Television The Propgropthrop

I can't help but wonder what they will have for CM Punk when he returns, i wpild love to see him enter a feud with Ziggler.
I can't help but wonder what they will have for CM Punk when he returns, i wpild love to see him enter a feud with Ziggler.

Wouldn't surprise me if they had him be a mystery third man in a team taking on The Shield. It'd make no sense, given they helped him out, but I'm not sure WWE would care.

In other news, there's a match between Antonio Cesaro and Sami Zayn on this week's NXT. Zayn's good, think he might turn out to be quite a decent wrestler. Reminds me of a guy who used to work in the indies called El Generico, who went to Mexico to look after orphans.
I wouldn't mind seeing Punk and Brock team up along with Heyman, similar to what Stone Cold and Triple H did years ago with the Two Man Power Trip storyline. Have them beat everyone and win a world title each, defend them a couple of times before they eventually turn on each other.

Also, this made me laugh...

I wouldn't mind seeing Punk and Brock team up along with Heyman, similar to what Stone Cold and Triple H did years ago with the Two Man Power Trip storyline. Have them beat everyone and win a world title each, defend them a couple of times before they eventually turn on each other.

Also, this made me laugh...


I wouldn't mind seeing Punk and Brock team up along with Heyman, similar to what Stone Cold and Triple H did years ago with the Two Man Power Trip storyline. Have them beat everyone and win a world title each, defend them a couple of times before they eventually turn on each other.

Also, this made me laugh...



It's my phone, it's gone crazy. Duplicating posts and shutting down my internet app at random.

Anyway, i've just read that the WWE writers are toying with the idea of turning Lesnor and Heyman on punk and turning Punk face again. I think somebody said this above too. I think it could work, punk was great as a face and Heyman can get heat on pretty much anybody in tge world. This really could work.
So, Daniel Bryan has brought the curb stomp from ROH back if his match with Swagger is anything to go by. He's definitely getting a more serious role, fecking brilliant.
So, Daniel Bryan has brought the curb stomp from ROH back if his match with Swagger is anything to go by. He's definitely getting a more serious role, fecking brilliant.

It's been long overdue, one of the best on ring performers around and he's been stuck in a comedy tag team.

If they could fill the top half of the card with ziggler, bryan, punk, swagger, del rio, cesaro and orten that would lead to an excellant wrestling product.

As wrestling is a dirty word to vince, we will make do with the great khali dancing, fandango prancing, diva's undeserved air time, social network plugging, super cena pushing, spoon fed crap.
It sickens me that the likes of Sandow and Bryan aren't in the world title picture.

In that video Bryan reminds me a bit of Ben Stiller having a rant
It sickens me that the likes of Sandow and Bryan aren't in the world title picture.

In that video Bryan reminds me a bit of Ben Stiller having a rant

Thought I was the only one who liked Sandow. He's brilliant imo
I actually wrote a thing about why I don't like watching Ziggler a while ago. I'll stick it in a spoiler, because some people will have already read it.

He hurls himself around the ring in response to everything, and all he's doing is making himself look rubbish. If Ziggler is the only person who gets send bouncing across the ring just because Ryback raised an eyebrow, then isn't he logically the weakest guy on the roster? I don't see smaller guys that Ziggler reacting that way to powermoves, so I can only guess that he's made out of some sort of balloon material.

There was a match, or postmatch segment where Kane chokeslammed him, and he actually bounced off the canvas and did a little spin. That's not good selling, it's Shawn Michaels vs. Hulk Hogan levels of silliness! Besides, selling everything like that takes away from the biggest moves. Sell Ryback's clothesline like death, not him shrugging. Sell Big Show's knockout punch like that, or Reign's spear, make those moves mean something.

Saw a video recently of Rock getting hit by the Gore (Gore! Gore!) and he flipped backwards. Because that was one of the only moves I've seen him do that for (Stunner being another), it made it look destructive. If Rock backflipped every time someone looked at him, it wouldn't have anywhere close to that sort of impact on me as the viewer.

You don't have to bounce around like a lunatic to make yourself or your opponent look good.

I like Sandow, but I'd like to see him have a "stepping stone" title run before he's in the world title picture. Another guy that I think has a good future ahead of him is Titus O'Neill.
I actually wrote a thing about why I don't like watching Ziggler a while ago. I'll stick it in a spoiler, because some people will have already read it.

