Television The Propgropthrop

Anybody else like big E? I think he's brilliant. His finisher is great too.
I love the guy, both on and off screen.
Spoiler from smackdown, another TV match from undertaker.

* The Undertaker defeated Dean Ambrose. Undertaker was able to hit a chokeslam. Shortly after, 'Taker locked in Hell's Gate and Ambrose tapped! The Shield enter the ring and attack 'Taker. Roman Reigns speared 'Taker through a barrier and the crowd chanted "Holy Sh-t!" The Shield continue to beat on 'Taker and triple powerbomb him through the announce table! The crowd is hot and is chanting "You tapped out!" to Ambrose. The crowd boos as The Shield stand over The Undertaker.
Spoiler from smackdown, another TV match from undertaker.

* The Undertaker defeated Dean Ambrose. Undertaker was able to hit a chokeslam. Shortly after, 'Taker locked in Hell's Gate and Ambrose tapped! The Shield enter the ring and attack 'Taker. Roman Reigns speared 'Taker through a barrier and the crowd chanted "Holy Sh-t!" The Shield continue to beat on 'Taker and triple powerbomb him through the announce table! The crowd is hot and is chanting "You tapped out!" to Ambrose. The crowd boos as The Shield stand over The Undertaker.

That's Taker written out of WWE until Wrestlemania season next year.
I love the guy, both on and off screen.

Yep, i follow his twitter and he seems very articulate, his banter is great with the other wrestlers.

Glad that he is finally getting some singles action, he is way too good to be stuck as just a henchmen for Ziggler.
The only thing that could make me like Big E more is if he started using Monty Brown's finisher.
I have re-watched Raw on Sky and I can see where you guys are coming from now. WWE edited the shit out of the crowd. I can understand them editing out some of the crowds reactions ( when AJ was unconscious there were chants of stroke her gash), but why add in boo's for the shield when in reality they were given a standing ovation?
I have re-watched Raw on Sky and I can see where you guys are coming from now. WWE edited the shit out of the crowd. I can understand them editing out some of the crowds reactions ( when AJ was unconscious there were chants of stroke her gash), but why add in boo's for the shield when in reality they were given a standing ovation?

You could actually see everyone cheering them on and patting their shoulders as they cut to the crowd during their entrance. :lol:
I was there last night and it was absolutely rocking from start to finish so I don't get where your coming from at all.

I'm coming from the place that is called the truth.

The crowd came across shit on television. Being their live is completely different to how a crowd comes across on television. It was utter dire. Barely any atmosphere in most of the matches really. You put Ziggler/Jericho in front of most crowds and they eat the shit out of that, this crowd was ridiculous, barely going along with the actual match at all.

As I said, a shame and a surprise as usually the UK crowds are really hot and get right into the matches. So either it was majorly edited (which makes no sense at all in this sense as there's no reason to edit a crowd to seem more shit than they are) or we just got a rare shit crowd, I'll go with the second mate.
I'm coming from the place that is called the truth.

The crowd came across shit on television. Being their live is completely different to how a crowd comes across on television. It was utter dire. Barely any atmosphere in most of the matches really. You put Ziggler/Jericho in front of most crowds and they eat the shit out of that, this crowd was ridiculous, barely going along with the actual match at all.

As I said, a shame and a surprise as usually the UK crowds are really hot and get right into the matches. So either it was majorly edited (which makes no sense at all in this sense as there's no reason to edit a crowd to seem more shit than they are) or we just got a rare shit crowd, I'll go with the second mate.

There are a lot of sources - not just Gareth - saying that the crowd was edited at parts... how much so is unsure, but I could easily believe WWE editing the crowd to their liking. They do it almost every week on Smackdown so it wouldn't be a great shock...
There are a lot of sources - not just Gareth - saying that the crowd was edited at parts... how much so is unsure, but I could easily believe WWE editing the crowd to their liking. They do it almost every week on Smackdown so it wouldn't be a great shock...

