Television The Propgropthrop

In true johnny-come-lately fashion, I finally got around to listening to Cabana's Art Of Wrestling podcasts. I haven't listened to that many but they really are as good as advertised, great stories of trying to make it in the entertainment industry. Loved the Daniel Bryan episode, I can't think of many more likeable guys in wrestling. So great that he finally seems to be getting the run he deserves in WWE.

Does anyone watch FCW/NXT regularly? I looked up a few Paige/Britani Knight matches recently & saw Chris Hero/Kassius Ohno there. Has PAC debuted yet? Sara Del Rey? or is she just signed as a trainer? WWE certainly seems to be signing talented guys at the moment, which HHH seems to be getting most of the credit for, but as always it comes down to whether & how they actually choose to use it. The Ambrose thing sounds promising though. Is Evan Bourne still there?

Paige seems to have a hell of a following in NXT already with an anti-diva gimmick, but is there anything for her on the main roster? If WWE did nothing with Gail Kim, I can't see there being much chance for any women's wrestler. Or have things really changed that much? If Del Rey was signed to wrestle & they stopped inexplicably ignoring Cheerleader Melissa & just gave her a chance, I'd be hopeful that the whole thing might be worth watching again.
I cant believe that is the Rock. What the feck has he done to himself??
Anyways, is this accurate?

I saw big show at #43 and quit at that stage.
Just seen this - my wrestling knowledge/history's rubbish, but it doesn't seem so bad as far as lists go. As the intro points out, it's impossible to combine different measurements such as workrate & charisma, microphone skills & overall popularity into a coherent list.

A few cases of: why have Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles but no Daniel Bryan; Big Show but no Vader; Mil Máscaras over El Santo; Dusty Rhodes over Ted DiBiase; no Misawa? In addition to the above I'd definitely have Dynamite Kid in there, with Rick Rude, Jake Roberts & Jushin Liger all much higher. The rest feels much more like personal opinion - I'd personally have Raven in a top 50. I agree with what's already been said, though Big Show's not so bad an inclusion for me as he can be fairly agile for his incredible size (the same wow factor that places André even if I wouldn't, without the agility) & I've seen a few very good matches he's had with Edge & John Cena over the last few years.

I agree it's hard to argue against HBK as number 1, though for me an individual's impact on the business (not how they were booked beyond their control, but how many others they helped elevate etc.) should mean a lot & from various reports it's where he, like a lot of the top dogs, falls down.
I wouldn't pay much attention to The Shields interview from the last RAW, it's pretty much guaranteed that they were just talking bullshit.

That said, if there was an ounce of creativity anywhere in the WWE, they would use that speech as the basis for Rollins eventually turning face and feuding with Ambrose. That would be a fecking amazing feud.
Just out of interest, when did RAW start doing the recap thing at the start, and why?
They can't come up with enough shite to fill three hours, so instead of giving matches more time or giving wrestlers more mic time Vince just recaps the two or three things he manages to care about at any given time. It's not really worth watching live anymore.
So is Ziggler having the MITB briefcase taken away from him at TLC? Pretty shit booking if it pans out that way IMO.
So is Ziggler having the MITB briefcase taken away from him at TLC? Pretty shit booking if it pans out that way IMO.
I hope not. I wouldn't put it past Vince though, Cena had to give up his earlier MITB contract to put Punk over and seeing as how he's WWE's poster-boy and has been without a title for a while, it could happen. However, that briefcase is for the WHC and it would be infinitely stupid if he was able to change that and challenge for the WWE championship. Ziggler deserves the WHC, maybe Cena is being used to put him over so he appears as a proper contender.
I hope not. I wouldn't put it past Vince though, Cena had to give up his earlier MITB contract to put Punk over and seeing as how he's WWE's poster-boy and has been without a title for a while, it could happen. However, that briefcase is for the WHC and it would be infinitely stupid if he was able to change that and challenge for the WWE championship. Ziggler deserves the WHC, maybe Cena is being used to put him over so he appears as a proper contender.

That's how I see it. I also doubt they're going to bring the WHC over to RAW as well as the WWE title. The shot will stay with Ziggler on Smackdown.
Winning tonight would be like Dublin winning the Sam Maguire at Croke Park on the same day that Leinster win the Heineken Cup at the Aviva. Or Johnny Logan coming back out of retirement to win the Eurovision for Ireland for the 20th time! Or... Father Ted kicking Bishop Brennan up the arse!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Absolutely brilliant from Sheamus.
They need to give Sandow the title, he's brilliant.

