Television The Propgropthrop

Looking at the card tonight can't say I'm to excited.

However, the PPV following mania is normally good and there's a good chance there will be some surprises in store so I'm probably going to watch this. It's on Sky sports and does not require purchase in the UK. Shield may win two belts and then get involved in the main event and there's potential to take some directionless/tired characters(e.g. Show, Sheamus, Orton, etc) in new directions and finally HHV vs Lesnar should finish.

Hoping it's not a predictable and bog standard PPV.
Aye, meh card, but I'll still watch it. Lesnar/HHH would be exciting if it wasn't happening all the bloody time.

It is Box Office though, I thought?

Just checked and you are right. I'm not going to pay for that card. Got misinformed. WWE are paying for not building up the angles better both before and after mania for most of the card other than the part-timers. Also not helped by Ziggler and Punk not being on the show.

I'll give this one a miss and watch Raw tomorrow. Probably mean it will be a good PPV with a few shocks but there you go.
I've decided to watch it tomorrow, get a decent download.
I haven't been less bothered about a PPV in a fair while...

I may stream it tomorrow - if I hear good things.

The only good to come of this show really
Went to bed before the Cena/Ryback match. Was actually really annoyed at the Swagger/Del Rio finish, far more than I should have been.

Might find the last two matches later, just for the sake of completion.
I like how they added him with a unique gimmick, and not just as another wrestler who wears black trunks and lives off of their family name....
I like how quickly Trips managed to bury him. Debut segment... new record.

Going to sleep now, assuming that there is some method in the madness and he goes over HHH tonight

Trips will lose to him in the main event to help get him over, he wouldn't wrestle on Raw otherwise.
Did you miss that entire first segment?

Or the fact that Hennig got nothing in the match? It did absolutely nothing positive for him.

Also, how fecking ridiculous that they're doing a concussion angle whilst one of their champions is out with a concussion, and they've just given shit loads of money to Chris Nowinski. Mind boggles
Aside from that, I'm quite pleased that it's Axel called up. (I may vary between Hennig and Axel for a while, I'm so used to using Hennig as McGillicutty was far too much effort)

First of all, it means no RVD, who going off his last stint in TNA should be nowhere near a wrestling ring. Second, it makes genuine sense. I didn't see it coming mind, I was expecting Leo Kruger tbh, but this is a pleasant surprise.
I prefer to see it as a win for axel against a wwe legend on his debut and where the legend could not compete any further. He wasn't perhaps pushed as much as he could have been but he wasn't buried at all
And imo a win against HHH is a lot better and gives him a lot more attention than beating some random mid card wrestler
He wasn't buried at all. He put in a decent effort, took control for a part of the match.

A win where he barely managed to scrape by an near unconscious, unfit to fight HHH.

If any of this was true then maybe so, but what happened was that Triple H was pretty much fine until he started the woozy deal, ergo why he didn't get stomped. It would have been ridiculous to have him just batter HHH. 'Going over' does not mean annihilating someone. Just putting a shift in vs someone of such a high standing is enough.

It's not so much the result that determines whether you're over or not. It's the effort you put in and what you display.