Oh no doubt, I didn't mean none of it was edited. But as an example, the crowd barely got into the Jericho/Ziggler match. If they were unbelievably hot for it, why on god's name would the WWE edit that and make them sound like they barely had any interest or energy for it?

Granted I've only watched it one time so far, but throughout they just came across really badly. Editing in boos and cheers is one thing, but it's rare that you'd see them edit the atmosphere during matches.

And as I said, being at an actual live show isn't the same as how it comes across on television. It might of seemed buzzing being there, but that's a different experience to what you feel when watching it on television.
I'm coming from the place that is called the truth.

The crowd came across shit on television. Being their live is completely different to how a crowd comes across on television. It was utter dire. Barely any atmosphere in most of the matches really. You put Ziggler/Jericho in front of most crowds and they eat the shit out of that, this crowd was ridiculous, barely going along with the actual match at all.

As I said, a shame and a surprise as usually the UK crowds are really hot and get right into the matches. So either it was majorly edited (which makes no sense at all in this sense as there's no reason to edit a crowd to seem more shit than they are) or we just got a rare shit crowd, I'll go with the second mate.

Ok, myself and fifteen thousand others that were actually there just imagined an absolutely amazing atmosphere then. But it's ok you watched on the tele so you're right and I'm wrong.
I have been to loads of live WWE events over the years and this past Mondays show had the loudest most boisterous crowd I've ever witnessed.

I'm not going to argue with anybody over this as everyone has a right to an opinion, but I know what I saw and heard and it was deafening at times.
Ok, myself and fifteen thousand others that were actually there just imagined an absolutely amazing atmosphere then. But it's ok you watched on the tele so you're right and I'm wrong.

I have been to loads of live WWE events over the years and this past Mondays show had the loudest most boisterous crowd I've ever witnessed.

I'm not going to argue with anybody over this as everyone has a right to an opinion, but I know what I saw and heard and it was deafening at times.

I'm not really sure what you're even trying to argue here. Where and when did I say that live in person it didn't sound great? Please, feel free to point it out.

ON TELEVISION for the most part it was a shit crowd. Go and compare that crowd on television to the one after Mania...that's a shit hot crowd, not the one that we have this week. They had their moments, but my point was that during certain matches, there wasn't anywhere like the usual atmosphere. No crowd counting along to pinfalls hardly or anything during the main Jericho/Ziggler match, the crowd usually eat their matches up and get right into them.

Again you're choosing to ignore what I've said all along. Being their in person is much different to watching on television. Something that sounds great live in person doesn't necessarily mean it's sounding great on television. You posting links isn't going to change how it came across on television. You was there live and had a brilliant time and thought it was a great atmosphere, awesome mate, but for me watching it on television it was one of the more average crowds in certain parts.
Because heels aren't supposed to be cheered!

This is actually something that annoys me about wrestling crowds. I'm all for people liking heel wrestlers, that's fine, but you really think they do their job well, why don't you boo them? They're out there trying to draw that reaction, and people are sitting there going "YAY! He insulted us and then kicked JR in the nuts!"

For me, the best way to show your appreciation for a heel wrestler is to give them the response that they're looking for.
I'm not really sure what you're even trying to argue here. Where and when did I say that live in person it didn't sound great? Please, feel free to point it out.

ON TELEVISION for the most part it was a shit crowd. Go and compare that crowd on television to the one after Mania...that's a shit hot crowd, not the one that we have this week. They had their moments, but my point was that during certain matches, there wasn't anywhere like the usual atmosphere. No crowd counting along to pinfalls hardly or anything during the main Jericho/Ziggler match, the crowd usually eat their matches up and get right into them.

Again you're choosing to ignore what I've said all along. Being their in person is much different to watching on television. Something that sounds great live in person doesn't necessarily mean it's sounding great on television. You posting links isn't going to change how it came across on television. You was there live and had a brilliant time and thought it was a great atmosphere, awesome mate, but for me watching it on television it was one of the more average crowds in certain parts.
Relax man. For what it's worth, you're obviously wrong. It was clearly edited. Just to give you one example, the shield promo didn't air in the arena and yet there were audible boo's throughout it. As to why they would do it - they want to sell merch, and they don't do that when the bad guys get cheered louder.

