Television The Propgropthrop

This 2 pipsqueak jobbing to Ryback segment is getting old now. Give him a proper opponent ffs.

'Ryback is undefeated'

'Well. fecking. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh'


I do actually like him, but he needs something to build some actual legitimacy.
I liked the clothesline he hit on both of them at the same time.

Next step for him will clearly be beating three jobbers at the same time.
This 2 pipsqueak jobbing to Ryback segment is getting old now. Give him a proper opponent ffs.

'Ryback is undefeated'

'Well. fecking. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh'

Rumours are that he is going to get a mega push. McMahon wants him to be the next big thing.
If hes going to keep wrestling these sorts of opponents, I'd like to see Ryback in a 6/8 on 1 tornado handicap match. These 1 on 1 and 1 on 2 squash matches are awful.
Raw SuperShow will permanently expand to a three-hour show starting with the 1,000th episode on July 23 at 8/7 CT on USA Network. WWE officials have reportedly contacted nearly two dozen former performers for cameo appearances on the program, which will be treated as pay-per-view quality event. The entire roster will be on hand for the show and there is a chance new talent will be introduced as well. Officials are hopeful that The Undertaker appears at the event. If he does, it will likely be promoted weeks in advance rather than as a surprise.
MUFCgirl might be glad to hear that.
I thought the whole idea of squash matches was to give him a few but gradually increase the difficulty of opponent until they eventually mount some offence. The way its going for him is just pointless, all it shows is that he can beat up an average Joe. Who cares?
They did the same thing with Brodus Clay, didn't they? The whole <2 min squash matches every week thing. At first it's cool because it shows off their main moves, but it really doesn't need to go on any longer than three weeks at the most.

With Ryback, he's been squashing jobbers for 13 weeks now. The highest wrestler up the card he's faced has been Heath Slater, and he was at Wrestlemania getting shoved around by Florence Rida.

Brodus returned on the 9th January, where he killed Curt Hawkins. So at least he's managing to squash guys on the roster, but until he managed to make it to a match that's over 2 minutes long (teaming with Santino against Ziggler & Swagger in a match that lasted 7:55), he went 10 weeks with squash matches that had an average length of 52 seconds.

Maybe it's WWE calling them up before they have anything for them? I can almost imagine the backstage meeting "OK, we've had Big Angry/Dancy Giant kill a cruserweight again, maybe we should think about putting him in a feud?" "No! More squashes, the fans don't understand their power yet."

(By the way, I'm using for those match statistics).
Rumours are that he is going to get a mega push. McMahon wants him to be the next big thing.

I heard that, apparantly he considers him to be the next Cena. I can't see how though because he's hardly got a personality or an identity you can use, he's just 'me beat guy, give me more, squash little man roooar'

They did the same thing with Brodus Clay, didn't they? The whole <2 min squash matches every week thing. At first it's cool because it shows off their main moves, but it really doesn't need to go on any longer than three weeks at the most.

With Ryback, he's been squashing jobbers for 13 weeks now. The highest wrestler up the card he's faced has been Heath Slater, and he was at Wrestlemania getting shoved around by Florence Rida.

Brodus returned on the 9th January, where he killed Curt Hawkins. So at least he's managing to squash guys on the roster, but until he managed to make it to a match that's over 2 minutes long (teaming with Santino against Ziggler & Swagger in a match that lasted 7:55), he went 10 weeks with squash matches that had an average length of 52 seconds.

Maybe it's WWE calling them up before they have anything for them? I can almost imagine the backstage meeting "OK, we've had Big Angry/Dancy Giant kill a cruserweight again, maybe we should think about putting him in a feud?" "No! More squashes, the fans don't understand their power yet."

(By the way, I'm using for those match statistics).

Yeah but Brodus has had the roster job to him, not these kids who you've never seen before and my gran could suplex.
Still not happy that big show is getting this monster villain push.
for fecking feck's sake that's a fecking joke. The guy's a liability.
Ryback will be wwe/world heavy weight champ before the end of the year.

Many wrestling insiders are predicting that he will fued with big show and Brock Lesnar.

Vince loves him by all accounts.
Wouldn't mind Punk winning vs. Show and the Mitb winner picking up the title, but show winning it? feck off!

Ryback makes me want to self harm.

And what kind of war cry is "FINISH HIM"? Is he fecking schizophrenic or something?
This is apparently the design for the new WWE title


Get Stephanie out of creative (then lock her out) and back on tv.
Might be getting to the stage where his ego is getting the better of him.
I like that belt much more than the current one.

As for Randy, he'd be released for a year, at which point he could re-sign on 2 strikes again, Ray is in the same position. Ryback is downright bizarre, it clearly is the least successful gimmick since, well, Tensai, everyone has already gathered he's a Goldberg ripoff.

As for the post mentioning Show beating Punk for the title, that can feck right off. Bryan beating him I could stand, he's good and can take part in a monster battle with Punk for a while, I'd love to see them in a ladder match. The AJ angle is baffling, although I am beginning to become a bit obsessed with her, when a few months back I didn't really see it, I guess I have a thing for crazy chicks...

Speaking of which, how about this for a potential scenario, AJ comes into ring at some point of NWO, Kane turns on her, Punk attempts to save her, gets twatted, Bryan then sneaks the win. Sets up numerous potential angles.

There were a few other things I had to say, but can't remember.
Personally like Ryback but he needs some proper competition and soon. All these little weeds are making him seem a bit of a joke character, but the man is an absolute tank.

If he came straight in and dominated somebody like Kofi Kingston it would make people sit up and notice.

He definitely didnt hold back on those jobbers though, that clothesline must of really hurt!.

1 of the power bombs he did 2 weeks ago look like it proper winded 1 of the guys, they were down for ages :lol:
I reckon that AJ is back with Bryan. She will screw Punk over somehow and Bryan will win the WWE title as a result of it.
What time is Raw (UK)?

That said, a slight spoiler for tonight

Johnny Ace is off the website as ex-vice president of talent relations

Speaking of which, when did they drop the whole Vince was sacked and HHH was in charge angle?
I'd hate to kill your big reveal there, but he's not held that position for a few months now. By the looks of it, he's been an on-air talent since Survivor Series.

And technically Vince was never fired as CEO, just HHH was put in charge of the day to day running of the shows hence he's the onscreen COO with Vince still being CEO and Johnny being the GM. It's just retarded booking tbh.
I thought it was a bit meh... some good stuff, lots of bad. When Vince first came out, I was genuinely happy to see him... and by the end of the episode, after he had buried both Big Show and Bryan, made fun of JR's illness and taken part in a ridiculous dancing filler segment... I couldn't wait for him to get off my screen. Not looking forward to his 'involvement' in the Show vs Cena match at the PPV.

The good stuff was 5 minutes of Christian vs. Ziggler, Anything involving AJ, Daniel Bryan's in ring promo, and Vader....and yeah, I think that's about it.