Television The Propgropthrop

I just have the image of him raging at some girl behind a counter because there isn't enough meat while DBry and Cody are pissing themselves laughing. He's much more over with me at least, I'm sure he'll be glad to know.
Just watched it on the net. As soon as Big Show left the ring, I stopped watching... I really don't need to see John Cena overcome David Otunga and humilate John Laurinaitis for what feels like a millionth time (I'm assuming that's what happened?)

Was a pretty terrible RAW overall... The first 30 minutes was great, everything else after that wasn't (though I appreciate a Piper appearance... but the segment was awful).
Nothing to do with RAW, its in the D Bryan video above. Towards the end, funny little story.
:lol: AJ in that mask.

She's gonna end up Harley Quinn now, the fates have decreed it. Just not sure yet who her Mr. J is.

I actually thought there was some good stuff in this Raw. The tag match, of course. The little interactions Ace had with Sheamus and Punk during their entrances. The Lauper segment was cheesy as hell, but Piper's tribute to Captain Lou and Wolff was actually kinda touching. We got the Heyman we were expecting before but didn't get with that "prepared statement" bit. He really is a fantastic heel. Ziggler looked great, and the crowd getting behind him, as he basically wrestled that match as a face.
She's gonna end up Harley Quinn now, the fates have decreed it. Just not sure yet who her Mr. J is.

I actually thought there was some good stuff in this Raw. The tag match, of course. The little interactions Ace had with Sheamus and Punk during their entrances. The Lauper segment was cheesy as hell, but Piper's tribute to Captain Lou and Wolff was actually kinda touching. We got the Heyman we were expecting before but didn't get with that "prepared statement" bit. He really is a fantastic heel. Ziggler looked great, and the crowd getting behind him, as he basically wrestled that match as a face.

I think the Ziggler love was due to it being a very Smarky crowd. Barring the opening match and Heyman I though it was dreadful, it would also have made more sense to have Swagger beat Ziggler unless he's going to drop Vickie anyway or she's to become GM again and leave him.

Oh, I'd also add I quite liked Slaters promo, he seems to be growing with regards to his promos.

Former WWE superstar Kenn Doane spoke with and spoke about a number of controversial topics, including John Cena being the “Tiger Woods” of WWE and breaking up his engagement to Mickie James (which led to the demise of Doane & James’ WWE careers), Cena trying to get Randy Orton fired from WWE, his experience in the Spirit Squad, how WWE has changed since he left in 2008 and much more.

Note From Kenn: “First and foremost before reading this interview if your going to say “Your a cheerleader” or make comments of how I got beat in matches then your probably too uneducated and immature to continue so please hit the back button located at the top left of your webpage now. And now lets begin…”

When you were in the Spirit Squad, was there a feeling like this would brand you with a ‘stench’ that would be impossible to shake, or were you just happy to work with DX and Vince McMahon so early in your WWE career?

“We always knew going into it that groups don’t last forever and the best way possible to get out of that ‘stench’ so to say would be simply to fight each other or go back down to developmental and be repackaged. Fortunately Dolph had that opportunity, the other 3 got fired and I got brought back the following week as Dykstra. Spirit Squad was basically a group designed to bring back DX and that’s it. We came in as badass cheerleaders that took advantage of a 5-2 ratio and beat up every tag team they put in our way. Except when it came to DX, no 5 grown men could ever beat 2 not those 2 lol. This is where haters will say “duh haha you got superkicked and pedigreed.” But I’ma let them in on a secret. ITS feckING FAKE! I knew what was going to happen and I did because that was my job. That is equal to me saying haha you just got a stack of papers at your desk and now have to work more. People don’t understand that this is a job. Nobody is really the champion of anything. It is a simple show that you watch and enjoy. If you were in a movie with Sly Stallone and beat his ass but then at the end he killed you would you be mad? Absolutely not you would tell everyone to go watch it. We make short action movies where in the end one loses and the other wins. So if you think otherwise then you didn’t read my disclaimer at the beginning and you can hit the back button now.”

What are your thoughts on fellow Spirit Squad alum Dolph Ziggler’s breakout potential?

“I think it’s great and I am a HUGE Dolph supporter. I text him sometimes before big matches telling him I may do a shoot run in and help him win because he deserves it. I think if THEY let him above the glass ceiling he will be a big player when it comes to the future. We already know Cody Rhodes will get through the glass ceiling eventually for sure. His damn father is a writer. Nothing against Cody he is a great talent just saying it how it is. And as for THEY i mean the politicians in the top spots. Guys like… like…. whats his name??? (haters and nerds get ready here it comes) John Cena that’s it. This man seems afraid of losing his spot and I never understood it because they are very high on him as we can all see but I guess when your at the top you must be afraid of falling sometimes. John is greedy in the ring and he is allowed to be. Very rarely do we see top babyfaces selling for anyone anymore. I think this is part of whats missing in wrestling today. I remember Bret Hart would sell for anyone at any level in every match, the reason being is if your babyface isn’t in danger then why do we care to cheer for them? Steamboat did the same thing. But guys feel it makes them weak to sell now when in reality it makes people interested. If we watched UFC and nobody got hurt we wouldn’t watch right? (a verbal yes will do fine here)

Based on what you’ve seen on television and heard from friends still working for the company, what has changed most in WWE since you left in 2008?