Also, television isn't a good place to judge things, it's not difficult to edit a few generic boos and cheers. Yes, it came across shit on TV, so what? It wasn't a live crowd, the one after mania was so they couldn't ignore it.
Relax man. For what it's worth, you're obviously wrong. It was clearly edited. Just to give you one example, the shield promo didn't air in the arena and yet there were audible boo's throughout it. As to why they would do it - they want to sell merch, and they don't do that when the bad guys get cheered louder.

Also, television isn't a good place to judge things, it's not difficult to edit a few generic boos and cheers. Yes, it came across shit on TV, so what? It wasn't a live crowd, the one after mania was so they couldn't ignore it.

For what it's worth, you're obviously not even reading what I'm posting. Go and read it, the parts where I said without a doubt certain parts could be edited (I.E boos and cheers). However, they don't fecking edit atmosphere's during matches to make the crowd sound shit. That's the most moronic idea I've ever heard of. "Hey, this crowd is too hot for this match! Let's edit it to make it sound like they're not that into it!", yeah, makes perfect sense.

It'd drive me nuts if I bothered to attend an event and I had some fecker that only watched on TV tell me what the crowd was like.

You underestimate how controlling the WWE is. No it doesn't make sense to us, because it harms our enjoyment of the product, but if enjoyment was really taken in account then the show would be drastically different.
You underestimate how controlling the WWE is. No it doesn't make sense to us, because it harms our enjoyment of the product, but if enjoyment was really taken in account then the show would be drastically different.

No, I think you're just completely misjudging what is even being said here and acting like I'm some guy who's just started watching and studying the product.

For the most part the WWE will rarely edit atmospheres during actual matches. If anything, they'd edit it to sound better, not to sound worst. Nobody gains anything what so ever from them editing a crowd to sound less interested. Again "Hey, let's make this crowd sound less interested in our product!" makes no sense what so ever.

You're completely missing the point that editing in cheers and boos isn't even remotely similar to editing an atmosphere of a crowd to sound worst than what it is.
On a less argumentative note, I will be organising a trip with 3 of my mates to Wrestlemania 30 :devil: Will be looking out for the travel packages; having seen some of the prices for the WM 29 ones, they actually look pretty good value to me. Only thing is flights aren't included so that will add on quite a bit!
Would love to go to a Wrestlemania but I get the horrible feeling that I'd buy my tickets early, and they'd start booking things like Ken Kennedy vs. Viscera for the World Heavyweight Championship.
On a less argumentative note, I will be organising a trip with 3 of my mates to Wrestlemania 30 :devil: Will be looking out for the travel packages; having seen some of the prices for the WM 29 ones, they actually look pretty good value to me. Only thing is flights aren't included so that will add on quite a bit!

I definitely recommend the official travel packages. Yeah it's a pain in the ass having to sort your own flights, but it's worth it in the end.

I went over to Wrestlemania 23 in Detroit, and it was an amazing experience. Involved in the package was:

- 3 nights in the Detroit Marriott (Renaissance Center)
- tickets to Stone Cold's movie 'The Condemned',
- tickets to a meet & greet/photo session with various superstars,
- tickets to the Hall of Fame ceremony,
- tickets to a brunch on the Sunday morning,
- tickets to Wrestlemania
Would love to go to a Wrestlemania but I get the horrible feeling that I'd buy my tickets early, and they'd start booking things like Ken Kennedy vs. Viscera for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Now that you mention Kennedy, or Arsehole Anderson or whatever TNA are calling him nowadays, who's going to be the deciding factor when they eventually get to the final showdown between A&E vs TNA?