He hurls himself around the ring in response to everything, and all he's doing is making himself look rubbish. If Ziggler is the only person who gets send bouncing across the ring just because Ryback raised an eyebrow, then isn't he logically the weakest guy on the roster? I don't see smaller guys that Ziggler reacting that way to powermoves, so I can only guess that he's made out of some sort of balloon material.

There was a match, or postmatch segment where Kane chokeslammed him, and he actually bounced off the canvas and did a little spin. That's not good selling, it's Shawn Michaels vs. Hulk Hogan levels of silliness! Besides, selling everything like that takes away from the biggest moves. Sell Ryback's clothesline like death, not him shrugging. Sell Big Show's knockout punch like that, or Reign's spear, make those moves mean something.

Saw a video recently of Rock getting hit by the Gore (Gore! Gore!) and he flipped backwards. Because that was one of the only moves I've seen him do that for (Stunner being another), it made it look destructive. If Rock backflipped every time someone looked at him, it wouldn't have anywhere close to that sort of impact on me as the viewer.

You don't have to bounce around like a lunatic to make yourself or your opponent look good.

I like Sandow, but I'd like to see him have a "stepping stone" title run before he's in the world title picture. Another guy that I think has a good future ahead of him is Titus O'Neill.

That is actually a fair statement, but i think that he has improved his tendancy to over sell but i didn't see it as a massive issue if i'm honest, a touch of youthful exuburance perhaps.

I also really like Sandow, solid in the ring, good on the mic and a good, irratating heel.
It's been long overdue, one of the best on ring performers around and he's been stuck in a comedy tag team.

If they could fill the top half of the card with ziggler, bryan, punk, swagger, del rio, cesaro and orten that would lead to an excellant wrestling product.

As wrestling is a dirty word to vince, we will make do with the great khali dancing, fandango prancing, diva's undeserved air time, social network plugging, super cena pushing, spoon fed crap.

If you want an out and out wrestling show then go watch Ring of Honour.

Seriously, I don't get how some people don't grasp this concept, it wasn't the wrestling that made WWE/F the juggernaut it became, it was being an entertainment show.
Managed to watch RAW in some of my down time. Some of the wrestling was very good. Can't help but feel that these 'victories' aren't really doing much for Curtis Axel though. On paper they are wins but both have not been convincing (I get that against Triple H and Cena he's not going to win clean but still). On the other hand, he has a ferocious drop kick.
Managed to watch RAW in some of my down time. Some of the wrestling was very good. Can't help but feel that these 'victories' aren't really doing much for Curtis Axel though. On paper they are wins but both have not been convincing (I get that against Triple H and Cena he's not going to win clean but still). On the other hand, he has a ferocious drop kick.

Cena was over selling him on Raw tonight but yhe match was goid, until ryberg ruined it.

people tend to forget how matches finish to be honest, look at it this way, he's still undefeated and he's had matches with HHH and John Cena.
Mick Foley on Ambrose

Originally Posted by Mick Foley Busted Open Interview
Did he know Dean Ambrose would be a major star: "I knew they were really high on him. Dean was probably happier with the break with the Shield and I was the second happiest to see him get that break. I cannot physically wrestle anymore. That break that I thought I was going to be a part of, was just not going to happen. Dean would be at every TV taping, so I would see him and say, 'hey how are things going? Anything on the horizon?' and he would be like, 'no man, not yet.

"I felt personally responsible. So when he said 'yeah they had something', I asked, 'is it pretty good?' He said, 'Yeah it's pretty good'. Ironically his career would have really suffered had he done the run with me. It would have been a nice boost, but then he would have been on his own from that point. Getting over long term is really, really difficult. These guys not only did they come up slowly, by the time they had their first match at TLC they blew everybody away at the Barclay's Center. All three guys have the potential to be major stars. I couldn't be happier for Ambrose. He is kind of a weird dude, but it works to his advantage. I've described his style as disturbingly poetic. The way that he moves, he is so fluid. William Regal was the guy that was so high on him. He said 'he is everyone's perfect opponent for the next ten years.'"
Anybody catch Sami "el generico" Zayn's debut on NXT?

Never seen him wrestle before but he seemed decent. Loved his finish to the match, the tornado DDT
Sami Zayn seems to have a decent gimmick, very likeable.

Dunno what you lot are on about with El Generico. Everybody knows he left the Indy wrestling scene to look after orphans in Mexico.