Television The Propgropthrop

I think the squash matches are even more bullshit. Have them go against someone else. They don't need to win a match to be over. IMO that's retarded. Yay they won, they're over.

All we need to see, is what he can do and we got a display of that. Squash matches are utterly pointless.
He wasn't buried at all. He put in a decent effort, took control for a part of the match.

If any of this was true then maybe so, but what happened was that Triple H was pretty much fine until he started the woozy deal, ergo why he didn't get stomped. It would have been ridiculous to have him just batter HHH. 'Going over' does not mean annihilating someone. Just putting a shift in vs someone of such a high standing is enough.

It's not so much the result that determines whether you're over or not. It's the effort you put in and what you display.

Which is why his "win" is irrelevant. Triple H was in complete control and about to finish him off when he went with the woozy deal, after a mere 4 minutes. Yeah, quality monster heel that.
I think the squash matches are even more bullshit. Have them go against someone else. They don't need to win a match to be over. IMO that's retarded. Yay they won, they're over.

All we need to see, is what he can do and we got a display of that. Squash matches are utterly pointless.

It does more than being effectively squashed.
Which is why his "win" is irrelevant. Triple H was in complete control and about to finish him off when he went with the woozy deal, after a mere 4 minutes. Yeah, quality monster heel that.

I think it would be retarded to expect anything other than HHH to be in complete control of a rookie. I think it's ridiculous to expect HHH to say 'oh yeah sure, fresh off putting on a few fights with Brock Lesnar it makes complete sense to lose clean to this kid.' How about next week we have Leo Kruger turn up (finally) and dominate The Undertaker.

No, that's silly. Instead we got a rookie who put a good shift in vs a big timer in the business. Which actually makes sense.
I think it would be retarded to expect anything other than HHH to be in complete control of a rookie. I think it's ridiculous to expect HHH to say 'oh yeah sure, fresh off putting on a few fights with Brock Lesnar it makes complete sense to lose clean to this kid.'

No, that's silly. Instead we got a rookie who put a good shift in vs a big timer in the business. Which actually makes sense.

Which is why he shouldn't have been in there with the burying master himself!

He was battered against a storyline concussed guy. Yeah, nice way of building him. Make him look like a right dweeb.
Let's be honest here, no one who watched will see that as a win. Mainly because it wasn't.
He wasn't buried at all. He put in a decent effort, took control for a part of the match.

If any of this was true then maybe so, but what happened was that Triple H was pretty much fine until he started the woozy deal, ergo why he didn't get stomped. It would have been ridiculous to have him just batter HHH. 'Going over' does not mean annihilating someone. Just putting a shift in vs someone of such a high standing is enough.

It's not so much the result that determines whether you're over or not. It's the effort you put in and what you display.
He got a few attacks off, looked decent for a short period, than HHH took complete control, even after the dizzy spells started. Then Axel disappeared, or might as well have, was he still in the ring even?

No way did he need to batter HHH, a decent fight where he put in a proper shift and ended up loosing to HHH would have done a lot more for him. Perhaps taking advantage of HHH's head problems and brutalizing him after the match was called, having some other wrestlers come out and drag him off would have been better. Would have been more memorable at least, a bit of impact for Axel.
You make it sound like he stumbled to the ring like an alcoholic. It's short sighted. HHH was okay until he deteriorated, and at no point did he dominate him whilst putting on his woozy act, otherwise I'd agree it would be ridiculous.

I think he should be in there against the big guys. It makes sense. Having him go against some nobody that nobody gives a shit about, doesn't help anyone go over. Yay he squashed some guy I have no idea who is, yay he dominated a jobber in 4 moves, yay he squashed another guy in 3 minutes. That's awful.
All that is fine but to say he was buried is just not true at this point. We'll have to see what happens next but I suspect Heyman will make references to Axel beating HHH next week which should push him further
Why didn't they have Axel beat down on Trips then? Have him take out this guy with a kayfabe concussion?

Make him seem like a right horrible bastard. That would have worked. Have him literally just disappear does absolutely nothing for him, other than keep him looking like a dweeb. The initial rub was removed.

It isn't being in there with HHH that is annoying me, it's how it was done.

Exactly, there are so many better ways they could have taken it, from decent showing but a loss. Easy loss, but snaps after and assaults HHH. Decent fight, but once the dizzy spells started and the fight is wrote off, batters him. Ineffective against HHH, but takes advantage of a dizzy spot, dropkicks his head, and sneaks a pin.
Oh yeah, Bray's theme is brilliant. Love the bass. :drool:

Imagine that going off during some tag team titles number one contender match. The Family bring out Bray's rocking chair. They watch the match go on. Then the Family destroy everyone in the ring, allowing Bray to cut one of his magnificent promos. Would be the perfect introduction.
I don't think Axel was buried. It depends how he is used with Heyman from now on that will count.

