Television The Propgropthrop

That was a great match, it's a shame HHH is so bitter at Foley considering all he did to put him over back then.
Obviously I don't know for sure, but according to the dirt sheets hunter doesn't like the fact that Foley gets so much credit from fans for making HHH a star back in 2000.
For any of you guys that haven't already, I recommend you read Brett harts autobiography. fecking amazing.

I didn't realise how hated Ric Flair and tripple H are amongst other wrestlers.
Obviously I don't know for sure, but according to the dirt sheets hunter doesn't like the fact that Foley gets so much credit from fans for making HHH a star back in 2000.

Don't trust everything that dirt sheets say...

WWE officials are scrambling to come up with an idea for Christian upon his return from injury. Initially, Christian was to come back as an assistant to VP John Laurinaitis, but that has been nixed as a number of civil rights groups have already complained based on a rejected script. "The WWE is attempting to bring slavery into their brand", stated Jonah Gonzalez of the ASU (Anti-Slavery Union). "It's widely known that Jay Reso is a big supporter of slavery, but his employer does not have to perpetuate this." Christian, whose real name is Jay Reso, made headlines last year while trying to bring home a slave purchashed during a WWE sanctioned trip to Malaysia in early 2011.

How have I never noticed this thread before.

Let me just take a moment to settle in here and feel superior.

Oh here is a :lol: as well.

Have fun guys watching blokes fake fight in speedos.
How have I never noticed this thread before.

Let me just take a moment to settle in here and feel superior.

Oh here is a :lol: as well.

Have fun guys watching blokes fake fight in speedos.

now tell me what it is that makes you feel superior as opposed to someone who's named themselves after a kids show?
:lol: I love the irony of his post.

Also, anyone who needs a thread on a message board to "feel superior" must have a pretty depressing life
:lol: Good man FB, show your superiority to us by acting like a 12 year old.
What was Cena's big news that he tweeted about pre-show?

He is entering the money in the bank ppv to try to stop the big show but Jericho came down in the midst of a cena retelling of no way out in a star wars parody. So Cena eventually said what he was doing and Jericho went on about how he invented it etc. Vickie came out as acting GM and said mitb was open to former wwe champs only so we have Big Show, Cena, Jericho and Kane in the wwe one.
For any of you guys that haven't already, I recommend you read Brett harts autobiography. fecking amazing.

I didn't realise how hated Ric Flair and tripple H are amongst other wrestlers.

Dont forget that is based on how HHH behaved when ass kissing a drug fueled and completely fecked up HBK, over the last 10 years most respect HHH for his work ethic and for being quite honestly the best heel of this century so far.

Most of the haters are internet warriors who insist if it wasnt for being married to Smh, he would have gotten no where.
The RAW MitB is going to be horrible. Only Jericho is built for a ladder match really. Kane and Big Show are just really big, really old men and John Sheena will be wrapped in cotton wool. fecking WWE.
I'm not sure it's such a bad thing. I think one problem with two MITB on one card is one having to live up to the other, where as this way... if these 4 guys are in one, and you have your usual hopefuls/high-flyers in another one, it gives the card two very different matches (even though they have the same style).

I can imagine the 4 man MITB will mainly be a more conventional match, with the ladder being used as a weapon more, where as the other match will have all the dare-devil, high-antic shit we've come to expect.

Also, surely Punk vs. Bryan will go on last now!.... surely?!
Yeah but its a MitB I'd rather see two high flier matches than what will basically be a no DQ match where someone climbs a ladder afterwards.

And you would think Punk Bryan will close, but with Cena being in the MitB anything is possible. Especially if he's booked to win the thing and they don't want him to cash in that night.
Will it only be a 4-man match? They've time to add the other two guys in.
No need to act like a twat FB.
I want them to keep up the run of Jericho repeatedly losing title matches, by winning the MitB match early on and then getting beat by Punk later in the night after cashing in.

Would allow a load of building of the character.
Not WWE, but anyone with twenty minutes to kill might want to watch this match:

Some incredible things happen.

One year on since the original Pipebomb, where does it rank in terms of the best promos for everyone then? Still up there with the very best for me, if not the best. A magnificent work.
Not WWE, but anyone with twenty minutes to kill might want to watch this match:

Some incredible things happen.

Commentator is fantastic "OH JESUS CHRIST"

Match had some ridiculous feats of athleticism in it too.

One year on since the original Pipebomb, where does it rank in terms of the best promos for everyone then? Still up there with the very best for me, if not the best. A magnificent work.

I rarely go back and watch promos again, even the great ones. So it's hard for me to rank them. That's obviously a great one. I also like one William Regal cut in 2004, during the storyline with Eugene and Triple H. It's here. You have to get past Triple H's furious screaming at the start, but it's one of my favourite promos. It has this fantastic "yeah, I'm a complete bastard, and I will completely outbastard you" feel to it.

However, my favourite has to go to the following. This is a promo that completely outshines CM Punk's, and even matches the best work of likes of The Rock, Ric Flair and Jake Roberts. I give you Scott Steiner's maths lesson.