“Everybody walks on egg shells backstage. Nobody gets an opinion and everyone is afraid to speak up. That is what i noticed the times i went back there after my release. The new guys are like little kids that got scolded by their mothers and are on strike 2 when they didn’t do anything to begin with. and most are ass kissers which only gets them faster out the door. Nobody has a chance to become anything unless WWE wants them to be. It seems no fun, nobody really jokes or plays around like they used too. I remember bringing heely’s backstage [the sneakers with wheels in the heels], following week everyone had them, we would have races and such but now they all seem afraid to have fun or afraid to smile. their like pawns waiting to get picked up and moved to a certain spot. Silly if you ask me.”

Can you shed more light on your recent comments that John Cena wanted Randy Orton fired when you were in WWE?

“It was the same night when Cena tried toughening up Carlito (which was absolutely stupid of Cena) he was pretty much bullying him because we all know if Carlito hit Cena and hurt him he would be fired plain and simple. But regardless once John calmed down I asked him what that was all about he ranted and other crap saying people need to hold their own weight around here and some how he got to Randy being suspended saying he is trying for Randy’s release to send a message to everyone that they can all be fired just as easily. As for now I don’t know if John is trying for Randy’s release or not but if I had to guess I would say it is due to the fact that he told me he was before. This assumption could be wrong (meaning this could be false and not the truth) however John telling me in the past he did want Randy fired is true (that’s true because he told me, see how that works haters?).”

Based on your recent tweets about your former relationship with Mickie James, it’s clear that behind-the-scenes romance often winds up affecting WWE storylines. What is WWE’s attitude towards wrestlers dating divas?

“It depends on who you are, top guy like Cena can do what he wants but most of the time they try to feck with it like put you on separate shows and make one date another on TV. I think its a little sick joke but who knows really. I mean look at past relationships usually their on separate shows.”

Since a return to WWE does not seem likely at this point due to your issues with the company’s top star, are you interested in working for Impact Wrestling? (Turns into a tangent about his relationship with Mickie James, her cheating on him with Cena, Cena’s “rats” and clearing his reputation)

“This is where its going to get interesting i may stray from this question until the end but i will answer you. So one day I see Mickie on the computer and I don’t give a damn it’s not my right to see what she is doing and it never was. I was always great to her. took her many places on vacations and bought her many things, was a great boyfriend. Now at the time Cena was messing around with another diva at the time (who’s name will remain anonymous because she had no effect on my life or job so its not our business) but i ended up using the computer once Mickie got off it and i went to Google and when you start typing it pulls up past searches. Past search was “Mickie James dating John Cena” so I’m not mad just curious I was like hey what the heck is this your trying to find info on? She stared at it for like legit 2 mins and I’m looking at her like “did you forget how to read? say something, WTF” she got up and ran into the other room crying saying she was sorry and she felt bad and admitted to it. I’m not one to get mad or jealous I don’t know why, I think it has to do with all the things I’ve been through as a child that you really cant hurt me much more than i have been already. So i look at it as there are SO many woman in this world why get upset over 1? to me that makes sense. So I don’t have John’s number so I call his diva “road” girlfriend. I ask her if she knows anything about it and she says she had a feeling because John recently dumped her and she is over him now. (yes by this point your probably thinking if WWE just videotaped the real lives of these wrestlers we would have a much better show to watch on Mondays) So here i am sitting on my porch trying to piece all this crap together. Got 1 diva who is married to a guy outside of the business but she sleeps with Cena, then we got Cena who sleeps with rats (groupies, girls not in the biz, girls in the lobby waiting for an invite upstairs, in some countries mules because their fat) and this married diva, and now my girlfriend, then i got Mickie who is supposed to be my girlfriend who is Googling if her secret has been let out. Now I’m thinking before I do anything stupid and risk losing my job that I’ve worked for since I was 13 and gave up college scholarships to play football for I need to think of the best way to handle this. I tell Mickie just leave, go to your moms house or your sisters i just need time to think. I decide to call WWE office and ask for John’s number and explain what happened. They say their sorry and try to make me think they got my side. Following weeks I’m off TV and off the road until i get sent to Smackdown. Ironically Johns former diva got sent too. So now were on complete separate schedules and when their is a joint PPV I’m off the road that day too and get flown in on a Monday for a Tuesday Smackdown. Yeah complete B.S. I get jobbed out then they take me off the road more and fire me. When Johnny ace called me to fire me I asked him if this is why I’m getting fired. He told me we don’t have anything for you and depending on whether you choose to discuss this issue will determine on if your allowed to come back in the future. (so basically if i mention Cena and Mickie then I’m banned) I decide i will keep it to myself since I just want to wrestle and entertain people. I go back every time their in my area and they always say the same leading on words (we like you we will call you in a week) then never call me at all. So I now figured out their just going to keep doing this because if they piss me off i will reveal their Superstar for what he really is and if they bring me back I could start trouble with Cena and that wouldn’t be great for the company either. Lets go back a little bit shall we. So now I’m gone from WWE and Mickie and Cena are banging full time having a merry old time. Mickie becomes champ, get TV roles and gets attached too. John knowing this is going too far needs to put a stop to it so he breaks it off for whatever reason (maybe he felt guilt as he was getting married) and Mickie flips out cries all over backstage snotting everywhere and it looks really bad. She now loses her title and jobs out and becomes Piggy James (inside joke since she was a piggy for sleeping around, they even had Jared from subway introduce her – ya know, “roast beef”) then gets fired.”