It's not like what happened to Ryder, Miz and then Cesaro. That's being buried.

Whilst not burying there are plenty of other things that are far worse. Having every single champion bar the WWE one lose none title matches is the worst one. If a none title match is scheduled for Raw you know nine times out of ten that the champion is going to lose. It happened to Cesaro before he lost the title all the time and was the first thing that happened to Ziggler against Swagger.
I don't think Axel was buried. It depends how he is used with Heyman from now on that will count.

It's not like what happened to Ryder, Miz and then Cesaro. That's being buried.

Whilst not burying there are plenty of other things that are far worse. Having every single champion bar the WWE one lose none title matches is the worst one. If a none title match is scheduled for Raw you know nine times out of ten that the champion is going to lose. It happened to Cesaro before he lost the title all the time and was the first thing that happened to Ziggler against Swagger.

He was buried, the initial confrontation between him and Triple H started off really well, right up to the point where Axel was floored with a slap!

Then we get a match and i'm thinking if Triple H is going to make this kid look good then the WWE must be really high on this kid, let's see what he can do. In reality what we actually got was, Triple H kicking the hell out of him, making him look weak and then acting dizzy and woozy.

On the plus side, he looked good on the offence and sold very well too.
Cesaro I fail to see how people think he's being buried. Someone of that ilk gets "buried" in this way every single year, then always ends up right at the top of the card in no time. He's nailed on for Money in the Bank at the moment.
Has he even won a single match after Wrestlemania?? Quite easy to see why people might be worried that he is getting buried but I get the feeling WWE has something big planned for him
Cesaro? Not only has he lost plenty recently, he has not been on the last two PPVs and has had his very successful US gimmick replaced by this ridicilious yodelling one. If people think he has not been buried and Axel has after being paired with Heyman and main eventing Raw on his debut I find that ludicrous,
Cesaro hasn't yodelled in about a month now, and is positioned perfectly for the Money in the Bank spot. There's nothing for him to do right now as everyone is tied up. Look at it logically.
Cesaro hasn't yodelled in about a month now, and is positioned perfectly for the Money in the Bank spot. There's nothing for him to do right now as everyone is tied up. Look at it logically.

So, looking at this logically, you think someone who has been on a losing streak, hardly featured on TV, been off two straight PPVS and had a successful gimmick taken away and replaced with a laughable one is perfectly positioned to win MITB. Cesaro's stock is probably at it's lowest since he had the US title run. I don't think it's logical to book you're next MITB winner that badly. Ziggler had wrestled for the WWE and WH championships on PPVs before winning the MITB and Del Rio was a former WH champion and RR winner when he won MITB.

Cesaro's only a contender for MITB because the rest of the mid card like Cody Rhodes, Barrett, Miz, Damien Sandow have been booked as badly for ages and it's to early to give to one of the Shield. Personally I think they will give it to Bryan again and think he is far more logical choice than Cesaro.

In comparison, Axel's been paired with Heyman straightaway and has gone straight into an angle with HHH. I'd guess he is probably a lot happier with his stock than the rest of the mid card other than the Shield.
Are Cena and Kaitlyn the only face title holders?
Kevin Nash just tweeted saying that the Woolwich soldier would probably have survived if guns were legal, what a prick
Nash is a right wing nutjob, just like Bischoff.

So I was just watching Main Event. There's something very oddly satisfying about Ryback coming out every show and throwing a random jobber into an ambulance, this time Heath Slater, despite his best efforts to hide. Slightly annoyed that the advertised Barrett vs Sin Cara match didn't go ahead.
Watched the last two matches of Extreme Rules yesterday night. Cena/Ryback was fun, but I couldn't help but laugh at Cole going mental over Ryback taking that wall apart. He's sat there bellowing things like "RYBACK HAS JUST RIPPED THAT WALL APART WITH HIS BARE HANDS, IS THIS MAN EVEN HUMAN?" and there's clearly a slidy slot thing in the wall to allow it to be lifted out.

Lesnar/Triple H was surprisingly entertaining, considering I had very little interest in the match. They may only be part timers, but at least they have the decency to have good matches when they do have matches, unlike somebody I could mention.
I forgot the Summerslam one even happened. I thought the Wrestlemania one was fine though.