Television The Propgropthrop

:lol: Is it Leroy? Just realised his reply to the vid above has disappeared. Think it was him who replied anyway. fecking Cena fans.
Tensai vs Funkasaurus, I want to see it.
Brocks so bad on the mic they had to bring Edge in to hype it.

On that Raw, the WWE and Brock Lesnar buried 3 TNA stars in Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan and Kurt Angle... Superb stuff WWE. Superb.
Lesnar has bored me into being a Cena fan...
WWE need to start throwing money at Paul Heyman, to come back and be Brock's mouthpiece.
I actually like Lesnar on the microphone... he comes across as an arrogant, cocky, twat, who really couldn't give two shits... which is exactly what he needs to be. The problem was they just gave him too much time and too much dialogue to get through... which made it drag a bit, but I don't think he was horrible. Sure he's not Jericho or Punk or whatever... but I don't think he's doing a bad job at all.
I actually like Lesnar on the microphone... he comes across as an arrogant, cocky, twat, who really couldn't give two shits... which is exactly what he needs to be. The problem was they just gave him too much time and too much dialogue to get through... which made it drag a bit, but I don't think he was horrible. Sure he's not Jericho or Punk or whatever... but I don't think he's doing a bad job at all.
His sit-down interview thing was good, the one they keep repeating. But the live segment with JL was too much.

Also, I found it funny that a Teddy Long and Justin Roberts said 'As per John Lauranaitis' :lol: I think they meant 'As per John Lauranaitis' orders' or something similar
I actually like Lesnar on the microphone... he comes across as an arrogant, cocky, twat, who really couldn't give two shits... which is exactly what he needs to be. The problem was they just gave him too much time and too much dialogue to get through... which made it drag a bit, but I don't think he was horrible. Sure he's not Jericho or Punk or whatever... but I don't think he's doing a bad job at all.

He's better than he used to be, but the less time he spends on the mic the better, in my opinion. Obviously he'll need some time on the mic. Not 15 odd minutes though to finish off Raw!
Filming stuff, probably. I'd guess he'll be back in time for Summerslam. Maybe the RAW after whatever PPV comes before Summerslam.
Rocks flming that bodybuilder film with Wahlberg.

Reminiscing about the old WWF days, and it still gets you excited even if its 10 years old! amazing stuff.

the rock / austin / dx etc were just the pinnacle
the rock / austin / dx etc were just the pinnacle
They had quite a few 'megastars' (as opposed to superstars) back then i.e. Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H etc.

The only one who fits in the 'megastar' category right now IMO is John Cena. He's been the one and only for a long time now, which is why I suppose that people are getting tired of him.

CM Punk COULD have been elevated to that category after 'that' promo but they stunted his push after he came back with all the Kevin Nash bollocks, and he's not really been the same since. Perhaps they're trying to use Jericho to get him over, but I don't feel it's working all that well.
Just the out of the ring scenes in the old regime were so so much better, i mean austin and booker t fighting in a supermarket??? that is just unreal but too hilarious.

They could surely still do the same sort of things being pg?
They possibly could, but they need the characters to go with the scenes. In the Attitude Era, the characters were unbelievably larger than life, and some of the stuff they did was a bit more slapstick than anything else e.g. Stone Cold dropping Triple H in that car upside down from a crane/forklift? (I forget which it was)
They had quite a few 'megastars' (as opposed to superstars) back then i.e. Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H etc.

The only one who fits in the 'megastar' category right now IMO is John Cena. He's been the one and only for a long time now, which is why I suppose that people are getting tired of him.

CM Punk COULD have been elevated to that category after 'that' promo but they stunted his push after he came back with all the Kevin Nash bollocks, and he's not really been the same since. Perhaps they're trying to use Jericho to get him over, but I don't feel it's working all that well.

I thought CM Punk's momentum was finished when they decided to match him up with Triple H. Triple H is a legend, and when you bring a legend back after a lengthy abscence, the fans will cheer for them more because they are happy to see them back.

I remember one segment on Raw, where CM Punk was complaining about the things he dislikes about WWE, and Triple H shot him down on everyone of them. That just made CM Punk look like a whiner, with no point at all for his rebelling.
Ok so heres my theory on what will/ should happen with regards to Lesner etc....
So Lesner beats Cena at the next PPV, elavating him even more and turning him into a "super powerhouse" of sorts.
He then fights punk at Summerslam for the WWE championship and wins.
Just after Lesner tears through the division, nobody can stop him. He turns down a match with taker, saying he would end his career.
At the point where hes saying no-one can beat me, etc The Rocks music hits, he challenges Lesner to a match at survivor servies and wins.
After the match, Taker comes out again and this time He accepts, setting up Undertakers wrestlemania match.

Could be pretty sweet?
Lesnar will next feud with Orton and basically go through all of the top talent until Wrestlemania were he'll face either the Rock or Taker (although there is a rumour there may be a Cena break for the year after the Brock match then a redemption match next year). Also Rey Mysterio has been banned for 60 days following a failure of the wellness programme.
Lesnar will next feud with Orton and basically go through all of the top talent until Wrestlemania were he'll face either the Rock or Taker (although there is a rumour there may be a Cena break for the year after the Brock match then a redemption match next year). Also Rey Mysterio has been banned for 60 days following a failure of the wellness programme.
I've read that that's been talked about, but I don't think it's set in stone just yet. I wonder how they'd work the angle unless they use the annual draft to move Orton to Raw (leaving Smackdown weaker for talent unless they move Ziggler back or something. No way they'd move Lesnar to SD).
Thought the draft thing was over and they could just swap around.
Who is this ryback fella? He seems to have the charisma too be a top player in the wwe, the man is a tank too! Seems too get a good response from the fans too.

What you think?
He needs a proper opponent, haven't really seen him wrestle other than throw around a local like a rag doll. I wasn't watching when he was in WWE with his previous gimmick so am waiting to see something more of him.
Just catching raw, great to see edge back, and have him point out what a cnut Lesnar is. Cena can't seriously job to a second wantaway who came crawling back 2 ppvs in a row.