“Now to answer your question. I get flown into TNA to try out. before my try out I see Dixie Carter and tell her thank you for bringing me in and I hope she gets a chance to see what I can do. We talk for a little bit and she ends the conversation with “ya know for a guy who got fired for a bad attitude I don’t think your that bad” I’m like what! so i chase her down and say Mrs. Carter why did you say that and where did you get that information if I might ask. She said its all over the internet. So I do my research and find it all over the place that i got fired from WWE for a bad attitude. So now John and Mickie took my personal life, took my job, and left me with a bad reputation. That’s real nice. When i was there in November i was actually excited to talk with John and I wanted to bury this all. He walked by I put my hand out and said hey you got a minute? he didn’t shake my hand and said “for you absolutely not” so i was like “really OK John, that’s cool”. So to all you people that disagree with me bringing this up now Its merely to clear my name of having a bad attitude, I respond to you haters with respect and I don’t poke fun at you through twitter or anywhere. and because I now realize that if John is there then I probably wont ever be in WWE again. And i understand WWE’s point, he is a bigger star and he is their number 1 guy. I get it i own my own business and am happy doing what i do. I’m not doing this for 15 mins of fame or to try to get bookings or anything like that. Would i wrestle for TNA? if I could make more money working for them or equal to what i do now then yes otherwise it would be a dumb choice right? (verbal yes or head shake is suffice) Another thing people claim my timing is bad on this and maybe your right. John is going through a divorce right now and really wish him and Liz a peaceful divorce. But if anyone of you lost your job, personal life and then got stuck with a bad reputation your gonna honestly say you wouldn’t do the same thing? lets get real people.”

Name Association:

Vince McMahon: Crazy (in a good way)

Triple H: Smartest man in the business (married boss’s daughter come on lol)

John Cena: Tiger Woods

Randy Orton: if he overcame his demons the the future if not then wasted talent

CM Punk: great example to kids (drug-free)

Final Thoughts: “Going forward I have no reason but to speak the truth and to make all this up would be absolutely insane. I’m not saying you have to believe anything i say but that is the truth. WWE portrays Cena as this big hero and savior to all of us but truth be told that is a character he plays much like me as a cheerleader. When watching wrestling know your watching a show and not real life situations or scenarios. We are basically live comic books brought to life and make short action movies for you to enjoy. Whether you agree or disagree with me on this is solely your opinion which i respect positive or negative. I don’t wrestle that much anymore and that is simply my choice, I guess when you get such a bad taste in your mouth from previous encounters its not something you try to re-hash lol. To say I’m retired is stupid because who really retires from wrestling? and to say im retired from fake fighting sounds even stupider. so no i still wrestle from time to time. I can be easily reached at @kenndoane via twitter where you can tell me how much you hate me, like me, tell me I’m a cheerleader, tell me i suck and that I’m trying to get 15 mins of fame. Its all accepted with arms wide open. Much love to all of you positive or negative. #GodBless you all. And thanks to @SEScoops for doing this interview. There you have it people Love it or Hate it. Truth has been told.”

:lol: I better be hearing "you cheated on your wife" chants when we next get a smarky crowd.
Such rumours around Cena aren't anything new, hell he's divorcing his wife is he not?

That said the talk of his attitude is something I hadn't heard before, that said if he has as much of a pull as it suggests it's no real surprise that no one talks about it for fear of never getting a job again. Look at Randy's twitter too, it suggests that someone is shitting on him with regards to bans (that said, he does have his issues aside from that). So hearing it's John isn't much of a shock.

I never knew Dusty was a member of Creative though, that's the biggest shock for me.

EDIT: that said we all know John can have a lack of professionalism in him, as shown with his post Brock fight promo, which caused Brock to lose it and the entire angle to break down. So, meh, no real surprises the.
Charles Robinson sprinting down that massive ramp at Wrestlemania is more of a classic Wrestlemania moment than any Undertaker match.

Great match between Tyson Kidd and Michael McGillicutty on this week's NXT.
Just watched NXT, it was pretty good. Here's the main event:

If you get the time I'd recommend watching the full show. Better than RAW and Smackdown frankly.

Edit: This promo man, this promo.