I mean, I'm sick of A&E, although Bully's brilliance is making them just about bearable, but they're clearly building towards the major showdown. Will it be AJ Styles as the new Sting in the rafters? Matt Morgan to get over his feud with Hulk? Sting to return?

I'd much rather Bad Influence be involved, since they're just about the most entertaining thing on any tv show anywhere right about now, but I'd guess they're going to carry on being anti-TNA and anti-A&E too.

With just about every scenario I painted out there I sighed a little. I'm really sick of this angle. Mainly because A&E is the biggest collection of dweebs ever. Oh, Luke Gallows and Devon are coming, how scary.
I've only watched the X-Division PPV this year in terms of TNA. I just threw Ken Kendersons name out there as an example of a terrible wrestler, so I have no idea what's happening.
I definitely recommend the official travel packages. Yeah it's a pain in the ass having to sort your own flights, but it's worth it in the end.

I went over to Wrestlemania 23 in Detroit, and it was an amazing experience. Involved in the package was:

- 3 nights in the Detroit Marriott (Renaissance Center)
- tickets to Stone Cold's movie 'The Condemned',
- tickets to a meet & greet/photo session with various superstars,
- tickets to the Hall of Fame ceremony,
- tickets to a brunch on the Sunday morning,
- tickets to Wrestlemania
Did you go for one of the higher packages? I think we might opt for the Silver or Gold (they should be similar to these I want to do the 4 nights as well and go to the RAW after!
Did you go for one of the higher packages? I think we might opt for the Silver or Gold (they should be similar to these I want to do the 4 nights as well and go to the RAW after!

I went for the silver package.

It was a truly great experience. The hotel was fabulous, with easy access to the People Mover to get around the city. The meet & greet was good, as was the Brunch. The HOF was great - Mr Perfect and Dusty Rhodes were inducted that year.

It wasn't the greatest Wrestlemania I've seen, but just to be there made it special. Being a WWE fan from a very young age, I always dreamed of going to Wrestlemania. But now I've done it, I'm not sure I'd do it again.

I'm not as into the WWE as I was back then. Bit by bit, I lose more interest in it. I haven't even bought tickets for the show here in Belfast for November this year.
I went for the silver package.

It was a truly great experience. The hotel was fabulous, with easy access to the People Mover to get around the city. The meet & greet was good, as was the Brunch. The HOF was great - Mr Perfect and Dusty Rhodes were inducted that year.

It wasn't the greatest Wrestlemania I've seen, but just to be there made it special. Being a WWE fan from a very young age, I always dreamed of going to Wrestlemania. But now I've done it, I'm not sure I'd do it again.

I'm not as into the WWE as I was back then. Bit by bit, I lose more interest in it. I haven't even bought tickets for the show here in Belfast for November this year.
Thanks :)
This is actually something that annoys me about wrestling crowds. I'm all for people liking heel wrestlers, that's fine, but you really think they do their job well, why don't you boo them? They're out there trying to draw that reaction, and people are sitting there going "YAY! He insulted us and then kicked JR in the nuts!"

For me, the best way to show your appreciation for a heel wrestler is to give them the response that they're looking for.

The world has moved on from heels and faces in my opinion.

These days, wrestling crowds are more likely to react to good wrestling and great mic work.
Does anyone fancy Paul London'ing me into forgetting Raw last night?

The Shield were brilliant, and Kofi sold Deano's finisher like a fecking boss, but that's about it for positives, except the hilarious Swagger burying session. I suppose Heyman Fandangoing in the lift too.

In other news, I seriously don't have a clue how I've managed to not ruin that The Shield thread in here.
Does anyone fancy Paul London'ing me into forgetting Raw last night?

The Shield were brilliant, and Kofi sold Deano's finisher like a fecking boss, but that's about it for positives, except the hilarious Swagger burying session. I suppose Heyman Fandangoing in the lift too.

In other news, I seriously don't have a clue how I've managed to not ruin that The Shield thread in here.

Thought I was the only one. And don't despair, we have a dance off next week....yeah.