Television The Propgropthrop

Second boring Raw in a row.

Should be a big improvement next week with Rock back and Punk vs Ryback which is obviously going to be big. I reckon Shield and Maddix officially align with them next week to cost Ryback and he goes into a singles fued with them.

Cena entered himself in the rumble last night and they made a big deal of it on closing the show. He's gonna win the Rumble and face Rock for the title at mania with maybe Punk involved in a triple threat. Loads of people think Ryback is going to win the rumble but the booking on this one looks completely obvious. Cena vs Rock 2 for the title would be a huge draw for mania and Cena was always going to get a win back after losing last year.
Second boring Raw in a row.

Should be a big improvement next week with Rock back and Punk vs Ryback which is obviously going to be big. I reckon Shield and Maddix officially align with them next week to cost Ryback and he goes into a singles fued with them.

Cena entered himself in the rumble last night and they made a big deal of it on closing the show. He's gonna win the Rumble and face Rock for the title at mania with maybe Punk involved in a triple threat. Loads of people think Ryback is going to win the rumble but the booking on this one looks completely obvious. Cena vs Rock 2 for the title would be a huge draw for mania and Cena was always going to get a win back after losing last year.
Then Cena vs. Ziggler for the Undisputed World Title at Summerslam? :drool:
Thank feck that they've taken the IC title off of Kofi bleedin' Kingston.
I loved the Rock, but I got so bored with him and Cena in the Mania build up. Still thought the match was good, and like him in ring though.
Thank feck that they've taken the IC title off of Kofi bleedin' Kingston.

That's good, although even better is that they've given it to Barrett. Him and Cesaro better keep their titles for a long time.
I'm not sure how the first half of this quote ended with the second half.

I think next week will be a huge improvement because the Rock is back on Raw and he's pivotal to the angles they are building for the Rumble and then onto wrestlemania. I also mentioned the Punk vs Ryback match as well as his return as that's a big angle going into the Rumble and that's booked for next week. Nothing more than that. The last two Raw shows have been holiday shows with no continuity of what has been built on the TLC PPV and TV before then. Last night's was better than the christmas one but only marginally. It's like everything has been on hold until the holidays were done.

They had filler like the champions booking their own matches and May Young being pregant(again) last night. Cena on Miz TV was completely pointless. Barrett winning the IC title which should end his run with Kingston and Cena's promo with Ziggler on his entry into the Rumble were the only things that advanced anything and even that had the daft comedy ending.
Anyone else staying up? Rock is back, and a TLC match.
Anyone else staying up? Rock is back, and a TLC match.

No work tomorrow so I am watching.

Would have expected better so far but the Punk vs Ryback match was very good. Hopefully the last 40 minutes brings some resolution to this Punk/Shield stable. No Rock in the first two hours is weird but it looks like they are building to something big at the end of the show.
I've not watched WWE in many months, but I think I can safely say that that promo between CM punk and the rock was the best I've seen since the attitude era. I'm actually tempted to watch next week's show!

Also, the rock doesn't look as big as he did in the trailer for his film with Mark Wahlberg.
How do you guys see the match at the Rumble playing out? Shield interference? Brock interference? Rocky win?

I can't help but want the biggest clusterfeck possible.
Good RAW, Cena vs. Ziggler and the TLC match were the standouts. Rock vs Punk on promos was quite entertaining as well, but boy does Rock use a lot of testicle humour. I was wondering where the M&M and snickers tattoos were leading too and can't believe I didn't see it :lol:
How do you guys see the match at the Rumble playing out? Shield interference? Brock interference? Rocky win?

I can't help but want the biggest clusterfeck possible.

I don't think they'll have another interference finish. Punk's last two title matches on PPV have been interference finishes, it's wearing thin. Another one, especially on a big PPV is just being cheap.