I'm a fan, he's obviously worked hard on the gimmick. His segment on Smackdown (haven't seen RAW yet), where he brought a guy into the ring was actually really funny, simply because of his comments and actions. I actually laughed when the guy yelled "wooooooooooo!" and Sandow muttered "please stop that."
I'm a fan, he's obviously worked hard on the gimmick. His segment on Smackdown (haven't seen RAW yet), where he brought a guy into the ring was actually really funny, simply because of his comments and actions. I actually laughed when the guy yelled "wooooooooooo!" and Sandow muttered "please stop that."

He did the same on RAW.
Punk had surgery today on his knee. Might have to miss TLC

If he can't make it, they might have to have Ryback vs. a member of The Shield. I'd have that be Reigns, simply to protect Ambrose and Rollins. They can always get involved and help Reigns out during that match.

Or just have Mark Henry beat Ryback to death with a ladder. Either way, really.
Ryback + Kane + Daniel Bryan vs The Shield

They must have had a feeling that it was going to happen. Hence why the had the two of them come out at the end of RAW.
To balance out the shock and disappointment earlier in this thread of The Rock coming out as a scouser, I was just reading through an old interview with the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith from 1998 and reminiscing - only to come across this piece of information I'd not seen before:

Q: What's your favorite British football team?
Bulldog: I used to follow Manchester United. :devil:

Last May was the 10th anniversary of his death - can't believe it's been so long, I used to adore him and the Hart Foundation as a kid :(
To balance out the shock and disappointment earlier in this thread of The Rock coming out as a scouser, I was just reading through an old interview with the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith from 1998 and reminiscing - only to come across this piece of information I'd not seen before:

Q: What's your favorite British football team?
Bulldog: I used to follow Manchester United. :devil:

Last May was the 10th anniversary of his death - can't believe it's been so long, I used to adore him and the Hart Foundation as a kid :(

Surely he must support city if he's from Manchester, must have been lost in translation
Eddie Kingston (Indy wrestler) is a Liverpool fan. He's also really bloody good, which makes it even more upsetting.
Davey Boy was billed as being from Leeds for a short time, but mostly he was billed as being from Manchester IIRC. He was born and raised in Golborne before moving to Calgary, so I don't really know why they decided to claim he was from Leeds at all, but Vince works in mysterious ways.
Davey Boy was billed as being from Leeds for a short time, but mostly he was billed as being from Manchester IIRC. He was born and raised in Golborne before moving to Calgary, so I don't really know why they decided to claim he was from Leeds at all, but Vince works in mysterious ways.

Yeah, for a while Barrett was billed from it's Preston
For those of you that missed/don't know about it, BBC 4 had a decent documentary on about the history of pro wrestling in the UK:

The most refreshing thing about it, by far, is the fact that to a large extent it avoids the trap that rest of them fall into whereby the documentary is effectively "oh, pro wrestling might be fixed but they're real people with real emotions who get hurt doing it!" Also, Christopher Eccleston is the narrator on it, which can never be a bad thing.

On a side note, is anyone looking forward to TLC? Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in the same ring, shits going down yo.
For those of you that missed/don't know about it, BBC 4 had a decent documentary on about the history of pro wrestling in the UK:

The most refreshing thing about it, by far, is the fact that to a large extent it avoids the trap that rest of them fall into whereby the documentary is effectively "oh, pro wrestling might be fixed but they're real people with real emotions who get hurt doing it!" Also, Christopher Eccleston is the narrator on it, which can never be a bad thing.

On a side note, is anyone looking forward to TLC? Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in the same ring, shits going down yo.

Should be a good PPV hopefully, glad they have intoduced "the shield", brings a bit of naughtyness back to the show. Its a shame that WCW died out tbh as that was when wrestling was at its pomp, WWE dont have any real competition anymore so its all pretty run of the mill. I like the idea of the shield just randomly attacking everybody - should keep people on there toes.
Dolph vs Cena

I was going to say, great back and forth match going on between these two. And then they had to bring the women out and feck it all to hell but to my surprise that was a good ending. That AJ is such a hot piece of ass.
Great PPV, up there with Extreme Rules for best WWE one of the year. The Shield match was amazing, and Show vs. Sheamus was good yet again.

The only match I didn't like was the 3MB one, and that was short.