculous way to assess diversity. Over half the AEW champions currently are "non-white", whether that be African Americans, Hispanic or Latino Americans: Thunder Rosa, Swerve, Keith Lee, Jade Cargill, Rey Fenix, Penta vs Pac, Toni Storm, Wardlow. Add in the featured ROH and AAA titles and this is still true.

I agree we have had too many tournaments, but circumstances have dictated having to crown too many interim or new champions. That's been the real problem. I don't think Battle Royals are right for crowning champions though. AEW has generally been good at not cheapening their championships through passing the belt in gimmick matches.
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Decent Dynamite. They kind of manoeuvred around the giant elephant in the room but was probably wise if there's actual legal stuff in the works.

Who do we think ends up in the tournament final? Please not Jericho. Surely Danielson v Mox again with Danielson going over this time?

Nice to see Death Triangle get the Trio's titles as well, especially Pac.
Literally 2/5 wrestlers in the (outdated) top 5 on AEW's website are in the tournament. There's one white wrestler, two black missing. Getting hung up over small samples is a ridiculous way to assess diversity. Over half the AEW champions currently are "non-white", whether that be African Americans, Hispanic or Latino Americans: Thunder Rosa, Swerve, Keith Lee, Jade Cargill, Rey Fenix, Penta vs Pac, Toni Storm, Wardlow. Add in the featured ROH and AAA titles and this is still true.

I agree we have had too many tournaments, but circumstances have dictated having to crown too many interim or new champions. That's been the real problem. I don't think Battle Royals are right for crowning champions though. AEW has generally been good at not cheapening their championships through passing the belt in gimmick matches.

I find this thread to be more enjoyable if you just block him.
Who do we think ends up in the tournament final? Please not Jericho. Surely Danielson v Mox again with Danielson going over this time?
Probably Moxley vs Danielson, yeah. I could see Garcia getting involved, either costing Jericho or Jericho finds someway to somehow blame him. Danielson would progress, then Jericho and Garcia would then go off and feud. Mox is surely going to the final with that promo.

If MJF then "cashed in" and beat Danielson or Moxley the same night, it would be go away heat for me. It is shit when WWE uses MITB cash ins like this, such as when Orton cashed in on Bryan after he beat Cena at Summerslam all those years ago.
Decent Dynamite. They kind of manoeuvred around the giant elephant in the room but was probably wise if there's actual legal stuff in the works.

Who do we think ends up in the tournament final? Please not Jericho. Surely Danielson v Mox again with Danielson going over this time?

Nice to see Death Triangle get the Trio's titles as well, especially Pac.

They really should go with Danielson... He should be the "new" face of the company (along with Mox).
Smackdown was decent this week.

Watched the Brutes vs Imperium match and really enjoyed that... Sheamus is really over at the moment, which is great to see.

If they build it right, Sheamus vs. Walter 2 could headine one of the B-show PPVs
Wrestling in 2022 has been absolutely nuts. Stories like Austin coming back to main event mania night 1 is probably not even top ten story of the year. Crazy stuff

Dynamite was great. Danielson beating Jericho then facing mox would be a good final especially as Both are BCC.
If it was the case hopefully they put the title on Danielson. Leading to him Vs MJF (hopefully not the next ppv)
Think Danielson would get the best match out of mjf but would like to see Danielson have a decent reign as champion

They really should go with Danielson... He should be the "new" face of the company (along with Mox).
Agree with this. For all the stuff I make fun of mox for (basically every match has blood or he has to go out the ring through the crowd), he's a been fantastic since his return from rehab. His promos have been great too.

Watched the Brutes vs Imperium match and really enjoyed that... Sheamus is really over at the moment, which is great to see.

If they build it right, Sheamus vs. Walter 2 could headine one of the B-show PPVs
Banger after banger after banger. So glad the ovation for sheamus is continuing from last week
I thought smwckdown was boring, but it ending by cutting straight from Kross violently choking Macintyre to a picture of the Queen was hilarious


They really need to do DNA Journey style vignettes where Sami looks into his family history and discovers he has very very very distant Samoan Heritage... By marriage.
Looks like nxt going away from the rainbow coloured theme and white and gold? Closer to black and gold?
I haven’t watched WWE for years, at least a decade. Stumbled across an episode of NXT tonight with a male wrestler called “Super Diva”.
I think we’re getting close to rock bottom!
I hope it’s another 10 years before I watch it again.
The world title final next week should be good.
Hopefully they go with

Ethan page just kicking the crap outta any 'indy' gimmick could be fun.

The tag titles match was great. Canadian destroyers and piledrivers only getting two counts to transition to another move is still weird to me.

The follow up:

Yeah same but
the way that MJF addressed Moxley specifically in his promo and Danielson playing on an injured ankle makes me think it's going to go back on Mox.
Yeah agree with you on that. Especially since
they brought him out of holiday. Can see them giving him a reign to then lose it to mjf and give him an extended holiday
For all this talk pf how much WWE has improved I don't see it. There were a couple of less shit/actually moderately entertaining shows maybe but that's about it. The only real difference is Triple H bought some of his Nxt lot back but then with the exception of Kross they've added nothing or are in idiotic angles that threaten to actually make the shows even worse.

The last two Raws have been dire and been given the play on x10 speed treatment.

Putting every title on the bloodline is also completely dumb when they haven't given them anyone credible to fued with
I'd say its slightly improved and we've certainly got fresh blood on the main roster... But its guys I wasnt interested in before in NXT so I'm not interested in them on the main either.

Its mostly just the honeymoon period, its Trips instead of same old Vince so he's getting a pass.
The only thing WarGames stops us from having is the raw world champ vs the SD world champ.
So Roman Reigns vs Roman Reigns!

Call up the NxT champ, that would actually be a pretty good Champion v Champion bout!