Television The Propgropthrop

How odd does triple h look with short hair!
I still can't believe they ended a match by someone using a ridiculously giant steel chair.

The other guy should have puled an even bigger one out from the other side of the ring. Like, the size of the ring.
I still can't believe they ended a match by someone using a ridiculously giant steel chair.

The other guy should have puled an even bigger one out from the other side of the ring. Like, the size of the ring.
This year we've seen the big show pull out a giant ladder then a giant chair, I really hope he follows them up with a giant table, culminating in a giant TLC match.
This year we've seen the big show pull out a giant ladder then a giant chair, I really hope he follows them up with a giant table, culminating in a giant TLC match.

Not hugely fond of Sheamus as a character, given his tendency to act like a massive twat, but he's very good at that there wrestling thing. Three very good matches against Show, one against Daniel Bryan, and a few against Barrett have all spoken for him this year.
Do it for Santa!!

Good fecking lord, this is the best WWE has ever been. FOOOOOOOR SANTAAAAAAAAAA

In case you're wondering, I'm catching up with RAW.
WWE can be forgiven since it's Christmas. They better buck their ideas up now though! I really like what they're doing with Miz, he seems to be really enjoying his current role
I've gotten partway through RAW. Highlight for me was Big Show bellowing Christmas carols at Sheamus. Although Show bellowing at Santino was close behind.
RAW was awful this week. Would not bother watching.

However, overall I think it's been a decent year for the WWE. I started watching regularly again beginning of 2011 and the most consistent criticism I have seen is that new main eventers were not being made or pushed hard enough.

Well this year, Sheamus, Ziggler and Daniel Bryan have all been pushed to main event level. Bryan may be floating around the upper mid card with the tag titles at the moment but they have invested enough time in him this year that he is credible main eventer, whether heel or face. Ziggler's finished the year going over Orton and then Cena with the MITB contract still in place. Sheamus had a long title run and has come out of his long angle with Show as more credible. Ryback's another one who has been pushed hard and whilst not quite a main eventer for me is very over going into 2013.

Punk's also could not have been pushed much harder to be made a credible champion either and they have also built up Show as a monster heel very well as well.

I also think they have built the titles to have more credibility this year as well due to investing time in building up either credible champions and/or having some very good feuds and matches for the titles. Both the big belts and the US title and the tag titles have more credibility going into the new year.

If they get the booking right in 2013, it could be a very good year for the company as the building blocks are there.
Ambrose debuting was better for me, I legitimately marked like a little girl. He's the shit.

The Shield are a very good stable and I'd expect them to be booked strongly in the New Year and possibly align with Punk for his TLC match with Ryback. Not to sold on Ambrose myself yet as his promos seem to be a rip off of Heath Ledger joker. Nothing wrong with that. Seems to be extremely popular with net fans due his Jon Moxley character.

Prefer Seth Rollins myself.
The Shield are a very good stable and I'd expect them to be booked strongly in the New Year and possibly align with Punk for his TLC match with Ryback. Not to sold on Ambrose myself yet as his promos seem to be a rip off of Heath Ledger joker. Nothing wrong with that. Seems to be extremely popular with net fans due his Jon Moxley character.

Prefer Seth Rollins myself.

That's what I thought, only done not as good.

Hopefully he will show us this talent in the future.

I did see Rollins on NXT and liked his character and his work.
Ambrose started doing the 'off/deranged' thing before the dark nights Joker was on the scene though.

But when there is a link to be drawn to a mainstream film with a gazzilion dollars behind it, it's always going to look and sound better than wrestling.