Hope Rock wins, I'm bored of Punk. Although his promo last night was good.
The Rock will beat Punk at the RR. It'll be a triple threat match at wrestlemania. Rock vs Punk vs Cena.
The Rock will beat Punk at the RR. It'll be a triple threat match at wrestlemania. Rock vs Punk vs Cena.
The problem I have with The Rock winning the title at RR is that he's just going to walk off again until WM. How can you have the number 1 title (and champion) not featured weekly? It's ridiculous. Unless Rock resumes some semblance of a full time schedule in which case he's welcome to it.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is advertised for 11 WWE TV and PPV events in the next two months. Dates include tonight in Tampa, 1/8 in Miami (Smackdown), 1/15 in Houston (Raw), 1/21 in San Jose (Raw), 1/22 in Sacramento (1/22), 1/27 in Phoenix (Royal Rumble PPV), 1/28 in Las Vegas (Raw), 2/11 in Nashville (Raw), 2/12 in Little Rock (Smackdown), 2/17 in New Orleans (Elimination Chamber PPV) and 2/18 in Lafayette (Raw).

So that's quite a few shows. They do the "card subject to change" thing, so he may not be on all of them.

Haven't finished RAW yet.
The Rocks face is on the poster for EC, if that helps at all.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is advertised for 11 WWE TV and PPV events in the next two months. Dates include tonight in Tampa, 1/8 in Miami (Smackdown), 1/15 in Houston (Raw), 1/21 in San Jose (Raw), 1/22 in Sacramento (1/22), 1/27 in Phoenix (Royal Rumble PPV), 1/28 in Las Vegas (Raw), 2/11 in Nashville (Raw), 2/12 in Little Rock (Smackdown), 2/17 in New Orleans (Elimination Chamber PPV) and 2/18 in Lafayette (Raw).
Well that helps a little. Can't see any other outcome than him winning it then. Also, Roman Reigns is Rock's cousin!
Punks promo was as good as anything I've ever seen. He outshone the Rock, although the Rock was pretty damn good himself.

I'm expecting Rock to win the belt and the Rumble or the next PPV off Punk, Cena to win the Rumble, and Cena to take the belt off Rock at Wrestlemania.
Raw Positives

Good match between Cena and Ziggler
Cesaro looking like a beast against Khali
Excellent promo from Punk.
Rock had his moments too.
Commentators muted at the start.
TLC Match (including Roman bellowing things)

RAW negatives

Some of Rock's promo was just awful. Cookie puss?
That's the only time Tyson Kidd's name will be in a main event segment.
Natalya is stuck with Khali and Hornswoggle.
Cena vs Ziggler could have done with one less finisher kickout by Cena.
So, I heard about what happened on RAW, and it motivated me enough to actually sit down and watch it... and overall I was happy I did.

I didn't enjoy the Cena promo at the beginning (I'm not a fan of self-referential Cena... if is making fun of himself for making penis jokes, then why does he continue to make them?! stick to your convictions man!) and I didn't think Ziggler or Lee were especially great either. Both better then Ryblack though... anyway, regardless of that, their match was excellent. I like both men in the ring, and they put on good matches together, so this was no different.

Then generic RAW with mostly filler and the occasional high spot (Cessaro)... bar the TLC match, which was very good. I do think Ryback is going to injure someone with everything he does, but he hasn't to my knowledge as yet... so fair enough. But yeah, good match, predicatble finish, but it didn't hurt it or anything.

Then, onto the last 30 minutes, which was just fantastic. Punk comes out and cuts a superb heel promo like only he can, makes the crowd hate him and be desperate for The Roc

I'd heard a lot of people slagging off The Rock's promo, and labelling it as simply just "lame jokes and put-downs" ... and if that's all they think, then they must be incredibly jaded wrestling fans! Yes, the jokes and put-downs may have been lame... but they were interwined within a purpose, and that purpose was to; Put over Punk as a competitor, put over the championship as important, put over the match they're going to have, tell everyone when it is and what he's going to do... and Rock hit all those beats.

What he says in between those beats is neither here nor there, if you don't like the jokes, fair enough, I didn't particularly like them either (his only half-decent one was the tattoo of his boot on his ass I thought - as it made sense) but as long as he's putting over Punk and putting over the match, I don't much care. It may sound simplistic, but it's seemingly done less and less these days. Putting over the importance of a match and using simple story telling to do so. Great stuff.

Also, it's worth pointing out that Rock, as the face, has to put down Punk. The audience had just had 15 minutes of Punk verbally abusing them, and the way the fans "speak back" is through The Rock. Punk bashes the people (heel move), Rock defends the people and hits back at Punk (face move)... it's the classic dynamic. Again, I wasn't a fan of the actual words he used, but I was more then happy with what he was doing.

Anyway, Decent Raw, Superb last 30 minutes... I'll definitely be watching the Rumble.
John Cena is really annoying me nowadays, I've never been his biggest fan but it's the same old shit with him in every match almost. Gets his ass kicked, then hits his crappy finishing move. He's headlined 2/3rds of the last 60 ppv's too. No wonder he gets so much crap from the crowds these days.

The Rock and CM Punk at the end were fantastic though, and will be the main reason why I'll be tuning in over the next few months.
John Cena is really annoying me nowadays, I've never been his biggest fan but it's the same old shit with him in every match almost. Gets his ass kicked, then hits his crappy finishing move. He's headlined 2/3rds of the last 60 ppv's too. No wonder he gets so much crap from the crowds these days.

The Rock and CM Punk at the end were fantastic though, and will be the main reason why I'll be tuning in over the next few months.

It's been the same old shit with Cena for several years now.

Read a report there, he was on top most of it I think. WEnt to finish ADR with steel steps, he got hit with them, hit with chair shots and then had the table thrown on top.
That's a bit strange.

ADR lost how many title shots to Seamus over the last year. Big Show defends against Sheamus a couple of times after winning it, and being booked as unstoppable. Then possibly one of the worst faces in wrestling beats the Big Show. Bizarre. ADR will not work as a face. He doesn't even work as a heel. Hopefully Ziggler takes the belt off him asap. ADR is as boring as anyone could possibly be.

Let's be honest though, he's only been changed to a face so that Ziggler can pin him and get the title of him! I mean, I had no idea why they'd even attempt to turn ADR face, but it all makes sense now. No way are WWE letting Ziggler got a rub off Show or Sheamus, so this is the only way to book themselves out of it... call me cynical, but that's the way I see it.
In answer to AN, (not quoting due to you fecking up spoilers)
They made him face cos they need a mexican face. Rey is on his last legs and Sin Cara isn't really working out. Del Rio was actually a hugely successful face in Mexico, and he has Ricardo as well who is more over than half the roster. He could probably end up being quite a good face. And Del Rio is very good in the ring, he would have very good matches with Ziggler if they go that route.
But sure if they are going to have ADR beat Big Show, why not just let Ziggler beat The Big Show? Or even turn Ziggler face, as he gets cheered as much as most at this stage anyway, as most can see his quality. ADR is a good wrestler but his character is absolutely useless whether it be face, heel or tweener. Ziggler has so many wrestlers he could have great feuds with, ADR will be boring. And he's supposed to be in some kind of weird feud with Cena as it is. Dolph & Sheamus could be a great feud for example.
Arf! I really did feck up that spoiler...

Perhaps... I'm just too cynical at this point, especially when it comes to Ziggler.
They've spent a lot of the year making him look like a bit of an idiot, and he's surely lost far more matches then he's won. For him to even get a win over Cena he's had to lose cleanly about 5 times to him. He's had the briefcase for months now and he's still not taken seriously enough to be a Champion I don't think. When he wins it, I don't think anyone will believe him holding onto it for any decent length of time. It's a shame, as he's clearly a talented performer, they've just not built him up at all well.

That's why I was saying I don't think they wanted him to get a rub off Big Show or Sheamus by taking the title off either of them...